Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Just as Graham, I cannot repeat your problem. I tried both version 2.7.6
and 2.6.3. As always, I recommend the stable version 2.6.x for any
serious typesetting, unless you need one of the new features in 2.7.x.


Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

I'm having a problem that I can't see to fix.
Here's the file.
The problem is pdf output at measure 36 third staff.  The triplet or 
something has made the staff spacing huge.  Since it's the only place 
that this is happening and there is nothing that I can see in the file 
that makes it this way.  I'm stumped.

This was a problem in 2.6x too but I thought maybe it was me.

oh yeah running this on xp

\version 2.7.4
\header {
 title = Jat 9
 composer = Jay Hamilton
 subtitle = suite for five instruments
 copyright = CC some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2005

one = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 6/8
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\tempo 8=112
r8 b'4 r8 b r | r8. b r b |r8 b4 r8 c r | r \times 2/3 {e16 d c } r8 c r a|
\times 2/3 {e'16 d c} r8 b r4 a8| r8 b r r d r | r \times 2/3 {e16 d b} 
r8 d r g,|
fis8 a c r4.| fis,8 r4 r8 b16 c8. | a4. r| a16 a8. r8 \times 2/3 {c16 b 
a} r8 g16 g|
fis 16 fis r8 fis'8 e4. | d8 b g c a fis| b16 c b a g b g fis e4| c'16 d 
c b a b a g f8 r|

b16 a g8 r c16 b a8 r| e'4. (d4) r8|
r2. | r8 b a r a16 fis a8| r8 b-. a-. r a16 fis a8| r8 c-. b-. r8 a16 g e8|
d16 e fis g a c b8 a4 | r8 b (a) g fis16 g a8 | e'8 (d) r b a16 b d8|
c8 b16 a g8 a fis16 fis a8| r b16 b8. r8 fis'16 fis8. | c2. | d8 c b a g 
fis |

g2. | e'8 d c b a g | c8. b a4.| fis'8 a,4 e'8. c | g'8 b,4 fis'8. d |
e8 d16 c b a c8 g'16 fis g8|
a4 g fis | d c b | a8 a4 a8 a16 a a8| g4 fis e | b'2.| r8 a r r g r
r8 c r g16 fis8. r8 r e r r e'16 d8.| r8 d, r r f'16 e8. | g8 fis 16 e d 
c b a8. r8|

b8 d fis a4 g8| e16 e8. r8 c16 b a b c e| e g a8 d, c16 b b c g8 |
c16 b b c b g ~ g e g8 ~ g16 g | \acciaccatura fis8 fis'4 r8 
\acciaccatura g8 c,4 r8|

\acciaccatura b8 fis'4 r8 e16 d c b a8
%page 5
\acciaccatura g8 a'4. a16 a g4| \times 2/3 {g16 g g} fis4 r8 e16 e d8 |
c16 c a'4 \times 2/3 { a16 a a} g8. fis16| e4 r8 c4 b8| c8 a4 g4. ~ |
g8 g16 fis e g fis8. e16 d8| \times 2/3 { e8 b' b} e,8 a a e| \times 2/3 
{ a8 e' e} a,8 b a c|

b8 a c c16 c c8 c| b16 a g a b8 b16 b b8 b|
%page 6 measure 61
a16 g fis e fis8 g b d| a2. \bar ||

two = \relative c'
   \clef treble
   \key a \minor
   \time 6/8
r2. | r8 b r r b r| c4. c| b'8 c,4 c4.| d16 e fis g a b c8 c,4| c4. r| 
a' r| fis4 a c|
c,4. c| g'8 g16 fis g8 b4.| b16 a g fis g8 ~ g4 r8| fis4. e16 d e8 r| 
g16 g8 g16 f8 r e16 e8. |

d4. r| d16 e fis4 r8 \times 2/3 {a16 a g} g8|
%16 page 3
\times 2/3 {d16 d e} fis4 g16 g8 fis16 fis8| e16 d c b c4. r8| a'4. a16 
g fis g c8|
d16 c b a b4. r8| a4. r| g r| fis r| e16 d e fis e d c b a4| b16 c8. r8 
b' c fis|
e2. ~| e| c16 a8 fis16 g8 a g e| r2.| g8. [fis16] g8. [a16] g a8.| e8 
fis g a b c| a2.|

