denoting division when voices separate

2006-04-24 Thread Sterling Sympatico

Is it possible to add a div marking when a soprano line temprorarily
divides into two parts?  I am writing the soprano part as one music
block with the brief voiceOne voiceTwo layering when division occurs.

Thanks in advance.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

soprano line with splitting voices and different lyrics

2006-04-18 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi again,

I am trying to do the following for a soprano line that splits (div) 2x
and the second division has each part singing different lyrics with
different melisma.

I wonder if the following setup will work as I have yet to have success:

sopOneMusic \context Voice = sopranoOne { s1*14 one or two notes at the
second division with silence filling all bars on either side s*14 }

sopOneWords \lyricmode { words at the second division - really only one
vowel held for a few beats }

sopTwoMusic \context Voice = sopranoTwo { all unison and second
soprano parts including both soprano parts at first division }

sopTwoWords \lyricmode { all unison and second soprano words except for at the 
2nd division }

altoMusic etc...

altoWords etc...


other parts (five percussion and piano (two hands)


\score { 
\context ChoirStaff 
\context Lyrics = sopranoOne \lyricsto sopranoOne \new Lyrics
\context Staff = soprano 
\context Voice = sopranoOne
{ \voiceOne \sopOneMusic }
\context Voice = sopranoTwo
{ \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \set
Staff.instrument =  Soprano  \set Staff.instr =  Sop
 \voiceTwo \sopTwoMusic }
\context Lyrics = sopranoTwo \lyricsto sopranoTwo \new
Lyrics \sopTwoWords
\context Voice = alto
{ \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \set
Staff.instrument =  Alto  \set Staff.instr = 
Alt  \altoMusic }
\context Lyrics = alto \lyricsto alto \new Lyrics


percussion and piano here


Everything prints out pretty well except that the sopOneWords, which I
hoped would print above the staff very briefly (only for a few beats at
the second div) don't show up.

I am guessing that I am missing some syntax somewhere.

Version 2.6.3 Debian testing here.

Thanks again for any help,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

one line - two voices + 2 sets of lyrics

2006-04-17 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am setting up a piece of music that has a soprano and alto line.  I
have figured out how to add lyrics to the alto line but realise that my
soprano lyrics will be tricky.

The soprano line is primarily one voice but at two locations, I need to
split into two parts.  I have accomplished this with the voiceOne and
voiceTwo coding.  However, I need to apply different lyrics to some of
the voiceTwo (lower soprano) than the upper voiceOne soprano.

I currently have all my melody set up in a block and lyrics in a block
below and combine them with the \context Lyrics command down in the
score  settings.

How would one accomplish this lyric problem?

It seems I will also need to bump a few bits of soprano one above the
stave OR

could I treat the second soprano part as a second verse and just apply
it in the \context Lyric area?  Would it find a nested voiceTwo part?

Thanks in advance,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

make key signature invisible?

2005-11-15 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi folks,

Can one make a key signature invisible?  I have a piece that changes key
a few times and has piano, two vocal, and five percussion lines.  There
is a lilypond bug with spacing first note after key signatures when some
staffs do not use them (in this case the five percussion lines have no
key sig and the piano and voice lines do).  Instead of tweaking the lily
grob settings, can I make the percussion lines regular Staff's with a
key signature but hide the key sig?

Just curious.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

2005-11-07 Thread Sterling Sympatico

For the problem of different key signatures on different staves and
first note spacing, can one put a key signature on every stave
(including percussion) but make it invisible?  Like how we treat silent


lilypond-user mailing list

2.6.x and fonts with accents

2005-11-06 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi all,

I just upgraded from 2.4.5 to 2.6.3 in Debian testing and converted my
few meager scores.  I noticed that (and expected) that the fonts would
be handled differently but am not sure of how to put simple accents and
such in titles and markup.  I want a ~ over an n in the title -

I was using Hab\~nera but that no longer works.  Do I need to define
some sort of pango option in the score headers somewhere?

Thanks in advance,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

piano staff dynamics and template found in docs.

