Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread yota moteuchi
On 9/7/07, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Yota, Gerard, et al.,

 I assume you've looked at \repeatTie (and the equivalent
 \repeatSlur), and it's not working for you?


If only \repeatSlur would exist...
as for \repeatTie, I'm looking for it's counterpart : a slur bound to an
absent following note (whereas \repeatTie is a tie from an absent precedent

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: need a slur in a alternative repeat

2007-09-07 Thread yota moteuchi
On 6/24/07, gerard stouten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi there,

 i need a slur in a repeat. i can not figure out how to do it, maybe you
 help me.

 (a8) r8 f4 \bar || \mark \default f2 f8(g8) bes8 c8 d2 bes4 f4 c'2 a4 f4
 \alternative {{f8) r8 f4} { f8 r4.}}

 The last f2 has a slur to the f8 in alternative ending 1. but it should
 have a slur to the f8 in the second alternative ending, soort of a

 Is there a solution for this?

I have a similar problem : i.e. a slur in a first alternative, continue to
the start of the repeat
in my edition of the hungarian march it's written like in the picture. The
slur seems to tend toward the repeat sign.

I try this tweak but I'm not satisfied with it

\times 1/3 { sol,8 [ ( la si ] } \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
\once \override Stem #'transparent = ##t do8 )

since the slur go to invisible notehead and not to the repeat bar... and the
empty space let by the invisible notehead is ... really visible.

Would someone have a more elegant way to do this ?

attachment: slur.png___
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repeats, nested repeats and alternatives

2007-09-06 Thread yota moteuchi
Dear Mailing list

I have a bunch of questions about the repeat syntax I'll like to submit to
\version 2.11.28

1) About numbering
here is a ordinar situation of repeat volta with an alternative :

\repeat volta 2 {
a b c b
\alternative {
{ e f e f }
{ e f e b}
c a e f
d e a g
f e f a
e e g d

(the resulting output is the first staff of the joined pdf)
A problem is raised by the numbering of the measures... the first
alternative shouldn't be counted but it is... so I corrected it manually

\repeat volta 2 {
a b c b
\alternative {
{ e f e f }
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #2
{ e f e b}
c a e f
d e a g
f e f a
e e g d

(the resulting output is the second staff of the joined pdf)
Here, magically, the second alternative bar vanished... why ?!

2) About nested repeats
In the Hungarian March of Berlioz, there is many repeats and once in the
piece the second alternative continues a during few measures which are
themselves repeated. Here is a simplified example :

\set Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 4 4)
\repeat volta 2 {
a b c b
\alternative {
{ e f e f }
{ \repeat volta 2 {
e f e b
c a e f
d e a g
f e f a
e e g d

(the resulting output is the third staff of the joined pdf)
The problem here is obviously the spanner, far too long. While \set
Staff.voltaSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 4 4) don't change anything
(and I don't know why !)

3) Collapsing alternatives
This is more a suggestion than a question but when dealing with big
orchestral parts, the \alternative tag is very painful to maintain. Indeed,
in some case, trumpets have the same alternatives bars (i.e. alternative 1.
and 2. are duplicates) and should/might be collapsed into one bar. While in
the conductor it have to remain expanded (because flutes have different
Could this automatic collapsing (and numbering) be implemeted easily or
obtained via a tweak ?

lilypond-user mailing list

temporary extra voice

2007-06-22 Thread yota moteuchi

I have a violin part which, for some bars, split into two voices.

I first tried this :
- create a violin_voice_a
- add a violin_voice_b, containing rests everywhere except on those few bars
where there is two voices
- stack the two vioces using a hara_kiri context for the second one in order
to hide empty staves

The result is schematized as Fig 2 (see the picture)

Which is far different from what I can find in the litterature (fig 1)
where, on the splitted staves but unsplitted voices, the violin_voice_a is
printed on both the upper and the lower staves of the system.
How could I obtain this result automagically ?


attachment: double voices.png___
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\smallCaps how to