% 32 page 4
c8 c4 c8 c16 c c8| b8 a4 g8 fis16 g b8| a2.| e8 e4 fis8 a16 c a8|
e'32 d16. r8 b32 a16. r8 g32 d'16. r8| a16 g a b c b a g a4| e'16 d c b 
c4 r|
d16 c b a b4 r| g16 a b g fis4 r| d'16 d d8 d16 d c8 [b32 a g fis e8]| 
r2.| fis|g|

a16 g a b c4 r| b16 a b d c4 r| b16 a g a fis4 r| a2.|
%49 page 5
g16 fis e8 e16 fis g e a4 | a16 b c8 c16 b c d b4| a16 g fis8 g16 fis e8 
fis16 g d8|
c4 b2| r2.| c'4 b c | e d c | b2 r4| a8 fis a c b a | g2 r4| fis16 g a8 
r g16 d e8 r|

fis16 g fis d e2| r2.| b'8 e,4 ~ e4. \bar ||

three = \relative c'
   \clef treble
   \key a \minor
   \time 6/8
a'4 c8 b b16 a a8 | c4 a8 fis g16 fis a8 |
a4 b8 c c16 b c8 | b4 a8 g g16 a g8 | a4 \times 2/3 {g16 fis a} g8 g16 
fis g8 |
a4 \times 2/3 { g16 fis a} g8 a16 b a8| a4 d8 d c16 b a8 | a4 d8 e fis16 
e d8 |

a4 d8 e d16 c b a | g a g8 a16 g fis4.|
a4 e8 d d16 e d8 | e16 fis g a g fis b8 b16 c b8 | e4 e8 d16 c d e c8 |
d4 d8 c c16 b a8 | g4 c8 a16 b c b a fis | g4 c8 a4. | a4 d8 b4. |
e,4 a8 a a16 a a8 | g16 fis8. c'8 a a16 a a8 | fis16 e8. b'8 a g16 b a8 |
fis8.e16 a8 a g16 b d8 |
e4 fis8 e e16 d c8 | d4 e8 d d16 c b8 | c4. r| a4 fis'8 e d16 c b8 | a4 
fis'8 g16
fis e d e8| a,4 g'8 g16 fis g a e8| fis16 e fis g d8 e16 d e fis c8| d8 
a4 ~ a4.|
r2.| a8 fis'4 e16 d e g fis8| e16 d e fis b,8 ~ b16 b a4| a8 g4 \times 
2/3 {a8 [b c]} d8|

e4. r| g4 e8 a4.| fis4 c32 b16. r8 \times 2/3{a c e} | fis d b e a, c| 
g16 a8. r8 a4. | e'8 a,4 a8 a16 g a8|
e'8 b4 a8 a16 b c8 | d a4 d8 g,4| a8 b16 c d8 a g16 b a8| a8 g16 b a8 
\times 2/3 { a8 [g b]} a8|

a16 ( [g b] a [g b]) a ( [g b] c) [d8] | e8 [b16 b b b] a8 [b16 b c b] |
e fis b, b b b a b c d e g|
e16 g a8 \times 2/3 { d,16 d d } \times 2/3 {c16 b a}\times 2/3 {c16 b a 
} \times 2/3 {g16 fis fis}|
fis8 fis4 fis8 fis16 fis fis8| fis8 e4 e8 e16 e e8| e16 d a'4 a8 a16 g 
a8 ~ a8 e4 a8 g16 b a8|
g8 fis4 e8 d16 e e8| b'8 b4 b8 a16 b a8| g8 g4 g8 fis16 g a b | g8 g4 g8 
fis16 g fis8|
e2. | a2.| c8 c4 c8 b16 c b a | c8 c4 c8 b16 a g a | b8 b4 a16 g fis e d 
a' | c4 d e |

a,2. \bar ||

four = \relative 

Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-22 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence
Alas that did not solve the problem in 2.7.4 but it did solve it for 
2.6.x so at least I've got a good copy now.

Thanks all.
BTW there does seem to be disagreement on the list,  I am under the 
impression that Han-Wen thinks 2.7x are usable and therefore should be 
used (and sometimes have to be used to get benefit from some of the 
needed features)
But then Mats/Graham and others keep on recommending staying with 
'stable' which won't have the 'needed' features.  I'd love a 
clarification on this one.


I hate to make a simple-minded suggestion, but the triplet in question

\times 2/3{a c e}

is written differently from all your other triplets.  If you put a space
after the 2/3 and an 8 after the a, does the problem persist?

