Re: Thin bars

2009-01-17 Thread Nicholas Wastell
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 11:59:47 -0700
Andrew Hawryluk wrote:

 Evince has a problem with the barlines (it's a bug). On Ubuntu, I work
 in Evince while I'm writing, but I print the final PDF from Adobe

xpdf also does a good job and is lighter than Acroread.  It's in the repos.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: it's all up to you users (was: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU)

2008-08-13 Thread Nicholas Wastell
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 03:07:14 -0700
Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm busy and pissed off at the amount of time I've spent on
 lilypond.  Approximately three thousand hours now... and I stopped
 composing and arranging *FOUR YEARS* ago.

Did someone hold a gun to your head?  If you don't want to do it, don't do it.  
If you're looking for fawning praise, you're wasting your time.

Maoing martyr.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-12 Thread Nicholas Wastell
On Mon, 11 Aug 2008 14:00:51 -0700
Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Having spent well over a hundred hours on such [stupid, newbie rtfm]
 idiodicies in the past four years, I have no patience left for them.

Well, you don't say.  I've no doubt you've done the Lilypond project a great 
deal of good, but there's no way you should be (stupid newbie) customer facing. 
 IMO, this is just not the kind of thing that should be aired on any -user 
list, prime searching ground for those very newbies, and your attitude grates.

If you don't like the rtfm questions, don't answer them.  There are, 
fortunately, some folks on the list with an ounce of patience and good manners.

For the record, I agree with Bertalan's original observation.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Redefining \smallCaps, Sceaux method - compile error

2008-05-28 Thread Nicholas Wastell
On Thu, 22 May 2008 20:10:38 +0200
Nicolas Sceaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have just tried inserting [substitute \smallCaps] code in a .ly
  file, but I see
  errors on compiling:
 According to the error message that you quoted, there is a problem
 on this line:

The code was badly corrupted due to word-wrapping.

I have used the same code from one of your LSR snippets, which is now working 
very nicely -- thank you!

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Redefining \smallCaps, Sceaux method - compile error

2008-05-22 Thread Nicholas Wastell
Hello list,

A couple of months ago, Nicolas Sceaux showed some code to redefine the
\smallCaps function to extend support to non-ascii characters (ref:

I have just tried inserting his code in a .ly file, but I see errors on

In procedure make-small-caps in expression (make-small-caps
(string-list text) (list) ...):
Wrong number of arguments to #procedure make-small-caps (rest-chars
currents current-is-lower prev- result)

The code was cut and pasted from the mail-archive page as it appeared
not to suffer from line wrapping, but there may be some corruption
introduced here.  In a text editor, the code that I'm pasting to
the .ly file is 102 lines.  The actual code is way over my head, so I
am unable to do much with it.

Any advice, please?

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Line breaks in text markups

2008-05-01 Thread Nicholas Wastell
On Thu, 1 May 2008 14:52:13 +0200
Valentin Villenave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, please have a look at

I found some useful tips and ideas here:

both in the Tips and the Library links, although much of the Lilypond code is 
for quite old versions.

For me, some of the Docs examples were rather too minimal as I didn't have the 
experience to expand and adapt them: complete examples were easier to 
understand and apply to my own case.


Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: end singleton lists with a period?

2008-04-18 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 00:05:28 +0200
James E. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since it isn't a complete sentence, I would vote against a period.  
 It's non-standard to put periods in a list of bulleted items
 • Normally without a period, because it isn't a complete sentence.
 • Also non-standard to make bulleted lists out of complete sentences

You mixed two styles in your reply.

We are not talking of bulletted lists.  The case in point (no pun ...) is not a 
grammatical construction in prose anyway, so it's a matter of style preference. 
 I would suggest that an in-line list should have terms separated by a comma 
and the list terminated by a period, even if there is only one term (to 
indicate that none is missing).

My £0.02. ;-)

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \smallCaps and special characteres

2008-03-27 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 19:26:20 -0700 (PDT)
Zenith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I thought it would be an easy way, :confused:at this moment, this solution
 is too advanced to me. %-|

Too advanced for me, too!