2007-04-24 Thread yota moteuchi

\version 2.11.20

Given this piece of the titling scheme

scoreTitleMarkup = \markup {
   \column {
   \on-the-fly #print-all-headers { \bookTitleMarkup \hspace #1 }
   \line {
   \fromproperty #'header:piece

I would like to display the piece name as small caps.
\smallCaps string seems to work but when I put it in front of a complex
expression like \fromproperty #'header:piece I got a bunch of errors

Preprocessing graphical
markup-commands.scm:980:64: In procedure string-list in expression
(string-list text):
markup-commands.scm:980:64: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting
string): (#procedure fromproperty-markup (layout props symbol)

And once again, I'm not fluent enough in scheme to catch the subtilities.

Thank you for your help

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: keeping rendered pdf file size down

2007-04-21 Thread yota moteuchi

you could try to remove the point-n-click information


On 21 Apr 2007 11:04:18 -0700, Kieran Coulter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I first want to thanks Mats for the help with the Chopin Ballade.

My next question is how to keep the rendered pdf size down to the same
amount of KB the included pdf's usually end up having. For example, the
included Bach Partita No.2 Sinfonia letter pdf file size is 238KB, but
when I render the .ly to check version compatibility, the output pdf file is
921KB. What is necessary to ensure the smallest file output size possible?



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Re: midi2ly: makeshift patch

2007-04-11 Thread yota moteuchi

On 4/9/07, Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alexander Hanysz wrote:
 Below is a patch for what on my system is the file
 /usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/midi2ly (I'm using version 2.10.20).

 Fixed (?): the --key command line argument is recognised; key signatures
 and time signatures now appear correctly; rests are visible.

Do you have a test file for this?  If I can easily verify that this
works, I'll commit these changes.

 Not tested: changes of key or time within a piece.

 To do: correct notation for syncopated notes and for rests that span
 more than one bar; the --output argument doesn't seem to work.

 Unfortunately I won't have time to continue working on this.  (I'm up
 against a deadline, so I have to go back to using Finale to finish my
 arrangement :-(  )  But someone who actually knows what they're doing
 shouldn't find it too hard to fix this up.

Unfortunately the main developers are very busy at the moment; we don't
have time to fix up patches.  If any users here know python and are
interested in helping, we welcome any assistance; otherwise this work
will go to waste.

Speaking from experience, python is an easy language to learn.  If any
users here are interested in helping out but don't know any programming
languages, python (and midi2ly) would be a great place to start.

- Graham

I'm also a bit time limited, but I have some knoledge in python. Could one
of you send me the patched version and a description of the buggy parts. I
could be able to fix it enough to insert it into the code
...well I hope so :)

lilypond-user mailing list

removeEmptyStaff one by one

2007-04-01 Thread yota moteuchi

Dear lilypond List

I have something like

\version 2.11.20
\score {
   \new StaffGroup 
   \new Staff {
   \new Staff {
   \new Staff {
\layout { \context { \removeEmptyStaffContext } }
\paper { }

It works nice... but I would like to remove the empty staffes (staves ?) for
the voices A  B (when empty) but never for the voice C.
Which mean that : even if C is empty (and A or B have some content) : don't
remove it

How could I do ?

I already had a look at the archives without finding a nice trick

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: rest merging (willing to sponsor)

2007-03-21 Thread yota moteuchi

i'm looking forward to seeing this feature implemented ^^


On 3/21/07, Arvid Grøtting [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2007/3/21, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I hope you have tried the workaround described in

While certainly usable, this workaround requires that I know which
voices I want to go to which staff, at least in the multiple-voice
staffs.  And it clutters the input.  Most importantly, it requires me
to manually specify something that Lilypond already knows.

That aside, I haven't tried it before now.  Now that I have, the
following sort-of works:

normalRests = {
  \revert Rest  #'direction
  \revert MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position

 { \normalRests c4 d r c | R1 | r2 \voiceOne r8 f f4 } \\
   { \normalRests c4 c r b | R1 | r2 \voiceTwo r4   c4 } 

...but requires me to know what voice I'm in.  I can probably work
around that and implement a \splitRests that sets these properties to
something dependent on e.g. stem directions, but it still clutters the

Anyway, I'm not looking for a workaround; I'm looking for automation
of common typesetting practice, and I probably have money to throw at
it too.



