B.A.C.H. motif

2024-03-19 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Here: https://lilypond.community/t/est-ce-possible/3672


Jean Louis Thiry

390A rue du Ramiérou à Montauban

Re: convert.ly errors

2022-09-15 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Thank you, when needed I’ll simply change the version number to 2.17.5 before 
using convert.ly  and it woks fine. 
I must say that I was mostly curious to understand how things are done.

convert.ly errors

2022-09-14 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Hello everyone,

When using convert.ly (\version “2.23.12”) everything is fine as I do not work 
on complex scores. 
But if I compile a 2.19.81 file, for example, converted into 2.23.12 everything 
goes well except for a few errors (always the same) which seem to have been 
overlooked by convert-ly during the conversion.
In the case of my old files which compile well with 2.18.2 or 2.19.81, 
\override ChordName #'font-series = #’bold

I have to manually transform this declaration into:
\override ChordName.font-series = #’bold

or: top-markup-spacing #'basic-distance=#0
which becomes

The messages are:
Ha'Penny/Poll-Ha-Penny.ly:87:23: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in 
property path ChordName.font-series
\override ChordName
#'font-series = #’bold

Ha'Penny/Poll-Ha-Penny.ly:184:19: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in 
property path Beam.length-fraction
\override Beam
#'length-fraction = #1.2

Ha'Penny/Poll-Ha-Penny.ly:185:19: Avertissement : deprecated: missing `.' in 
property path Tie.thickness
\override Tie
#'thickness = #3

So my question is: is this an oversight in the writing of convert.ly or is it 
too complicated to implement this control in the conversion process of 

Thank you

Re: [was: Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2]

2022-08-18 Thread Jean Louis THIRY

Hello friends,

> Le 18 août 2022 à 09:16, Jacques Menu  a écrit :

> I’ve never heard about Xcode_11.3.1.xip.
> The simple way to install Xcode is to take it from the App Store (needs about 
> 50 Mb these days).

That's what I was thinking of doing, but on the app store you can only find the 
version compatible with the latest Mac OS (Monterey) and it requires a dozen 
Mb. Being on Mojave (10.14) it was necessary to find on the Apple site the 
version which goes well https://developer.apple.com/download/all/. There Xcode 
is 7.82 Gb and takes very very long to install.
Installing the MacOSX10.14.sdk file is endless too. too.

Finally the "standalone" applications are not so bad

>> Le 18 août 2022 à 08:48, Jean-Julien Fleck  a 
>> écrit :
>> I have a question about the installation. Could this erratic behavior be a 
>> result of this .sdk file being installed in the wrong order? is it possible 
>> to uninstall Frescobaldi using some magic formula like "sudo port uninstall 
>> frescobaldi" and do an install again so that the installer finds the sdk 
>> file. Especially will there be a difference. Just an idea...
>> Well, it’s unlikely. I happen to have frescobaldi installed via a fresh new 
>> MacPort procedure (after upgrading to MacOs Monterey) just last week and the 
>> missing sdk message I encountered was related to all the qt5 stuff that 
>> frescobaldi needed in order to be built. You were lucky it was not a stopper 
>> as it was in my case: I had to manually add `use_xcode yes`

There, I would not have been able to add this kind of comment

>> in the corresponding PortFile of py310-poppler-qt5 in order to make it build 
>> properly. Perhaps it has since been corrected so that if the «standard» way 
>> for qt5 to find the sdk won't work, they try the `use_xcode yes` trick 
>> (whatever it does) before giving up.

Everything around qt5 seems to be a weak point of Frescobaldi, since it was 
also this qt bug that was preventing Frescobaldi 3.1 from installing on my Mac.
>> All these problems, even if triggered during frescobaldi install, are 
>> unrelated to it. That's just the way Macport is doing the job: whenever you 
>> add a package to MacPort, it asks you what should be present on the machine 
>> to make your app work and then try to install it by itself, saving the user 
>> the trouble to install all the extensions and preventing multiple installs 
>> of the same tools whenever two different packages need the same first 
>> building block.
>> But as a matter of fact, it won't help to uninstall frescobaldi to try to 
>> correct for lilypond path (as for one reason is that MacPort don't throw 
>> away uninstalled port but keep them somewhere, ready to reinstall it without 
>> further building in case you change your mind). I would rather suspect that 
>> the search for different lilypond locations was done after you first looked 
>> there (perhaps triggered by one of your tinkering), was written down 
>> somewhere so that the next frescobaldi startup shows it.

This answers my question exactly, even though I suspected it a bit.

>> Happy that you finally managed to get it work and have fun coding with lily 
>> on frescobaldi !