I have been using this construction for non-ascii characters:

\markup { \concat { C \small HŒUR }}

which works well, but is not as convenient as \smallCaps, of course.

A couple of questions:

If there is a workable alternative to using guile for the small-caps feature, 
could it be included in lilypond?

What is the difference between \caps and \smallCaps?  They seem to give 
identical results (where I have used them), with the same limitation for 
non-ascii text.


Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: point and click

2008-03-27 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:56:11 +
robcanning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 trying to get point and click working

I spent a bit of time getting Evince to work with Lilypond point  click and 
found this thread useful:

It's necessary to associate an action (in Gnome) to the textedit:// URI 
embedded in the pdf.  I did get it working, but I didn't go beyond bringing the 
.ly file edit point up in jEdit (where it was anyway).

All you need is in the link above. ;-)

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondtool for linux

2008-03-13 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:43:52 -0300
Hugo Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... but there is no such option (lilypondtool) in 
 plugin manager of version 4.3pre12.

Start by installing one of the earlier versions of jEdit -- I used pre9, but it 
probably works the same for pre11.

In the Plugin Manager window, select 'Download Options' button; make sure that 
'Install plugins in:' option is set to 'jEdit settings directory'.  Click 'OK' 
to go back to the Plugin Manager.  Install lilypondtool from the jEdit Plugin 
Manager.  There will be some errors, but they can be ignored for the moment.

Now install jEdit 4.3pre12 in the same target directory as for pre9 (or 
whichever version you installed before).  Do not start jEdit yet.

Rename the old version of lilypondtool at ~/.jedit/jars/LilyPondTool.jar to 
~/.jedit/jars/LilyPondTool.jar.2-10-4 and copy the new version of 
LilyPondTool.jar (v2.10.5) to ~/.jedit/jars/LilyPondTool.jar

Now start jEdit (look at the jEdit splash screen to see that v4.3pre12 is the 
version starting).  There will be some errors while loading the plugins.  Go to 
the Plugin Manager and select the 'Update' tag.  Select all available updates 
and click 'Install'.

When the updates have loaded, it may be necessary to install other missing 
plugins, in case you have another error message.  (We seem to bypass some of 
the dependency checks by cheating with the installation of jEdit.)

Restart jEdit and it should work properly, with no errors at start-up.  I am 
running jEdit on Ubuntu 7.10 and there are some features of lilypondtool that 
don't work, but most things that I need are okay.  You will need to go into the 
lilypondtool options to change some path and command settings for Linux.

I already had a working installation of jEdit 4.3pre9, so I may have missed 
something in my instructions here. ;-)

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondtool for linux

2008-03-13 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
Copied to the list for future clarity.

On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:22:48 -0300
Hugo Ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... when I write a 
 simple example:
 { c d e f }
 and try to run lilypond, it says:
 Error runing external command. See activity log about the problem

I think you have an error in the path and/or commands in the lilypondtool 
options.  In jEdit, go to Plugins; Plugin Options and select LilyPondTool in 
the tree view (left-hand part of the window).

The main settings and my actual entries are:

Path to LilyPond binary: /usr/local/bin
External PDF viewer: evince
Use the complex parser: yes
Enable experimental features: yes

Lilypond command: lilypond
Default Lilypond arguments: [blank]
convert-ly command: convert-ly
Python executable: python
GhostScript command: gs

If you are not sure where lilypond is actually installed, open a terminal and 
$ whereis lilypond

The main choices will be /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin or ~/bin and you need to 
change the 'Path to Lilypond binary' setting accordingly (in the General 
settings, above).

Restart jEdit and try the test file again.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Use Google to search the Snippet Repos.

2008-03-03 Thread Nicholas WASTELL

After suffering the 'ancient' bug when searching the Lilypond snippet 
repository, I found that Google can do a pretty good job.  I'm sure that none 
of this will be new to some of you, but others may find it useful.

To search LSR from the Google search page, enter: search terms

It can be useful to have a bookmark with a keyword (Firefox name -- other 
browsers have something similar) set, so that entering the keyword followed by 
the search terms into the browser location bar does it all for you.