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Re: Not happy with results

2007-03-18 Thread yota moteuchi

On 3/18/07, Matthias Berndt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I tried writing a few lines with lilypond, but I don't like the way that
result looks. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but I don't think so. In
attachments, you'll find some source code and the resulting pdf.

The big bracket at the beginning of the second line crosses the bar
which looks odd to me.

Yes, this padding property is well tuned for simple staff, with the bracket
you should put a
\override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #2
somewhere in your score { }
Lilypond give a pretty good result out of the box... but manual tuning is
also a part of the game... hopefully, you can re-use your preferred tweaks
in a snap.

The crescendo at the beginning of the second line is

much longer for Alto and 2nd Bass than for Soprano, Tenor and 1st Bass,
of course it's not supposed to.

You ended your crescendo one note later in the 2nd and last part.

a4 \ b c d
e4 d \! c b
here the crescendo start on a a and end on a d (not after the d but on
it... and if the d is the first note in a bar, the typographic rule says
to stop the hairpin at the bar... even if you can disable this behaviour,
have a look at the doc)

line 27 was : g2^\mf^\ g4 (fis) g (fis)^\! e e e a a g a f fis^\ (e)
line 27 : g2^\mf^\ g4 (fis) g ( ^\! fis) e e e a a g a f fis^\ (e)
or (to show that the order doesn't matter, every supplementary symbol
always refers to the previous note : \! -. ( \mf etc.)
line 27 : g2^\mf^\ g4 (fis) g ^\! (fis) e e e a a g a f fis^\ (e)

Are there any workarounds for those issues? I'm using the latest development

release of lilypond.

lilypond-user mailing list

well this is a matter of personnal taste but... the dynamics over the

staff are really hard to read O_o
lilypond-user mailing list

dash-period behaviour

2007-03-17 Thread yota moteuchi


I don't understand, using lilypond 2.11.20 with this simplest script :
\version 2.11.20

\new Score {
\new Staff {
\relative c'' {
c4 \ c c c
c c c c \!

I get a result where the dashed line have a weirdly laarge span...
Looks like if lilyond had kept internally an odd constant for the
'dash-period variable...

How could I reset this ?

Thank you

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: dash-period behaviour

2007-03-17 Thread yota moteuchi

Gosh !
it was just a bug of Jpedal (packed with lilypondtools)

I opened it with evince and everything was alright...

sorry for the noise

On 3/17/07, yota moteuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I don't understand, using lilypond 2.11.20 with this simplest script :
\version 2.11.20

\new Score {
 \new Staff {
 \relative c'' {
 c4 \ c c c
 c c c c \!

I get a result where the dashed line have a weirdly laarge span...
Looks like if lilyond had kept internally an odd constant for the 'dash-
period variable...

How could I reset this ?

Thank you

lilypond-user mailing list

Markup extand

2007-03-05 Thread yota moteuchi

In order to add a tempo mark, I use a tweak found on the lilypond
documentation website :

tempoMark = #(define-music-function (parser location markp) (string?)
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left
   \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 .
   \mark \markup { \smaller \italic \bold $markp }

I work perfectly but I don't understand why in the viola part (see example),
starting with 12 whole rests, the tempoMark push the first bar away. While
it doesn't behave like this elsewhere.


mouvement modéré de valse.png
Description: PNG image
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markup + set

2007-02-05 Thread yota moteuchi


I'm trying to write a NICE lilypond function to do properly what I could do
with a simple find and replace in the text


would become :
^\markup {\italic pizz.}
\set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings

I tried some make-markup stuffs but... how to insert a \set property into

I would need some tips to do that

merci ^^
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: markup + set

2007-02-05 Thread yota moteuchi

I had a look on preprocessors... but it's complicated to publish a source
containing such a trick

on the other hand, the learning curve of the scheme functions is tough (a
nice way to say I don't understand a word ^^)

That's why I'm looking for tips :)
I could work from any example of a function doing almost the same thing.
But looking at the doc, I have one chapter for music functions and another
one for markup functions... and none for both-at-the-same-time


On 2/5/07, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The easiest solution is probably to use an external preprocessor, like M4
(if you search the mailing list archives you can also find hints on other
similar preprocessors to do purely textual replacements in the file.
you can also find comments on why the main authors of LilyPond don't
want to include such functionality within LilyPond).