\times 2/3  {a8 c e}

Conceivably, the \times operator blows a cork while it's trying to figure
out what 2/3{a c e} is.  That guess is pretty far out, so probably I'm
wrong, but it would be easy to fix just to see.

Also, your fourth part (and staff) stops abruptly at measure 33.  Could
that somehow cause a problem with staff spacing because of space being
left for the ghost of the 4th staff?  What happens if you (temporarily)
add another half-dozen measures to the fourth part?

-- Tom

Jay Hamilton wrote:

I'm having a problem that I can't see to fix.
Here's the file.
The problem is pdf output at measure 36 third staff.  The triplet or
something has made the staff spacing huge.  Since it's the only place
that this is happening and there is nothing that I can see in the file
that makes it this way.  I'm stumped.

This was a problem in 2.6x too but I thought maybe it was me.

oh yeah running this on xp

\version 2.7.4
\header {
 title = Jat 9
 composer = Jay Hamilton
 subtitle = suite for five instruments
 copyright = CC some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2005

one = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 6/8
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\tempo 8=112
r8 b'4 r8 b r | r8. b r b |r8 b4 r8 c r | r \times 2/3 {e16 d c } r8 c r a|
\times 2/3 {e'16 d c} r8 b r4 a8| r8 b r r d r | r \times 2/3 {e16 d b}
r8 d r g,|
fis8 a c r4.| fis,8 r4 r8 b16 c8. | a4. r| a16 a8. r8 \times 2/3 {c16 b
a} r8 g16 g|
fis 16 fis r8 fis'8 e4. | d8 b g c a fis| b16 c b a g b g fis e4| c'16 d
c b a b a g f8 r|
b16 a g8 r c16 b a8 r| e'4. (d4) r8|
r2. | r8 b a r a16 fis a8| r8 b-. a-. r a16 fis a8| r8 c-. b-. r8 a16 g e8|
d16 e fis g a c b8 a4 | r8 b (a) g fis16 g a8 | e'8 (d) r b a16 b d8|
c8 b16 a g8 a fis16 fis a8| r b16 b8. r8 fis'16 fis8. | c2. | d8 c b a g
fis |
g2. | e'8 d c b a g | c8. b a4.| fis'8 a,4 e'8. c | g'8 b,4 fis'8. d |
e8 d16 c b a c8 g'16 fis g8|
a4 g fis | d c b | a8 a4 a8 a16 a a8| g4 fis e | b'2.| r8 a r r g r
r8 c r g16 fis8. r8 r e r r e'16 d8.| r8 d, r r f'16 e8. | g8 fis 16 e d
c b a8. r8|
b8 d fis a4 g8| e16 e8. r8 c16 b a b c e| e g a8 d, c16 b b c g8 |
c16 b b c b g ~ g e g8 ~ g16 g | \acciaccatura fis8 fis'4 r8
\acciaccatura g8 c,4 r8|
\acciaccatura b8 fis'4 r8 e16 d c b a8
%page 5
\acciaccatura g8 a'4. a16 a g4| \times 2/3 {g16 g g} fis4 r8 e16 e d8 |
c16 c a'4 \times 2/3 { a16 a a} g8. fis16| e4 r8 c4 b8| c8 a4 g4. ~ |
g8 g16 fis e g fis8. e16 d8| \times 2/3 { e8 b' b} e,8 a a e| \times 2/3
{ a8 e' e} a,8 b a c|
b8 a c c16 c c8 c| b16 a g a b8 b16 b b8 b|
%page 6 measure 61
a16 g fis e fis8 g b d| a2. \bar ||