The bookmark is set to: %s

and the keyword can be whatever is convenient -- I use 'lsr'.  So, to search 
for, say, 'add new staff', type:

lsr add new staff

press Enter/click on 'Go' and it works nicely.  All the usual Google search 
rules apply, so some wildcard situations are handled automatically, further 
enhancing the user experience, as they say.  As a side benefit, it passes the 
search load from the LSR host servers to Google's.  Caveat: it will not see 
changes to the LSR for a few days, until the Google bots revisit the host.


Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Comments in GDP, Was: comments

2008-02-29 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:34:51 -0800
Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're not using the term user manual, but obviously I didn't
 change it somewhere.

It says 'User manual' in the page title of all the html pages and on the title 
page of the .pdf (v.2.11.41).

  It shoudl be Notation Reference everywhere,
 which gives a much better hint about its purpose.

Only after spending some time in lilypond-world.  'Getting Started' and 'User 
Manual' are pretty well de facto standards, but I like a bit of individualism! 
;-)  Of course, the Learning Manual is much more than Getting Started and 
(speaking personally) I can't imagine ever understanding just where the 
dividing line is between LM and NR, so there are always at least two documents 
to search, plus LSR.  Oh, and the acronyms are all different, too!

These are not complaints, but observations.  Those of you who have been deeply 
involved in LP for a while may not understand, but there's quite a bit here 
that's not necessarily intuitive.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what does adorn mean in this context? question continues GDP

2008-02-22 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 19:17:23 -0800
Jay Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What is 'adorned' here?

With decoration added?  Musical decoration, though -- turn, trill, prall, 
whatever -- though it is obviously text to be attached in a similar way.

From your original question:

 ... but adorn and articulation don't really make sense to a common English 
 reader ...

There's a limit to how far technical vocabulary can be simplified for common 
access.  You said you didn't understand those words: they actually seem quite 
reasonable to me.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: what does adorn mean in this context? GDP

2008-02-19 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 18:26:58 -0800
Jay Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There are two music functions, balloonGrobText and balloonText; the former 
 takes the name of the grob to adorn, while the latter may be used as an 
 articulation on a note. The other arguments are the offset and the text of 
 the label.
 the words after the semicolon (;) look like they make sense but adorn and 
 articulation don't really make sense

I'm a native English (en-GB) speaker, but I am not familiar with the balloon 
function. ;-)  However:

To adorn is to decorate and enhance.  It's rather an old-fashioned word, I 

Articulation in this context is a musical term, meaning a mark (e.g., accent, 
staccato dot, stopped mark) against a note showing how it should be delivered 
(i.e., articulated).

It doesn't explain (to me) the difference between the two functions.  I'd have 
a look in LSR, but it appears to be down at the moment.


Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: info about controlling direciton / placement

2008-02-15 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Thu, 14 Feb 2008 15:02:25 -0800
Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2)  Add one sentence with a link to a central place which
 discusses directions.

This gets my vote.

A much reduced risk of the reader skimming through a couple of paragraphs and 
missing some point about the primary subject.  [opinion] Just a better approach 
all round, in fact. [/opinion]

 There's an example of this in NR Ties  at the moment.

In the explanatory section linked from your example, you (I guess it's you) 
say, 'Maybe rename section to directions.'  I think 'Directions' is far too 
uninformative.  'Controlling direction' as a minimum, or perhaps something 
along the lines of 'Controlling position' or 'Controlling object placement'.  
(The word 'object' needs a better alternative, though.)

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 14:06:26 -
Trevor Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess my comment arises from my
 background, which is piano and vocal rather than orchestral,
 where multiple voices are the norm.  Perhaps we need to made
 any suggestions for 'best practice' dependent on the nature
 of the music being considered.

Best practice is always best practice and should be determined by lilypond, 
rather than the style of the music.  Sometimes the syntax might be more precise 
than is necessary for a given piece, but it will Always Work.

As a newcomer to lilypond, I would have preferred to see 'worst case' sample 
code in the Learning Manual, right from the beginning.  It wouldn't make it any 
more difficult to understand and it would introduce the new reader to the 
correct (if not always necessary) syntax.  It's much easier to skip that extra 
pair of curly brackets (or whatever) when experience says that you can, rather 
than trying to work out why apparently good code just throws up errors.

