Re: How do I change the size of lyric text?

2019-05-19 Thread Peter Wannemacher sotw
NullVoice!  I've never used that. Thank you, Gregory. I need to do this

Be content; it is your birthright.





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piano fingerings with parentheses

2013-04-28 Thread Peter Wannemacher


I am trying to offer alternate fingering in a piano piece. My goal
is to place the alternate fingerings (4) (2) in parentheses and
beneath the regular fingerings 5 3.

Here's what I've tried:
a_5_4 e_3_2 c e |% 5 and 3 are above 4  and 2
 \parenthesize_4a_5 \parenthesize_2e_3 c e | %
  4 and 2 are in parentheses, but above 5 and 3

 a_5_"(4)" e_2_\markup\tiny{(1)} c e | %
  Correct position and parentheses; poor appearance

A nice bonus would be if I could  have the parentheses appear around
the pair

 5  3
(4  2)

-- Be content; it is your birthright.

lilypond-user mailing list

re: Request for feedback on 'lobbying' paper

2013-04-21 Thread Peter Wannemacher

Request for feedback on 'lobbying' paper
From: Urs Liska
Subject: Request for feedback on 'lobbying' paper
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 23:17:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130329 


I like the tone of the paper, but I think it might be a bit long.

I have some grammatical observations below. I will make more if they are 

You wrote on page 4:
Editor independent
There isn’t a inseparable unit between editing and processing a docu-

It is common to write:
There isn't an inseparable unit

In-place comments
Practically all plain text formats allow to enter comments inside the

I would write:
Practically all plain text formats allow you to enter comments inside the
Practically all plain text formats allow one to enter comments inside the
Practically all plain text formats allow the user to enter comments 
inside the

lilypond-user mailing list

stem direction when crossing staves

2013-03-12 Thread Peter Wannemacher

\version "2.16.2"
\new PianoStaff<<
\new Staff = "rh" << {r4  r }
\\{\stemDown e'8[ d'] \change Staff="lh" \stemUp c' a g c' \change Staff="rh"
\stemDown d'4 | }
\new Staff="lh"{\clef bass \voiceTwo c2 g,

I place my question below the example because the email client thinks I'm


I have a part which crosses between two staves. I would like the stems to go
down when on the upper staff and up when on the lower staff. I have succeeded in
the example below, but I would like not to have to type stem direction (or
\voiceOne) along with the "\change Staff" each time. Is that possible?

Peter Wannemacher

lilypond-user mailing list

Visual Index to Documentation

2013-01-22 Thread Peter Wannemacher sotw
This is superb! Thank you very much.

Peter Wannemacher
From:   Noeck
Subject:Visual Index to Documentation
Date:   Tue, 22 Jan 2013 23:03:58 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130106


since the beginning of the year, I have worked on an alternative access
to the LilyPond documentation, which I call a visual index.
It is intended especially for tweaking purposes, if a user wants to
change a property of an object.

Here it is:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: transcribe notes

2012-06-13 Thread Peter Wannemacher sotw


>On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:49:16AM +0200, Philip Thomas wrote:

>> If that's correct, I guess your initial "thanks, but no thanks"

>> is directed more to the possibility of my becoming a more

>> serious contributor,




>> I'm inclined to try to knock together a draft expanded

>> cheatsheet on my own account and float it (e.g. in PDF format)

>> on the user list.


>ok.  It won't become part of the lilypond documentation or the

>website, but that's not the end of the world.  An "informal"

>cheatsheet like that could still be useful for whoever finds it on

>the mailing list.


>- Graham


I would like to contribute to this cheat-sheet. 


I would be pleased to create ideas or comment on those of others.


Be content; it is your birthright. 

Peter Wannemacher





lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Notation of french horn

2012-04-24 Thread Peter Wannemacher

>-Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Helge Kruse
>Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 15:13
>Subject: Notation of french horn
>I am typesetting a concerto in G major. There are two brass instruments
(french horns). I am
>was told that these staves should be written without key an without
accidentals at the notes.
>I don't have neither experience with playing praxis of horns nor with
notation for this kind
>of instruments.
>What is the best way to do this? Should I write it without all the F#
notes? Or is there
>anything like transposing from normal notation to horn (or brass) notation?
>transposing the change of all pitches by a value, not the change of a
selection of pitches,
>isn't it?
>As an example here are the firs five measures of three instruments
>\version "2.14.2"
>CornoOneAllegro = \relative c'' {
>   \clef treble
>   c4 c c r | % 1
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 2
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 3
>   g4 g g r8 d' | % 4
>   e4 fis8 e e d r4 | % 5
>CornoTwoAllegro = \relative c' {
>   \clef treble
>   \key g \major
>   c4 c c r | % 1
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 2
>   r2 r8 c c4 | % 3
>   g'4 g g r8 d' | % 4
>   e4 fis8 e e d r4 | % 5
>AllegroHarpRight = \relative c' {
> \clef treble \key g \major \tempo Allegro
> R1*5
>AllegroHarpLeft = \relative c{
> \clef bass \key g \major
> g'4 g r8 g32( fis g16) g,8 r  | % 1
> r2 r8 g'32( fis g16) g,8 r  | % 2
> r2 r8 g'32( fis g16) g,8 r  | % 3
> fis' g fis e d4 r8 fis  | % 4
> g4 c, d8 d, r4  | % 5
> \score {
>   \new StaffGroup <<
> \new Staff=CornoOne { \CornoOneAllegro  }
> \new Staff=CornoTwo { \CornoTwoAllegro }
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \context Staff=right \AllegroHarpRight
>   \context Staff=left \AllegroHarpLeft
> >>
>   >>
>   }

I've been playing horn for almost a half century.

Music before 20th century for horn was written without key signature.
Players of the
natural horn (no valves) played music transposed to the key of their
instruments without key

You should write the music a perfect fourth higher than it will sound and
omit the key
signature. You should include accidentals as they occur.

In your example, CornoOne looks correct to me. The harp and the Horns are
playing in unison(octaves) for the first 2 notes

Be content; it is your birthright.
Peter Wannemacher
(207) 205-3960

lilypond-user mailing list

Lost .log files

2012-04-03 Thread Peter Wannemacher
When I compile in using windows I see the .log file generated, but it does
not remain after the .pdf is created. 
If I compile in command prompt I can scroll to read the output, but no .log
file is generated. 
I have uninstalled and installed again. 

I'm running \version "2.14.2" in Windows 7.


Thank you --  Peter

lilypond-user mailing list

runtime failure

2005-01-06 Thread Peter Wannemacher
I'm running Windows 2000 on a 
Dell Optiplex with Celeron 800mhz
256 Mb RAM

Thanks for the help.

Processing C:\Documents and Settings\Student\Desktop\ ...
PDF output not found. Error log:
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.5
Running lilypond-bin...
Now processing `'

/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/Student/Desktop/ error:
syntax er
ror, unexpected '{':


/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/Student/Desktop/
warning: Braces
don't match:
  c4(  c
Failed files:

lilypond: error: LilyPond failed on input file test (exit status 1)
lilypond: warning: Running LilyPond failed. Rerun with --verbose for a
A full log is in the file test.log

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