Nalesnik's Roman number analysis code

2014-11-17 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Mr. Nalesnik: thank you for making public your scheme code
for writing Roman Numeral/figured bass analysis:

This code has been invaluable to me for writing examples for a music
theory course.

I have one small issue, and that is, when I want to
put three Arabic numerals that are to be in one vertical line
after a roman number, the numbers are not rendered this way,
as demo-ed by my attached sample lilypond file.

Yes, I know that the figured bass 6 5 3 is usually abbreviated
as 6 5, but for the purposes of instruction, I find it desirable to
sometimes have all three Arabic numbers.

Is there a way that your code can be expanded to accommodate
three Arabic numbers in one vertical column?

I see that your above post is dated March of 2012, and
so perhaps, you have some more recent code that has
been made available?

Thank you again for your code.  Ivan.

P.S.  For those you would like to run my sample lilypond file, you
need to download the file from the above link,
edit out everything after ... %%% EXAMPLE %%% ...
and include this file in the same directory.


\include % Used as is, except delete everything after EXAMPLE

\score {

  \new Staff = f_major \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver }
\time 4/4
\key f \major
\clef treble
\voiceOne { c'' e' g' bf'1 }
   \markup \rN { V 6 5 3 }

lilypond-user mailing list

When a singer speaks rather than sings.

2014-07-23 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

In a vocal part I am notating, while the singer mostly
sings notated pitches, there are a few parts
where the singer will speak text in notated

When this is done is scores that I have seen,
sometimes it is done with just stems, flags and
beams (but no note heads) such as in 
the Charles Ives song Charlie Rutlage.
I have also seen it just written with 
the note heads as xs on a stave (such as
with a percussion score).  How does
one go about implementing either method
in lilypond?  I do prefer the latter, though.

Thank you for your help.

lilypond-user mailing list

Why do these chords not line up vertically?

2013-07-13 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

In this example, why does the lowest voice not line
up vertically with the first five chords?

What do I need to do to make this voice line up?

Thank you for your help.

\version 2.16.0

\score {

  \new Staff
\time 4/4
\clef treble

   bf'1   ef''1  ef''1  gs''1  af''1  cs'''1
   g'1g'1   c''1c''1   f''1   f''1   
   b1 e'1   e'1 a'1a'1d''1   


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Why do these chords not line up vertically?

2013-07-13 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov
I wrote:
 In this example, why does the lowest voice not line
 up vertically with the first five chords?
 What do I need to do to make this voice line up?

Ok, if I remove the \stemUp commands the
lowest voice does line up vertically.

However, when I remove the \stemUp commands, I get the 
clashing note warning messages appended below.

Yes, the resulting lilypond output is now satisfactory,
but all of these warning messages are disconcerting.

Why are these messages here?  What am I doing wrong?

Thank you again for your help.

GNU LilyPond 2.16.0
Processing `'
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects... warning: ignoring too many clashing note
   bf'1   ef''1  ef''1  gs''1  af''1  
  cs'''1 warning: ignoring too many clashing note
   bf'1   ef''1  ef''1  gs''1  
   af''1  cs'''1 warning: ignoring too many clashing note
   bf'1   ef''1  ef''1  
gs''1  af''1  cs'''1 warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns
   g'1g'1   c''1c''1   f''1   f''1 warning: ignoring too many clashing note
  g'1   c''1c''1   f''1   f''1 warning: ignoring too many clashing note
   bf'1   ef''1  
 ef''1  gs''1  af''1  cs'''1
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `'...
Converting to `./atonal_post_01.pdf'...
Success: compilation successfully completed

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stem directions in music for voice and guitar

2013-03-16 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Thanks to everyone who responded.

Mark Stephen Mrotek writes:
 When I write polyphony for the piano I use
  { %here pitches for top voice 
  { %here pitches for bottom voice

Yes, your solution works and I have used it in the past.
I was trying to figure out how to use the named voices technique
as I was told it might be better for the polyphonic guitar
music that I write.  And Mr. Nick Payne showed me how to do
just that.