I should add, that the current iteration of the Learning Manual is much better 
than just a couple of months ago, when I first ploughed through it. ;-)

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: point-and-click in evince

2008-02-06 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Wed, 06 Feb 2008 05:05:54 -0500, Anh Hai Trinh wrote:

 I am wondering if there is a way to set up point-and-click with GNOME


Yes, it is possible, but I can't help you directly.  If you go to and search for 
'point and click', there are several threads with more information.

I have found the easiest way to get a (fairly) well integrated lilypond 
environment is by using jEdit and Lilypondtool.  This includes a pdf 
viewer with support for point-and-click, amongst many other features.  I 
does mean that you have to use jEdit instead of another (preferred) 
editor, of course.

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Choral lyrics assistance, please.

2008-02-04 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:59:17 +0100
Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ... there's no need to use 
 \book here. If you just remove the \book { and matching }, you will 
 get exactly the same result. If there's any information left in the 
 current manual that indicates that you need to explicitly specify the 
 \book command, please tell us, so we can clarify this issue
 even further.

This was the route I took through the docs, once I had thought about using two 
separate scores to achieve what I wanted.
Docs versions 2.11.37 (but a quick check shows that they are the same in .38).

LM 3.1.1 : The \book command allows several \score blocks to be combined into 
one output. and then a link to NR 3.1.3.

By this time (as others have said on the list) I was looking for 'how-to', 
rather than 'if necessary'.  However, consider also:

LM 3.3.2 : There can be only one top level context: the Score context. This is 
created with the \score command, or, in simple scores, it is created 

So, the use of \book seemed to be the way to have two \score in one file.  I 
agree that NR 3.1.3 says quite clearly that \book is not necessary, but I 
didn't stay there very long. ;-)  The next step was to search LSR for '\book' 
(still looking for usage examples, rather than if it was necessary) and I found 
id=300, with example code for using \book.  I tried it and it worked, after 
some juggling with \paper.  I have to confess that I didn't search the list for 
\book because it was working by now.  If I had searched, I would have found 
that it wasn't necessary (I think that you have posted to two different 
questions just in the last couple of weeks -- sorry!) 

With this kind of forensic analysis, it's easy to see the silly mistakes and 
assumptions that I made.  I try to be reasonably diligent in researching as 
much as possible (hey, I'm the guy that never switches _anything_ on until I 
have read the instruction book!) but I could have done better, perhaps.  I'm 
not sure that I would ever have arrived at the solution offered by Trevor -- 
I'm not entirely clear why concurrent lyrics cannot be placed immediately after 
the Voice with which they are associated.  However, I will bank that experience 
now that I have met it.

More generally, I have found the tolerance of LilyPond with simple input, to be 
a two-edged sword.  It can be very useful for ease of entry and to get started 
with producing fantastic output, but it has lured me into a coding style which 
is not very robust for more complicated stuff.  After starting off using braces 
and angle-brackets very diligently, I found that many of them were not 
necessary, so they fell by the way.  Studying .ly output from NoteEdit, Canorus 
and LilyPondTool also led me to make assumptions when I should not have done, I 

Anyway, I'm not sure that there is any immediate document change to be made -- 
just put it down to newbie errors!  The existing documentation for LilyPond is 
undoubtedly the best I have found for any FOSS software.  Just don't expect to 
make it newbie-proof!

Best regards,

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypondtool for linux

2008-02-03 Thread Nicholas WASTELL
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 17:04:15 +0100, stef.thomas wrote:

 Dear lilypondusers,
 as far as I know, is the latest version of jedit, that works with linux
 and lilypondtool, 4.3.pre 11, true? Does someone know, where I could get
 it? And: how can I install the lilypondtool package on my machine?

Hello Stefan,

I downloaded it by changing the URL from the jEdit download page.

Example, the Debian package is
so, I just changed the version number in the file name in the browser 
address bar.

I can't remember what the performance of pre11 was like, but I currently 
use pre9.  Not every lilypondtool options works, but enough for me.

You download lilypondtool from within jedit: menu PluginsPlugin 

Good luck!

Nicholas WASTELL

lilypond-user mailing list