RE: Proposed chord name font (PDF included)

2007-07-30 Thread PabloZum
> Do you want users to be able to write out any _chord_ (which is a collection 
> of notes), or any _chord name_ (which is a description for a collection of 
> notes)?

> Are chord names unique for a collection of notes, or can there be multiple 
> chord names for one collection of notes?

I want to be able to write out any chord *name*. I'm in the early stages of 
writing a book in two versions, one in English and one in Brazilian Portuguese. 
The Brazilian chord naming standard is different from both the European and the 
American ones, and is not supported in LilyPond's current version; neither is 
the American jazz chord naming standard, with stacked modifiers.

I'm currently trying out an idea given by Mats Bengtsson in the users forum, 
which is to write out the chord names as an additional set of timed lyrics 
above the score. It's easy to do and it works fine, except that the transposing 
function is lost.

All the same, I'd like to try and learn how to write sourcecode for LilyPond. 
Is there a manual or a tutorial? I've looked around but just found a tutorial & 
manual for users, not for developers.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can I have my own custom LilyPond?

2007-07-27 Thread PabloZum
I have done what you suggested. Please check the devel-list for the pdf with my 
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Can I have my own custom LilyPond?

2007-07-24 Thread PabloZum

Thank you, Dominic. I'm new here and I hadn't thought of that.

I'll make a pdf with my chord-name font and its various combinations. Who 
should I send it to?

(I'm sorry, I don't know how to thread this answer directly under yours at 
the forum.) 

lilypond-user mailing list

Can I have my own custom LilyPond?

2007-07-24 Thread PabloZum
I'm rather dissatisfied with the way LilyPond prints chord names. After trying 
all the ideas some people here have generously given me to try and use my own 
chord-name font, I've come to the conclusion that the only practical way to 
achieve what I want is by changing the sourcecode to fit my own fairly 
idiossincratic chord-name style.

Is it possible to do that? I mean, to fiddle with the sourcecode, change it to 
my own requirements and have an indepedent LilyPond?

If so, which files are relevant?___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I change the ChordNames font?

2007-07-20 Thread PabloZum
Thank you, Kieren.

I'm actually using OooLilyPonder on OpenOffice, so I had to adapt the code you 
sent me to get a working result:

 \new ChordNames {
   \override ChordName #'font-name = #"Times"
   \set chordChanges = ##t
 \chordmode { a1:9- c:m7 }
 \new Voice = "one" { \autoBeamOff
   \relative c' { 
  \key c \major \time 4/4
 a2 b c d }

However, after some simulations with my font ("Cifrado"), I don't think I'll 
get very far, as LilyPond's preset chord name extensions ("m7", "7/add13") are 
too cumbersome to try and create a new font by substituting other characters 
for the existing ones.

Is there a command to change the way the chord extensions behave, by allowing 
virtually *any character* to be placed just after the note name, say, "C7&@" or 
"Gm6!P" or whatever? Or would this involve tweaking with the sourcecode?___
lilypond-user mailing list

How can I change the ChordNames font?

2007-07-19 Thread PabloZum
I have tested, to the best of my abilities, the various solutions offered here 
to the problem of using my jazz-chord-names font "Cifrado" instead of the 
default LilyPond font. I am not completely satisfied by any of them.

But I have just thought that I can use the chord-name-entry that is built into 
LilyPond, but then create one or two completely new fonts that might print 
different and more desirable characters in place of the characters allowed for 
by the LilyPond default.

Do you know how I can change the ChordNames defautl font?___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: jazz chords in LilyPond

2007-07-19 Thread PabloZum
Thanks, Tao, but that's the Chord Name Chart I just mentioned. A longer chart 
is here:

However, this chart is misleading. Take the case below.

   \new ChordNames {
 \set chordChanges = ##t
 \chordmode {  a2:m7 b:9 c:dim7 d:13  }
  \new Voice = "one" { \autoBeamOff
\relative c' { \key c \major  \time 4/4  a2 b c d }

Notice that Am7, B9 and Cdim7 come out fine, but D13 appears as D9/add13. What 
to do for A7b9? If you follow the Chord Chart and input "a:7/b9", you get an 
error message calling it "spurious garbage following chord".

There should be a list somewhere, like:

a:min7 > Am7
a:aug > A+
??? > A7b9

LilyPond's chord name system seems OK up to a point, and I'd like to give it a 
try first, though it could do with further polishing.___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re:jazz chords in LilyPond

2007-07-19 Thread PabloZum
Thank you, Carl and Tao. I'll try both ideas.

I've found that LilyPond *can* print many jazzy chord names after all, though 
some of  them look a little unwieldy.

The Chord Name Chart in the LilyPond Manual lists the resulting printed view of 
the chord names but it does not list the actual words we must input to get 
those names. For instance, I know that "f:min7" outputs as "Fm7" and "c:aug" 
outputs as "C+"; but what must the input be to get the output "C13". If I input 
"c:13", I get "C9/add13" which is a handful. What must be the input to print 
something like, say, A7#9b13?

Is there such a list?___
lilypond-user mailing list

jazz chords in LilyPond

2007-07-18 Thread PabloZum
I have developed my own chord name font, "Cifrado", which I use to print scores 
in other programs. With it, I'm able to print complex jazz chords with fewer 
keystrokes (e.g., "A7#9b13" is input just with "ax;"). I've been trying to make 
OooLilyPond use this font for chord names in OpenOffice. I've reached as far as 

\new ChordNames
 \context ChordNames {
\override ChordNames . ChordName  #'font-name = #"Cifrado"
\set chordChanges = ##t
\chordmode {  a2:m7 b:7 c:9 d:7 }

But "Cifrado" uses all keys on the keyboard and I can't get LilyPond to process 
chord extensions that have not been preset into the program.

Can you help?___
lilypond-user mailing list

ooolilypond user

2007-07-17 Thread PabloZum
OooLilyPond seems to be EXACTLY what I was looking for to write a book on jazz 

I use Window XP and I can get it to insert simple scores in such 

\key c \minor \relative c'' { c16 es, d es c es d es c' es, d es c es d es }

which is the test given in the sourceforge webpage.

However, other scores that are created in LilyPond without problems, such as 
this one given in the LilyPond tutorial:

 \version "2.10.10"
 melody = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
a b c d
 text = \lyricmode {
Aaa Bee Cee Dee
 harmonies = \chordmode {
a2 c2
 \score {
   \new ChordNames {
  \set chordChanges = ##t
\new Voice = "one" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \text
\layout { }
\midi { }
 }get quite a lot of "syntax error"s and "unknown escaped string"s and 
"unexpected string"s.

Does OooLilyPond have a shorter scope than LilyPond?

I've tried running both "lilypond.exe" and "lilipon-window.exe" as the 
executable on "config", with the same results.

Thank you!

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