MouseUp vs. rightMouseUp/Down

2003-09-04 Thread John Hart
SYSTEM: WIN XP Pro, 256Mb RAM, D851
Project: Projector

I have a checkbox sprite with the following script as part of the member:

on mouseUp
  member("firstStoryCheckbox").hilite = TRUE
  member("secondStoryCheckbox").hilite = FALSE

Attached to the sprite is a help tip behavior that only functions when rightMouseDown 
is clicked over the sprite.

The problem is, when rightMouseDown is clicked over the sprite, it drops a checkmark 
in the sprite.  I thought that would only happen on mouseUp.  But no.  So my question 
is, how do I prevent rightMouseDown, or up, from dropping a checkmark in the sprite?  
Or put another way, the checkmark should appear in the sprite only when leftMouseUp is 

Thanks in advance to all...
Perplexed in Portland,

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windowType on projector? How 'bout scrollbars for stage?

2003-06-04 Thread John Hart
Hi all:
  System: WinXP, D8.5.1, 256k ram; 1024x768 res

Is it possible to specify the windowType for a projector?  It seems to default to the 
"0" type, that is a title bar with minimize and close box and inactive zoombox.  I'd 
like to get a title bar with an active zoom box, but after much experimentation it 
doesn't seem doable.  If specifying windowType for a projector isn't possible, I'd 
like to create a routine to show horizontal and vertical scrollbars that move the 
stage, as in authoring mode. Has anyone done this?  Example: projector is 1000 x 700, 
and with scrollbars, user can move stage to see additional material, left and right, 
up and down.  Just typing that it sounds harder than trying to find WMD.

Thanks all for the help,

John Hart
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Subject: Web Broswer in Director MX

2003-06-02 Thread John Hart
  I just finished a project using WebXtra from Tabuleiro and I thought I would share 
these thoughts:

  1. It works as advertised.
  2. It will not show sites using Shockwave since that would mean Director would be 
showing Shockwave inside a Projector or Shockwave inside a Shockwave site using 
WebXtra. Can't be done.
  3. It shows Flash just fine.  I cannot find a single site where WebXtra fails to 
show Flash.
  4. The right-click context menu can be enabled or disabled.
  5. You cannot attach Behavior Scripts to WebXtra sprites.
  6. You can block easily block sites from showing in WebXtra with a list of sites you 
  7. You can set the sprite visible, sprite loc, sprite height, and sprite width of 
WebXtra while projector is running.
  8. Tech support is good, but takes about 24 hours to answer.

If you'd like to download my project that uses WebXtra to see what it can do, please 
feel free:, and if I can answer any other questions about WebXtra, 
let me know.
John Hart, developer
John Hart
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capturing IE contents

2003-03-20 Thread John Hart
Hi all,
  I've been playing with WebXtra on Win/D85, trying to build a projector.  My problem 
is WebXtra doesn't have a Lingo function that will let me capture the raw html of the 
url I'm looking at.  I assumed that since the webpage is in my local machine memory, I 
ought to be able to get at the raw html somehow, as in "getNetText", etc.  So my 
questions is, if I have called for a url in WebXtra, or for that matter on IE itself, 
is there a way to perform a contents dump or capture the memory of the page I'm 
staring at into a variable?

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Lingo and SOAP?

2003-03-10 Thread John Hart
Hi all:
  Does anyone on the list have experience interfacing with SOAP (Simple Object Access 
Protocol) using Lingo?  There seems to be plenty of Visual Basic and PERL code 
examples to use SOAP, but unable to find anything regarding Lingo. Oh, I did find 
something in the Macromedia DB about FLASH MX handling SOAP requests.  FLASH?  Yikes.  
Surely, the Director Team has something in mind for SOAP.  

  Any ideas, suggestions, rumors, etc.?

John Hart
John Hart
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create multiple sprite instances during runtime

2003-03-04 Thread John Hart
  Thanks Tab and Jeremy for your responses.  I have a question, tho...
doesn't Jeremy's code below, and the concept submitted by Tab require that a sprite be 
present in the frame channel before it will work?  I was looking for a way to create a 
sprite instance at runtime, assign that instance to the same image( folder icon) and 
so on.  But further research on the web tells me that creating a sprite instance and 
placing it in a specific spot at runtime can't be done, apparently.

  Jeremy asked how the list was obtained, so here's the code called from a 
"beginSprite" behavior in the frame.  I'm excluding two files in the count, btw as you 
can see below.  After the count is done, the remainder of the behavior establishes the 
position for each image. However, I have put 10 sprites off stage, as you can tell, 
plus 10 more for the image icons, and I'm just calling them on stage as neeeded.  The 
loch is already lined up off stage, btw.

on countFiles
  fileList = [ ]
  i = 1
  repeat while TRUE
filename = getNthFileNameInFolder(the moviePath&"\"&"Links"&"\", i)
if filename = EMPTY then exit repeat
if fileName = "MyPrefs.txt" or filename = "myPaper.htm" then
  i = i+1
  next repeat
end if
i = i+1
  end repeat
  vLOC = 125
  i = 1
  repeat while fileList <> []
sprite(i+10).member.text = getAt(fileList,1) --put a name in a field sprite
deleteAt(fileList,1) --del one from the list
sprite(i+3).locv = vLOC -- move the folder icon's locv on stage
sprite(i+10).locv = vLOC-5 -- move the title on stage
vLOC = vLOC + 24 -- add 24 pixels for the next round
i = i + 1 -- increment var i
  end repeat
  return fileList
end countFiles

Thanks again, guys...and I like the new look and feel of the list. Haven't been on for 
awhile, and the new organizational feel is great.

