markup position

2004-06-22 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi all of you !

I just always have the same problem : I cannot place my markups at the right position. 
My markups
are either on the top or the bottom of the stave, and I can't find out how to put them 
into the
stave itself, just like fingering with \property \Voice.fingeringOrientations (left), 
for instance.

Any help, please !

lilypond-user mailing list

fingering size

2004-06-21 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Bonjour tout le monde !

I'd like to change font size for fingering (figures much too big and thick) gor all 
the score I'm
typesetting. I'd like thiner and smaller figures : how can I do, please (couldn't find 
any trick in
the doc or the archives) ?

lilypond-user mailing list


2004-06-17 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi again !

Is there any way to move up or down the \breathe sign ?

Thanks for all !

lilypond-user mailing list

flag position

2004-06-17 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi all of you !

my new problem deals with flag position.

My text is, with Lilypond 2.0 on Windows  :

%31ème couplet
 \notes {
  \clef alto
  \key d\minor
  \time 3/4
  \relative c' {
  \property Voice.Script \set #'padding = #1
  \property Score.timing = ##f
  d8.\stopped [a'32 a a] d,8 [a' d, a'] \bar "|"
  cis,8.[\breathe a'32 a a] cis,8 [a' a, a'] \bar "|"
  d,8.\stopped [a'32 a a] d,8 [a' f d] \bar "|"
  c8. [g'32 g g] c,8 [g' c, e] \bar "|"
  f,8. [f'32 f f] f,8 [f' f, a] \bar "|"
  \appoggiatura {\stemDown \slurUp c,16} g'8. [e'32 e e] c,8 [e' c, bes'] \bar 
  \appoggiatura {\stemDown \slurUp d,16} f8. [d'32 d d] d,8 [d' d, f]
  \clef F \bar "|"
  \appoggiatura {\stemDown \slurUp a,16} e'8. [cis'32 cis cis] a,8 [cis' a, 
g'] \bar "|"
  d16 a' a a f a a a d, a' a a \bar "|"
  cis, a' a a e a a a cis, a' a a \bar "|"
  d, a' a a f a a a d, b' b b \bar "|"
  c, c' c c c,16 c' c c c,16 bes' bes bes \bar "|"
  \clef alto
  f f' f f a, f' f f f, f' f f \bar "|"
  c, e' e e g,16 e' e e c,16 bes' bes bes \bar "|"
  f d' d d \clef F a, cis' cis cis e, cis' cis cis \bar "|"
  \appoggiatura {\stemDown \slurUp \property Voice.Beam \override #'positions 
= #'(-3 . -1)
d,16 [f a]} d2.
  \bar "||"}
\header { piece="\\newpage  31ème couplet"}
\paper {}

In the first measure, it's OK : [a'32 a a]  are well grouped together.
But in the second and sixth measures, the firts of these three notes has its flag on 
the left, so
that the two last are well grouped together, but there's a gap between first and 
second note. I
don't know if I'm clear, but I do need somme help !

lilypond-user mailing list

Réf. : Re: page breaks

2004-06-15 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

this last issue does works ! Thanks a lot.

Pascal Legris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Envoyé par :   Pour :  
lilypond-user-bounces+jean-marc.legrand=total.ccc :
Objet :  Re: page breaks  
14/06/2004 20:09   

For me, \newpage in at bar lines do nothing, but \\newpage in piece
header is fine.

For instance :
\header { piece = "\\huge \\begin{center} \\newpage \\textbf{Noel
Anglois} \\\* \\end{center} \\Large \\textit{Cornet de recit}" }

Lilypond: version 2.2.2


Le 14 juin 04, à 17:24, Mats Bengtsson a écrit :

> You can add a page break using the command \newpage. Just as
> \break for line breaking, it will only work at bar lines.
> For the moment, there's no way to prevent page breaks, but often
> you can control it by adding them manually where you want them.
> LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
>> HI !
>> I've been trying to understand messages about that pb, but I can't
>> find out how to force page breaks
>> with Lilypond 2.0.
>> My score is divided in little verses (it's a Folia), and I'de like to
>> avoid turning pages during a
>> verse. How can I do it ?
>> Thanks
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list
> --
> =
>  Mats Bengtsson
>  Signal Processing
>  Signals, Sensors and Systems
>  Royal Institute of Technology
>  SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>  Sweden
>  Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
> Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>  WWW:
> =
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

page breaks

2004-06-14 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
HI !

