Re: won't someone please think of the users!?

2012-04-23 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Clark, Rob wrote:

just some random thoughts on our release model, etc..  I've been
meaning to write up for a while but haven't had time

[+1] :)

Actually, the issue isn't as much with Ubuntu as with Android.

For Ubuntu, I have stopped pointing people at Linaro and always
advise them to use official Ubuntu releases because there they
at least stand a chance of getting some kind of support -
although they often return from #ubuntu-arm saying that
nobody would/could help them there...
And don't get me wrong, I absolutely do not expect Linaro
to provide Ubuntu support, I would actually prefer if Linaro
Ubuntu builds were much more less visible to end users :)

For Android on e.g. Pandaboard, there simply is not much else
than Linaro to point people to. The original TI Pandroid effort
was scrapped when TI found that it is too much work to support
a user centric Android release and now TI as well points to Linaro.
The only other place one could point people to is plain AOSP,
but that lacks stuff like HW accell and isn't the focus of
Google any more as far as panda is concerned.

So Linaro is the only viable solution there, but as with
Ubuntu, there is no end-customer support and the monthly
releases make it a moving target. Again, I do not blame
Linaro for the lack of support, it is simply a fact that
Android as a distribution is way less supported than
others, especially on less mainstream platforms.
Having e.g. Cyanogenmod on Panda would surely help a lot,
but I guess there is no critical mass for that and dev boards
like Panda and others are in a way moving targets themselves...

So I guess the only thing that can be done short-term
is to state very clearly what Linaro builds are and what they
are not and to discourage the average user from going down
that road unless they know what they are doing (which will fail
as well since users like car drivers all think they are above



linaro-dev mailing list

Re: won't someone please think of the users!?

2012-04-23 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Clark, Rob wrote:

Also, I wonder if we should split #linaro, either into #linaro-devel
and leave #linaro as a place that users can come to for help, or setup
a separate #linaro-users?  This way we aren't just dumping out new
releases with nowhere for users to turn to for help..  (Well, they can
always come to #linaro but I guess this would help with the

Think twice before setting up something like #linaro-users, unless you
are willing to staff it and really help users there. Just having another
idle mostly ghost town on IRC does not help much.

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Why are our Android toolchains 32bit?

2011-08-10 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Bernhard Rosenkranzer wrote:

while working on some improvements, I noticed that our Android
toolchain binaries are built as 32-bit x86.
Is there any reason for this (other than we inherited it from AOSP)?

While it doesn't matter much, it doesn't make much sense to me -
Android can't currently be built on 32-bit machines (so it's not about

fwiw, android GB and HC both build fine on 32 bit here...

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Android libjpeg

2011-06-30 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Måns Rullgård wrote:
 Mandeep  writes:

  Vladimir  writes:

Either I am doing something wrong or this libjpeg-turbo is not so turbo.

  Libjpeg (turbo or regular) is full of inefficiencies.  I guess they all
  add up.

  My numbers should only be used for relative comparison purpose as djpeg
  decoding time that I sent also include time to read input file from
  filessystem. Actual decoding speed may be  higher when special modification
  are done in djpeg application to read input from memory.

 I doubt reading from a cached file can account for that much time.
 Besides, I presume Vladimir was reading his file from somewhere too.

my times have been measured around the libavcodec decode() call and include
colorspace conversion to YUYV interleaved. I realize that libjpeg might
have an additional YUV to RGB step that I did not do since my display is
YUV capable.

 However, no matter how slow libjpeg is, that's what lots of apps use,
 and thus improving it should be beneficial to them insofar jpeg decoding
 is a bottleneck.

sure, I did not mean for you to stop working on it :)

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Pandaboard is / x-loader flow and official branch

2011-06-30 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Andy Green wrote:

ROM being ROM, it can't be upgraded, however, unlike in OMAP3 the ROM in
OMAP4 stuff seems pretty much perfect for SD Card boot case, it doesn't
care about any arcane stuff like geometry for example.  It only needs to
success to pull MLO reliably and anything further can be done there in
an upgradeable way.

neither does the OMAP3 ROM code. All the cargo cult around geometry stems
from the fact that initially x-loader aka MLO hardcoded sector 63 for the
start of the boot partition and this is fixed since long. Unfortunately,
there is a large number of ancient unfixed MLO files out there...

