Re: [LSR v2.18] Flamenco notation update\improvement

2014-02-15 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Pierre:

 Since the v2.18 output of this snippet :
 has an awfull look (see :
 tted-strings-flamenco-notation )
I completely agree!

 Please find herewith my suggestion.
 Waiting for your comment,

I think that this is a big improvement.  

One thing that I have never liked about this snippet is the asymmetrical 
arrows.  I think that you will notice the asymmetry at around 500% 
magnification at which point you will not miss it on a printed page.

I adore the non-filled arrow heads but I fear that it makes it a bit more 
difficult to align the arrows perfectly.  I personally use the filled arrow 
heads now because of this reason.  

I remember getting the arrow heads to line up though.  The work 
around that I found was in using a center-column which contains the 
entire markup.  Have you tried that?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Guitars with capos

2014-01-31 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello Hilary:

Please excuse a short notation question!

This is a fun question!

What's the preferred way of notating music for a guitar with capo?
Sounding pitch, or as a transposing instrument (so that a guitar capoed
on the third fret is effectively a guitar in E flat)?
This would depend upon if you are using tabulature or standard notation, 
or both.

With tabulature, it is preferred to notate without sounding pitch. It is 
preferred to notate as if there is no capo.  Such that if one were to 
play on open string on a guitar that has a capo on the second fret, that 
string would be notated with a '0'.  It is kind of a toss up between 
preference for what the standard notation would be for a transcription 
that has both tabulature and standard notation. Sometimes the standard 
notation is at sounding pitch and sometimes it is at pitch as if there 
were no capo.

With some transcriptions you will find grey numbers that connote the 
open capoed string such that if one were to play an open string on a 
guitar that has a capo on the second fret, that open string would be 
notated with a grey number '2'.  (Reference: Novella, by Benjamin 
Woolman (Stropes Editions).)  These transcriptions are generally 
considered cumbersome by guitarists.  Important to note that with 
transcriptions that have a 1/2, 2/3, 1/3 or other type of capo, where 3, 
4, or 2 strings are capoed, use this type of transcription methodology.

In standard notation (without tabulature) you will often find that the 
music is written with the pitch notated as if there wasn't a capo.  Very 
rarely will you find music that is written at sounding pitch with a capo.

In all cases, one will find that there is an indication of the use of a 
capo in the area of the top of the score that LilyPond calls the 'poet' 
heading.  This is located below the title of the score and on the 
left-hand side of the page if you were looking at it.  If the guitar is 
capoed on the fourth fret, the numeration is usually roman, ie: capo IV.

Rachael Carlson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Thoughts about creating Stack Exchange page?

2013-11-01 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Ryan:

On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 16:30 -0700, ryanmichaelmcclure wrote:
 What are your thoughts about creating a LilyPond Stack
 Exchange page? 

I have found the LaTex Stack Exchange very useful.  I think that
LilyPond would definitely benefit from a Stack Exchange-type website.

I don't mean for this to be a simple +1 addition to the list but I think
that it is good to know that someone else supports the idea.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Citing Lilypond in a paper?

2013-10-28 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Ryan McClure:

On Sun, 27 Oct 2013 19:58:10 -0700 (PDT)
ryanmichaelmcclure wrote:

 Would this be the way I should do it, in your opinion?
 CREATOR INFORMATION (2013). Lilypond (Version 2.17.29) [Software].
 Available from
I believe that the proper capitalization of LilyPond is with a capital
'p' as well, such as written in this sentence.

Oddly, I cannot find a reference within the Chicago Manual of Style
(my Music History Departments preferred citation style) for computer
software.  I would most likely discuss this with your teacher.



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fedora 19 Lilypond and Vim

2013-10-01 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On 10/01 10:12 PM, Kevin Tough wrote:
 I am new to the group and just starting my Lilypond learning. I am using
 Fedora 17 and 19. My favorite editor is Vim but I am far from a power
 user. I am confused about syntax highlighting for Lilypond.
 The Lilypond website:
 suggests an entry into .vimrc such as:
 filetype off
 set runtimepath+=/usr/local/share/lilypond/current/vim/
 filetype on
Om Tat Sat, Kevin:

I use vim exclusively for my LilyPond use.  I use it along with
Zathura as my pdf viewer.  I believe that when I was using Fedora I
had to do the same thing that I have to do with ArchLinux: 
create a file in your .vim directory named:  filetype.vim 
with the following code:
It will be easier if I just attach my filetype.vim.

Here ya go, should work fine.

Let me know if it doesn't though.

Hari Om,



if exists(did_load_filetypes)
 LilyPond Syntax highlighting
augroup filetypedetect
  au! BufNewFile,BufRead *.ly   setf lilypond
augroup END

 Mutt email syntax highlighting
augroup filetypedetect
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *mutt-*  setfiletype mail
augroup END
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Formatting long footnotes

2013-09-16 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Gilberto:

   \footnote #'(-1 . 1)
 \markup{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut
 eget ante venenatis mi consectetur ornare. Cras facilisis dictum venenatis.
   a'4 b' c'' d''
\justify-string will do the trick.

\markup { \justfiy-string #Lorem ipsum dor sit amet,...