two = \relative c'
   \clef treble
   \key a \minor
   \time 6/8
r2. | r8 b r r b r| c4. c| b'8 c,4 c4.| d16 e fis g a b c8 c,4| c4. r|
a' r| fis4 a c|
c,4. c| g'8 g16 fis g8 b4.| b16 a g fis g8 ~ g4 r8| fis4. e16 d e8 r|
g16 g8 g16 f8 r e16 e8. |
d4. r| d16 e fis4 r8 \times 2/3 {a16 a g} g8|
%16 page 3
\times 2/3 {d16 d e} fis4 g16 g8 fis16 fis8| e16 d c b c4. r8| a'4. a16
g fis g c8|
d16 c b a b4. r8| a4. r| g r| fis r| e16 d e fis e d c b a4| b16 c8. r8
b' c fis|
e2. ~| e| c16 a8 fis16 g8 a g e| r2.| g8. [fis16] g8. [a16] g a8.| e8
fis g a b c| a2.|
% 32 page 4
c8 c4 c8 c16 c c8| b8 a4 g8 fis16 g b8| a2.| e8 e4 fis8 a16 c a8|
e'32 d16. r8 b32 a16. r8 g32 d'16. r8| a16 g a b c b a g a4| e'16 d c b
c4 r|
d16 c b a b4 r| g16 a b g fis4 r| d'16 d d8 d16 d c8 [b32 a g fis e8]|
r2.| fis|g|
a16 g a b c4 r| b16 a b d c4 r| b16 a g a fis4 r| a2.|
%49 page 5
g16 fis e8 e16 fis g e a4 | a16 b c8 c16 b c d b4| a16 g fis8 g16 fis e8
fis16 g d8|
c4 b2| r2.| c'4 b c | e d c | b2 r4| a8 fis a c b a | g2 r4| fis16 g a8
r g16 d e8 r|
fis16 g fis d e2| r2.| b'8 e,4 ~ e4. \bar ||

three = \relative c'
   \clef treble
   \key a \minor
   \time 6/8
a'4 c8 b b16 a a8 | c4 a8 fis g16 fis a8 |
a4 b8 c c16 b c8 | b4 a8 g g16 a g8 | a4 \times 2/3 {g16 fis a} g8 g16
fis g8 |
a4 \times 2/3 { g16 fis a} g8 a16 b a8| a4 d8 d c16 b a8 | a4 d8 e fis16
e d8 |
a4 d8 e d16 c b a | g a g8 a16 g fis4.|
a4 e8 d d16 e d8 | e16 fis g a g fis b8 b16 c b8 | e4 e8 d16 c d e c8 |
d4 d8 c c16 b a8 | g4 c8 a16 b c b a fis | g4 c8 a4. | a4 d8 b4. |
e,4 a8 a a16 a a8 | g16 

Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-22 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:
Alas that did not solve the problem in 2.7.4 but it did solve it for 
2.6.x so at least I've got a good copy now.

Thanks all.
BTW there does seem to be disagreement on the list,  I am under the 
impression that Han-Wen thinks 2.7x are usable and therefore should be 
used (and sometimes have to be used to get benefit from some of the 
needed features)
But then Mats/Graham and others keep on recommending staying with 
'stable' which won't have the 'needed' features.  I'd love a 
clarification on this one.

2.7 is definitely usable. However, it's wise to *always* upgrade to the 
lastest before reporting a bug. I've been messign with tuplets, so bugs 
are quite possible. However, these bugs also get fixed very soon, often 
before I receive the bugreport.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-22 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 22 August 2005 21.24, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:
 Alas that did not solve the problem in 2.7.4 but it did solve it for
 2.6.x so at least I've got a good copy now.
 Thanks all.
 BTW there does seem to be disagreement on the list,  I am under the
 impression that Han-Wen thinks 2.7x are usable and therefore should be
 used (and sometimes have to be used to get benefit from some of the
 needed features)
 But then Mats/Graham and others keep on recommending staying with
 'stable' which won't have the 'needed' features.  I'd love a
 clarification on this one.

It depends on what you expect from it: 2.7 _is_ usable, so you can use it if 
you like. We also appreciate bug reports and comments. However, it's not 
stable, which means that
- there's a greater risk of random errors
- people like Mats and Graham (and me) are less likely to help you if you run 
into problems.

So, it's up to you. If you need the new features, you can either use 2.7 and 
expect a lower degree of support, or you can wait for 2.8.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-22 Thread Graham Percival

On 22-Aug-05, at 3:06 PM, Erik Sandberg wrote:

On Monday 22 August 2005 21.24, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

But then Mats/Graham and others keep on recommending staying with
'stable' which won't have the 'needed' features.  I'd love a
clarification on this one.

It depends on what you expect from it: 2.7 _is_ usable, so you can use 
it if
you like. We also appreciate bug reports and comments. However, it's 

stable, which means that
- there's a greater risk of random errors
- people like Mats and Graham (and me) are less likely to help you if 
you run

into problems.

I'd like to clarify that somewhat: if you're using 2.7, then I expect 
more from
the user.  They should be aware that random notation errors occur, that 
packaging errors occur, etc.  If they report a bug, I'd like to see a 

example that demonstrates it, not here's my whole project; bar 86 looks

If somebody running 2.7 is polite about reporting a problem and has done
some investigation of their own, then I'm delighted to help them.  More 

than somebody posting a random question about 2.6, in fact.