With a good bit of luck, Thank you

Re: [was: Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2]

2022-08-17 Thread Jean Louis THIRY
Hello Jean,
I think I have made quite a bit of progress in the great forest of my 
ignorance. I took your advice first and installed Macport 
(https://www.macports.org/install.php) and invoked "sudo port install 
frescobaldi". Installation stopped when asked to install Xcode. It took me 
trying to figure out what Xcode was for and finding the huge "Xcode_11.3.1.xip" 
file and installing it. "sudo port install frescobaldi" again and there, 
everything goes well except that a message indicates that "MacOSX10.14.sdk" is 
missing but does not cancel the installation which goes to the end without 
problem. I find and install "MacOSX10.14.sdk". and I find in the Macports 
folder the Frescobaldi 3.2 file which I launch immediately.

There, I check that the new 3.2 features are present and after noticing that 
the help balloons and \pointAndClickOff /On did not work, I check the 
convert-ly and import xml2.ly functions. I note that these two functions do not 
go beyond Lilypond 2.20.0.
I spend a lot of time (trying to figure it out) trying all sorts of preference 
settings and other tinkering before I find that just clicking the Frescobaldi 
icon in the Mac's dock a second time and Lilypond 2.23.11 appears in convert.ly 
and in xml2.ly. Help balloons and pointAndClick too.

I have a question about the installation. Could this erratic behavior be a 
result of this .sdk file being installed in the wrong order? is it possible to 
uninstall Frescobaldi using some magic formula like "sudo port uninstall 
frescobaldi" and do an install again so that the installer finds the sdk file. 
Especially will there be a difference. Just an idea...

In any case, thank you Jean for the helping hand (effective as usual) which 
will have especially helped me to help myself. ;•)

[was: Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2]

2022-08-15 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Hello Jean and thank you for your answer.

I understand that it must be complicated to understand what I want to explain, 
so much I find it difficult to explain things that are beyond my understanding. 
Let's try briefly, knowing that I am to my great regret quite ignorant in terms 
of computer language:

On my machine I use Frescobaldi 3.0 (which works pretty well and suits my needs 
perfectly except “convert.ly" and “musicxml2ly" which don't work beyond 
lilypond 2.20.). Upgrading to 3.1 is impossible (issue: Crash: "Could not find 
QtWebEngineProcess" #1244 on Frescobaldi's site, unresolved). The main 3.0 
infos are: Python: 3.7.0 - python-ly: 0.9.5 - Qt: 5.11.1 - PyQt: 5.11.2 - sip: 
4.19.12 - poppler: 0.57.0 - python-poppler-qt: 0.24.2.

Now about Fresco 3.2: the procedure given in the “install" file does not work 
and returns messages like 
 can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory – heroes:~ 
thiryjeanlouis$ python3 setup.py install —user 
 can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory" etc. etc.

If I type "frescobaldi" in the terminal, I get an app called "Python" exactly 
similar to Frescobaldi, using the same preferences and the same sessions but 
which is not version 3.2 and whose info is: Frescobaldi: 2.20.0 (!!) - Python: 
3.5.9 - python-ly: 0.9.5 - Qty: 4.8.7 - PyQt: 4.12.1 - sip: 4.19.20 - poppler: 
0.61.1 - python- poppler-qt: 0.24.0. A detail however, the application crashes 
systematically when leaving.
We can assume that there is a sneaky Python too many somewhere in the system, 
it's possible but where does this Frescobaldi 2.20 come from?
Hello Jean and thank you for your answer.
I understand that it must be complicated to understand what I want to explain, 
so much I find it difficult to explain things that are beyond my understanding. 
Let's briefly try:

On my machine I use Frescobaldi 3.0 (which works pretty well except convert.ly 
and musicxml2ly which don't work beyond lilypond 2.20.). Upgrading to 3.1 does 
not work (issue: Crash: "Could not find QtWebEngineProcess" #1244 on 
Frescobaldi's site, unresolved). The main 3.0 infos are: Python: 3.7.0 - 
python-ly: 0.9.5 - Qt: 5.11.1 - PyQt: 5.11.2 - sip: 4.19.12 - poppler: 0.57.0 - 
python-poppler-qt: 0.24.2.

Now Fresco 3.2: the procedure given in the "install" file does not work and 
returns messages like: 
 can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
heroes:~ thiryjeanlouis$ python3 setup.py install --user
 can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory" etc. etc.

If I type "frescobaldi" in the terminal, I get an app called "Python" exactly 
similar to Frescobaldi, using the same preferences and the same sessions but 
which is not version 3.2 and whose info is: Frescobaldi: 2.20.0 (!!) - Python: 
3.5.9 - python-ly: 0.9.5 - Qty: 4.8.7 - PyQt: 4.12.1 - sip: 4.19.20 - poppler: 
0.61.1 - python- poppler-qt: 0.24.0. A detail however, the application crashes 
systematically when leaving.

I found all these pythons in my Mac: Python: 3.7.6, 2.7.16 , 3.7.4, 3.5.9, 
3.7.1 - Python Launcher: 3.7.6, 3.7.1, 3.7.4.
We can assume that there is a sneaky Python too many somewhere in the system 
it's possible but where does this Frescobaldi 2.20 come from? 