Another solution is outlined in section Building complicated functions
in the manual.


yota moteuchi wrote:

 I'm trying to write a NICE lilypond function to do properly what I
 could do with a simple find and replace in the text


 would become :
 ^\markup {\italic pizz.}
 \set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings

 I tried some make-markup stuffs but... how to insert a \set property
 into them...

 I would need some tips to do that

 merci ^^

 lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

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Re: poco ff

2007-02-05 Thread yota moteuchi

I use the following trick to print P subito

psubito = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0)
   #:line( #:dynamic p #:normal-text #:italic subito )))

to use it : { c4 \psubito }

following this example, you should be able to build a poco ff (and if you do
please post it here for the archives)

note : the #:normal-text tag is a way to avoid the text to be bolded. I
mention it since it took me weeks to figure out how to do this


On 2/5/07, Ole Schmidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear all,

is it possible to write something like poco ff in another way than
writing \ff_\markup { poco } and than tweaking the poco in front of
the ff with \override commands?

I can't find something in the manual

Thank you


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scheme function and combination (markup + somethingelse)

2007-01-25 Thread yota moteuchi

I would like to combine in one shortcut : \pizz
both a markup : ^ \markup pizz.
and a property setting : \set Staff.midiInstrument = pizzicato strings

I read the documentation but I'm definitely not fluent in scheme.

does someone could lend me a clue on how to do this ?

Thank you

lilypond-user mailing list

accidental spacing

2007-01-25 Thread yota moteuchi


I have a crescendo hairpin stuck between two consecutive notes (as you can
see in the example below)
I tried to use a SeparationItem - padding... without success, even with a
padding of 10 there is ... no effect (here, I tried between two fourth
notes, but wherever I use it, I always have the same result : none)

\score {
   \new Staff \relative do'{
   re4 re \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #10 re re
   re sib'1:32 \fermata \ppp \
   sib' fa'4-^ \! \ff r r2
   \layout {}

\paper { ragged-right =##t}

and the corresponding screenshot... as you can see... you can't see anything


Description: PNG image
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lilypond version

2007-01-25 Thread yota moteuchi

Well it's a pleasure

On 1/25/07, Aaron Dalton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am most embarassed.  it turns out a fellow user of the system installed
version 2.8.7 globally so my invocations of 'lilypond' were finding
/usr/local/bin before /home/aaron/bin.  Sorry to have wasted your time,
but thanks for replying!

Aaron Dalton

where did you install it ?
how do you launch it ?
did you also installed it through the freeBSD packages distribution system ?

when you call lilypond you get the one installed through freeBSD

try instead to use the full path of the lilypond installed with the lilypond
installer : /installation_path/bin/lilypond
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with german umlauts

2007-01-25 Thread yota moteuchi

Well, since charsets issue is my hobby ... I can write a short explanation
(try to... my shortage of english vocabulary could be an issue)

After having defined a 128 character table (0 -127 on 8 bits, well one zero
+ 7bits) covering only the English characters and some signs, called the
ASCII table; has been defined many extended tables using the 128 - 255 range
to store some regional character. There are around 10 extended tables to
fit with either the french, the danish, the Greek specificities (but not all
at the same time) :

Japaneses and Chineses had some strange way to store their 36 000 ideograms
and there it started to be a mess.