Rachael Thomas Carlson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lilypond and Vim

2013-09-11 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Kale:

On Wed, 2013-09-11 at 18:18 +0200, Christian Andersson wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Kale Good wrote:
 Can someone point me towards a place to get some good help
 setting up a .vim file? I'm trying to edit the lilypond.vim to
 do a few things different and having no luck.

Is your vim session in the correct directory?  That was an issue that I
had for a while.  I ended up adding:

nmap ,cd :lcd %:hCR

to my .vimrc so that when I type ,cd my vim session moves over to the
correct directory.

Now with that being said, I don't use F6.  I keep zathura or evince
open at all times watching the pdf that F5 produces.  When vim is in
the same directory that the LilyPond produced pdf is located zathura or
evince automatically reload the new pdf after every interpretation.

In the spirit of sharing and perhaps improving vim functionality with
LilyPond files, I can share my LilyPond folding configuration, if you
might be interested.

I don't mean to be weird about this but what functionality does F6
have for you (asked purely out of curiosity)?

Ahhh...after testing this, I had to go
into /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin/lilypond.vim

and change
map buffer F6 :!gv --watch Return
map buffer F6 :!evince %.pdf Return

I think that it needs to be changed in the files that LilyPond provides
not peruser vimrc.

Hope that helps.


lilypond-user mailing list

modifying the length and thickness of the footnote line

2013-09-11 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello all:

I am attempting to modify the thickness, placement, and length of the
spanner that appears at the bottom of the page when a footnote is
present in the code.  I have tried everything that comes to mind.

I kind of expect it to be 

\override FootNoteSpanner #'thickness = #'0.01

But that isn't it.  Does one have to modify the Footnote_engraver?

I guess that I am at a loss here.

Also this raises another question: what is the difference between
FootNoteItem and FootNoteSpanner?

Here is a snippet to work with:

\version 2.16.2
c4\footnote #'(-1 . -1) \markup { blah blah blah } e g e 

Thank you very much for you consideration.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: modifying the length and thickness of the footnote line

2013-09-11 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Eluze:
 these are defined in a markup, see footnote-separator-markup in
Thank you for your help.  For posterity:

\version 2.16.2

\paper {
footnote-separator-markup = \markup \fill-line { 
\override #'(span-factor . 1/2) 
\override #'(thickness . 0.01) 
\draw-hline }

{c4\footnote #'(-1 . -1) \markup { blah blah blah } e g e }

Works beautifully.  

And because the footnote separator is a markup function, one could turn
it into bunnies or some other such thing; that which is only limited by
one's imagination, of course.

Thanks again,
Rachael Thomas Carlson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: some original LP scores

2013-09-08 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello dp:

Sonatina: Prelude, m.2 should have a third position marking instead of 
the second position marking that is in the score at the moment.

I am having some fun playing through these.  Has anyone performed them?


On 09/08/2013 09:53 AM, Dave Phillips wrote:


Some time ago I wrote to this list with some questions which were
answered promptly by various members here. Thanks to their assistance I
got re-started with LilyPond, and I've been busy using it via the
Frescobaldi program.

I've revised some pieces and added some new things here :

Comments and suggestions are most welcome, particularly regarding part
writing and instrument-specific matters. This work was done primarily in
response to an on-going article project, I'd like it to be presented as
well as possible.

Again, my deep thanks to the LP development and user communities.

Best regards,


lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beam groupings

2013-09-07 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello Ed:

2/4 all 4 quavers will be beamed together.

\version 2.16.2
\relative c'' {
\time 2/4
c8 b a g |
  \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 2 4)
  \set Timing.beatStructure = #'(1)
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
c b a g |


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beam groupings

2013-09-07 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello Ed:

On 09/07/2013 07:38 PM, EdBeesley wrote:

Thanks Andrew I was going to do that but the whole part I'm writing has
the same beaming pattern throughout, so to keep it tidy I was hoping to
avoid doing it manually for every bar. And I figured I might as well try
and understand how it works now rather than later!

The relevant section of the manual is:

subsection: beaming based on baseMoment and beatStructure

from the manual: If a common time signature is being used, 
beamExceptions must be disabled to enable beatStructure to work. The 
\set Timing.beamExceptions = #'() command can always be included if 
beaming is being determined by beatStructure. 

I responded earlier with the code to automatically change the beaming 
structure.  I jumped at the opportunity to assist with this list as it 
has been so very helpful to me in the past.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Beam groupings

2013-09-07 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hi Ed:

You have not told us what version you are running.  What version of 
LilyPond are you running?

This code should work for 2.14, 2.16, and 2.17.


On 09/07/2013 08:28 PM, EdBeesley wrote:

Thanks everyone for your continued help. Rachael I'm afraid your example
didn't work. I did actually study the relevant section of the manual for a
good half hour, and I can see why your example should work, but
unfortunately it doesn't :(

View this message in context:
Sent from the User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

changing the font of moderntab clef

2013-09-03 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello All:

I am working on emulating a music publisher and this publisher uses what 
we would consider a moderntab clef but with a serif font not the 
sans-serif that we use.  I have tried a bunch of different ways of 
changing the font but I can't seem to get it.  Also, I looked in the 
code to try to find where the font was chosen but to no avail.

How can one change the font of the moderntab clef from sans-serif to serif?