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Pandaboard is / x-loader flow and official branch

2011-06-30 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Andy Green wrote:

I think we can count that as arcarna... but I think we're talking about
different problems, and that the ROM fragility to partitioning on OMAP3
is real enough.

On an IGEP0020 I was unable to create a bootable image -- one that would
boot x-loader so it would talk on the serial console -- even after a
couple of days struggling.  It was only 'solved' in the end when Loic
imaged the start of his magic working card and I dd'd it on to mine.
Then it was happy even when I put my MLO on there.

It would have been interesting to compare the 2 cards. In fact I did that
once for a friend that had similar issues and in the end came up with:

the fact that partition size in MBR and FAT have to match came as a little
surprise :)

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Pandaboard is / x-loader flow and official branch

2011-06-30 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Dechesne, Nicolas wrote:

ROM being ROM, it can't be upgraded, however, unlike in OMAP3 the ROM in 
OMAP4 stuff seems pretty much perfect for
SD Card boot case, it doesn't care about any arcane stuff like geometry for 
example.  It only needs to success to
pull MLO reliably and anything further can be done there in an upgradeable 

yes, some OMAP3 problems were fixed in the OMAP4 ROM code based on the feedback 
from linux/SD card users.

would you be able to come up with a short list of fixes that have been done?

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Pandaboard is / x-loader flow and official branch

2011-06-30 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Dechesne, Nicolas wrote:

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Vladimir Pantelic wrote:

would you be able to come up with a short list of fixes that have been 

the notable problem fixed in OMAP4 vs OMAP3 boot code is related to how the ROM 
code will read the FAT table. in OMAP3
if you keep replacing the MLO/uboot/uimage (whether you cp or mv to it) after a 
while (~10 iterations, iirc) the ROM
code will not be able to locate MLO anymore, and you need to reformat the card. 
this problem is fixed on OMAP4. there
might be other things, but this one was really the biggest issue i think.


also, note that the SD can be used as RAW instead of FAT, in which case you 
aren't going through the embedded FAT
implementation and avoid such issues.

sure, that's how we boot from emmc :)

linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Android libjpeg

2011-06-29 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

Mandeep Kumar wrote:

Hi All,

I have done some benchmarking on OMAP4  running Ubuntu for various versions of 
libjpegs. Benchmarks were collected with
modified version of djpeg that prints out ms time taken for decoding. Sample 
used for benchmarking is a 12MP image
downloaded from a photography website. Here are the results:


libjpeg-turbo trunk version that has NEON patches (5 runs). 
* Decoding Time for Run 1: 1068 ms
  Decoding Time for Run 2: 1065 ms
  Decoding Time for Run 3: 1093 ms
  Decoding Time for Run 4: 1066 ms
  Decoding Time for Run 5: 1067 ms
*Median Decoding Time: 1067 ms*

One remark:

a 12MP image decoded in 1076ms equals ~12MP/s decoding speed.

decoding a 640x480 MJPEG file on a 1GHz OMAP4 using libavcodec
gives me an average decoding time per frame of ~10ms which yields:

640x480/10ms = ~30MP/s

so roughly 2.5 times faster.

Either I am doing something wrong or this libjpeg-turbo is not so turbo.



linaro-dev mailing list

Re: Android libjpeg

2011-06-24 Thread Vladimir Pantelic

On 06/24/2011 08:13 PM, Woodruff, Richard wrote:

This suggests to me that a simple drop-in of libjpeg-turbo might
be actually easy to do, and that there is probably a significant
performance benefit to be achieved. One thing to keep in mind is
that this code still supports armv6, so we'd probably want to
preserve that.

You have to be a little careful as ARM did drop some bad NEON errata
in A9 which require care to work around. Some CPU versions are
impacted while others are not, tanstaafl.

AFAIK ARM has a tool that can scan object code for bad neon
sequences, maybe they are willing to make that generally available?

linaro-dev mailing list