Re: lingo-l Bug of the week

2004-02-10 Thread Colin Kettenacker
Kerry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2/10/04 9:53 AM wrote:

 I managed to get the startMovie handler called 7 times. I'm willing to
 let you guess how I managed that before I reveal yet another Stupid
 Lingo Trick.

on stupidTrick me
  repeat with i = 1 to 7
  end repeat
end stupidTrick

Kidding... really:)

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lingo-l X-Post: MIT: launches OpenCourseWare: 500 courses free online

2003-09-04 Thread Colin Kettenacker
Wow! Sorry for the X-post but... WOW!

I grabbed this from another mailing list.

MIT has launched their OpenCourseWare program
-- over 500 courses available free on the Web. By 2007, MIT predicts
that all of the courses will be published/available.
OpenCourseWare home page:

Wired News piece [could not get this to load up in Win IE6, though loads
fine in moz/firebird]
Issue 11.09 - September 2003
_MIT Everyware_  By David Diamond
[quote]Every lecture, every handout, every quiz. All online. For free.
Meet the global geeks getting an MIT education, open

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Re: lingo-l MX opinion!!

2002-12-19 Thread Colin Kettenacker
Peter Witham [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/19/02 8:10 AM wrote:

 I don't know how well received the idea of shipping Flash
 Communication Server instead of Fireworks will be with people,

I was a quite bummed about this. I have come to *really* appreciate the
power of Fireworks. It took me a while, as I used Photoshop for years and
resisted using Fireworks because I was not as familiar with it. Now that I
have finally got into using Fireworks (I find that I use it almost
exclusively now and almost never use PS anymore), it is no longer bundled in
DMX. Very disappointing. To top it off *if* I buy a Mac version and PC
version of DMX (a big if, by the way) I will be saddled with two versions
of The Flash Communication Server, neither of which will work on the Mac. At
least with previous versions of Director bundles you got a Mac version and
PC version of Fireworks, MUS and an audio editing package, which you can
install on both your Mac and PC. Very handy.

To say that I was very disappointed in this bundled package is putting it

 but I'm
 happy since I got Fireworks MX with my copy of Director 8.5, just my two
 cents on that one.

You lucky bastard! When I purchased D8.5 I got Flash 4. #*%$#^*


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Re: lingo-l MX opinion!!

2002-12-19 Thread Colin Kettenacker
Mark R. Jonkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/19/02 11:30 PM wrote:

 Hey Colin
 You lucky bastard! When I purchased D8.5 I got Flash 4. #*%$#^*
 I highly doubt that Macromedia would have shipped Flash 4 with Director
 8.5.. just don't see it happening. Guess the excitement over the new flash
 features has you spitting out Flash instead of Fireworks ;-) (Dang West
 coast Canucks can never get things right!!)
 Mark R. Jonkman

Yeah, well you east coast expatriate Canucks really get my knickers in a
twist... mostly 'cause your always right!

I stand corrected. I did indeed mean Fireworks 4.

Thanks Mark:)


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Re: lingo-l fileIO brain teaser

2002-12-02 Thread Colin Kettenacker
Brad Hile [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/2/02 5:45 AM wrote:

 Colin you're brilliant! (fading memory or not)


Naaah, I just bumped into the same problem you have.

 As to why I would possibly want a path over 126 chars? It's just a case of
 better sure than sorry as the app I'm building will allow users to choose a
 destination for their files to be saved.

This is precisely what had happened to me a couple years back. I built an
app that would automatically create a text file in a sub directory at the
root of the app. When testing on Windows, some people placed the app in a
relatively deep directory path. FileIO could create the text file well
enough but could not open it (if the file path was longer than 126

Now to add to this, I believe that other media types that use file paths
have the same problem on windows machines. I have seen this for instance
with QT cast members not being able to find the external QT file if the file
path was longer than 126 characters. So this problem is not exclusive to

This is not a minor issue as any standalone director project you've created
could potentially break if the user decides to put the app in a relatively
deep directory (I say relatively because 126 characters is really not that
deep of a file path). I know for a certainty that this will break fileIO
openFile() and QT's and quite possibly other externally linked media types
on windows machines.

Take this as a cautionary warning.


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Re: lingo-l fileIO brain teaser

2002-11-30 Thread Colin Kettenacker
 The baShortFileName only returns a truncated name from a file that already

I did not know that. I thought it would create a short file path even if the
actual file did not exist. I must admit though that I have only used the
function on file paths that did exist.

 Therefore I can't create the file because I can't trucate the path and I
 can't truncate the path because I can't create the file! (oooh my head

I could be wrong about this (it's been a while since I've used fileIO) but I
thought fileIO only had a problem with long file paths in the openFile()
function. With the createFile() function you should be able to use a normal
file path without having to resort to the baShortfilename() function.

I'm at home right now (no PC here, only a Mac) so I can't test this theory.

If I'm wrong then you can blame my memory on the aging process.

I am off to bed now (another reason to blame my short memory... lack of
sleep). I hope this helps.


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Re: lingo-l scaling images question...

2002-10-08 Thread Colin Kettenacker

g r i m m w e r k s [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 10/8/02 10:58 AM wrote:

 On 10/8/02 1:32 PM, Howdy-Tzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] decreed thusly:
 grimmObj2 = grimmwerks.duplicate()
 Repeat as necessary. :)
 Then who needs porn?!?

LOL! That's about the funniest thing I have heard in a while... Thanks for
the laugh!


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Re: lingo-l Coding challenge - zip code field

2002-04-26 Thread Colin Kettenacker

Irv Kalb [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 4/26/02 10:21 AM wrote:

 I did a similar thing for 5 digit zip codes.  But now the client
 comes back and says that we must allow for 5 digit or 9 digit zip
 codes (Zip + 4 as in d-).  And here's the tricky part, they
 want the hypen to work automatically.  That is, the user would just
 type digits, and the hyphen should appear only if and when the user
 types the sixth character.  The user interaction of the field seems
 pretty clear, but I'm having trouble coding this behavior.

Here is some quick, not thoroughly tested, code for you to try. I will now
take a closer look at your behavior and see what you got there. In the mean
time does this work for you?


property pFldM

on beginSprite me
  pFldM = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
  pFldM.text = EMPTY

on keyDown me
  -- Your key filtering routine
  -- Pass any valid number
end keyDown

on keyUp me
  fldTxtSt = pFldM.text
  if fldTxtSt.length = 5 then

fldTxtSt = fldTxtSt  -

pFldM.text = fldTxtSt

the selStart = 6

the selEnd = 6

  end if
end keyDown

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RE: lingo-l Dir 8.5 and Windows 95

2002-04-03 Thread Colin Kettenacker

 Can someone tell me if projectors made from a Director 8.5.1 movie
 are supposed to able to run on Windows '95?

Yes they are supposed to.

 I'm in beta testing on a large project and we're getting reports of
 Director player error, file not found messages on one or more
 Window 95 systems.  I don't have a system running Windows 95 to test
 it on.

I don't think this is the same thing, but we have had reports of Illegal
Operation errors reported with projectors created in D8.5.1 and only on
*some but not all* Win 95 machines. It seems that the SHOCKWAVE 3D ASSET.X32
is causing the conflict.

This only happens when the playback head moves into a frame with SW3D
sprite. We have done some barebones testing and this occurs only when the
SW3D cast member has at least one model in it. An empty SW3D cast member on
stage will not trigger the error.

As I say, this does not sound like the same problem you are having.

Have you created a barebones projector yet. I'd be happy to test it here on
our Win 95 machine if you wish.


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