Unicode consortium defined a HUGE table aiming to store every character
(well almost, but it's another problem) on 32 bits.
But the devilish ASCII was always here, hidden in the dark. So they ended to
design UTF-8 encoding system which is only an amazing trick to store the
unicode table :
- all the characters of the former 0 - 127 range of the ascii table are
stored on 8bits... so a pure ascii file is also a genuine UTF-8 file ^^
- To store other characters they use an ingeniously designed system of
drawers using the characters from 128 to 255 (and some more bytes if

UTF-8 is the only way to write both in danish AND french on the same text...
and it is fully compatible with ASCII files...
nice isn't it ?


hope it's clear... hips
I could explain this more easily, in french, with a whiteboard and a cup of

On 1/25/07, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You are mistaken. ASCII only defines character codes up to 127, see for
What your table shows is probably Latin1 (ISO 8859-1).


Quoting Jonathan Henkelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Mats Bengtsson mats.bengtsson at writes:

 If you search the mailing list archives from the time before we
 unicode support, you will be surprised how many questions there are
 to Russian or Hebrew or Mandarin or ...


 It wasn't intended to be a stupid question. I'm all over unicode for
 that use other character sets - cyrillic, hebrew, asian etc.  I was just
 surprised at how difficult it was to put an umlaut on a u for a
 german peice I
 was typesetting.

 Perhaps the problem lies in the documentation.  It suggests that if you
 to use non-ascii characters you have to save the document as unicode -
 enough. (In fact it implies you can use any 8-bit ascii pg. 112, last
 paragrph, PDF version 2.10.0)  But I wanted to use ascii 252 (presumably
 similar to David in the original post) and I just inserted it into my
 document - and it compiled to a space.  Here I am trying to use an ascii
 character and hence expect not to have to do anything special, but would
 still have to save it as unicode?  When I used \char, I had to find the
 to get rid of the spaces before and after that character...

 Because most accented European characters can not be accessed within

 My ascii table shows all French, Norwegian, Danish characters as well as
 spanish, and german (can't profess to be an expert there) see characters
 255 (xBF - xff).  Are these accessable in a non-unicode document?


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Re: accidental spacing

2007-01-25 Thread yota moteuchi

sorry ;p

Lilypond 2.11.13
hairpin minimum-length seems to work perfectly...

thank you again,
your are ... very reliable ^^


On 1/25/07, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please always tell what LilyPond version you use. When I try your
example with version 2.10.0, I certainly
get an added spacing between the two notes.

However, if your main purpose is to get a longer hairpin, why not
follow the instructions in the section on Dynamics
in the manual:
\override Voice.Hairpin #'minimum-length = #5


Quoting yota moteuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I have a crescendo hairpin stuck between two consecutive notes (as you
 see in the example below)
 I tried to use a SeparationItem - padding... without success, even with
 padding of 10 there is ... no effect (here, I tried between two fourth
 notes, but wherever I use it, I always have the same result : none)

 \score {
\new Staff \relative do'{
re4 re \once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #10 re re
re sib'1:32 \fermata \ppp \
sib' fa'4-^ \! \ff r r2
\layout {}

 \paper { ragged-right =##t}

 and the corresponding screenshot... as you can see... you can't see


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: problems with german umlauts

2007-01-25 Thread yota moteuchi

well it was an approximation (due to the previously mentionned lack of
ISO 2022 (as well as SHIFT-JIS and other japaneses encoding of the same
type) use indeed artificial 8bit characters.
The 0-127 range is always almost compatible with ASCII and there is 2
escaping character which work like double quotes. Inside quotes, character
are multibyte (indeed it's impossible to store so many kanjis into only 128

But this option raises more issues than it brings solutions... even if it is
still widely used in japan (ISO 2022 is still their default encoding for


On 1/25/07, Werner LEMBERG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After having defined a 128 character table (0 -127 on 8 bits, well
 one zero + 7bits) covering only the English characters and some
 signs, called the ASCII table; has been defined many extended tables
 using the 128 - 255 range to store some regional character. There
 are around 10 extended tables to fit with either the french, the
 danish, the Greek specificities (but not all at the same time) :

Actually, there are much more.  If I'm not mistaken, the ISO 2022
registry has designed IDs to over 100 different 8bit character sets!

 Japaneses and Chineses had some strange way to store their 36 000
 ideograms and there it started to be a mess.