2005-11-06 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am using 2.6.3 now and am looking over the template for putting
dynamics in piano staff.  I am a little confused about some of the
blocks of info needed to do this.

I understand:

\upper =
\lower =
\dynamics =

\score {
\context PianoStaff 
\context Staff=upper \upper
\context Dynamis=dynamics \dynamics
\context Staff=lower \lower

\layout {

but then there is another \score block that doesn't make sense to me.  I
guess I need some clarification as to what this second \score block is

Thanks for any simple explanation so I can get my head around the format
of this coding.


Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

padding between key signature, time signature, and first note of bar

2005-11-06 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi again,

How do I pad between time signature and first note of a bar?  
I notice that the first note following a time signature is almost
touching the time sig.  I seem to recall this being a bug but was
wondering if it was fixed now or how to force some padding?

I amd including links to three pages of the unfinished piece.  Each page
will show an example of my issue.

Thanks in advance for any help,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

forgot the links to padding and time signature post

2005-11-06 Thread Sterling Sympatico
the links to the images showing the problem I have with first note of
bar crowding the time signature are here:

thanks again,


lilypond-user mailing list

no TeX in new lily but is there lilypond-book?

2005-10-28 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am still using 2.4.5 in Debian testing but understand that the use
of TeX is no longer happening in the 2.6 series of releases.  Can the
lilypond-book snippets in a document still happen?

Just curious.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: newer Debian release soon?

2005-10-17 Thread Sterling Sympatico

Will there be a newer Debian release soon?  I am suspecting Ghostscript
might be holding things up.  Is a personal build from source hard or
achieveable... again, Ghostscript dependencies might be an issue.
Anyone know about this?

Thanks in advance,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

vim mode

2005-08-12 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi everyone, 

I am switching my default editor back to vim (from emacs). I want to
make sure that I am getting the best possible results with the syntax

I have a dir - ~./vim/syntax with one file 'lilypond.vim'. This file has
a date of 2002 (in the first few lines).  I note that there are quite a
few *.vim files in the /usr/share/lilypond/2.4.5/vim/ directories.  Do I
need to do anything to the various files or are they picked up
automatically by y lilypond.vim file?

Thanks for any tips in advance,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: bug is spacing first note on stave

2005-06-29 Thread Sterling Sympatico

Thanks a lot.  That was the issue.  I just edited the define-grobs.scm
file (which I found easier than trying to write the proper syntax in my
.ly file as an \override) and it worked.

I need to keep reading on how to put in these override commands and
where to actually put them.  Syntax is still a little odd for me but I
am guessing that if I learn some basic scheme, it might be a benefit.



On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 09:13:13AM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 You probably suffer from the bug/feature described at
 Thanks for the suggestion on altering the spacing for key signatures.  I
 tried playing with the settings but nothing was altered.  I am attaching
 two .jpg's (or giving links to see them) of how things look right now.
 As well, I will add, below, snippets of my code maybe there is a
 really simple reason this is happening.
 Thanks again,
 Sterling MacNay
 #(set-default-paper-size letter 'landscape)  
 \version 2.4.5   
 \header {  
   title = Habe\~nera 
   composer = Regan MacNay b. 1979
   copyright = Copyright - Regan MacNay - June 2005   
   footer = Engraved with Gnu Linux and Lilypond ver. 2.4.5   
 \paper {   
 %  hsize = 27.9 \cm
 %  vsize = 21.6\cm 
 %  betweensystemspace = 25\mm  
 %  topmargin = 1\cm
 %  bottommargin = 1\cm 
 %  leftmargin = 3.0\cm 
 %  rightmargin = 1\cm  
 %  raggedlastbottom = ##t  
 %  linewidth = 20\cm   

 global = { 
   \time 4/4


 %- Empty staves

 partOne = {
   \key cs \minor   
   \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \key cs \major 
   \key cs \minor   

 partTwo = {
   \key cs \minor   
   \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f \key cs \major 
   \key cs \minor   
 rhythmOne = {

key signature and notes after - spacing

2005-06-28 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I think that the problem I am having with key signatures crowding my bar
is that my piece starts in C# - , goes to C# + , then back to C# -.  In
the first C# - section, the spacing between key sig and notes is ok.  In
the C# + section, the spacing becomes crowded and remains so into the
second C# - section.  Could there be a default spacing setting at the
beginning of the piece that doesn't get observed in the C#+ section.
Then the spacing from the C#+ section gets used in the second C#-
section?  I don't know.