Thank you,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing the font of moderntab clef

2013-09-03 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello Pierre:

You can use a pretty old snippet :
And to make it work with stable took only a grammatical change and 
version change.

+  \version 2.16.2
-  \version 2.17.25

\new TabStaff {

-   \override Staff.Clef.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
+   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #(lambda (grob)

Thank you!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing the font of moderntab clef

2013-09-03 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello Harm:

On 09/03/2013 09:04 AM, Thomas Morley wrote:

Hi Rachael,

I'm in a hurry: For now a first sketch.

\version 2.16.2

%% - tablature.scm

%% define tab-Clefs as a markup:
#(define-markup-command (customTabClefII
 layout props num-strings staff-space)
   (integer? number?)
   #:category music
   Draw a tab clef sans-serif style.
   (define (square x) (* x x))
   (let* ((scale-factor (/ staff-space 1.5))
  (font-size (- (* num-strings 1.5 scale-factor) 7))
  (base-skip (* (square (+ (* num-strings 0.195) 0.4)) scale-factor)))
 (interpret-markup layout props
  (markup #:vcenter #:bold
;; !!!
  ;; change 'font-family and/or 'font-name
  ;; to fit your needs
  #:override (cons 'font-family 'roman) ;; default: 
  ;#:override (cons 'font-name Purisa)
  #:fontsize font-size
  #:override (cons 'baseline-skip base-skip)
  #:left-align #:center-column (T A B)

%% this function decides which clef to take
#(define-public (clef::print-modern-custom-tab-if-set grob)
   (let ((glyph (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph)))

 ;; which clef is wanted?
 (if (string=? glyph markup.moderntabII)
 ;; if it is moderntabII, we'll draw it
 (let* ((staff-symbol (ly:grob-object grob 'staff-symbol))
(line-count (if (ly:grob? staff-symbol)
(ly:grob-property staff-symbol 'line-count)
(staff-space (ly:staff-symbol-staff-space grob)))

   (grob-interpret-markup grob (make-customTabClefII-markup line-count
 ;; otherwise, we simply use the default printing routine
 (ly:clef::print grob

%% definitions for the moderntabII clef:
%% the moderntabII clef will be added to the list of known clefs,
%% so it can be used as any other clef: \clef moderntabII
#(add-new-clef moderntabII markup.moderntabII 0 0 0)

%% Displaying some glyph/lists
displayClefGlyph =
 \override Staff.Clef #'before-line-breaking =
   #(lambda (grob)
 (let* ((glyph (ly:grob-property grob 'glyph)))
(display glyph)))

#(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
#(pretty-print supported-clefs)
#(pretty-print (@@ (lily) c0-pitch-alist))

\layout {
   \context {
 \override Clef #'stencil = #clef::print-modern-custom-tab-if-set

\new TabStaff {
 \clef moderntabII

Below the line indicated with
;; !!!
you may want to change the values for font-name and/or font-family

There are some lines introduced with
I let them in for now. If you're interested in some internals you may
want to uncomment them, otherwise delete them.

Disadvantage of this approach:
You can't change back the clef to 'moderntab'
Maybe I find something better this evening...


This looks incredible!  I was able to scale things a little bit to 
ensure that the font was lining up as it should.  Thank you kindly



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Drawing a hexagon with a number inside

2013-09-03 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello David:

Thanks for the help.

Those are not actually proper hexagons, so they are pretty easy to draw
using something like

\markup \path #0.25 #'((moveto 3 0)
(lineto 1 2)
(lineto -1 2)
(lineto -3 0)
(lineto -1 -2)
(lineto 1 -2)

There needs to be scaling and matching to the content as well, of course.

here is what I came up with from your recommendation:

\markup { \override #'(font-name . Arial)
\center-column {
\path #0.1 #'((moveto 0.9 0)
   (lineto 0.4 0.7)
   (lineto -0.4 0.7)
   (lineto -0.9 0)
   (lineto -0.4 -0.7)
   (lineto 0.4 -0.7)
\override #'(font-size . -4)
\halign #CENTER
\raise #-0.5

I hate to use Arial but the publishing house that I am emulating uses 
only proprietary fonts.

Thank you for the help!


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Drawing a hexagon with a number inside

2013-09-03 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hope it's still working (didn't test it with newer versions)

It appears to work quite well with 2.16.2.  I will need more time with 
this document in order to make it do exactly what I want; but it is good 
know of all of the wonderful possibilities of markup and scheme.

It really makes me realize how much I need to start focusing on Scheme 
if I am going to really get anywhere with LilyPond.

Thank for your help.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sharing: Capone, by Rachael [pdf]

2013-08-03 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello Federico:

I wonder what's the meaning of the staff lines highlighted in purple...

The TabStaff lines that are highlighted in purple indicate string-damping.  
This is where the indicated right-hand finger rests or plants upon the 
string indicated causing that string to *not* vibrate.  The notation of this 
technique is not without historical precedent.  In harp notation there is a 
symbol (looks kinda like a coda symbol) that is used to indicate that note 
duration is to be exact.  Good classical guitar players will instinctively damp 
the strings in order to play the correct note duration.  In Fingerstyle guitar, 
the notation of a semi-transparent line to connote string-damping was first 
introduced by John Stropes for the music of Michael Hedges.  In the 
fingerstyle sphere a professional transcription can almost always be 
marked by the presence of string-damping notation.  In short, the purple 
line is the notation of silence.