This isn't true in general.  For handling those languages separately,
16bit character sets work just fine.  Emacs demonstrates that, within
the ISO 2022 framework, multilingual work can be done quite

BTW, the value `36000' is not correct: The CNS 11643 character set
defines around 55000 Chinese characters, and the defunct CCCII
character set covered around 7 characters (I have the books at
home -- it's almost a half meter on my bookshelf).


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: ???programming error: minimise_least_squares (): Nothing to minimise???

2007-01-24 Thread yota moteuchi

By chance, I had this bug too.
It seems to be raised by the \laisserVibrer tie. Since, when I remove
it, the error disappear.
But this is a random bug and as soon as I try to insulate it... it vanishes

well to summary, I have a
\time 4/4
a4 a a a \laisserVibrer
\time 2/4


and a minimise_least_squares ():  Nothing to minimise at compilation time

On 12/18/06, Mehmet Okonsar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have no time (sorry) to investigate it but I can send the whole file to
anyone interested..
No copyright concerns here, it is copyleft music of my own
Will try to do it some time in the future (this is ver. 2.10.2)

On Sunday 17 December 2006 14:13, Graham Percival wrote:
 Mehmet Okonsar wrote:
  what's that:
  programming error: minimise_least_squares ():  Nothing to minimise
  continuing, cross fingers

 It's an error message.  If it occurs with the latest lily, please
 construct a minimal example and send it to the bugs list.

 - Graham

 lilypond-user mailing list

Mehmet Okonsar,

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Re: compounded dynamics

2007-01-24 Thread yota moteuchi

On 1/23/07, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, Yota:

 Does anybody know a trick to un-bold the subito in the first

I use:

pocoF = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line(#:normal-text #:italic
poco #:hspace -0.3 #:dynamic f )))

Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: compounded dynamics

2007-01-24 Thread yota moteuchi

seems to be exaclty what I was looking for, thank you ^^

(sorry for the mess on the mailing list... I'm not well awake this morning,
and I'm fighting like the devil with gmail Ø_o)

On 1/23/07, Kieren MacMillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, Yota:

 Does anybody know a trick to un-bold the subito in the first

I use:

pocoF = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:line(#:normal-text #:italic
poco #:hspace -0.3 #:dynamic f )))

Hope this helps!

lilypond-user mailing list

compounded dynamics

2007-01-23 Thread yota moteuchi

Surfing around I found two ways to do almost the same thing : display a
complex dynamics mark, like a Piano Subito.

In each I found something satisfying and another annoying

psubito = #(make-dynamic-script (markup #:hspace 1 #:translate (cons 5 0)
#:line( #:dynamic p #:text #:italic subito )))

+ the result IS a dynamic mark and can be used as one
- the subito is written bold... and in every sheets I have, it is never bold

psubito = \markup {\dynamic p \italic subito }

+ the subito, and the P looks nice together
- this is not a dynamics but a \markup... and so, requires a ^ or _ sign

Does anybody know a trick to un-bold the subito in the first solution,
since I find much more elegant the solution where we have a dynamic instead
of a markup ?

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Lilypondtool conf

2007-01-19 Thread yota moteuchi

Dear mailing list,

I have some difficulties in using lilypondtools under Ubuntu

The filename of the piece containing some whitespaces I'm getting the
following error

%lilypond %args /home/yoochan/classeur/lilypond/danse macabre - St Saens/
warning: cannot find file: `/home/yoochan/classeur/lilypond/danse'
warning: cannot find file: `macabre'
Processing `-'

How could I avoid this ?

Moreover, I would like to use evince instead of JPedal as pdf
reader, does someone have some tips on how to do this ?



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Very Beginner's Guide

2006-12-27 Thread yota moteuchi

Just for the most curious ones, this is how rhythms are taught to
french children :

quarter-note is called : noire (black) since it's balck
half-note is called : blanche (white) since it's white
full-note is called : ronde (round) since... there is no stem
eight-note is called : croche (crotchet / hook) since it have one beam
16th note is called : double-croche, guess why

easy isn't it ^^

except that you have to use lilypond and to convert mentally croche=8
so double-croche=16... O_o

citizen of the pond

On 12/27/06, Christopher A. LaFond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anthony W. Youngman wrote:

Arghhh There is NO SUCH THING as British English. It's actually two
COMPLETELY SEPARATE languages that the Americans lump together!