Then, David Kastrup wrote: writes:
  (1) In the guitar part, even though I have \voiceOne marked with \stemUp
  and \voiceTwo marked with \stemDown, why do the stems go down
  in both voices?
 Because there is only ever one voice.  To create new voices, you need to
 write  ... \\ ...  or explicitly \new Voice.  If you write  ... 
 that is just a way of rearranging the writing order in a single voice.
 In this particular case, all of \voiceOne \stemUp \voiceTwo \stemDown
 happen at the same musical time in the same voice.  \voiceTwo takes
 effect, and \stemDown does nothing more since it is already implied in

Thank you for your explanation.  So I was missing the 
the \new Voice tags and brackets.   To create this guitar
and voice example, I began working working from a piano choral
example that I had posted on this list and received some feedback on.
I got the example to work in that it did what I wanted, but
perhaps it was still not an example of lilypond best
practices.  Although it is a four voice choral for piano, at
no time does this example use the \new Voice tag.

Appended is my working example for this choral.   Should I be using
the \new Voice tag in this appended example?  Might I be headed for problems
working this way without the \new Voice tag?

Thank you all again for your help and feedback.

\version 2.16.0

\score {

  \new PianoStaff
 \new Staff = up
   \clef treble
   \time 4/4
   \key cs \minor
  e'2  e'2   e'2   fs'2fs'2  e'2   ds'!2   ds'2cs'1
  cs'2  cs'2  cs'2 d'2  bs2  cs'2  cs'2   bs2  gs1
 \new Staff = down
   \clef bass
   \time 4/4
   \key cs \minor

  gs2 gs2 a2 a2   gs2 gs2 gs2 fs2   e1
  cs2 b,2 a,2 fs,2 gs,2  gs,2  gs,2  gs,2   cs1

  \layout {

\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
  \midi {
 \context {
   \remove Staff_performer
 \context {
   \consists Staff_performer

 \context {
   tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 96 4)
  } % \midi

} % score

lilypond-user mailing list

stem directions in music for voice and guitar

2013-03-15 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Attached is the beginning of an arrangement for
voice and guitar.  The guitar part is two part counterpoint
in which I would like to control where the steps go up or

(1) In the guitar part, even though I have \voiceOne marked with \stemUp
and \voiceTwo marked with \stemDown, why do the stems go down
in both voices?

(2) Is this snippet considered an example of best practice, or
how might others structure a file for such a group of instruments?

Thank you for your help.

\version 2.16.0

\score {

  \new Staff = voice
\clef treble
\time 3/4

c''2 c''4
e''8 d''8 c''8 b'4  a'8
b'2  r4

  \new Staff = guitar
\clef treble_8
\time 3/4

  c'2 c'4
  b2  a4
  c'8 d'8 e'4 f'4
  e'4 d'2
  c2   c4
  g2   c'4
  r4   g'4  d'4
  g'4.   fs'4.


} % score

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: No time signature or bar lines

2013-02-10 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Thanks to everyone for all of the helpful information !

lilypond-user mailing list

No time signature or bar lines

2013-02-09 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I need to create musical examples for instruction
and many of these ideally would have no bar lines
or time signatures.  Appended is such an example.
(1) the example below is pretty much what I want expect
that there is space where the time signature would normally go 
(I erase the time signature with
\override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t but the space
is still there). 

How can I get rid of this space?
(2) Are the \cadenzaOn and \cadenzaOff tags the standard way to
write musical examples without bar lines or are there
other ways that might be preferable in such examples?

Thank you for your help.


\version 2.16.0

\score { % score

  \new Staff
  \time 4/4
  \key c \major
  \clef treble
 c'1   d'1   e'1   f'1   g'1   a'1   b'1
 c''1  d''1  e''1  f''1  g''1  a''1  b''1

  \layout {

\context {
   \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 

} % score


lilypond-user mailing list

simple choral example: warnings/clashes and no midi

2012-11-25 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I am still relatively new to lilypond.
I have a simple four voice choral attached.