I've been trying to understand messages about that pb, but I can't find out how to 
force page breaks
with Lilypond 2.0.
My score is divided in little verses (it's a Folia), and I'de like to avoid turning 
pages during a
verse. How can I do it ?


lilypond-user mailing list

using & in title

2004-05-28 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi list !

I try to have the piece

\header { piece="Les Galans & les Dames"}

printed. But Lilly seems to be annoyed by the symbol &. How can make Lily print it 
like I want ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Réf. : Re: using & in title

2004-05-28 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

Thanks for the trick.

Actually, \& is OK.

Mats Bengtsson>  cc :[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Objet :  Re: using & in title  
28/05/2004 12:27   

Anything you write in the header fields is sent directly to
LaTeX which formats the titling. So, this is really a LaTeX
question, not a LilyPond question.
In ordinary LaTeX, the solution is to "escape" the & with a
backslash: \&
However, in the LilyPond input, you have to escape the backslash
once more, so you should write \\& to get a & in the printed output.


LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
> Hi list !
> I try to have the piece
> \header { piece="Les Galans & les Dames"}
> printed. But Lilly seems to be annoyed by the symbol &. How can make Lily print it 
> like I want ?
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Réf. : Re: figures position

2004-05-25 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

- Réacheminé par Jean-marc LEGRAND/CRS/FR/RM/Corp le 25/05/2004 14:51 -


LEGRAND  Pour :  mats bengtsson <[EMAIL 
 cc :  

25/05/2004   Objet :  Réf. : Re: figures 
position(Document link: Jean-marc 



very kind of you, but I don't know how to write it !

Is that correct (actually, it doesn't work at all !) :

\context FiguredBass
  \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0 . 2)
  \figures {
  <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
  <7>4 <6>2.
  <6>2 <4+>2
  <5+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
  <4 6>2 <_+>2
  <_>2. <5>4

lilypond-user mailing list

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figures position

2004-05-25 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

Here's the hole script. I've put in bold what is relative to vertical spacing.

I've understood the mean of \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0), but I 
still have the
figures far above the bass staff... need help !
Idem for the \raise #-20.0 that doesn't push down the mark into the staff itself. It 
seems that it's
impossible to include a special markup within the staff

\score {
  << \new Staff {
  \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-7.0 . 0.0)

  \property Score.timing = ##f
\time 2/2
  \key c \major
\clef "petrucci_c3"
 \relative c' {
  r4_\markup {\translate #(cons -4 0) {\raise #2.0 \italic {Lent}}} c^\markup 
{\italic {e}}
_\markup {\italic {t}} d4.^\markup {\translate #(cons 1
   0) {\italic {e}}} e8 \bar"|"
  a,2^\markup {\translate #(cons 2 0) {\italic {e}}}  s4^\markup {\raise 
#-20.0 \musicglyph
#"dots-dot"} gis \bar"|"
  \appoggiatura {gis16 [a]} b2) r4 e, \bar"|"
  a2.^\markup {\italic {e}} \stemUp \appoggiatura {g16} fis4 \bar"|"
  \stemUp \appoggiatura {fis16} gis2\stopped a4. b8 \bar"|"
  c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 } \bar"|"
  \clef F {\stemUp a4.} \stemBoth \clef "petrucci_c3" \relative c' {e8 e4 
g^\markup {\italic
{e}} \bar"|"
  a,4. f'8 f4 a^\markup {\italic {e}} \bar"|"
  b,2 g'4.^\markup {\italic {e}} (f16 [e d]) \bar"|"
  \stemUp e2 \stopped \grace {\stemDown \slurUp f32 ([e d e]} \stemDown e4. 
\breathe d8)
  \stemUp e2 (d4.) c16 ([b c]) \bar"|"
  c2 \stemBoth e2^\markup {\italic {e}} \bar "|"
  \stemDown \grace {\stemDown \slurUp d16 (} cis2.^\markup {\italic {e}} b8) 
cis \bar "|"
  \stemUp d4.\stopped \stemDown e8 ([d c b a]) \stemBoth \bar "|"
  gis!2 \breathe \stemUp a4. (b32 [a b c]) \bar "|"
  b2 \breathe r \bar"|"
  r4 c d4.^\markup {\italic {e}} e8 \bar"|"
  a,2.^\markup {\italic {e}} gis!4 \bar"|"
  \appoggiatura {gis!16 [a]} b2 s4 e, \bar"|"
  a2.^\markup {\italic {e}} \stemUp r16 a ([g fis]) \bar"|"
  \grace {fis16(} gis2 \stopped \grace {a32 [gis! fis! gis!])} \stemUp a4. b8 
  c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 \bar"|"}
  \clef F {\stemUp a1
  \bar "|."