Also, all the slides in your piece seem non legato, because they are not 
slurred. I use to write legato slides as:

c( \glissando d)

I am not familiar with legato slides.  Do you have an example that you could 
share with me?  I am intrigued.

But my tablature references are probably very different from yours.

I studied fingerstyle guitar with John Stropes for about eight years.  My 
transcription and typesetting techniques are largely due to the quality of 
transcription that John has published.  Although, I must say that Lilypond is 
a much more beautiful program than Finale for fingerstyle guitar notation.

I have made quite a bit of headway on my current transcriptions.  The 
issue with sharing the ones that I am working on now is that I do not own 
the copyright of the music.  I would have to get permission from the artist 
to share any bit of it.

One big thing that I am doing differently now is: Slurs.  I no longer use the 
slur function in tabulature.  I use something like this:

c4~ \tweak TabNoteHead #'transparent ##t c\5 a,\5

I created a little shortcut so that I can use \fakeSlur to mean a transparent 
TabNoteHead.  I use this now because I like the look of ties in tabulature 
more more than the look of slurs in tabulature.

Feel free to share the recording if you have found it, I enjoy fingerstyle 
guitar ;-)

The recording is from 2005.  I was 17.  I would be quite embarrassed to 
share it.  I will consider it though.  Oh, a friend of mine might be recording 
it soon.  I will definitely share that.


lilypond-user mailing list

A spacing issue

2013-07-29 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

I am having an issue with spacing.  I sent an email out a couple days
ago without any responses (except my own responses).  I thought that I
had solved my \markup spacing issue but I was wrong.  I am days away
from finishing this score and I am at a bottleneck with this spacing
issue.  At the root of the problem is my inability to get \markup
TextScript to not require space.  I would really like it if I could
input markup and have it not worry about colliding with other objects.
I have attached a lilypond file (the example was a little too big to put
it in the email as is) and a png showing this issue.  I am at a loss.
If someone could put me in the right direction that would be fantastic.

You will notice in the png that the line forces the space between the
bass clef staff and the tab staff to increase.  I do not want this line
to take up any extra space.

Thank you,
attachment: spacingissue.png\version 2.16.2
\layout {
  ragged-right = ##t

  \new GrandStaff 
  \new Staff 
\clef treble
{a1 \break
  \new Staff 
\clef bass

  \new TabStaff
{a a,1^\markup { \draw-line #'(0 . 9) }
a a,1 }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: A spacing issue

2013-07-29 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Tue, 2013-07-30 at 10:28 +1000, Nick Payne wrote:

 This works with 2.17.23. I think the syntax is ok for 2.16.2.
 \version 2.16.2
 \layout {
ragged-right = ##t
\context {
\override StaffGrouper #'staffgroup-staff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 11)
   (padding . -10)
   (stretchability . 0))
\new GrandStaff

  \new Staff 
\clef treble
{a1 \break
  \new Staff 
\clef bass

\new TabStaff

  {a a,1^\markup { \draw-line #'(0 . 9) }
  a a,1 }

Thank you, Nick.  This along with outside-staff-property = ##f fixes my
spacing issues in my larger project.  Thank you so very much.  I was at
my wits-end with this.


lilypond-user mailing list

Dynamics take up too much space

2013-07-26 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Dear Lilypond Users:

I have been having a conundrum as of late: I use a system of notation
that requires as many as six to eight textspanners to be present at any
given time.  I generally do not need that much (more like four or so)
but the functionality needs to be present.

The way that I have accomplished this is through the use of multiple
Dynamics voices.  This leads to a ton of extra space at the bottom of
each system.  This really erks me because I don't use a lot of that
extra space that six or seven Dynamics voices create at the bottom of
each staff.

My question: is there a way to make the '  \new Dynamics = ' context not
take up any, take up very little, space at the bottom of a system?

If you know of a better way of adding tons of markup to each system,
please do not hesitate to help me out.

This is what my that section of my score looks like if I have been
\new TabStaff = guitar tab 
  \set Staff.stringTunings = \stringTuning a,, a, d g b e'
  \new Dynamics = sixstr \sixstr
  \new Dynamics = dynamicsone \dynamicsone
  \new Dynamics = dynamicstwo \dynamicstwo
  \new Dynamics = dynamicsthree \dynamicsthree
  \new Dynamics = dynamicsfour \dynamicsfour 
  \new Dynamics = dynamicsfive \dynamicsfive  
  \new Dynamics = dynamicssix \dynamicssix
  \new TabVoice = tab \tab

Thank you kindly,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dynamics take up too much space

2013-07-26 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
I think that I can refine this question more after spending most of
today struggling with this problem.  (I am sorry that my previous
question was so poorly worded.)

I am trying to figure out out to get the spacing of the dynamics
non-staff line to equal zero.  I do not want my dynamics context to take
up any space. I think that this would have to do with
nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing but I do not know how to do what I want to do.
I do not even know if this possible.  I am on 2.16.2.

