Re: visualize-padding

2020-01-26 Thread Paolo Prete
On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 3:05 PM Aaron Hill  wrote:

> On 2020-01-24 9:12 am, Paolo Prete wrote:
> > I'm trying to implement the work-around you suggested.
> > TupletNumber doesn't cause the discussed weird space.
> >

> nstead, simply replace the normal stencil procedure
> (ly:tuplet-bracket::print) with a custom one, overlaying whatever you
> need.  In 2.19, there is grob-transformer, which makes this easy:
That's great, thanks!
At this point I ask you: could I use the same procedure for all the
visualize-*  functions, or is there a particular reason for which you made
the override inside after-line-breaking?
 I just checked that the same example you provided works for direction =
#DOWN too, which you did not take into account in the function itself (but
you used it in the after-line-breaking procedure).


Re: visualize-padding

2020-01-25 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2020-01-24 9:12 am, Paolo Prete wrote:

I'm trying to implement the work-around you suggested.
TupletNumber doesn't cause the discussed weird space.
However, this weird space happens as soon as I access the stencil (or 

property of it) of the TupletBracket grob
Then, even if I get the bracket's grob with (ly:grob-object number-grob
'bracket), I can't access its stencil, nor its y-extent through
this variable. Is this what you were suggesting or do I have to follow
another method?

Alas, my workaround required that you did not need to touch 
TupletBracket's stencil property at all.  Rather, switching to 
TupletNumber might have provided you a grob that would host the 
visualization more reliably.  But if you need to access TupletBracket's 
stencil from after-line-breaking, there is no getting around the issue.

In digging more deeply, the unexpected added space looks to come from 
accessing the TupletBracket's positions property; and since stencil 
depends on positions internally, querying the stencil triggers the 
behavior.  This property is concerned with the vertical placement of the 
ends of the bracket, and its computation involves checking a number of 
associated grobs (e.g. NoteColumns and Beams).  By querying positions 
too early in the layout process, this seems to unintentionally lock in 
bad values resulting in improper spacing.  And unfortunately, 
TupletBracket's after-line-breaking procedure gets invoked *before* its 
positions property would normally be queried, so my visualization hack 
interferes with the usual timing of things.

Since TupletBracket's stencil appears to be consulted fairly late in the 
game, you probably do not need to bother with after-line-breaking at 
all.  Instead, simply replace the normal stencil procedure 
(ly:tuplet-bracket::print) with a custom one, overlaying whatever you 
need.  In 2.19, there is grob-transformer, which makes this easy:

\version "2.19.83"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a9landscape")
  top-margin = 0.75\cm line-width = 3.5\cm
  indent = 0 ragged-right = ##f tagline = ##f

visualize-stencil-extent-and-origin = #(define-music-function
  (grob-path) (symbol-list?)
  (define proc (grob-transformer 'stencil
(lambda (grob orig)
  (let* ((xex (ly:stencil-extent orig X))
 (yex (ly:stencil-extent orig Y)))
(ly:grob-set-property! grob 'layer 1000)
(grob-interpret-markup grob #{
  \with-dimensions-from \stencil #orig
  \overlay {
\with-color #'(0.2 0.7 0.9)
\override #'(style . outline)
\override #`(thickness . 1.2)
\path #0.1 #`(
  (moveto ,(- (car xex) 1.5) ,(car yex))
  (lineto ,(+ (cdr xex) 1.5) ,(car yex))
  (moveto ,(- (car xex) 1.5) ,(cdr yex))
  (lineto ,(+ (cdr xex) 1.5) ,(cdr yex))
  (moveto ,(car xex) ,(- (car yex) 1.5))
  (lineto ,(car xex) ,(+ (cdr yex) 1.5))
  (moveto ,(cdr xex) ,(- (car yex) 1.5))
  (lineto ,(cdr xex) ,(+ (cdr yex) 1.5)))
\with-color #'(0.9 0.4 0.2)
\override #'(style . outline)
\override #`(thickness . 0.9)
\path #0.1 #`(
  (moveto -1.5 -1.5) (lineto 1.5 1.5)
  (moveto -1.5 1.5) (lineto 1.5 -1.5))
\override #'(style . outline)
\override #`(thickness . 0.6)
\stencil #orig
  } #} )
  #{ \override $grob-path .stencil = #proc #})

\fixed c' {
  \visualize-stencil-extent-and-origin TupletBracket
  \tuplet 3/2 { c2 f8 bes }

-- Aaron Hill

Re: visualize-padding

2020-01-24 Thread Paolo Prete
On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 11:56 PM Aaron Hill 

> On 2020-01-22 7:26 am, Paolo Prete wrote:
> > The problem is associated with:
> >
> >
> >
> > Sorry if I insist again with this: is there a fix (or work-around) for
> > it?
> > The function is ***very*** useful, You can really see what happens with
> > the
> > discussed property, and you can really use therefore a ruler for fine
> > tuning .
> But be aware
> that you might have to do things the other way around, working from
> TupletNumber.after-line-breaking which would mean getting the bracket
> from the number: (ly:grob-object number-grob 'bracket).

Hi Aaron,

I'm trying to implement the work-around you suggested.
TupletNumber doesn't cause the discussed weird space.
However, this weird space happens as soon as I access the stencil (or any
property of it) of the TupletBracket grob
Then, even if I get the bracket's grob with (ly:grob-object number-grob
'bracket), I can't access its stencil, nor its y-extent through
this variable. Is this what you were suggesting or do I have to follow
another method?