Just thinking.


lilypond-user mailing list

key signature crowding first notes of bar

2005-06-27 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am sure there is an \override for this but how does one pad the space
between a key signature and the first notes in the bar?  Is it an
\override or a padding command?

Thanks, I am looking right now but see nothing yet.


lilypond-user mailing list

adding staves to a piano part...

2005-06-26 Thread Sterling Sympatico

Me again.

I am enjoying the learning curve here and your help is making it a lot
of fun.  I have finished a piano accompaniment for a vocal ensemble.  I
have set up the file as such:


notes (some second voice added)


notes (some second voice added)

piano = {   
  \context PianoStaff 
\set PianoStaff.instrument = #Piano   
\context Staff = upper \PianoRH 
\context Staff = lower \PianoLH 

\score {
\context PianoStaff = piano {  \piano  }
  \layout { 
\context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }   
\context {  
  \override BarNumber #'padding = #3
  \override RehearsalMark #'padding = #2
%  \midi {  
%\tempo 4 = 75  

The output is brilliant.  Now I wish to add 7 staves (5 or 6 percussion
and 1 vocal).

Seems I am having troubles doing it as such:

drums = {
  \drummode notes

drums2 = {
   \drummode notes


and then adding the drums in the \score section with '\new DrumStaff'
commands.  Am I going about this in a correct manor? 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet over half note

2005-06-22 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I was putting the half note interval first but didn't think of using 
.  I am not sure of what the \\ does, though.  It worked!  Thanks

Sterling MacNay

On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 10:10:41AM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 How about
  \times 2/3 {c4 d e} \\ e, g2 
 Sterling Sympatico wrote:
 How do I, in the right hand of a piano score, make a chord as follows:
 e and g (half note) with [c d e] triplet above.  The c d e is three
 quarters played by the right hand while the rh is holding the e and g
 half notes.  Any help would be appreciated.
 lilypond-user mailing list
   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet over half note

2005-06-22 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi Mats,

I didn't know this (the 2.5 manual would apply to 2.4).  I do run 2.4
but will start using the 2.5 manual.  Your syntax for the triplet over
half notes was very much appreciated.  I had everything except the 
and the order of the notes correct.  The manual is extremely valuable to
me.  As is the help from other users.

Sterling MacNay

On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 03:50:03PM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 You didn't mention which version of LilyPond you use, but even if
 you use 2.4.x, it might be worth looking at the manual of version 2.5.x,
 since that manual has been significantly improved and is mostly relevant
 also for version 2.4. For example, you can take a look at
 Sterling Sympatico wrote:
 I was putting the half note interval first but didn't think of using 
 .  I am not sure of what the \\ does, though.  It worked!  Thanks
 Sterling MacNay
 On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 10:10:41AM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 How about
  \times 2/3 {c4 d e} \\ e, g2 
 Sterling Sympatico wrote:
 How do I, in the right hand of a piano score, make a chord as follows:
 e and g (half note) with [c d e] triplet above.  The c d e is three
 quarters played by the right hand while the rh is holding the e and g
 half notes.  Any help would be appreciated.
 lilypond-user mailing list
 Mats Bengtsson
 Signal Processing
 Signals, Sensors and Systems
 Royal Institute of Technology
 Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

piano right hand with chorded eigths beneath a half

2005-06-22 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi again,

I am have looked for an example of the following:

piano right hand: (r4 c4 ~ c2) but below this with the right hand are
two eighth note chords that would appear as follows: (r2 r8 g e8 r8 g

lilypond 2.4.5 and have tried:

r4 c4 ~  c2 // r8 g e8 r8 g e8 

Any suggestions or is this possible.  Would specifying stem up in the
left hand and putting the two eight chords there be better?