All the best,

Jean Louis Thiry
06 68 80 64 50

390A rue du Ramiérou à Montauban

ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2

2022-08-14 Thread Jean Louis THIRY
Hello friends, 

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your answers even if they don't 
really answer mine.
In fact, to ask my question I just replied to an existing thread on this list, 
several months old (May 2022) and whose subject line is: "Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 
3.2". Nothing exciting in this title which is a response to the announcement of 
version 3.2 of Frescobaldi which has existed since May 2022.

On the other hand I have already exposed my problem before on this list and I 
asked my question again because I had not had any answer, neither from the list 
nor from Wilbert Berendsen to whom my question was also intended.
At no time did I think that the "subject" line of my message would be more 
important than the "subject" of the message. I didn't expect to be greeted so 
rudely either.

Apparently I'm in the wrong place to ask my question.
Sorry again if you felt offended.

Jean Louis Thiry

ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2

2022-08-13 Thread Jean Louis THIRY
Hello friends,
I’m sending that message again as my problem is still complete
I installed Frescobaldi 3.2 (Mac/ Mojave) following the procedure proposed in 
the “install” file (Terminal). It worked fine and the application is called 
"Python", but the surprise is in the info box which displays some rather fancy 
and far from expected version numbers:
Fresco Baldi: 2.20.0
Python: 3.5.9
python-ly: 0.9.5
Qty: 4.8.7
PyQt: 4.12.1
sip: 4.19.20
poppler: 0.61.1
python-poppler-qt: 0.24.0
OS: Darwin-18.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
installation type: command line
When using the Frescobaldi 3.0, info box displays this:
Fresco Baldi: 3.0.0
Python: 3.7.0
python-ly: 0.9.5
Qt: 5.11.1
PyQt: 5.11.2
sip: 4.19.12
poppler: 0.57.0
python-poppler-qt: 0.24.2
OS: Darwin-18.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
installation type: standalone app bundle
What happened ? I don't think I've used a 2.20 version in the past that would 
have left traces on my Mac. Given my computer skills, I'm going to leave this 
version aside while waiting for a standalone version, easier to get started 
Thanks for any suggestions.

Jean Louis Thiry

ANN: Frescobaldi 3.2

2022-05-07 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Hello friends,
I installed Frescobaldi 3.2 (Mac/ Mojave) following the procedure proposed in 
the “install” file. It worked fine and the application is called "Python", but 
the surprise is in the info box which shows some rather fancy and far from 
expected version numbers:
Fresco Baldi: 2.20.0
Python: 3.5.9
python-ly: 0.9.5
Qty: 4.8.7
PyQt: 4.12.1
sip: 4.19.20
poppler: 0.61.1
python-poppler-qt: 0.24.0
OS: Darwin-18.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
installation type: command line
The Frescobaldi 3.0 info box says this:
Fresco Baldi: 3.0.0
Python: 3.7.0
python-ly: 0.9.5
Qt: 5.11.1
PyQt: 5.11.2
sip: 4.19.12
poppler: 0.57.0
python-poppler-qt: 0.24.2
OS: Darwin-18.7.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
installation type: standalone app bundle
What happened ? I don't think I've used a 2.20 version in the past that would 
have left traces on my Mac. Given my computer skills, I'm going to leave this 
version aside while waiting for a standalone version, easier to get started.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Jean Louis Thiry
06 68 80 64 50

how to engrave an arpeggio based on a chord of differing length notes?

2021-05-16 Thread Jean Louis THIRY
Not an arpeggio here. This extract looks like a three voices guitar arrangement 
and I suppose the dotted half note being for a laissez-vibrer effect
I tried to reproduce it :

\version "2.23.2"
\fixed c'
{   \time 4/4
{2. }
\\  {c2  c!2 }
\\  {\once \teeny \override Rest.extra-offset= #'(1.7 . 0) e4\rest \tuplet 
3/2 { e8 e e } e4   } 

Re: Status and future of abc2ly

2018-12-10 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Hi everyone,
The easiest and reliable way to translate from .abc to .ly is to use the 
excellent  TablEdit  by Matthieu 
which can import an .abc file or an .abc code from clipboard and the you can 
export direct to a lilypond file. I did that way and translated hundreds of my 
irish and old time tunes transcriptions, both in dots for the flute and banjo 
This process and a good template make this job done in a minute with very few 

Jean Louis.___
lilypond-user mailing list

5 string Banjo Tab

2018-01-25 Thread Jean Louis Thiry
Hi everyone,
here is a simple table showing the place of note on the banjo neck in G-tuning 
(gDGBD). Easy to adapt to other tunings simply by sliding a line or more.
You have to use \clef “treble_8” and absolute notation. It also may be a good 
help in learning music sight reading.
hope it helps.

Lilypond banjo neck.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Jean Louis Thiry___
lilypond-user mailing list