Re: visualize-padding

2020-01-22 Thread Paolo Prete

> All of my helper functions for overlaying stencils are really just
> hacks; they might work for some grobs and fail for others.  And when
> things stop working, you just have to look for another hack.  For
> instance, if messing with the stencil for TupletBracket is not working,
> perhaps you could use another grob to host the debug annotation.
> TupletNumber might be more accepting of modification, which you should
> be able to get via (ly:grob-object bracket-grob 'number).  But be aware
> that you might have to do things the other way around, working from
> TupletNumber.after-line-breaking which would mean getting the bracket
> from the number: (ly:grob-object number-grob 'bracket).
Your work is great. Finally all these properties are *clarified*, and they
are very far from the obscure/missing/messed up documentation. We will have
to talk again about this in the next days.
(I did not think about the TupletNumber workaround. Thanks)

Re: visualize-padding

2020-01-22 Thread Aaron Hill

On 2020-01-22 7:26 am, Paolo Prete wrote:

The problem is associated with:

Sorry if I insist again with this: is there a fix (or work-around) for 
The function is ***very*** useful, You can really see what happens with 

discussed property, and you can really use therefore a ruler for fine
tuning .

I started to take a look at this, but got side-tracked.  My work 
schedule is erratic at the best of days, plus I have been trying to get 
over a cold; so I am uncertain I will be able to dig in more deeply.

My initial impression is that accessing certain properties out of 
sequence can cause problems.  The NR includes a brief section on 
unpure-pure-containers mentioning how one must be careful when accessing 
properties relating to Y-axis concerns.  Beam in particular is called 
out as something to avoid touching, and I imagine that TupletBracket 
cares about Beam.  I also know there is internal caching of computed 
results at various stages of processing, so perhaps an unintended 
side-effect of these things is that it all goes awry when the normal 
pattern of access is interrupted.  And since much of this work is done 
at the C++ level, it becomes difficult for Scheme code to influence 

All of my helper functions for overlaying stencils are really just 
hacks; they might work for some grobs and fail for others.  And when 
things stop working, you just have to look for another hack.  For 
instance, if messing with the stencil for TupletBracket is not working, 
perhaps you could use another grob to host the debug annotation.  
TupletNumber might be more accepting of modification, which you should 
be able to get via (ly:grob-object bracket-grob 'number).  But be aware 
that you might have to do things the other way around, working from 
TupletNumber.after-line-breaking which would mean getting the bracket 
from the number: (ly:grob-object number-grob 'bracket).

-- Aaron Hill

visualize-padding (was: \offset Y-offset)

2020-01-22 Thread Paolo Prete
To Aaron (and any other helpful contributor):

As you can see in the below snippet, the visualize-padding function you so
kindly provided, doesn't work in some cases with TupletBracket. Here is a
snippet where the bug occurs.

The problem is associated with:

Sorry if I insist again with this: is there a fix (or work-around) for it?
The function is ***very*** useful, You can really see what happens with the
discussed property, and you can really use therefore a ruler for fine
tuning .

Thanks for you help and your patience!


#(define color-good '(0.2 0.5 0.8))
#(define color-bad '(0.8 0.2 0.3))
#(define line-thickness 0.2)
#(define whiteout-thickness 1.5)

visualize-padding = #(define-music-function
  (grob-path color) (symbol-list? color?)
  (define (proc grob)
(let* ((orig (ly:grob-property grob 'stencil))
   (xex (ly:stencil-extent orig X))
  (yex (ly:stencil-extent orig Y))
   ;(yex (ly:make-unpure-pure-container ly:grob::stencil-height
(lambda (grob start end) (ly:grob::stencil-height grob
   (dir (ly:grob-property grob 'direction))
   (y (ly:grob-property grob 'padding)))

  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'layer 1000)
  (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'stencil
(grob-interpret-markup grob #{
  \markup \overlay {
\stencil #orig
\with-dimensions-from \null
\translate #(cons (interval-index xex 0)
  (interval-index yex (- dir)))
\overlay {
  \with-color #color
  \override #'(style . outline)
  \override #`(thickness . ,whiteout-thickness)
  \scale #(cons 1 (- dir))
  \path #0.2 #`(
(moveto 0 -2) (lineto 0 0)
(moveto -0.5 -1) (lineto 0 0) (lineto 0.5 -1)
(moveto -1 0) (lineto 1 0))

  \with-color #color
  \override #'(style . outline)
  \override #`(thickness . ,whiteout-thickness)
  \scale #(cons 1 dir)
  \translate #(cons 0 (- y))
  \path #line-thickness #`(
(moveto 0 -2) (lineto 0 0)
(moveto -0.5 -1) (lineto 0 0) (lineto 0.5 -1)
(moveto -1 0) (lineto 1 0))
  } #}

  #{ \override $grob-path .after-line-breaking = #proc #})


upper = {
   \visualize-padding TupletBracket #color-good
   \times 3/3 {
   c'''4*2/3-\fermata \change Staff = "lower"
   c'''4*2/3 g'''4*2/3 }


} %end upper

lower = { s4 s s}

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" \lower
  \layout { }
  \midi { }