  \context FiguredBass
  \figures {
  <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
  <7>4 <6>2.
  <6>2 <4+>2
  <5+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
  <4 6>2 <_+>2
  <_>2. <5>4
  <_>2 <6>2
  <_>4 <_> 8 <7->4 <7>4 <6>4
  <4 6>2 <3>2
  <6>2. <6>4
  <_+ 7>2 <_>2
  <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
  <7>4 <6>2.
  <6>2 <4+>2
  <5- 6+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
  <4 6>2 <_+>2


  \new Staff {
  \property Staff.verticalExtent = #'(-4.0 . 0.0)
  \property Voice.Accidental \set #'style = #'mensural
  \time 2/2
  \key c \major
  \clef F

  \property Voice.TextScript
  \set #'font-family = #'number

  \property Voice.TextScript
  \set #'font-relative-size = #'-9

  \property Voice.TextScript
  \set #'baseline-skip = #'0.2

  \relative c {
  a2. g4
  e2 d'
  b2 c4 d
  e2 e,
  a a'4 e
  f2 d4 d,
  g2 b s16
  c2 f,
  g1 s16
  c,2 c'
  f2. d4
  e2 a,
  e4. e'8 e ([d]) c ([b])
  a2. g4
  e2 d'
  b2 c4 d
  e2 e,

 \header { piece="1. Prélude le Soligny"}
  \paper {

  orientation = landscape
  \translator {
   \consists Custos_engraver
   Custos \override #'style = #'hufnagel
  \midi { \tempo 2=50}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: figures position

2004-05-25 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

- Réacheminé par Jean-marc LEGRAND/CRS/FR/RM/Corp le 25/05/2004 14:44 -
Mats Bengtsson>  cc :[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Objet :  Re: figures position  
25/05/2004 14:08   

The baseline-skip determines the spacing between the different
lines of figures (even though your setting doesn't change anything
that has to do with figured bass). However, the full figured bass
is typeset in a FiguredBass context. To change the distance between
this context and the Staff context below it, you could read
Since the FiguredBass context doesn't have any minimumVerticalExtent
set by default, it's the upper extent of the Staff context below it
that can be reduced.


LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
> Hi, and thanks for your previous help : figured bass has much less secrets for me !
> I've still got a pb : my figures are printed above the bass line, which is what I 
> wanted. But the
> figures line is much too high, and I'de like to lower it. Do you have any trick for 
> this ?
> I've copied the manual to print the figured bass, but I don't understand the use of 
> the setting :
>   \property Voice.TextScript
>   \set #'baseline-skip = #'0.2
> When I chage the value to 1.4 or 4, nothing chages...
> Regards
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Réf. : Re: figures position

2004-05-25 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

- Réacheminé par Jean-marc LEGRAND/CRS/FR/RM/Corp le 25/05/2004 14:43 -
Mats Bengtsson>  cc :   
Objet :  Re: Réf. : Re: figures 
25/05/2004 14:41   

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list, for the
benefit of yourself since you get access to the collected
expertise on the list and for the benefit of others who experience
similar problems. Feel free to quote my answer below if you wish.

As I said, the FigureBass does not have any preset vertical size by
default, so the limiting factor is the preset vertical size of the
Staff context that holds the base notes. I recommend that you
read chapter 4 of the manual from the top, then you will realize
that any property setting has to be done within the context it
applies to (or a context within that context).

If you still don't get it right, there's some more hints at the
bottom of the email, but I recommend that you try to figure it
out yourself first.

LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote:
> very kind of you, but I don't know how to write it !
> Is that correct (actually, it doesn't work at all !) :
> ...
> \context FiguredBass
>   \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-0 . 2)
>   \figures {
>   <_>2 <4 6>4 <6>4
>   <7>4 <6>2.
>   <_+>1
>   <6>2 <4+>2
>   <5+>2 <6>4 <5 6>4
>   <4 6>2 <_+>2
>   <_>2. <5>4
>   <5>1
>   ...