This example produces numerous warnings about
clashing notes which look like: warning: ignoring too many 
clashing note columns
e'2  e'2   e'2   fs'2fs'2  e'2   ds'!2   ds'cs'

Why is this happening?

Also, this example fails to produce a midi file.
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?

As far as the structure of my file:

  \new PianoStaff
 \new Staff = up
   \new Voice = up { }
   \new Voice = up { }
 \new Staff = down
   \new Voice { }
   \new Voice { }

Is this considered an example of best practice, or how
might others structure a four voice choral.

Finally, at the beginning of the four measure in
the soprano and alto, the d# and c# collide.
I would have thought lilypond would have taken care
of this.  What do I need to do to fix this?

Thank you very much for your time and patience.

\version 2.16.0

\score {

  \new PianoStaff
 \new Staff = up
   \clef treble
   \time 4/4
   \key cs \minor
   \new Voice = up
  e'2  e'2   e'2   fs'2fs'2  e'2   ds'!2   ds'cs'
   \new Voice = up
  cs'2  cs'2  cs'2 d'2  bs2  cs'2  cs'2   bs2  gs2
 \new Staff = down
   \clef bass
   \time 4/4
   \key cs \minor

   \new Voice
  gs2 gs2 a2 a2   gs2 gs2 gs2 fs2   e2
   \new Voice
  cs2 b,2 a,2 fs,2 gs,2  gs,2  gs,2  gs,2   cs2


  \layout {

\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
  \midi {
 \context {
   tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 72 4)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: simple choral example: warnings/clashes and no midi

2012-11-25 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Thank you very much for you answers!

Thomas Morley writes:
  This example produces numerous warnings about
  clashing notes which look like:
  Why is this happening?
 Because of many clashing note columns  ;)
 To avoid this use \voiceOne and \voiceTwo, or write chords
  Also, this example fails to produce a midi file.
  Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?
 \midi should be _in_ score:
 \score {
 \new PianoStaff { ... }
 \layout { ... }
 \midi { ... }

lilypond-user mailing list

Creating charts, not scores: horizontally lining up

2012-11-11 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I need to make a number of charts that demonstrate various kinds of
non-traditional scales.  Appended is a lilypond example towards
something I would like to do.   The first issue I would
like to deal with is as follows:

I need the rests and notes to line up precisely.  D natural on
the lower stave needs to fall exactly below D natural on the upper

Likewise, an eighth rest in front of a Csharp on the lower
stave needs to fall exactly below a a C natural on the upper stave.


Once this is solved, I would like to replace the
eighth rests with eight spaces (I know, use s8 instead of r8)
and then make the stems disappear.

Any pointers would be appreciated.  Thank you.

\version 2.16.0

#(set-default-paper-size letter 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\bookpart { % BOOKPART BEGIN

\score {

  \new Staff
\clef bass
\time 3/4
e,8 r8 r8 g,8 gs,8 r8 as,8 b,8 r8 cs8 r8 ds8 r8 r8 fs8 g8 r8 a8 as8 r8
\clef treble
c'8 r8 d'8 r8 r8 f'8 fs'8 r8 gs'8 a'8 r8 b'8 r8 cs''8 r8 r8 e''8 f''8 r8 
g''8 gs''8 r8 as''8 r8 c'''8 r8 r8 ds'''8 e'''8 r8 fs'''8 g'''8 r8 a'''8 r8 

  \layout {

\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
   \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 

\score {

  \new Staff
 \clef bass
 \time 3/4
 e,8 r8 r8 g,8 r8 a,8 r8 b,8 c8 r8 d8 ds8 r8 r8 fs8 r8 gs8 r8 as8 b8
 \clef treble
 r8 cs'8 d'8 r8 r8 f'8 r8 g'8 r8 a'8 as'8 r8 c''8 cs''8 r8 r8 e''8 r8 fs''8 
r8 gs''8 a''8 r8 b''8 c'''8 r8 r8 ds'''8 r8 f'''8 r8 g'''8 gs'''8 r8 as'''8 

