
2003-06-25 Thread Bruce Powell
I've been asked to upgrade a CD (projector) done in 8.5 to MX for use on
System X and multiple platforms. Haven't upgraded my 8.5 to MX yet. Very
intimidated by the Macromedia Tech Note on creating projectors with MX,
system X for multiple platforms. After reading many discouraging notes on
several forums about developing with MX my instincts say forget about it.
Use 8.5 and system 9.2 for another year until MX gets simplified; you know,
autostart issues, multiple QuickTime installers, blinding array of xtras,

Maybe I'm suffering from upgrade burnout. I guess I would just like to hear
from some of you who have had the courage to move up; how has it worked out?


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2003-02-10 Thread Bruce Powell

I see that Sebastien recommends MenuDemo9 which is an amazing piece of work.
However, if you don't need the icons then download MenuDemo8. I didn't know
about 8 and spent a couple weeks taking out all the icon stuff from 9. Now
trying to figure out how to get it to pop up to the right instead of below
the original button. Sure wish I could code like this guy.


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2003-01-15 Thread Bruce Powell
Thanks all for the input. Turns out that I solved my own problem the same
day and posted it, but I didn't have my email set to plaintext so it didn't
get posted. I will modify the below code later with input you all provided.

This turns out to be a handy piece of code for sloppy typists like me.
First go to the computer that has the missing fonts. In this case my PC.
Add this code to the movie script and execute from the message window:

on FindFonts
repeat with i = 1 to the number of castmembers of castLib 4
  if the castType of cast i of castLib 4 = EMPTY then
if the castType of cast i of castLib 4 = #richText then
  put the memberNum of cast i of castLib 4  && Member(cast i of castLib
end if
  end if
end repeat

This saved me tons of work. I went into two of the members found and could
not manually find those fonts! However when I reselected the text and
changed to the correct fonts and resaved my problem was solved. Point being
that I would have never found the problem by going through each text member


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2003-01-14 Thread Bruce Powell
When testing a project (created with Director 8.5 on a Mac) on a PC (win98)
the error code stating "This movie uses fonts that are not available on this
system. Director will use a default font to display the following: Geneva"
appears during startup. Geneva is not suppose to be in this project. I used
this code to find where it was being used in my 1900 cast members (all in
cast library 4):

on FindFonts
repeat with i = 1 to the number of castmembers of castLib 4
 if the castType of cast i of castLib 4 = EMPTY then
  if the castType of cast i of castLib 4 = #richtext then
   put the memberNum of cast i of castLib 4 && the textFont
of cast i of castLib 4
  end if
 end if
end repeat

This works but only gives me one font per cast member. If I pick a cast
member and, for test purposes, place three or four different fonts in it,
only the first one is identified with this code.

QUESTION: Is there some way for me to locate all font typefaces used by
castmember? It could even be a space with a not wanted font on it.
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