John Hart

>Message: 9
>From: "Jeremy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE:  create multiple sprite instances during runtime
>Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 08:43:04 -0500
>This might help
>-- Find a free sprite channel to puppet
>-- Choose a range of numbers you arent using for other sprites
>-- and a range large enough to accommodate however many of them you are
>repeat with i = 100 to 200
>if sprite(i).puppet = FALSE then exit repeat
>end repeat   
>sp = sprite(i)
>-- puppet it
>sp.puppet = true
>-- set the member.
>sp.member = member("folder")
>sp.loc = point(x,y)
> = whatever inkmode you need
>sp.blend = whatever other properties you need
John Hart
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create multiple sprite instances during runtime

2003-03-03 Thread John Hart
Hi all:
  System is Win98SE, D8.5

I'd like to use Lingo to create multiple sprite intances of an image member, during 
projector runtime.  The image is the typical PC folder icon and is positioned as 
sprite(4)in the score, frame 7.  The number of folder icons to be shown is based on a 
linear list of filenames I've already retrieved.  But...short of manually placing 
multiple instances of the member image ("folderIcon" ) offstage and relocating the 
points at runtime, I can't figure this one out.  The objective is to create a vertical 
stack of folder icons with the corresponding folder name after it, just like Explorer.

  Any help is most appreciated.

John Hart
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Re: Concept help, please

2002-08-26 Thread John Hart

Mark, John,
  Thanks for your response.

  Mark, your assumptions 1 and 2 below are correct. 

  Also, the script is attached to the sprite I'm pushing off stage, not sprite 150.

  Additonally, I'm not trying to move sprite 150 off the stage. I am delighted that it 
stays within the stage area and happy with its natural offset. However, my stage is 
the size of my monitor, a fact I omitted earlier, and I've been trying to get sprite 
150, the field sprite, to update with data while pushing the underlying sprite off 
stage.  It not only doesn't work going 'left' but all other directions as well.  So, 
it appears that it can't be done.  In summary: once the mouse crosses the Director 
stage edge, in any direction, with stage at full monitor, one cannot get the loc or 
name of the underlying sprite the mouse is hovering over. I'll try setting the stage 
at slightly less than the size of my monitor as an experiment, and see what happens 
when I push a sprite off the edge.  (I hope the sprite doesn't scream much.)

Thanks for your help. Most sincerely appreciated.
John Hart

> 1). I'm assuming this behaviour is attached to the sprites that you are
> attempting to get values for member name and loc for.
> 2). sprite(150) is infact the field sprite that is following the mouseLoc
> around on the stage. Because there is no offset value, the field will always
> appear to begin drawing to the right and below the tip of the arrow cursor.
> - so the larger question that you have, is whether or not mouseEnter,
> mouseWithin, mouseLeave and mouseDown events work for sprites that are
> offstage.. vs whether or not the mouseLoc gets updated while your offstage.
> And if I read your code correctly, the biggest culprit is whether or not
> mouseWithin would continue updating when offstage as that is what is feeding
> your field information on mouseLoc and moving your field around the stage.
> I've never seen them not work while not offstage and have just made a sample
> movie based on your code and my tooltip continues to work offstage (at least
> in authoring).
> However, John Trentini pointed out a major potential flaw / misunderstanding
> in your code, that is that you are reporting only the loc of the sprite you
> are hovering over, you aren't reporting the mouseloc in the output field.
> Therefore it is entirely understandable that your reporting field would
> continue to display the current items loc even if you move the mouse
> offstage provided of course the sprite is also covering the area that your
> mouse is over in the offstage area.
> Now there is one thing that is exceptionally confusing to me, and that is
> your description of the fact that the field does not leave the stage area
> and does not update while the mouse is offstage. Unless you have constrained
> sprite(150) to stay onstage as John Trentini has hypothesized. There is one
> other potential explaination that better describes what you are seeing.
> If your stage is the size of your monitor, or you are positioning the left
> side of the stage against the left most edge of your monitor. You will
> notice, that the mouse stays at the left most edge of the monitor and does
> not continue to move into no mans land when you leave the monitor (or the
> left most monitor in multimonitor displays). At least that is the case under
> Win2K, the tip of the arrow is just off screen). If you take a sprite and
> move it entirely or partially offstage to the left as described above, then
> you can get a situation where the mouse does not update when it is against
> the left bound of your display giving the exact behaviour that you described
> in your earlier emails.
> Not sure if any of this helps you
> Sincerely
> Mark R. Jonkman