  \layout {

\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
   \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 


attachment: test_test_03-simp01.png\version 2.16.0

#(set-default-paper-size letter 'landscape)
#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\bookpart { % BOOKPART BEGIN

\score {

  \new Staff
\clef bass
\time 3/4
e,8 r8 r8 g,8 gs,8 r8 as,8 b,8 r8 cs8 r8 ds8 r8 r8 fs8 g8 r8 a8 as8 r8
\clef treble
c'8 r8 d'8 r8 r8 f'8 fs'8 r8 gs'8 a'8 r8 b'8 r8 cs''8 r8 r8 e''8 f''8 r8 
g''8 gs''8 r8 as''8 r8 c'''8 r8 r8 ds'''8 e'''8 r8 fs'''8 g'''8 r8 a'''8 r8 

  \layout {

\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
   \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 

\score {

  \new Staff
 \clef bass
 \time 3/4
 e,8 r8 r8 g,8 r8 a,8 r8 b,8 c8 r8 d8 ds8 r8 r8 fs8 r8 gs8 r8 as8 b8
 \clef treble
 r8 cs'8 d'8 r8 r8 f'8 r8 g'8 r8 a'8 as'8 r8 c''8 cs''8 r8 r8 e''8 r8 fs''8 
r8 gs''8 a''8 r8 b''8 c'''8 r8 r8 ds'''8 r8 f'''8 r8 g'''8 gs'''8 r8 as'''8 

  \layout {

\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
   \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 


lilypond-user mailing list

the new vertical spacing between systems syntax

2012-08-05 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Concerning the examples in the manual, section 4.4.2:

   4.4.2 Explicit staff and system positioning

I don't understand the reason that the variables that
override default spacing between systems:

  #'line-break-system-details #'((X-offset . 20))
  #'line-break-system-details #'((Y-offset . 40))
  #'line-break-system-details #'((X-offset . 20) (Y-offset . 40))
  #'line-break-system-details #'((alignment-distances . (15)))
  #'line-break-system-details #'((X-offset . 20) (Y-offset . 40) 
(alignment-distances . (15)))

are within  one of the \new Voice brackets:

\new Voice { }

Since these vertical spacing over-rides are to
supposed to effect spacing between systems
why are is this syntax inserted within 
just one of the voices of a system?

I would have thought that syntax to indicate
spacing between systems would have been
placed within the \score {} brackets before
any of the \new Staff brackets.

Is my question clear?  Thank you for your help.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Dealing with Deprecation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-30 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

-Eluze writes:

 ivan.k.kuznetsov wrote:
  Trevor Daniels writes:
   Did you use to 'upgrade' your lilypond score?
  How has this been working for others?

 I always had good experiences with it!

 please try it and report your results!

Well, it did change the version number correctly to:

 \version 2.15.39

Other than that,  convert-ly did nothing to my .ly files.

But then, vertical spacing between systems had such
a big change in syntax that it would be _difficult_
to write a script to change the old vertical spacing
syntax to the new.

lilypond-user mailing list

Current Documentation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Trevor Daniels writes: wrote Saturday, July 28, 2012 9:27 PM
  I started looking at the 2.14 documentation (the most
  recent I could find at 
 Please use the documentation for 2.15.41:

Thank you for directing me to the 2.15 documentation.
When when goes to and clicks on the
Manuals link, one is directed to Manuals for LilyPond 2.14.2.

Could the maintainers of the page put a link to the
most current documentation here?


lilypond-user mailing list

Dealing with Deprecation (Was Re: Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?)

2012-07-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Trevor Daniels writes:

 You'll find the documentation for 2.15 to the right of the
 home page, under Quick links.

 Vertical spacing in 2.14 and 2.15 is completely different from
 2.12.  You'll need to read section 4.1.4 rather than 4.4.2 in
 the Notation Reference.

Does such a large revision of syntax where keywords are deprecated
happen often?  How do people who have large collections of lilypond
scores deal with this?

wjm writes:

 Did you use to 'upgrade' your lilypond score?