What leads me to believe this is the statement in the 2.16
documentation: Non-staff lines (such as Lyrics, ChordNames, etc.) are
contexts whose layout objects are engraved like staves (i.e. in
horizontal lines within systems). Specifically, non-staff lines are
non-staff contexts that create the VerticalAxisGroup layout object.

Thank you,

lilypond-user mailing list

How to create an extra-offset shortcut

2013-07-22 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
Hello everyone:

I am trying to figure out how I can create a nifty little shortcut to
write a \once \override with the ability to manipulate the extra-offset
of a grob using non-integer numbers.  What I have found works with
integers only.  I need more control over this function: I need to be
able to input decimals.

Here is what I have (which works with integers but not decimals):

\version 2.16.2

mkMove = #(define-music-function
(parser location x y)
( number? number? ) 
#{ \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #(cons x y) 

Any ideas?

Thank you,
Rachael Thomas Carlson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to create an extra-offset shortcut

2013-07-22 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Mon, 2013-07-22 at 18:18 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
 Rachael Thomas Carlson writes:
  Hello everyone:
  I am trying to figure out how I can create a nifty little shortcut to
  write a \once \override with the ability to manipulate the extra-offset
  of a grob using non-integer numbers.  What I have found works with
  integers only.  I need more control over this function: I need to be
  able to input decimals.
  Here is what I have (which works with integers but not decimals):
  \version 2.16.2
  mkMove = #(define-music-function
  (parser location x y)
  ( number? number? ) 
  #{ \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #(cons x y) 
  Any ideas?
 Should work just fine with decimals.  Decimal numbers don't really have
 an input syntax in the LilyPond language proper (not while in music
 entry mode), so you'll need to escape into Scheme for entering them:
 \mkMove #2.3 #-4.5
Hello:  Perfect!  I missed the pound signs fixed this.

How would you do this using a tweak function for extra-offset?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to create an extra-offset shortcut

2013-07-22 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

 \version 2.16.2
 mkTweak =
 #(define-event-function (parser location x y m) (number? number? ly:music?)
   #{  \tweak #'extra-offset #(cons x y) #m #})
 { c'1\mkTweak #4.4 #-3.3 ^XY }
Thanks Harm:

I am struggling with scheme.  But I am slowly making my way.  

Thanks again,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stylesheets, defaults, and other in-Pond-erables

2013-07-19 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Thu, 2013-07-18 at 15:52 -0400, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Hello all,
  I'm hoping to break out a series of stylesheets (or stylesheet sets):
  instrument (e.g., violin) solo
  piano solo
  piano + vocal
  piano + solo instrument
  organ solo
  instrumental ensemble (e.g., piano quartet)
  chorus a cappella
  orchestra + chorus
 I've found lovely examples of piano + vocal, organ solo, chorus + piano 
 reduction, orchestra, and orchestra + chorus in my library. (Most are 
 Bärenreiter, so I'm sticking close to Lilypond's inspirational roots…)
 So now I really need a benchmark for instrument solo, piano solo, piano + 
 solo instrument, instrumental ensemble, and chorus a cappella. (I have some 
 scores in my library, of course, but none of them are stunning enough to 
 consider using as a benchmark.)
I think that the Hortus Musicus, any of the several hundred, are
absolutely gorgeous examples of chamber music engraving.  They are
published by Barenreiter, as well.  I was looking earlier today at
Hortus Music 232 a recorder and continuo piece by Visee that is
absolutely grand.

 Regardless of the engraving/publishing house these benchmarks come from, I 
 think the resulting Lilypond stylesheets should ONLY use fonts which are 
 available in the default Lilypond installation (e.g., New Century Schoolbook).
 Later on, when we make house styles (for those who really want, e.g., their 
 music theatre song to look like it came from a modern Warner Bros. songbook), 
 we can use non-standard fonts.

Just Saying,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stylesheets, defaults, and other in-Pond-erables

2013-07-18 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

On Thu, 2013-07-18 at 15:52 -0400, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
 Hello all,
  I'm hoping to break out a series of stylesheets (or stylesheet sets):
  instrument (e.g., violin) solo
  piano solo
  piano + vocal
  piano + solo instrument
  organ solo
  instrumental ensemble (e.g., piano quartet)
  chorus a cappella
  orchestra + chorus
 I've found lovely examples of piano + vocal, organ solo, chorus + piano 
 reduction, orchestra, and orchestra + chorus in my library. (Most are 
 Bärenreiter, so I'm sticking close to Lilypond's inspirational roots…)
A fingerstyle guitar benchmark would be Aerial Boundaries, by Michael
Hedges as transcribed by John Stropes in _Rhythm, Sonority, Silence_
(1995).  I don't feel comfortable putting pictures of the transcription
onto a public list so if you would like a picture of a couple pages I
could get those to you personally.  (I know John Stropes and he would
not be happy with me doing something such as that.)

 So now I really need a benchmark for instrument solo, piano solo, piano + 
 solo instrument, instrumental ensemble, and chorus a cappella. (I have some 
 scores in my library, of course, but none of them are stunning enough to 
 consider using as a benchmark.)
 Regardless of the engraving/publishing house these benchmarks come from, I 
 think the resulting Lilypond stylesheets should ONLY use fonts which are 
 available in the default Lilypond installation (e.g., New Century Schoolbook).
 Later on, when we make house styles (for those who really want, e.g., their 
 music theatre song to look like it came from a modern Warner Bros. songbook), 
 we can use non-standard fonts.
 lilypond-user mailing list
Solo Fingerstyle guitar demands a lot of flexibility in the tabulature
staff.  This is something that really sets apart professional from
amateur Fingerstyle guitar transcriptions.