 The Saxons in England speak English. The Angles in Scotland speak Scots (a
very *similar* language). The Scots (in Ireland :-) speak Gaelic.

 According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Scots is a dialect of English,
not a similar language. The language in Ireland, by the way, is Irish, and
not generally referred to as Gaelic by anyone who knows better, and the
Celtic language of Scotland is called by its native speakers Gaelic (first
syllable pronounced gal -as in the feminine of guy). So though they
don't identify British English, they do identify English English and
Scots English, which most assume are more similar to one another than they
are to American English, or at the very least, having a more mutually
intelligible vocabulary.

 From the OED:

 Under English
  c. English English, English as spoken in England as differentiated from
that spoken, e.g., in the United States of America.

 Under Scots
   2. Of language:   a. The distinguishing epithet of the dialect of English
spoken by the inhabitants of the Lowlands of Scotland. Also absol. as n.,
the Scottish dialect.


 Christopher A. LaFond  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After things go from bad to worse, the cycle will repeat itself.
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Re: combined tenuto + accent

2006-12-26 Thread yota moteuchi

Thank you for you concern.
I thought this request lost in the limbs, I'm glad to see I was wrong ^^

I'm looking forward to hearing news

'til then
merry Christmas dudes

On 12/24/06, Graham Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the report, entered as

Please note that this is a feature request which is much harder to
implement than it may initially appear; it may be a while until this new
feature is added.

- Graham

yota moteuchi wrote:

 I am looking for a way to print an articulation made of the combination
 of an accent () and a tenuto (_)
 of course if I put a \tenuto \accent I get an ugly result where the
 accent is much wider than the tenuto.

 If it's not yet the case these articulations should be added as entities.
 As the already existing tenuto + staccato.
 Else, the documentation should mention it.

 Any clue ?



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marche unitonale

2006-12-17 Thread yota moteuchi

How do I do with lilypond what it's called in french : marche
unitonale (that I can not translate in english)

Which is the translation of a pattern, a chord, keeping the degrees as
well as the key
ex :

\key c \major
a c e


\key c \major
g b d

french readers would enjoy this wonderful example :

lilypond-user mailing list

midi2ly doesn't respect the --key

2006-12-15 Thread yota moteuchi

Before posting on the debug list
I would like to know if some of you experienced this.

When I try to extract a piece from a midi file which is in f major (1 flat) I do

midi2ly --key=-1 myfile.mid

the resulting file have indeed a nice \key f \major printed on top but
all the 'bes' are noted as 'ais'
The problem being that a text replacement mess up the relative notation

e ais c = a bes c (with one octave shift)


lilypond-user mailing list

stupid substitution

2006-11-16 Thread yota moteuchi

Could we add to the doc, section 12.1.2 an example of an even easier
substitution function with no argument.

displayBarNum = #(define-music-function (parser location) ()
   \once \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = ##f

Since I took me 15 min to understand how to derive it from the
previous example with one argument.

padText = #(define-music-function (parser location padding) (number?)
\once \override TextScript #'padding = #$padding

I hope the syntax is not too bad (the result is correct though)
If I'm wrong or if there is easier way to do this pure text
substitution, please correct me


lilypond-user mailing list

combined tenuto + accent

2006-11-15 Thread yota moteuchi
Hi,I am looking for a way to print an articulation made of the combination of an accent () and a tenuto (_)of course if I put a \tenuto \accent I get an ugly result where the accent is much wider than the tenuto.
If it's not yet the case these articulations should be added as entities. As the already existing tenuto + staccato.
Else, the documentation should mention it.Any clue ?Yota
lilypond-user mailing list

\transpose weird staffs

2006-09-01 Thread yota moteuchi


I have a nice horn in G part where in the middle it's written from
here take your horn in E flat
Of course in our orchestra we only have horn in F ^^
So I first entered the notes

hornpart = \relative c' {
\transposition g
... many notes ...
\transposition ees
 again, many notes

And I'm now looking for the best and cleanest way to output the part in F
I tried to apply the \tranpose stuff using \skips (like using a global
staff for the layout) but...   it's a failure

any clue ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \transpose weird staffs

2006-09-01 Thread yota moteuchi

marvelous ^^

not as clean as expected but, i'm perhaps too perfectionist.


