Re: ignoring between-system-padding

2007-03-18 Thread jim altieri

Graham and Joe,
 Thanks for your responses.  It turns out that switching back to 2.10 
did the trick.  Thanks for the help!


Joe Neeman wrote:

On Sunday 18 March 2007 14:31, jim altieri wrote:

  I'm going a little batty trying to fine-tune the vertical spacing on
my score.  It's too complex to include here, but suffice to say, when I
typeset the file, I get the following warning:
warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
  What is the code equivalent of, Please, LilyPond, stop ignoring me?

In this case, there isn't one. The problem is that, in order to work out where 
to put page breaks, LilyPond estimates the height of each system. If it 
consistently underestimates the height, it might choose a page breaking 
configuration where the systems don't actually fit on the page. When it comes 
time to actually produce the pages, LilyPond realises that they don't fit and 
it ignores between-system-padding as a workaround (rather than having the 
systems run off the bottom of the page).

There are a few things you can do:
1) Add annotate-spacing = ##t to your paper block. Compare Y-extent and 
Y-extent-estimate on the output. If you notice that the estimates are bad, 
send a bug report.
2) Set page-breaking-between-system-padding in the paper block to something 
larger than between-system-padding. This will trick the page breaker into 
thinking that you want more padding than you really do. As a result, it will 
put fewer systems on each page.
3) Set system-count to the number of systems you want. This currently bypasses 
all the height-estimation stuff.
4) Try 2.11.21 when it comes out; there is at least one issue that was fixed 
5) Use 2.10 instead of 2.11, where things like this are less likely to come 



lilypond-user mailing list

ignoring between-system-padding

2007-03-17 Thread jim altieri

 I'm going a little batty trying to fine-tune the vertical spacing on 
my score.  It's too complex to include here, but suffice to say, when I 
typeset the file, I get the following warning:

   warning: Can't fit systems on page -- ignoring between-system-padding
 What is the code equivalent of, Please, LilyPond, stop ignoring me?
 I'd really like it to use at least a certain padding between systems, 
otherwise use fewer systems per page.  As of now, I don't have explicit 
line or system breaks.

 I'm using 2.11.20, on MacOSX.
jim altieri

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond fonts in another format

2007-01-01 Thread jim altieri

Hi everybody,
 I was wondering, does anyone have a converted version of the lilypond 
fonts (specifically, New Century Schoolbook) in a format that's usable 
by other Mac applications (like Illustrator).  I'm working on a graphic 
score that I would like to have the same typography as the other 
movements, which I'm notating in Lilypond.
 I'm having trouble getting FontForge to work for me... anyone else get 
dyld errors when you try to run it?


lilypond-user mailing list

dotted vertical lines between notes

2006-12-13 Thread jim altieri

Hi everybody,
 In a proportional notation score, I'd like to be able to draw dotted 
vertical lines between pairs (or groups) of notes that have simultaneous 
attacks.  I have a feeling that if it's possible it uses the GridLines 
function, but I'm not sure how to make it only go between certain 
staves.  I've included a short score to indicate what I mean... I'd like 
to draw dotted vertical lines between pairs of notes that in this 
example are colored red.

jim altieri

\version 2.10.0

\header {

staffViolin = \new Staff  {
   \time 4/4
   \set Staff.instrument=Violin
   \set Staff.midiInstrument=violin
   \key c \major
   \clef treble
   \relative c' {
   c1*1/9 d1*1/9 e1*1/9 \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red 
f1*1/9 g1*1/9 a1*1/9 \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red b1*1/9 
c1*1/9 d1*1/9
   c,1*1/10 d1*1/10 \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red e1*1/10 
f1*1/10 \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red g1*1/10 a1*1/10 \once 
\override NoteHead #'color = #red b1*1/10 c1*1/10 \once \override 
NoteHead #'color = #red d1*1/10 e1*1/10

   \bar |.

