Ending volta problem with ChoirStaff

2008-08-11 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk

first thing -- thank you all who makes lilypond better and better :-)

It is fantastic :-)
(after some finale and a lot of plain musixtex)

Well, i run into a problem with ending volta -- see file attached,
ending volta continued after line break, but this continuation
disappears if i uncomment additional staves (see \score { ... }
section). So, there is no ending volta continuation after line break
if i have more than one staff... or, probably, problem is somewehere
in another place.

Sorry for, probably, too verbose example.

What's wrong? -- please, help.

  _,-=._  /|_/|
  `-.}   `=._,.-=-._.,  @ @._,
 `._ _,-.   )  _,.-'
`G.m-"^m`m'Dmytro O. Redchuk

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ending volta problem with ChoirStaff

2008-08-11 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
Sorry :-(


On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 01:50:05PM +0300, Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:
> Hello,
> first thing -- thank you all who makes lilypond better and better :-)
> It is fantastic :-)
> (after some finale and a lot of plain musixtex)
> Well, i run into a problem with ending volta -- see file attached,
> ending volta continued after line break, but this continuation
> disappears if i uncomment additional staves (see \score { ... }
> section). So, there is no ending volta continuation after line break
> if i have more than one staff... or, probably, problem is somewehere
> in another place.
> Sorry for, probably, too verbose example.
> What's wrong? -- please, help.

  _,-=._  /|_/|
  `-.}   `=._,.-=-._.,  @ @._,
 `._ _,-.   )  _,.-'
`G.m-"^m`m'Dmytro O. Redchuk


\version "2.11.42"

#(set-global-staff-size 17)


soprano = \relative c'  {
% \override TextScript #'padding = #-7
% \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.2
% \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-1.7 . 0) 
\repeat volta 3 {
e8 \pp \< fis g4( \! \> fis) e \!
e8 \< fis g4( \! \> fis8[ g]) e4 \!
\alternative {
% 1-2.
b'8\rest e, \< e fis \! g4 g8 g
g4 \mf \> g fis2 \!
% 3.
b8\rest g g a b4 b8 b
b4 b8([ a]) a2
\bar ":|"
fis8 fis \breve fis8 g4. \> g8 g2 \!
\bar "|"
g8 g \breve g8 g
g4 \< a b2 \!
a4 g \> fis2 \!
b8\rest g g a b4 b8 b
b4 b8([ a]) a2
\set crescendoText = \markup { \italic \smaller { Poco cresc. } }
e4 \p \< fis g2( fis2 e
dis4 \! \> fis) e2 \!
\bar "|"
g4 \< a b2( a2 \! g fis4 a) \> g2. \!
\bar "|"
g4 \f \< a c b( d) \! d c b2( c b8[ d c b]) a2 \> g1 \!
\bar "|."


alto = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 3 {
b8 d d4( dis) e
b8 d d4( dis) e
\alternative {
s8 b b d d4 d8 d
d4 d8([ e]) d2
s8 e e fis g4 g8 g
g4 g fis2
d8 d \breve d8 d4. d8 d2
d8 d \breve d8 d
d4 d d( g)
fis4 e e( dis)
s8 e e fis g4 g8 g
g4 g fis2
b,4 d d2( c b1) b2
e4 fis g2( fis e dis!4 fis) e2.
e4 fis a g( b) a g g2( ~ g ~ g) g8([ fis e fis]) d1


tenor = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 3 {
g8 \pp \< a b4( \! \> a8[ b]) g4 \!
g8 \< a b4( \! \> a) g \!
\alternative {
r8 g \< g a \! b4 b8 b
b4 \mf \> b8([ a]) a2 \!
r8 b b d d4 d8 d
d4 d8([ e]) d2
a8 a \breve a8 b4. \> b8 b2 \!
b8 b \breve b8 b
b4 \< c d2 \!
c4 b \> b2 \!
r8 b b d d4 d8 d
d4 d8([ e]) d2
\set crescendoText = \markup { \italic \smaller { Poco cresc. } }
g,4 \p \< a b2( a g fis4 \! \> a) g2 \!
b4 \< d d2( \! c b1) b2.
b4 \f \< d d d( g) \! fis e d( c8[ b] e2 d) c2 \> b1 \!