And I was not aware of this option, thank you for
bringing it to my attention.  Still, I would guess
that converting old versions of lilypond scores to the latest
version with a script would not be flawless.

How has this been working for others?


lilypond-user mailing list

Vertical spacing: Was between-system-space deprecated?

2012-07-28 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I am interested in controlling the vertical spacing
within systems.

I recently migrated from 2.12.2 to 2.15.39 .

In my one lilypond score, the spacing between
systems changed greatly between the PDFs built with
these two versions

Online documentation v2.12, has a section that specifically
discusses this:

  4.4.2 Vertical spacing between systems

and discusses the use of the following four variables:

  between-system-space = 1.5\cm
  between-system-padding = #1

I started looking at the 2.14 documentation (the most
recent I could find at and the title
of 4.4.2 was changed to:

   4.4.2 Explicit staff and system positioning

(which generally means the same thing) though now this
section includes no mention of the 
between-system-space and between-system-padding

Are these four variables considered deprecated?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating Musical Examples without Meter

2011-11-06 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Graham Percival writes:
 On Sat, Nov 05, 2011 at 02:46:58PM -0500, wrote:
  Okay, the syntax I am using in my example:
 #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
  is an example of proportional notation, no?  If not,
 Is that what it says to do in Notation 4 Spacing - proportional
 notation?  Probably something like 4.5.6 ?

Yes, that is the syntax that is given in 4.5.6, though I don't
completely understand is yet.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating Musical Examples without Meter

2011-11-06 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Bill Mooney writes:
 By using two 'Score' statements I think your requirement is met, EXCEPT 
 that it works only if the example is only one system. By choosing a 
 wider page eg 'landscape' mode one might be able to obtain a fairly 
 large example (more measures) while staying in the 'one-line' limitation.
 I hope this is of some use - obviously you will be able to adapt the 
 simple music to your specifics using Changeup changedown etc.

Thank you for your example!

lilypond-user mailing list

MIDI novice; cannot get Reference examples to play

2011-11-06 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I am _absolutely new to MIDI.  I am however
able to get some random MIDI files I found on the
web to play through my Alesis synthesizer with
the command:

aplaymidi --port 16:0  file_i_found.mid

(I am working under Linux, CentOS 5.6).

However, I cannot get any Lilypond created midi
files to play with the above syntax.  The command
will execute, but _no_ sound is produced by my

Specifically, I am trying the examples from
the Lilypond Reference  3.5.1 and 3.5.5 to
play.  The .midi files are created without error,
the aplaymidi command executes, but there
is no sound.

Can anyone suggest what I can do to remedy
this situation?  Thanks again.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: MIDI novice; cannot get Reference examples to play

2011-11-06 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Martin Tarenskeen writes:
   Do the midichannel(s) from your midi file MATCH with the midichannel(s) 
 on your synth ?

This was the ticket.  I am such a MIDI novice that at first,
I did not know what this meant.  I found a channel button on
my Alesis synth though, started pushing it, and finally, I
was able to play lilypond created MIDI files.  Thanks;

Thanks to the others who responded as well.  I will look
into installing Timidity.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating Musical Examples without Meter

2011-11-05 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Graham Percival writes:
 On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 10:43:46PM -0500, wrote:
  As far as I can tell, the only tool to notate unmetered
  music  is the \cadenzaOn,\cadenzaOff pair of tags.
  Am I right about this, or are there other ways?
 Proportional notation?  maybe as well as manually scaling
 distances with *15/16 and stuff like that?

Okay, the syntax I am using in my example:

   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)

is an example of proportional notation, no?  If not,

Ideally, there should be no time signature here but
as far as I can tell, Lilypond requires that all
compositions begin with a time signature.  Is this true,
even for music with no meter?
 No.  Remove that engraver.  Examples in the manual and in LSR.

Thanks; at
I found the syntax:

\new Staff \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver }


and that did remove the time signature.