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RE: concept help, please

2002-08-25 Thread John Hart

Tab, Mark,
  Thanks for replying.  I've enclosed the code I've been using for edification.  In 
the code below, sprite(150) is a small field that follows the mouseloc when the 
mouseloc is over a sprite. The sprite(150) contains info about the underlying sprite's 
loc and name. Also, "gmiawcp" is an miaw control panel. The behavior is used in a Win 
projector.  And as I said in the first message, on mouseDown, my sprite tip field -- 
sprite(150)-- just disappears once my mouse crosses any edge of the stage in authoring 
or the projector.  The objective here is to have the sprite Tip (sprite 150) continue 
to report the off stage sprite's "point" loc and "name."

property spritenum
global gmyName,gmiawcp
on mouseEnter me
 if gmiawcp <> void then
gmyName = sprite(me.spriteNum)
sprite(150).visible = TRUE
  end if

on mouseDown me
  if gmiawcp <> void then
sprite(150).loc = the mouseloc
member("spriteTIP1").text = &","&& gmyName.loc
  end if

on mouseWithin me
  if gmiawcp <> void then
 sprite(150).loc = the mouseloc
 member("spriteTIP1").text = &","&& gmyName.loc
  end if

on mouseLeave me
  if gmiawcp <> void then
sprite(150).visible = FALSE
  end if

  Obviously, if the mouseloc continues to report back data while off stage -- and it 
does in the message window -- then some part of my behavior is wrong.

Thanks for your attention and help...
John H.

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moving a sprite from off to on stage

2002-08-15 Thread John Hart

Hi All:

SYS INFO: D85, WIN98SE, 128Mbs RAM
  I need to move a sprite from off stage to a specific location on stage, pH, using 
Lingo.  I've tried several ideas,but can't get it.  Need some ideas, please.  Here's 
part of a behavior I'm calling with sendSprite, but the sprite appears to quick!

--from another script I use this: sendsprite(21,#motion, "left", pH)
--and here's part of that #motion behavior:

case(whichDirection) of
  repeat while sprite(21).locH <> pH
  sprite(21).locH = sprite(21).locH + 1
  end repeat
end case

What I get is sprite 21 appearing instantly in position pH, as opposed to sliding on 
stage, or flying-in smoothly.  Can't use Score/sprite spans. Would rather use Lingo 
anywho.  Tried a couple of ideas to slow down the repeat loop, but timeout() doesn't 
do it, the timer doesn't do it.  Shirley, there is a way to make this happen in Lingo.

Thanks much for your ideas and comments,
John H...stranded on Lingo Island.

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importing pix to projector

2002-07-28 Thread John Hart

Hi all...
  and thanks in advance for your excellent help.

Just one quick question: Isn't there a method or workaround to import a .jpg into a 
projector (windows OS, D8.5) short of using an Xtra?  The objective is to allow client 
photos to be imported and available in the projector on a permanent basis.  I would 
like to import from a folder on the client's HD, into the projector, but losing hair 
over many failed experiements of my own, and you know how high the cost of hair is 
these days.

Again, thanks..
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3 questions: menus, error msg, & cast sort?

2002-07-11 Thread John Hart

Good morning, all...
SPECS: D8.5, Win98SE, 2.2GhzCPU, 128Mbs mem

Three questions: menus, error msg, cast sort

1. I have an installmenu member "menubar" in my projector, which also calls an miaw.  
This miaw has an installmenu member "miawmenu" but it loads in place of the projector 
menu.  I have tried placing installmenu in various other positions, such as startmenu, 
but I have tried more positions than Kama Sutra and get the same results.  Which 
operator error am I guilty of?  Or is this just a plain violation of the Lingo Laws.

2. In author mode of my miaw, I repeatedly get the error "Unable to load "c:\blah, 
blah" because it is already open with write permission by another user" while I am 
playing with the miaw.  I get the same error when I call the miaw from the authormode 
of the projector.  I had assumed that because I was bouncing back and forth between 
the two, my 128Mbs of ram was hanging on to several instances of the miaw.  My bad, I 
guess.  I should be doing a "forget window such and such" each time I bounce around, 
yes?  This error does not occur in run-time mode, which should probably frighten me.  
Perhaps if I test it on another machine, I can sleep at nights.

3. This one is very anal retentive. I frequently program from the hip.  You know, 
start typing without a plan, adding casts willy-nilly.  Then, suddenly a plan appears 
in the distance and now I have cast titles all out of alphabetical order.  I can't 
stand it!  My world is neatly alpha'd and in somewhat perfect order. Isn't there a way 
to re-alpha the list of casts, moving that infernal "internal" to the "i's, and the 
"a's" to the top of the list in authormode?  And by the way, how do I get my wife to 
stop leavig hair strands in the bathroom sink?  This too makes me howl at the Portland 

Blessings to all in advance...
John Hart
Lingo Monk

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