   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

Something like
\context Staff {
   \set Staff.minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-6 . 0)
   ... % The base part
should work.

lilypond-user mailing list

markup position

2004-05-25 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi again !
I'd like to put a markup dot like this :

s4_\markup {\raise #20.0 \musicglyph #"dots-dot"}

so that it appears on the same line as an a2 just before. But the dot appears below 
the staff, even
after my \raise #20.0.

Does anyone know a trick to raise a markup wherever within the staff ?

Thanks to all for this mailing list !

lilypond-user mailing list

figures position

2004-05-25 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi, and thanks for your previous help : figured bass has much less secrets for me !

I've still got a pb : my figures are printed above the bass line, which is what I 
wanted. But the
figures line is much too high, and I'de like to lower it. Do you have any trick for 
this ?

I've copied the manual to print the figured bass, but I don't understand the use of 
the setting :
  \property Voice.TextScript
  \set #'baseline-skip = #'0.2

When I chage the value to 1.4 or 4, nothing chages...


lilypond-user mailing list

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

I actually forgot to give you the real input (I've already erased my figured bass 
attempt...). Here
is what I wrote :

\score {
  << \new Staff {
 \property Score.timing = ##f
\time 2/2
 \key c \major
\clef "petrucci_c3"
\relative c' {
  r4 c d4. e8 \bar"|"
  a,2. gis4 \bar"|"
  \appoggiatura {gis16 [a]} b2 r4 e, \bar"|"
  a2. \stemUp \appoggiatura {g16} fis4 \bar"|"
  \stemUp \appoggiatura {fis16} gis2\stopped a4. b8 \bar"|"
  c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 } \bar"|"
  \clef F {\stemUp a4.} \stemBoth \clef "petrucci_c3" \relative c' {e8 e4 g 
  a,4. f'8 f4 a \bar"|"
  b,2 g'4. (f16 [e d]) \bar"|"
  \stemUp e2 \stopped \grace {\stemDown \slurUp f32 ([e d e]} \stemDown e4. 
\breathe d8)
  \stemUp e2 (d4.) c16 ([b c]) \bar"|"
  c2 \stemBoth e2 \bar "|"
  \stemDown \grace {\stemDown \slurUp d16 (} cis2. b8) cis \bar "|"
  \stemUp d4.\stopped \stemDown e8 ([d c b a]) \stemBoth \bar "|"
  gis!2 \breathe \stemUp a4. (b32 [a b c]) \bar "|"
  b2 \breathe r \bar"|"
  r4 c d4. e8 \bar"|"
  a,2. gis!4 \bar"|"
  \appoggiatura {gis!16 [a]} b2 s4 e, \bar"|"
  a2. \stemUp r16 a ([g fis]) \bar"|"
  \grace {fis16(} gis2 \stopped \grace {a32 [gis! fis! gis!])} \stemUp a4. b8 
  c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 \bar"|"}
  \clef F {\stemUp a1
  \bar "|."


  \context Voice \new Staff {
  \time 2/2
  \key c \major
\clef F
  \relative c {
  a2.  g4
  e2  d'
  b2 c4 d
  e2 e,
  a a'4 e
  f2 d4 d,
  g2 b s16
  c2 f,
  g1 s16
  c,2 c'
  f2. d4
  e2 a,
  e4. e'8 e ([d]) c ([b])
  a2. g4
  e2 d'
  b2 c4 d
  e2 e,

  \context FiguredBass
  \figures {
  <5>4 }

  \header { piece="1. Prélude le Soligny"}
  \paper { orientation = landscape}
  \midi { \tempo 2=60}

lilypond-user mailing list

Réf. : Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

Here is my score :

a first staff for the viol, and a second one for the ficured bass. I've used the 
Score.timing = ##f to avoid any pb with measure spacing (lots of false duration in the 