bass = \relative c {
\repeat volta 3 {
e8 \pp d g,4( b) e
e8 d g,4( b) e
\alternative {
r8 e e d 4 g,8 g
g8([ a]) b([ c]) d2
r8 e e d g4 g,8 g
g8([ c]) b([ c]) d2
d8 d \breve d8 g4. g8 g2
8  \breve 8 
4 \< g, g2 \!
a4 b b2
r8 e e d g4 g,8 g
g8([ a]) b([ c]) d2
\set crescendoText = \markup { \italic \smaller { Poco cresc. } }
e4 \p \< d g,2( a b1) \! \> e2 \!
e4 \< d g,2( \! a b1) e2.
e4 \f d \< fis g2 \! g4 g g2( c,4 b8[ a] d2)  \> 1 \!

\score {
\context ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff = "upperstaff" <<
\key e \minor
\new Voice = "soprano" {
\new Voice = "alto" {

Re: Ending volta problem with ChoirStaff

2008-08-11 Thread Risto Vääräniemi
Hi Dmytro,

2008/8/11 Dmytro O. Redchuk:

>Well, i run into a problem with ending volta -- see file attached,
>ending volta continued after line break, but this continuation
>disappears if i uncomment additional staves (see \score { ... }
>section). So, there is no ending volta continuation after line break
>if i have more than one staff... or, probably, problem is somewehere
>in another place.
>Sorry for, probably, too verbose example.
>What's wrong? -- please, help.

You could remove the "Span_bar_engraver" from ChoirStaff context.
Somehow that messes things up. I guess it's there for a purpose,
though, so that's not an option.

An alternative is to remove the Volta_engraver from Score context (in
layout block) and add it to the topmost Staff. However, that puts the
Volta bracket under the dynamics. You could modify the vertical
ordering by using outside-staff-priority to put the volta back on top.

Thus, the topmost staff should be initialised like this:
\new Staff = "upperstaff" \with {\consists "Volta_engraver"
\override Staff.VoltaBracketSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #500} <<

You can also put the "\override Staff" inside soprano part if you like.

There may be other solutions but these came off the top of my head.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ending volta problem with ChoirStaff

2008-08-11 Thread Dmytro O. Redchuk
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 03:06:03PM +0300, Risto Vääräniemi wrote:
> Hi Dmytro,
> You could remove the "Span_bar_engraver" from ChoirStaff context.
> Somehow that messes things up. I guess it's there for a purpose,
> though, so that's not an option.
Hmm, i guess i need it.

> An alternative is to remove the Volta_engraver from Score context (in
> layout block) and add it to the topmost Staff. However, that puts the
> Volta bracket under the dynamics. You could modify the vertical
> ordering by using outside-staff-priority to put the volta back on top.
> Thus, the topmost staff should be initialised like this:
> \new Staff = "upperstaff" \with {\consists "Volta_engraver"
> \override Staff.VoltaBracketSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #500} <<
Wow, this helped :-)

Thank you *very* much (for stuff i've not used -- and didn't think of it
-- so far).

This helped, but i'd say it would work with no tweaks?

I'm still thinking i've missed something (or put something wrong), but can
not figure out what exactly.

Thank you anyway :-)

> You can also put the "\override Staff" inside soprano part if you like.
> There may be other solutions but these came off the top of my head.
> -Risto

  _,-=._  /|_/|
  `-.}   `=._,.-=-._.,  @ @._,
 `._ _,-.   )  _,.-'
`G.m-"^m`m'Dmytro O. Redchuk

lilypond-user mailing list