Unfortunately, the two systems are _still_ not proportionally identical?

Can someone direct me  on how to make two more systems exactly
proportionally identical?

Thanks!  Appended is what I have so far.

\version 2.12.2

#(set-global-staff-size 19) % Default is 20

  #(set-paper-size letter)

  left-margin =  5\mm % Default is 10\mm
  line-width = 200\mm

  print-page-number = ##f
  print-first-page-number = ##f

\score {

  \new PianoStaff 

  \new Staff = up \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver }
\clef treble


\change Staff = down
g,1  a,1  b,1
c1   d1   e1   f1   g1   a1   b1

\change Staff = up
c'1  d'1  e'1  f'1  g'1  a'1  b'1

c''1 d''1 e''1

\bar  % Reference, pg. 48

\change Staff = down
g,1  a,1  b,1
c1   d1   e1   f1   g1   a1   b1

\change Staff = up
c'1  d'1  e'1  f'1  g'1  a'1  b'1
c''1 d''1 e''1


  \new Staff = down \with { \remove Time_signature_engraver }
\clef bass
s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E

\bar  % Reference, pg. 48

s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E


   \layout {

indent = 0.0
\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Creating Musical Examples Without Meter

2011-11-05 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Thanks to those who reponded.  Sorry about
my delay in writing back.

J. Boor writes:
 To turn off time signature all together, 
 do \set Score.timing = ##f

I cannot get this syntax to work.  Lilypond compiles but
the time signature is still visible.   Does this go in
the \context { } poriton, or somewhere else?

 That gets ride of time signature both visually and actually,
 if you want to insert barlines after that, inser them manually:
 If you want to break a line with no barline at the end, do 
 \bar  \break 
 Actually, I have a file with a set of definitions ( that
 allows you to write metreless music indefinitely with linebreaks inserted
 almost automatically. I will share it with you if you like.

I would very much like to see it.  Thank you for the offer!


lilypond-user mailing list

Creating Musical Examples without Meter

2011-10-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov
I would like to be able to use Lilypond to create musical
examples for inclusion in papers and slides, and often,
these musical examples will have no notated meter.

With such examples, I will want to control exactly how much
space each examples takes so that they can line up with
other examples on my slides.

As far as I can tell, the only tool to notate unmetered
music  is the \cadenzaOn,\cadenzaOff pair of tags.
Am I right about this, or are there other ways?

Appended is an in-progress example I am working on.  Yes, both
systems are identical, at this point I am just trying to get the
notes to line up exactly underneath each other between systems.

The issue that is messing me up is the transparent time signature
that is at the beginning of system one:

  Ideally, there should be no time signature here but
  as far as I can tell, Lilypond requires that all
  compositions begin with a time signature.  Is this true,
  even for music with no meter?

  This transparent time signature prevents the notes of
  systems one and two from lining up exactly.

And so:

How can I make the time signature at the beginning of this
snippet not just transparent, but gone all together?

Are there other tools that are better suited to creating musical
examples, than the ones I am using?

Thank you very much for your help;

\version 2.12.2

#(set-global-staff-size 19) % Default is 20

  #(set-paper-size letter)

  left-margin =  5\mm % Default is 10\mm
  line-width = 200\mm

  print-page-number = ##f
  print-first-page-number = ##f

\score {

  \new PianoStaff 

  \new Staff = up
\clef treble


\change Staff = down
g,1  a,1  b,1

c1   d1   e1   f1   g1   a1   b1

\change Staff = up
c'1  d'1  e'1  f'1  g'1  a'1  b'1

c''1 d''1 e''1

\bar  % Reference, pg. 48

\change Staff = down
g,1 a,1 b,1

c1  d1 e1 f1 g1 a1 b1

\change Staff = up
c'1 d'1 e'1 f'1 g'1 a'1 b'1

c''1 d''1 e''1


  \new Staff = down {
\clef bass
 s1-E s1-F s1-G
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E

\bar  % Reference, pg. 48

 s1-E s1-F s1-G
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E s1-F s1-G s1-A s1-B
s1-C s1-D s1-E


   \layout {

indent = 0.0
\context {
   \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
   \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t 

attachment: example04-post.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Adjust duration of Hairpins;

2011-09-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I have been reading the archives, and if I understand
correctly, the _only_ way to make a hairpin crescendo
or decrescendo last a duration that is shorter than an entire
whole or half note is to add a pseudo voice of invisible
rests and notate your hairpins to the pseudo voice.