\score {
  << \new Staff {
  \property Score.timing = ##f
\time 2/2
  \key c \major
\clef "petrucci_c3"
\relative c' {
  r4 c d4. e8 \bar"|"
  a,2. gis4 \bar"|"
  \appoggiatura {gis16 [a]} b2 r4 e, \bar"|"
  a2. \stemUp \appoggiatura {g16} fis4 \bar"|"
  \stemUp \appoggiatura {fis16} gis2\stopped a4. b8 \bar"|"
  c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 } \bar"|"
  \clef F {\stemUp a4.} \stemBoth \clef "petrucci_c3" \relative c' {e8 e4 g 
  a,4. f'8 f4 a \bar"|"
  b,2 g'4. (f16 [e d]) \bar"|"
  \stemUp e2 \stopped \grace {\stemDown \slurUp f32 ([e d e]} \stemDown e4. 
\breathe d8)
  \stemUp e2 (d4.) c16 ([b c]) \bar"|"
  c2 \stemBoth e2 \bar "|"
  \stemDown \grace {\stemDown \slurUp d16 (} cis2. b8) cis \bar "|"
  \stemUp d4.\stopped \stemDown e8 ([d c b a]) \stemBoth \bar "|"
  gis!2 \breathe \stemUp a4. (b32 [a b c]) \bar "|"
  b2 \breathe r \bar"|"
  r4 c d4. e8 \bar"|"
  a,2. gis!4 \bar"|"
  \appoggiatura {gis!16 [a]} b2 s4 e, \bar"|"
  a2. \stemUp r16 a ([g fis]) \bar"|"
  \grace {fis16(} gis2 \stopped \grace {a32 [gis! fis! gis!])} \stemUp a4. b8 
  c2 (b4.) \breathe a8 \bar"|"}
  \clef F {\stemUp a1
  \bar "|."


  \new Staff {
  \time 2/2
  \key c \major
\clef F
  \relative c {
  a2.  g4
  e2  d'
  b2 c4 d
  e2 e,
  a a'4 e
  f2 d4 d,
  g2 b s16
  c2 f,
  g1 s16
  c,2 c'
  f2. d4
  e2 a,
  e4. e'8 e ([d]) c ([b])
  a2. g4
  e2 d'
  b2 c4 d
  e2 e,

  \header { piece="1. Prélude le Soligny"}
  \paper { orientation = landscape}
  \midi { \tempo 2=60}

lilypond-user mailing list

figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
I'm trying, with Lilypond 2.0, to create a figured bass, using \context FiguredBass 
and \figures,
just as it is shown in the manual, but when I run Lilypond, it creates automatically a 
new staff
betwenn my melody and my bass. Does anyone know what to do ?

Thanks !

lilypond-user mailing list

adding new musical signs

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi everybody !

I'm trying to copy with Lilypond somme ancient music (Pieces for the viol by Marin 
MARAIS), and I
have to use somme specific musical marks, such as horizontal and vertical tremolos, 
cross before a
note, and left oriented stems. Is it possible to create marks and use them in Lilypond 

Another question : is anybody familiar with baroque music edition with Lilypond ?

Best regards

lilypond-user mailing list

Miscellaneous quesiotns

2004-05-19 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi everybody !
Bonjour tout le monde !

Very glad to reach this mailing list : I've beginning with Lilypond2.0 since 3 months, 
discovered some tricks on my own, but I still very depend on what you know about it ! 
So, a few
questions :

1. I'd like to edit some of my music in lanscape layout : what should I do ?
2. I'd like to use ancient musical object in baroque music (I'm "lilyponding" Marin 
MARAIS pieces
for the viol), that don't appear in Lilypond libraries. How can I create my own 
libraries ? (just
like in FIANLE, where you can get such issue) ?
3. I'm looking around to produce cheap musical edition, especially in baroque music, 
which is very
expensive. I'm thinking about a Handbook like edition. Am I allowed to use Lilypond 
for commercial
purposes ?

And now, a trick :

I couldn't manage to include properly grace notes without messing up the general page 
layout (pb
with length of measures). To avoid this, I indicate
\property Score.timing = ##f  in the \note block and put the bars where I want, 
regardless the real
length of my measures. It's very usefull with ancient music, where the global beat was 
not always
respected. I've not tested yet, but I think that doesn't match the MIDI behavior at 
all !

Au revoir !

lilypond-user mailing list

Another question

2004-05-19 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi again ! I've just forgotten a question : does a french traduction group exist for 
Lilypond ? If
not, who would be interrested in it ? I've already contacted, but I've 
receive no answer

Au revoir pour de bon !

lilypond-user mailing list

french documentation

2004-03-07 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc

I've just begun to work on a LINUX station (Mdk9.2), and I'm very
interested in musical software (I used to work on Encore or Fianle 2003).
I'm just wondering if a french translation of your software is available or
not. In the negative, I'd like to participate to a translation into french
(documentation, menus, ...). Would you be OK for that, and what do I have
to do for it ?

Thanks for your answer !


Lilypond-user mailing list