But if somebody seems surprised and upset that a feature in 2.7.7 is 
when it worked in 2.6.3, or doesn't seem to know enough about lily to 

problems, or is running a somewhat obscure operating system and has
packaging/installation problems, or just in general seems to prefer a 

music creation program, I recommend 2.6.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-21 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence

Graham (all)
I edited it down to 6 measures and the 'problem' didn't appear and it 
doesn't happen with any other triplets in the piece (and there are many).

So- next step?

Graham Percival wrote:

On 21-Aug-05, at 10:57 AM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

The problem is pdf output at measure 36 third staff.  The triplet or 
something has made the staff spacing huge.  Since it's the only place 
that this is happening and there is nothing that I can see in the 
file that makes it this way.  I'm stumped.

Please construct a small example that demonstrates this -- probably 
just bars

35, 36, and 37, but you won't know until you try it.

- Graham

Childhood is a Journey not a race- Emma Sadinsky aged 8
Jay Hamilton
Sound and Silence

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: triplet problem in multi-staff score 2.7 and 2.6 versions

2005-08-21 Thread stk
I hate to make a simple-minded suggestion, but the triplet in question

 \times 2/3{a c e}

is written differently from all your other triplets.  If you put a space
after the 2/3 and an 8 after the a, does the problem persist?

 \times 2/3  {a8 c e}

Conceivably, the \times operator blows a cork while it's trying to figure
out what 2/3{a c e} is.  That guess is pretty far out, so probably I'm
wrong, but it would be easy to fix just to see.

Also, your fourth part (and staff) stops abruptly at measure 33.  Could
that somehow cause a problem with staff spacing because of space being
left for the ghost of the 4th staff?  What happens if you (temporarily)
add another half-dozen measures to the fourth part?

-- Tom

Jay Hamilton wrote:

I'm having a problem that I can't see to fix.
Here's the file.
The problem is pdf output at measure 36 third staff.  The triplet or
something has made the staff spacing huge.  Since it's the only place
that this is happening and there is nothing that I can see in the file
that makes it this way.  I'm stumped.

This was a problem in 2.6x too but I thought maybe it was me.

oh yeah running this on xp

\version 2.7.4
\header {
  title = Jat 9
  composer = Jay Hamilton
  subtitle = suite for five instruments
  copyright = CC some rights reserved Jay Hamilton 2005

one = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 6/8
#(set-global-staff-size 20)
\tempo 8=112
r8 b'4 r8 b r | r8. b r b |r8 b4 r8 c r | r \times 2/3 {e16 d c } r8 c r a|
\times 2/3 {e'16 d c} r8 b r4 a8| r8 b r r d r | r \times 2/3 {e16 d b}
r8 d r g,|
fis8 a c r4.| fis,8 r4 r8 b16 c8. | a4. r| a16 a8. r8 \times 2/3 {c16 b
a} r8 g16 g|
fis 16 fis r8 fis'8 e4. | d8 b g c a fis| b16 c b a g b g fis e4| c'16 d
c b a b a g f8 r|
b16 a g8 r c16 b a8 r| e'4. (d4) r8|
r2. | r8 b a r a16 fis a8| r8 b-. a-. r a16 fis a8| r8 c-. b-. r8 a16 g e8|
d16 e fis g a c b8 a4 | r8 b (a) g fis16 g a8 | e'8 (d) r b a16 b d8|
c8 b16 a g8 a fis16 fis a8| r b16 b8. r8 fis'16 fis8. | c2. | d8 c b a g
fis |
g2. | e'8 d c b a g | c8. b a4.| fis'8 a,4 e'8. c | g'8 b,4 fis'8. d |
e8 d16 c b a c8 g'16 fis g8|
a4 g fis | d c b | a8 a4 a8 a16 a a8| g4 fis e | b'2.| r8 a r r g r
r8 c r g16 fis8. r8 r e r r e'16 d8.| r8 d, r r f'16 e8. | g8 fis 16 e d
c b a8. r8|
b8 d fis a4 g8| e16 e8. r8 c16 b a b c e| e g a8 d, c16 b b c g8 |
c16 b b c b g ~ g e g8 ~ g16 g | \acciaccatura fis8 fis'4 r8
\acciaccatura g8 c,4 r8|
\acciaccatura b8 fis'4 r8 e16 d c b a8
%page 5
\acciaccatura g8 a'4. a16 a g4| \times 2/3 {g16 g g} fis4 r8 e16 e d8 |
c16 c a'4 \times 2/3 { a16 a a} g8. fis16| e4 r8 c4 b8| c8 a4 g4. ~ |
g8 g16 fis e g fis8. e16 d8| \times 2/3 { e8 b' b} e,8 a a e| \times 2/3
{ a8 e' e} a,8 b a c|
b8 a c c16 c c8 c| b16 a g a b8 b16 b b8 b|
%page 6 measure 61
a16 g fis e fis8 g b d| a2. \bar ||

two = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 6/8
r2. | r8 b r r b r| c4. c| b'8 c,4 c4.| d16 e fis g a b c8 c,4| c4. r|
a' r| fis4 a c|
c,4. c| g'8 g16 fis g8 b4.| b16 a g fis g8 ~ g4 r8| fis4. e16 d e8 r|
g16 g8 g16 f8 r e16 e8. |
d4. r| d16 e fis4 r8 \times 2/3 {a16 a g} g8|
%16 page 3
\times 2/3 {d16 d e} fis4 g16 g8 fis16 fis8| e16 d c b c4. r8| a'4. a16
g fis g c8|
d16 c b a b4. r8| a4. r| g r| fis r| e16 d e fis e d c b a4| b16 c8. r8
b' c fis|
e2. ~| e| c16 a8 fis16 g8 a g e| r2.| g8. [fis16] g8. [a16] g a8.| e8
fis g a b c| a2.|
% 32 page 4
c8 c4 c8 c16 c c8| b8 a4 g8 fis16 g b8| a2.| e8 e4 fis8 a16 c a8|
e'32 d16. r8 b32 a16. r8 g32 d'16. r8| a16 g a b c b a g a4| e'16 d c b
c4 r|
d16 c b a b4 r| g16 a b g fis4 r| d'16 d d8 d16 d c8 [b32 a g fis e8]|
r2.| fis|g|
a16 g a b c4 r| b16 a b d c4 r| b16 a g a fis4 r| a2.|
%49 page 5
g16 fis e8 e16 fis g e a4 | a16 b c8 c16 b c d b4| a16 g fis8 g16 fis e8
fis16 g d8|
c4 b2| r2.| c'4 b c | e d c | b2 r4| a8 fis a c b a | g2 r4| fis16 g a8
r g16 d e8 r|
fis16 g fis d e2| r2.| b'8 e,4 ~ e4. \bar ||

three = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key a \minor
\time 6/8
a'4 c8 b b16 a a8 | c4 a8 fis g16 fis a8 |
a4 b8 c c16 b c8 | b4 a8 g g16 a g8 | a4 \times 2/3 {g16 fis a} g8 g16
fis g8 |
a4 \times 2/3 { g16 fis a} g8 a16 b a8| a4 d8 d c16 b a8 | a4 d8 e fis16
e d8 |
a4 d8 e d16 c b a | g a g8 a16 g fis4.|
a4 e8 d d16 e d8 | e16 fis g a g fis b8 b16 c b8 | e4 e8 d16 c d e c8 |
d4 d8 c c16 b a8 | g4 c8 a16 b c b a fis | g4 c8 a4. | a4 d8 b4. |
e,4 a8 a a16 a a8 | g16 fis8. c'8 a a16 a a8 | fis16 e8. b'8 a g16 b a8 |
fis8.e16 a8 a g16 b d8 |
e4 fis8 e e16 d c8 | d4 e8 d d16 c b8 | c4. r| a4 fis'8 e d16 c b8 | a4
fis'8 g16
fis e d e8| a,4 g'8 g16 fis g a e8| fis16 e fis g d8 e16 d e fis c8| d8
a4 ~ a4.|
r2.| a8 fis'4 e16 d e g fis8| e16 d e fis b,8 ~ b16 b a4| a8 g4 \times
2/3 {a8 [b c]} d8|
e4. r| g4 e8 a4.| fis4 c32 b16. r8 \times 2/3{a c e} | fis d b e a, c|
g16 a8. r8 a4. | e'8 a,4 a8 a16 g a8|
e'8 b4 a8 a16 b c8 | d a4 d8 g,4| a8 b16 c d8 a g16 b a8| a8 g16 b a8
\times 2/3 { a8