The standard for Solo fingerstyle guitar can be found at Stropes
Editions, LLC. One can view an article that John
wrote that has on the second page of the article the first page of
Ragamuffin, by Michael Hedges here: .  What you see here has been
developed a bit over the years.  But I provide it as an example of
minutiae that is conveyed in solo fingerstyle guitar transcription.

I have basically made a mental list of all of the issues that I have
with it (something that is really nice is that Lilypond fixes those
issues by default); I would certainly be willing to share that with
y'all.  But the crux of the issue with solo Fingerstyle guitar
transcriptions lies with the community's use of Finale.  Myself and one
other person (hopefully) have started to reassess the standards of
Fingerstyle guitar transcription stylesheets.  I have stressed, in my
fingerstyle community, the importance of software freedom and the like,
but what really gets them is that I can put string-dampening into my
transcriptions without an external program.  I have also been planting
seeds in the minds of my community regarding some of the major faults of
Finale and Stropes Editions.  Most of the faults relate to readability. 

Kieren, I would love to help you put together a Fingerstyle guitar
stylesheet.  I have been basically producing one myself; I would love to
make it widely available.  Please let me know how I can help.

Sorry for the rambling email,
Rachael Thomas Carlson

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Sharing: Capone, by Rachael [pdf]

2013-07-09 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Tuesday, July 09, 2013 07:28:28 PM MarcM wrote:
 Nice. Is there a recording of the piece we could listen to?
 View this message in context:
 3p147827.html Sent from the User mailing list archive at
 lilypond-user mailing list

That is a good question.  In the coming days, I will try to find the one 
recording that I did back in 2005.  Thank you for asking.  I hope to find it 


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How to remove brackettips

2013-07-08 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

I am wondering if it is possible to remove the brackettips.up and the 
brackettips.down from the SystemStartBar.  What would be left would be a 
strong/bold thick line.  I can't seem to think of any way to do this.  Any 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to remove brackettips

2013-07-08 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Monday, July 08, 2013 10:55:42 AM Nathan wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Rachael Thomas Carlson wrote:
  I am wondering if it is possible to remove the brackettips.up and 
  brackettips.down from the SystemStartBar.  What would be left 
would be a
  strong/bold thick line.  I can't seem to think of any way to do this.  
 This seems to work:
 \new StaffGroup \with {
   systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBar
   \override SystemStartBar #'thickness = #5
   \override SystemStartBar #'X-offset = #-1
   \new Staff { c'1 }
   \new Staff { c'1 }

Beautiful work Nathan!

Thank you so very much!  I see what you did.  I hadn't thought of it.

Good work,

lilypond-user mailing list

How to change TabNoteHead

2013-07-06 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

I am attempting to change the TabNoteHead through what the 
documentation calls 'Modifying stencils' (chp. 5.5.3).  I can't seem to 
get the stencil override to work.  I have been able to change the 
TabNoteHead through the use of postscript like in one of the snippets 
( but I would rather use the 
musicglyphs in the Feta font than have to manually create each object.

With that being said, I would love to be able to change the 
TabNoteHead by any means.  \deadNotes looks great but I need more 

I have attached a png of what I am attempting.

Here is the code that does not work for me:

\version 2.16.2

tick = {
\once \override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
\once \override TabNoteHead #'text = \markup { \musicglyph 
#noteheads.s0la } 

\new TabStaff {
c8 \tick c8 c8 c8 }

Thank you kindly,
attachment: snapshot1.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to change TabNoteHead

2013-07-06 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Saturday, July 06, 2013 08:39:15 PM Thomas Morley wrote:
 2013/7/6 Rachael Thomas Carlson
  You are amazing!  Thank you so much.  The second possibility is 
  to work very well.  Also, thank you for the comments as well.  I 
  like LIlypond but as I am the only person in my area, that I know of,
  that uses Lilypond I am only able to learn from the manual, docs,
  references, self-instruction, and fine people like yourself.
  Thank you!
 Hi again,
 glad to hear that it works for you.
 Another thought: if you want to tweak TabNoteHeads in a chord
 differently, you should use a tweak instead.
 So you may want to replace \newTabNoteHead from my previous mail 
 the following (or perhaps use both, where appropriate).
 It works for single TabNoteHeads, too. Although creating a shortcut
 isn't possible in the same manner as before
 \version 2.16.2
 #(define (new-stil markup)
 ;; Creates a stencil
   (lambda (grob)
 (grob-interpret-markup grob markup)))
 tweakTabNoteHead =
 #(define-music-function (parser location mrkp mus)(markup? 
   \tweak #'stencil #(new-stil mrkp)
 newTabHeadI = \markup { \musicglyph #noteheads.s0la }
 \new TabStaff {
c8 c8 c8 \tweakTabNoteHead \newTabHeadI
 \tweakTabNoteHead \newTabHeadI


Beautiful!  This solves a question that I probably would have had to ask 
in the future.  Thank you, again!  