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

triplet over half note

2005-06-21 Thread Sterling Sympatico

How do I, in the right hand of a piano score, make a chord as follows:

e and g (half note) with [c d e] triplet above.  The c d e is three
quarters played by the right hand while the rh is holding the e and g
half notes.  Any help would be appreciated.



lilypond-user mailing list

change page number locations

2005-06-20 Thread Sterling Sympatico

How does one change the side of the page that the page number appears?
My 2nd page (the first page to show a page number) will need the page
number in the upper right corner, rather than upper left.  Thanks for
any hints.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ec-fonts-mftraced installed properly

2005-06-20 Thread Sterling Sympatico

Mats... I think the fonts are installed as properly as can be in linux.
I did a 'dpkg-reconfigure ec-fonts-mftraced' and then ran 'texhash' for
good measure.  All went fine.  I still need to NOT specify the .map file
to have success.  If I specify the map file, my output fonts look bad.
Thanks for the suggestion.


lilypond-user mailing list

default fonts problem solved

2005-06-19 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi everyone,

I was having problems with my fonts in lilypond 2.4.5.  If I created a
file (.ly) and ran lilypond, the resulting .dvi file looked
great.  The title and all text was a nice font.  When I tried using xpdf
and gv to view the pdf and ps files that were also created, the fonts
looked like some typewriter font with poor kerning.


If I run 'dvips file.dvi' I get a beautiful output in .ps.  To get the
same output in pdf, I need to run ps2pdf (dvipdfm does not seem to
translate all the note stems and such - there is probably a method for
calling the correct font file but I am not too concerned right now).

The same goes for lilypond-book... I need to run the dvips command
without the option to get the correct results.  This
may be a bug or some documentation that is incorrect with my current
version of lilypond.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing default font

2005-06-18 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi Graham,

I am running lilypond 2.4.5 in Debian testing meaning I grab the
source from the Debian sid distro.  I run Debian testing which is
Sarge with some newer packages.  This was problem evident before Sarge
came out.  I see that when I run xdvi file.dvi, it looks fine (fonts do)
but when I look at the same .ps or .pdf file (all generated when I ran
lilypond, the strange fixed-space font is there.

Thanks for any help in advance,


On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 09:27:33PM -0700, Graham Percival wrote:
 On 17-Jun-05, at 9:02 AM, Sterling Sympatico wrote:
 My default font for titles and any markup is some sort of typewriter
 with very poor kerning.  How does one change this to something like a
 bookman or some other font installed on my computer.  I am running a
 linux system.  All the example files I see don't specify a font but the
 output is lovely.  Thanks in advance.
 This sounds like a bug.  What OS/distro, what version of lilypond do
 you have, was it packaged?
 - Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: changing default font

2005-06-18 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am seeing the following versions of software (packages) on my Debian
testing machine:

ec-fonts-mftraced: Version: 1.0.10a-1
lilypond: Version: 2.4.5-2
tetex-base: Version: 2.0.2c-8

All seems to have installed fine.  No errors.  If this looks correct,
could it be a .map file that is causing this font problem?

Thanks for the suggestions.


On Sat, Jun 18, 2005 at 09:45:06PM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 I hope the ec-fonts-mftraced package was installed successfully as
 well, since it contains that fonts used for titles and markup.
 By the way, if you for some reason have teTeX version 3.0 instead
 of the default 2.04 in testing, than you have to fix some
 incompatibilities as is described in some emails in the mailing
 list archives.
 Sterling Sympatico wrote:
 Hi Graham,
 I am running lilypond 2.4.5 in Debian testing meaning I grab the
 source from the Debian sid distro.  I run Debian testing which is
 Sarge with some newer packages.  This was problem evident before Sarge
 came out.  I see that when I run xdvi file.dvi, it looks fine (fonts do)
 but when I look at the same .ps or .pdf file (all generated when I ran
 lilypond, the strange fixed-space font is there.
 Thanks for any help in advance,
 On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 09:27:33PM -0700, Graham Percival wrote:
 On 17-Jun-05, at 9:02 AM, Sterling Sympatico wrote:
 My default font for titles and any markup is some sort of typewriter
 with very poor kerning.  How does one change this to something like a
 bookman or some other font installed on my computer.  I am running a
 linux system.  All the example files I see don't specify a font but the
 output is lovely.  Thanks in advance.
 This sounds like a bug.  What OS/distro, what version of lilypond do
 you have, was it packaged?
 - Graham
 lilypond-user mailing list
   Mats Bengtsson
   Signal Processing
   Signals, Sensors and Systems
   Royal Institute of Technology
   SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
   Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
 Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

