Re: Trying to control chord symbols

2007-04-16 Thread Stephen Martin
Ed Ardzinski ed_ardzinski at writes:

 LP's default name for d:13 is 9 add 13.  Thinking about it,
it IS a logical name, just not what I've been 
taught and learned about music theory here in the USA.
Perhaps European convention uses that 



gives A add13 and D add9

the ^ symbol excludes the the 9th and 7th in the first e.g.
the ^ symbol excludes just the 7th in the second.

lilypond-user mailing list

Suggestion for producing archival scores

2007-04-16 Thread Stephen Martin
I just tried something out which may fill this requirement
as discussed recently. It presently involves using additional
software to Lilypond.

The PDF specification allows for file attachments within
PDF files from version 1.3 onwards. The original .ly file
can be attached within the LP pdf output, and extracted later
if required.

The PDF toolkit (google PDFTK) command line utility is one way
to add the .ly file to the pdf. I do this on Mac OSX in the
Terminal by entering on one line..

/usr/local/bin/pdftk tchavolo_swing_chords.pdf
 output attached.pdf

The attachment can then be viewed or saved from
'attached.pdf' in Acrobat Reader using
View-Navigation Panels-Attachments

The attachment does not appear in normal viewing or
printing of the pdf score.

If worthwhile, it should be possible to make a Lily option 
somehow to do the attaching (with a bit of development).

Any suggestions for making it clear the file contains a score
attachment? e.g. different file extension?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: [Fwd: I'm trying to change the font used to print the chord names..]

2007-03-18 Thread Stephen Martin
gio joe.a at writes:

 Hello everybody,
 I'm trying to change the font used to print the chord names, this is the
 I tried using the 'markup' command but I've get no results... can you
 help me?? Thanks! Bye!

Hi Giordano,

I routinely do this.. I put

\override ChordName #'font-size = #2 % add +2
\override ChordName #'font-family = #'roman
inside the layout{}


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Extending a slur back from end of repeat

2007-03-07 Thread Stephen Martin
Mats Bengtsson mats.bengtsson at writes:

 One solution is to add a slur to an invisible note. You can use scaled note
 durations to avoid changing the rhythm, see the following example.
 \version 2.10.0
 \relative c' \repeat volta 2 { c d e f }
   \alternative{{ g f e d4*1/2 ( \hideNotes b4*1/2 ) \unHideNotes } { g a 
 g e }}

thanks Mats,


\version 2.10.0
\relative c' \repeat volta 2 { 
\hideNotes c4*1/2 ( \unHideNotes c4*1/2 ) d e f }
  \alternative{{ g f e d4*1/2 ( \hideNotes b4*1/2 ) \unHideNotes } { g a 
g e }}

draws the remainder of the slur back at the beginning of the block!


lilypond-user mailing list

Extending a slur back from end of repeat

2007-03-06 Thread Stephen Martin
Does anyone have a suggestion for making a slur which returns
 from notes at the end of a repeat back to notes at the 
beginning of the repeat?

The ends should look like a slur which spans a line break,
 i.e. the start of the slur ends at the double bar lines,
the end of the slur comes in at the beginning of the repeat

I tried changing x-extent and extend-x-extent of a local
slur to achieve the desired appearance, but to no avail..

thanks, Steve

lilypond-user mailing list

Help please: Grace note slur to chord

2007-02-18 Thread Stephen Martin
I am having the following problem - any suggestions would be

I cannot make a slur from the E grace note at the start of the
second bar go to the F#, it goes to the A in all the four
examples I tried below. As you can see, I have tried to think
laterally, but without success so far...

melody = {

\time 3/4 \key a \major \clef treble


a'  e''8[ b'  e'']  cis''  e''[  a'  e'']  a'  fis''[ 
a'  a''] \bar | \acciaccatura  e''  a' fis''4 a' fis''8[
 a' g'']  a' fis''([  a' e'')] \bar | \break a'  e''8[
b'  e'']  cis''  e''[  a'  e'']  a'  fis''[  a'  a'']
\bar | \acciaccatura  e''  fis'' a'4 a' fis''8[  a' g'']
 a' fis''([  a' e'')] \bar | \break

% (s64 to force the phrases onto the same staff)

s64  {a'8[  b']  cis''[  a']  a'[  a']} {e''8 e'' e'' e''
fis''a''} \bar |  {\grace  e''(  fis''4)  fis''8 g'' fis''
 e''} { a'4 a'8[ a']  a'([  a')]} \bar | \break s64  {a'8[
 b' ] cis''[  a']  a'[  a']} {e''8 e'' e'' e'' fis''a''} \bar
|  {\acciaccatura  e''  fis''4  fis''8 g'' fis''  e''} { a'4
a'8[ a']  a'([  a')]} \bar | }

thanks, Steve

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: The best way to create a songbook?

2007-02-14 Thread Stephen Martin
Dominic Neumann mail at writes:

 Hi,I´m quite new to lilypond but I´m already fascinated.
 I want to layout a whole songbook with about 
200 songs. Until now I worked with Sibelius and now I´m
 thinking of typesetting that songbook with 
lilypond. But there are some things to consider and I hop
e you can help me a bit:
 1) Should I only work with lilypond or better mit LaTeX
 and lilypond-book (I already work with LaTeX)? 
There are not many texts to add to the songbook.I want
 to have a song number next to each song (on the 
top outer corner of the page).
 2) If I do it without LaTeX, only using lilypond: I think
 it would be a good way to have one file for each 
song in the songbook. But there are other problems:
 The identifiers I use for verselyrics or harmonies have 
to be unique project-wide, don´t they?
 In that case I could try to do it without identifiers -
 that wouldn´t be a big problem.At first, these are 
my question - I think, later there´ll be more ...Thankstabster
 lilypond-user mailing list
 lilypond-user at
Hi Dominic,

I am working on a book of tunes using LaTeX and Lilypond-book.
 It is very handy having all the features like table of contents, fancy
 headers etc. Adding a large number of tunes at once is slow,
 as there is a limit on how many new lilypond fragments will be
 rendered in one go.

regards, Stephen

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