Is this really the only way?

If so, I find that adding this pseudo voice causes all
kinds of unwanted consequences such as adjusting vertical
positions of rests and stem directions in the actual music.
This is not good.

As an example, in the appended snippet I need to
have the decrescendo underneath the A flat start
proportionally one eight note duration after the
beginning of that A flat.

Can someone give me some pointers on how to achieve

Thank you for your help and suggestions.

\version 2.12.3

\score {
   \new Staff = voice

 \clef treble

 \time 3/4

 % voice m03
 fs'2^\mf (e'8) g'8^\mp

 % voice m04
 ([e'8]) r8 g'8^\mp ([e'8] g'8^\ [e'8]

 % voice m05
 \time 4/4
 af'2^\!^\ )  r4^\! f'4^\mp
   \addlyrics{ Smear Smear Smear }

\layout {
  \context {

 \override SpacingSpanner
   #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1 32)  %% pg.

  proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 8) %% pg 364

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adjust duration of Hairpins;

2011-09-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Thanks to Kieren and David!;

Kieren MacMillan writes:

 Then you're doing it incorrectly -- here's the same snippet,
 using a pseudo voice for the dynamics:

\time 4/4  { af'2*1/4 s8*3) r4 f'4 } { s8\! s8*3\ s4\! s\mp }% m05

Thanks; this helps me greatly.

 1. You don't have to (and, indeed, shouldn't) use ^\mf to attach your 
 dynamics -- if
 you want all your dynamics above the staff, you should change it globally 
 with \dynamicUp

Another great tip!

 2. You should review your use of brackets and parentheses (note how I've 
 adjusted them in
 these snippets): they do not follow Lilypond conventions, and may produce 
 consequences someday.


 Hope this helps!

It most certainly does.  Thanks again!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adjust duration of Hairpins;

2011-09-29 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Kieren MacMillan writes:

 -- here's the same snippet, using a pseudo voice for the dynamics:

   af'2*1/4\! s8*3\) r4\! f'4\mp

Actually, can you identify the place in the reference manual that the above
syntax (the parts with the asterisks) is discussed? 

Thanks again.

lilypond-user mailing list

\mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn, voice and stem issue

2011-05-08 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Appended is a snippet of two measures, the first measure
is what I intended, the second measure is not.

In the second measure, I would like the top voice
triplet 16th notes B natural and A natural to occupy the
same space as the lower voice dotted quarter notes
B natural and A natural, thus these top voice triplet
16th notes disappear.

This happens exactly as I want it in the first measure where
the F and Bb  16th notes disappear because the space
is occupied by the F and Bb half notes.

So far, working with the \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn  command
has been hit or miss with me. Sometimes I get my intention
with it, other times not.  Can someone coach me so that I can
get my desired result?

Thank you for your help.  An image of the generated measures
is attached.

\version 2.12.3

  \new Staff = guitar
\clef treble_8

% measure 01 
\time 4/4

   f,16  d16 g8  d4 g4 
   bf,16 g16 b8  g4 b4 
{ \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn  f,2  bf,2 }

% measure 02 
\time 3/4

 \times 2/3 { b,16 af16 c'16 } af4 c'4 \times 2/3 { a,16 fs16  b16 } 
fs4 b4 bf'4
{ \mergeDifferentlyHeadedOn  b,4. a,4.   }


attachment: issue01c.png___
lilypond-user mailing list

Can't get \arpeggio to work

2011-05-08 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

According to the reference manual,

all I need to do is append the \arpeggio tag to a chord construct,
as I do in my appended snippet.  However, the following snippet
produces the message: error: syntax error, unexpected EVENT_IDENTIFIER
  bf,4 gs4 b4a,4 bf4 d'4 
 \arpeggio error: errors found, ignoring music expression

Can someone advise?  Thanks!