staffViolinII = \new Staff  {
   \set Staff.instrument=Violin
   \set Staff.midiInstrument=violin
   \key c \major
   \clef treble
   \relative c' {
   c1*1/3 \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red d1*1/3 \once 
\override NoteHead #'color = #red e1*1/3 f1*1/3 g1*1/3 a1*1/3

   \bar |.

staffViola = \new Staff  {
   \set Staff.instrument=Viola
   \set Staff.midiInstrument=viola
   \key c \major
   \clef alto
   \relative c' {
   c1*1/5 d1*1/5 e1*1/5 f1*1/5 g1*1/5 a1*1/5 \once \override NoteHead 
#'color = #red b1*1/5 \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red c1*1/5 
\once \override NoteHead #'color = #red d1*1/5 \once \override NoteHead 
#'color = #red e1*1/5

   \bar |.


\score {
   \layout  {


\paper {

lilypond-user mailing list

Helmholtz-Ellis tuning sponsors?

2006-10-23 Thread jim altieri

Hi all,
 So, I'm working on a big just intonation piece.  I've come across Marc 
Sabat's Helmholtz-Ellis tuning system ( ), and I dig it.  I'd really 
like these microtonal symbols integrated into Lilypond.  Would anyone 
else be up for co-sponsoring this with me? Han-Wen, is this a fairly 
straightforward task? He's already made the symbols available as TT fonts.

jim altieri

lilypond-user mailing list

how to have barlines in only one instrument, except ending barline

2006-10-20 Thread jim altieri

 I'm almost done with this score.  I'd like to have the vocal line 
without any barlines, except for the ending barline.  So, I can't remove 
the bar_engraver, otherwise I don't get the ending barline.  How do I do 

jim altieri

\version 2.8.7

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size 11x17 'landscape)
   after-title-space = 1\in
   top-margin = 0.5\in

   title = thirty-two feet per second per second
  composer = Jim Altieri
   tagline =

melody = \relative c {   
   \clef G_8

   \key g \major
   \mark \markup { \hspace #0 \raise #3 { Floating ({ \note #8 
#1.0 } =190) }}

   \hideNotes e,4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata\p\
   \hideNotes g4 \glissando \unHideNotes c1\fermata
   \hideNotes a4 \glissando \unHideNotes d1\fermata
   \hideNotes b4 \glissando \unHideNotes e1\fermata
   \hideNotes c4 \glissando \unHideNotes fis1\fermata
   \hideNotes e4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata
   \hideNotes g4 \glissando \unHideNotes c1\fermata
   \hideNotes a4 \glissando \unHideNotes d1\fermata
   \hideNotes b4 \glissando \unHideNotes e1\fermata
   \hideNotes c4 \glissando \unHideNotes fis1\fermata
   \hideNotes e4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata
   \hideNotes g4 \glissando \unHideNotes c1\fermata
   \hideNotes a4 \glissando \unHideNotes d1\fermata
   \hideNotes b4 \glissando \unHideNotes e1\fermata
   \hideNotes c4 \glissando \unHideNotes fis1\fermata\!\fff
   \hideNotes d4 \glissando \unHideNotes gis1\fermata
   \hideNotes e4 \glissando \unHideNotes a1\fermata
   \bar |.

upper = \relative c' {

   \clef treble
   \key g \major
   e8\p [ fis c'] e,[ fis c']
   \bar :|
   \set crescendoText = \markup { \italic repeat ad lib. cresc. e 
accel. poco a poco }

\set crescendoSpanner = #'dashed-line
   \hideNotes c4\ \unHideNotes
   \skip 1*82/4
   \bar |
   \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
   d,8\!\ff~ [ e~ bes'~] \hideNotes d, e bes'4.

lower = \relative c {

   \clef bass
   \key g \major
d8\sustainDown[ a'] d,[ a'] d,[ a']
   \skip 1*83/4
   \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
   c,8~ [ g'~] \hideNotes a8 c, g'4.\sustainUp

\score {
  \new Staff 
   \set Staff.instrument = Voice 
  \new PianoStaff 

   \set PianoStaff.instrument = Piano
\new Staff = upper \upper
\new Staff = lower  \lower

  \layout {
   indent = #9
ragged-right = ##t


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: how to have barlines in only one instrument, except ending barline

2006-10-20 Thread jim altieri
Thanks for the help, Kieren! Just for the archives' sake, it's 
Staff.BarLine, rather than Staff.Barline.


Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi, Jim:

I'd like to have the vocal line without any barlines, except for the 
ending barline.

\override Staff.Barline #'transparent = ##t

then just before the last barline

\revert Staff.Barline #'transparent

Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

help with uneven proportional notation

2006-10-13 Thread jim altieri

 I'm new to lilypond, and apologize if this is a simple question.  I've 
searched the documentation and the online archives, and I can't seem to 
figure out what the problem is.  I have a piece in proportional-time 
notation, yet some of the notes do not seem to be evenly spaced.  
Particularly, observe the violin 1 spacing.  All of the notes have the 
same duration, and therefore should be evenly spaced.  I have 
experimented with many different values of make-moment, and this does 
not seem to have any effect.  Below is my score.

Thanks for your time,
jim altieri

\version 2.8.7-1

\paper {
 #(set-paper-size 11x17 'landscape)

   title = for Jim (waving) DRAFT 13oct2006
  composer = Jim Altieri
   tagline =

global =
   \key c \major
   \time 4/4   


violinOne = \new Voice { \relative c''{
\set Staff.instrument = Violin 1 

c4*105\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando
c\glissando d\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando

\bar |. }}

violinTwo = \new Voice { \relative c''{
\set Staff.instrument = Violin 2 

bes4*120\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando
bes\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando
bes\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando
bes\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando
bes\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando
bes\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando
bes\glissando c\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando

\bar |. }}

violinThree = \new Voice { \relative c''{
\set Staff.instrument = Violin 3 

g4*140\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando e\glissando
g\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando g\glissando
g\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando g\glissando
g\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando g\glissando
g\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando g\glissando
g\glissando bes\glissando g\glissando g\glissando

\bar |. }}

violaOne = \new Voice { \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrument = Viola 1
\clef alto

e4*168\glissando g\glissando e\glissando c\glissando
e\glissando g\glissando e\glissando c\glissando
e\glissando g\glissando e\glissando c\glissando
e\glissando g\glissando e\glissando c\glissando
e\glissando g\glissando e\glissando c\glissando

\bar |. }}

violaTwo = \new Voice { \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrument = Viola 2
\clef alto

c4*210\glissando e\glissando c\glissando g\glissando
c\glissando e\glissando c\glissando g\glissando
c\glissando e\glissando c\glissando g\glissando
c\glissando e\glissando c\glissando g\glissando

\bar |. }}   

violaThree = \new Voice { \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrument = Viola 3
\clef alto

g4*280\glissando c\glissando g\glissando c,\glissando
g'\glissando c\glissando g\glissando c,\glissando
g'\glissando c\glissando g\glissando c,\glissando

\bar |. }}

cello = \new Voice { \relative c {
\set Staff.instrument = Cello 
\clef bass

c4*420\glissando g'\glissando c,\glissando c,\glissando
c'\glissando g'\glissando c,\glissando c,\glissando

\bar |.}}

\score {
\new StaffGroup 
\set Score.barAlways = ##f
\new Staff  \global \violinOne 
\new Staff  \global \violinTwo 
\new Staff  \global \violinThree 
\new Staff  \global \violaOne 
\new Staff  \global \violaTwo 
\new Staff  \global \violaThree 
\new Staff  \global \cello 


\layout {
%ragged-right = ##t
indent = #9
\context {
   \remove Bar_engraver
   \remove Rest_engraver
\context {
   proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 128 4)

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