Quick question: could you direct me to a resource that could tell me 
about this information and these functions?

Thanks again,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to change TabNoteHead

2013-07-06 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Saturday, July 06, 2013 10:25:54 PM Thomas Morley wrote:
 2013/7/6 Rachael Thomas Carlson
  Quick question: could you direct me to a resource that could tell 
  about this information and these functions?
 Well, I can't answer quick or short.
 There is no special or single resource for these functions. I wrote 
them ad
 hoc. (Though, for my own purpose I did some much more complex 
overrides for
 TabNoteHead 'stencil before. That helps. :) )
 If you want to learn how to do it yourself, the Extending Manual and
 the Internals Manual will become your friends.
 Looking at
 nctions and following the link
 xamples you'll find that \newTabNoteHead and \tweakTabNoteHead 
 substitution-functions as described there.
 Ok, you need to know the difference of \tweak and \override. IIRC,
 it's explained in the NR.
 ( \tweak is more difficult to understand. Though David Kastrup put
 some serious work on it. You'll probably see the advantages once you
 have upgraded to the hopefully coming soon new stable.)
 The Internals mention that TabNoteHead supports the text-
 (scroll down)
 Some scheme/guile kowledge is useful.
 There is a scheme-tutorial in Extending.
 al And we have the 'scheme-sandbox' for experiments.
 Let me say, that for first succesfull steps into the world of
 custom-definitions and functions the needed amount of scheme-
 is very low.
 At some point of time you probably may notice that this little
 tutorial is not enough for advanced codings.
 Though there are several tutorials available online.
 (I've  a copy of the guile-manual downloaded in case I need to work
 Studying code-examples is very helpful:
 Posts on this list.
 Our source-code in /ly and /scm
 And you need to practise what you've learned.
 _Best_ practise is trying to answer all kind of user-requests. ;)
 Hope that helps a bit,

I think that this will help quite a bit!  Thank you very much for your time 
and consideration.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to change TabNoteHead

2013-07-06 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Saturday, July 06, 2013 07:51:52 PM Thomas Morley wrote:
 2013/7/6 Rachael Thomas Carlson
  I am attempting to change the TabNoteHead through what the
  documentation calls 'Modifying stencils' (chp. 5.5.3).  I can't seem 
  get the stencil override to work.  I have been able to change the
  TabNoteHead through the use of postscript like in one of the 
  ( but I would rather use the
  musicglyphs in the Feta font than have to manually create each 
  With that being said, I would love to be able to change the
  TabNoteHead by any means.  \deadNotes looks great but I need 
  I have attached a png of what I am attempting.
  Here is the code that does not work for me:
  \version 2.16.2
  tick = {
  \once \override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #ly:text-
  \once \override TabNoteHead #'text = \markup { \musicglyph
  #noteheads.s0la }
  \new TabStaff {
  c8 \tick c8 c8 c8 }
  Thank you kindly,
 Hi Rachael,
 the TabNoteHead already supports the text-interface.
 \override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print is 
 \override TabNoteHead #'text = \markup {...}
 doesn't work, because a new text needs to be inserted very early in
 the compiling-process, afaik.
 You could use:
 \version 2.16.2
 tick = {
 \once \override TabNoteHead #'before-line-breaking =
 #(lambda (grob)
 #{ \markup { \musicglyph #noteheads.s0la } #} ))
 \new TabStaff {
 c8 \tick c8 c8 c8 }
 Though, I'd prefer one of the following codings
 (I recommend the second if you want to do more frequently)
 \version 2.16.2
 % First possibility.
 tick¹ = {
 \once \override TabNoteHead #'stencil =
 #(lambda (grob)
   (grob-interpret-markup grob
 \markup { \musicglyph #noteheads.s0la }
 % Second possibility.
 #(define (new-stil markup)
 ;; Creates a stencil
   (lambda (grob)
 (grob-interpret-markup grob markup)))
 newTabNoteHead =
 #(define-music-function (parser location mrkp)(markup?)
 ;; Uses @code{new-stil} in a music-function.
 ;; Ofcourse it's possible to use:
 ;; @samp{\\once \\override TabNoteHead #'stencil =
 ;; #(new-stil #{ \\markup { \musicglyph #noteheads.s0la } 
 ;; directly.
   \once \override TabNoteHead #'stencil = #(new-stil mrkp)
 % creating a variable as sort of schortcut.
 tick² = \newTabNoteHead \markup { \musicglyph #noteheads.s0la }
 \new TabStaff {
 c8 \tick¹ c8 c8 \tick² c8 }



You are amazing!  Thank you so much.  The second possibility is going 
to work very well.  Also, thank you for the comments as well.  I really like 
LIlypond but as I am the only person in my area, that I know of, that 
uses Lilypond I am only able to learn from the manual, docs, 
references, self-instruction, and fine people like yourself. 

Thank you!


lilypond-user mailing list

creating a slur with markup

2013-06-26 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Hello everyone:

I am wondering how one might create a slur with the  \markup command.  I 
am trying to create, in tabulature, two pull-offs that occur 
simultaneously in the same voice.

\version 2.16.2

\new TabStaff {
c' e8\2\4 b d\2\4

I need to create a slur between both of these notes without creating two 
voices in the tabulature as that would mess up the stems and beaming 
that I am working on.