\version 2.12.3

   \new Staff = guitar
 \clef treble_8
 \time 2/4

  bf,4 gs4 b4a,4 bf4 d'4 \arpeggio

lilypond-user mailing list

ghostscript-8.70-6 broke my lilypond, no more PDF

2011-04-25 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I am using lilypond 2.12.3 under CentOS 5.6.  Recently,
I ran the CentOS recommended updates and I updated from
ghostscript-8.15.2-9.12 to ghostscript-8.70-6.

Since that time, lilypond no longer works for me in that
lilypond .ps files but no longer produces .pdf files.
Here is what the output at the command line look like:

   GNU LilyPond 2.12.3
   Processing `'
   Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32]
   Preprocessing graphical objects...
   Finding the ideal number of pages...
   Fitting music on 1 page...
   Drawing systems...
   Layout output to `'...
   Converting to `./song02.pdf'...
   -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
   -sOutputFile=./song02.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f' failed (256)
   error: failed files:

Have I stumbled onto a bug?  How can I get lilypond to
produce PDF files again.

Evidentally, it is not so easy to roll back updates
under CentOS.


lilypond-user mailing list

PDFs no longer created: error: -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4

2011-04-23 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Lilypond .ly files that created .pdf files just fine
a few weeks ago no longer work.  I get the messages:

   Preprocessing graphical objects...
   Finding the ideal number of pages...
   Fitting music on 1 page...
   Drawing systems...
   Layout output to `'...
   Converting to `./song01.pdf'...
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite 
-sOutputFile=./song01.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f' failed (256)
   error: failed files:

I am using version \version 2.12.3 and I have _not_ upgraded
my lilypond installation ever ( I have only been using lilypond
less than two months).

My OS is CentOS 5.6 and I have done perhaps 100 or more package
updates to the operating system in the last week though.  Among
other packages that were updated was the Cups package.  Several
libraries were also updated.

Might updating the OS packages have caused lilypond to
no longer produce .pdf files?

If so, I guess a solution would be to uninstall and then
reinstall lilypond?


lilypond-user mailing list

First page completed; tweaking questions

2011-04-09 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

I have my first page of music notated with lilypond here:

CONCERNING area's marked in red A1 and A2:

Sometimes I require one note to have two stems indicating
that the note belongs to two voices.  A2 worked out
as I intended but for A1, ideally I would just like the
half-note G# visible and the triplet eighth-note G# invisible,
so that the first stem of the triplet is the a stem
attached to the half-note G# (and the half-note G# still has
its downward stem also).  How can this be achieved?

CONCERNING the area's marked B1, B2, B3, and B4:

Look at B1 for example.  The triplet bracket circled is
too short, I want all triplet brackets to take the entire
duration, not just go to the last stem.

Also, in the special case of B1, where I have two
voices each with a triplet, notationally only one
bracket is necessary.  Is there any way to make one
of the bracket's invisible (like an s rest)?

CONCERNING the area's marked C1, C2, and C3:
Can I tilt the right side of the triplet bracket
down at C1 and C3?  At C2i, can I tilt the
left side of the beam upwards so it is over the rest?

Thank you for your pointers!

lilypond-user mailing list

intro; art song example or template?

2011-04-07 Thread ivan . k . kuznetsov

Hello All;

I am a first time poster.  I have much experience with
linux and latex and so hopefully I will catch on
to lilypond without too much trouble.

I am a composer of mostly atonal music, often with
a lot of time signature changes (or with passages
that have no time signatures), to give you
an idea of the kinds of issues I am be facing.

My first lilypond project is too notate some songs I
wrote for soprano and classical guitar.

Can someone recommend a template or even a finished
song that I could begin with?

Thank you for your help;  Ivan

lilypond-user mailing list