output of vocal music score

2005-06-17 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am trying set a small vocal piece (2 part with a short 3rd part).  All
is well for notation but am curious of any recommendations for a folded
part.  Front page = cover, 2nd page = 1st page of music, 3rd page = 2nd
page of music, etc.)  I am thinking that doing this in latex with a
\begin{lillypond} and \end{lillypond} would be the way to go.  With the
power of latex to set margins and such, this looks like the easiest
route.  Any suggestions?


Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

changing default font

2005-06-17 Thread Sterling Sympatico
Hi again,

My default font for titles and any markup is some sort of typewriter
with very poor kerning.  How does one change this to something like a
bookman or some other font installed on my computer.  I am running a
linux system.  All the example files I see don't specify a font but the
output is lovely.  Thanks in advance.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ossia and adding a label

2005-06-13 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I have figured out how to set up my two-part choral score to include an
ostinato line in the middle for a few bars.  This is a percussive piece
(no melody).

I set:

Ostinato = \drummode {
 \repeat unfold 4 {some percussion}

groupOne = \drummode {
 \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2 
 \set Staff.instrument =  Group One 
 bd sn etc..

groupTwo = \drummode {
 \set Staff.instrument =  Group Two 
 bd sn etc..
{ sn bd r4 sn | etc... }
\context DrumStaff =
Ostinato  {  \global \Ostinato  }

bd sn more groupTwo stuff

\score { \context ChoirStaff 
   \context DrumStaff =
   groupOne {  \global \groupOne  }
   \context DrumStaff = 
   groupTwo {  \global \groupTwo  }

So, all works - I even padded my barnumbers up so they wouldn't clash
with the ChoirStaff.  I can't seem to get the Ostinato line to have
Ostinato appear before it as I had Group One and Group Two appear
before their repective staves.  Is this even possible?  I tried
inserting the appropriate command at different places in the cile but to
no avail.

Thanks in advance.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

two drum staves put together

2005-06-12 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I am putting together a choral work that is simply stomping and
clapping.  I have decided to use the /drummode environment and let
snaredrum = clap and bassdum = stomp.  All is well if I use the syntax:

\new DrumStaff 
 \drummode {
 bd4 r r r

To put a second part in there would I:

\new DrumStaff 
 \drummode {
 bd4 r r r

\new SrumStaff
 \drummode {
 r4 r sn4 r4

I would also like to label each stave as Group 1, Group 2, etc.  Let
me know if this is proper syntax

Also, can one add a stave (ostinato part) somewhere in the middle of a
score?  I don't want to add the ostinato from the beginning with 24 bars

Thanks for any help.

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list

help with 2.4.5 in Debian

2005-06-07 Thread Sterling Sympatico

I tried to install 2.4.6 in Debian using Ferenc Wagner's sources from  After having the default ec-fonts-mftraced crash
and downloading the nerwer version (.deb), I got an install.  However,
all attempts to run lilypond on the simplest file resulted in a
segmentation fault.  I tried using the smallest example from the
tutorial and compiling but got crashes.  So I reverted back to version
2.2.6-3 in the Debian Sarge repository and at least it works.  Is this a
common problem with Debian folks?

Also, I am trying to typeset a score choir.  The choir will be split
into 2, then 3, then back to 2 sections.  There are no sung notes, only
rhythmic clapping and stomping.  Some sort of drum mode would be ideal
for scoring but how do I use a mode like that in a piece with 2-3

I am using version 2.2.6-3 right now.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Sterling MacNay

lilypond-user mailing list