Thank you for any help that you are able to give,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: creating a slur with markup

2013-06-26 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

On 06/26/2013 05:08 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:

\version 2.16.2

\new TabStaff {
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
c' e8\2\4( b d\2\4)

Hello Harm:

Thank you for the quick reply.

I think that I could possibly make this work.  Would I manipulate the 
padding of the slur to get them closer to the notes?  Also, how would 
you flip the bottom one 180 degrees?

This example shoes a little bit more of what I am doing:

\version 2.16.2

\new TabStaff {
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
\set Staff.stringTunings = \stringTuning c, g, d g b c'
\override LaissezVibrerTie #'extra-offset = #'(-2.0 . 0.0)
c'^\laissezVibrer e^\laissezVibrer c^\laissezVibrer 
f,^\laissezVibrer8\2\4\5\6( b d\2\4)


The LaissezVibrer on the left of the notes indicate hammer on from 
nowhere otherwise known as tapping.  The c' e are with the left hand 
and the c f, are with the right hand.  In the last couple weeks I have 
figured out quite a bit of hacks to get the tabulature output to be 
adequate for fingerstyle guitar needs.  But this slur issue is giving me 
some issues.

In the above example the slur that is appearing on the stems of the each 
eighth notes should be appearing on the fourth string, optimally in the 
'e' and the 'd' in the space above.

Thank you,

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: picking up/down symbols in flatpicking guitar

2013-06-12 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson
On Thu, 2013-06-13 at 00:48 +0200, David Kastrup wrote:
 Thomas Morley writes:
  Well, in classical Guitar-scores the strike-direction is _always_
  related to the pitches.

What does that mean?
 Even for 0-14-14-13-0-0 ?
  ↑ means from bottom-pitch up to top-pitch. Always. I'm not aware of
  any exception.
Up-arrow, as indicated above, is a strum, or pluck with a plectrum,
towards the floor.
  In notated Flamenco-guitar-music the same.
  Only in guitar-music to be played with a pick it's the opposite.
  This inconsistency is disturbing.
 To be fair: with a pick you can play a single string in either direction
 and pitches are no longer a help for figuring stroke direction.  When
 playing classical guitar, you don't play a single string with the back
 of a finger.  A tremolo is done by alternating fingers, not by reversing
 the stroke direction.
In Flamenco as well as in fingerstyle guitar there are instances where one 
produces a tremelo by rapid strumming with the index-finger of the right hand.  
Another instance, in classical guitar, would be in the first movement of 
Kazuhito Yamashita's transcription of Dvorak's Ninth Symphony.  I don't have a 
copy of that readily available.  But it is a quick succession of the index 
finger back and forth across the strings.  I do have examples in fingerstyle 
guitar (Leo Kottke) where strike direction is indicated by arrows within the 
tablature.  An ^ up-arrow indicates a strum towards the floor. 

source: degree in guitar performance

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stroke finger placement within tablature

2013-06-11 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson

Thank you Eluze.

This give me a lot to chew on.  There are a lot of features of 
tabulature that I hope to be find in Lilypond.  I have been at a 
transcription here for about 5 days.  I am getting close to seeing it 
finished.  But the devil is in the details.


On 06/11/2013 05:14 PM, Eluze wrote:

hi Rachael

I'm not sure what you're after - the png doesn't seem related to right hand
fingering (maybe c' is just a TextScript or a \markup?)

of course you can place a right hand indication lower or higher

\layout {
   \context {
   \context {
 \consists New_fingering_engraver
 \override StrokeFinger.side-axis = #0
 \override StrokeFinger.X-offset =
 \override StrokeFinger.Y-offset = #.75 % or -.75 to place it lower

or just use a \tweak to place them individually:

\new TabVoice {
   \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(left)
   c  - \tweak Y-offset #-.75 \RH #1 ^\markup c '

Rachael Thomas Carlson wrote


I would like to place the stroke finger between the lines in tablature
not on one of the lines as is currently the case.  Here is an example of
what I do not want

\version 2.14.2
\score {
 \new TabVoice {
   \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(left)
   lt;c-\rightHandFinger #1 gt;8
\layout {
 \context {
   \TabVoice \consists New_fingering_engraver

Attached is something similar to what I am looking for.  The picture
depicts a pinky finger plucking on the 1st string.  The 'c' is not
written on the tab line but above it.  I cannot figure out how to gain
control of the placement of these annotations.

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Sent from the User mailing list archive at

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

stroke finger placement within tablature

2013-06-10 Thread Rachael Thomas Carlson


I would like to place the stroke finger between the lines in tablature 
not on one of the lines as is currently the case.  Here is an example of 
what I do not want

\version 2.14.2
\score {
   \new TabVoice {
 \set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(left)
 c-\rightHandFinger #1 8
\layout {
   \context {
 \TabVoice \consists New_fingering_engraver

Attached is something similar to what I am looking for.  The picture 
depicts a pinky finger plucking on the 1st string.  The 'c' is not 
written on the tab line but above it.  I cannot figure out how to gain 
control of the placement of these annotations.

Thank you for your help,

attachment: Screenshot - 06102013 - 02:28:25 PM.png___
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