On 9/1/06, Markus Schneider [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


AFAICS, the easiest way is to split your horn part into two seperate ones:

hornpartG = \relative c' {
  \transposition g
  ... many notes ...

hornpartEES = \relative c' {
  \transposition ees
  ... many notes ...

Then use \transpose as usual on each of them.


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Re: Clef Markup

2006-08-25 Thread yota moteuchi
I guess this to your question
On 8/25/06, Kamal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can one print a markup over a clef sign?

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Re: Printing tempo marks on every part

2006-08-25 Thread yota moteuchi
concerning the bars you may use a global part containing only skips and barsyou can then combine them as you wish (in a part or for all the parts).have a look at
I don't know if it works with rehearsal marks, but please test and publish your resultsOn 8/25/06, Andrew Black - lists 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I would like to specify things like tempo marks, double bars, rehearsal
makrs in one part only (say piano part) but print them on very part.I want to print as below but only have to specify the details in one part==(Vn 1 part: )Andante ... [A] . [B]
Vn 1 music .==(Vn 2 part: )Andante ... [A] . [B]Vn 2 music .==(Score: )Andante ... [A] . [B]
Vn 1 music .Vn 2 music .etc etc___lilypond-user mailing list

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Re: tweak of the crescendotext

2006-08-25 Thread yota moteuchi
ok I got ityou're right... with a centered alignment, the dynamic indication become too imprecise to be readable. But putting the text on two lines give a nice result.\set crescendoText = \markup{\italic \column {\line {poco a poco} {cresc.} }}

 \set crescendoSpanner = #'dashed-line
 r4 \times 2/3 {\once \override DynamicLineSpanner #'staff-padding = #1 a8-( \accent \ bes a) \!} r4
 \repeat unfold 9 { r4 \times 2/3 { a8-( \accent bes a) } r4}I really would like to have an automatic line break, diplaying poco a poco on the end of the first staff and the cresc. at the start of the next staff. Well I could also do it by hand but it's a bit dirty
About the vertical positioning of the crescendotext. the property is in fact hidden in dynamiclinespanner #'staff-padding (even if there is no line span)that was the tip of the day :p
On 8/25/06, Mats Bengtsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
yota wrote:Hi,I have some notes where a poco a poco cresc. must be I put\set crescendoText = \markup { \italic poco a poco cresc. }
\set crescendoSpanner = #'dashed-liner4\times 2/3 { a8-( \accent \ bes a) \!} r4and it worked, but the text is too long, it goes over the end of the pageand the vertical position make it collide with the \accent.
Well with a little vertical padding and a centered alignment it should dothe trick.As a musician I would be very confused if you used centeredalignment, since I wouldn't realize exactly where you want
the crescendo to start. As far as I can recall from printedmusic, the text is normally broken over the line break insuch situations, at least if the crescendo is long (your exampleseems like an extremely short crescendo to be able to do
poco a poco). Another possibility would be to do\markup{\italic \column {\line {poco a poco} cresc. }}But I'm not fluent enough with contexts and properties stuff, and the
documentation keeps confusing such a dynamic indication a TextScript or a DynamicText or something else?... I tried some tweaks but everything failed.DynamicText should be the relevant object.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tweak of the crescendotext

2006-08-25 Thread yota moteuchi
should I fill a feature request to have long dynamic indications (the textual part, not the dashed line one) automatically splitted to the next staff when the text goes out of the page ?

like this : if I do the line break manually, when the dynamic indication is not at the end of the staff anymore I get strange collisions O_o

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