Re: detect sprites with a certain property

2004-07-02 Thread Lee Blinco
Thanks all for all the answers guys, sendallsprites is the way i'm now using
( and should have been all along !!) but thanks for the tips on
scriptInstanceList i hadn't realised its relevance to what i was trying to
thanks again
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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detect sprites with a certain property

2004-07-02 Thread Lee Blinco
is it possible to loop through all sprites in the score and detect whether
each sprite has a certain custom property.
If the sprite has any custom properties then i can use

repeat with k = 1 to the lastChannel
repeat with l = 1 to sprite(k).count()
  if sprite(k).getPropAt(l) = #myBuiltInCursor then
sprite(k).cursor = sprite(k).myBuiltInCursor
  end if
  end repeat
end repeat

but this fails when a sprite has no properties  as it returns a "handler not
in object error".
so is it poosible to test for whether a sprite has any custom properties at
all or not.
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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QTVR problems

2004-06-17 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi there,
(sorry about the duplicate post  - i used the wrong mail account first off)
a few problems i'm experiencing with hotspots in QTVR.
If i leave it to QT, when i click on a hotspot, QT always opens the linked
movie in a browser, i want it to replace the movie that was clicked in
director. I am using realviz stitcher to create the panaromas and if i
adjust the settings there i can get the linked movie to replace the clicked
movie in the QT player, but this doesn't work in director, it always opens
the new movie in a seperate browser window. Does anyone know if it is
possible to let QT handle the hotspots and replace the sprite in director ?
Having failed with the leave it to QT approach, i set a handler for the QT
sprite triggerCallback and using this i can swap the sprites member which is
the effect i want, however as i'm creating a tour with several hotspots per
movie i would like to be able to read from quicktime both the url/movie name
of the link and the description associated with it. Is this possible ? all i
can see at the moment is a simple numeric hotspot ID which will start at
number one for each movie, i'm not sure at the moment how i can tell (by
lingo)which numeric id corresponds to which actual hotspot and hence what to
link to.
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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OT: panorama software

2004-05-21 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi Guys,
could use a bit of advice as to what panoramic stitching software to take
the plunge with. I've been evaluating what i can this week and my results
have been mixed, with the demo versions, so i'm hoping that some of you guys
have been doing this for a while and can pass on your experience.
Our requirement is to do full 360 x 180 panaromas, with qtvr hotspot
functionality and to embed in director and also web pages.

i think we've narrowed it done to a choice of four.

1 - QTVR authouring studio, - unfortunately cant find a demo program, it
also appears like its not being pushed by apple very much and is quite old.
2 - realviz stitcher - currently our preferred pick, but the demo version
fatally crashes as soon as you select quicktime format for rendering export,
also its pricey and has no java player export for web delivery (am i right
in thinking that Standard Win XP has no Java VM and therefore xp users would
not be able to play these without downloading the java VM ?)
3 - 3dvista - sounds great with all the claimed capabilities and output
formats, but the demo crashes a lot and the results dont seem as as good as
realviz, anyone used the available xtra with this programs output ?
4 - panorama tools - nice and cheap, but we haven't been able to get as good
results for spherical panaromas as with realviz stitcher.
any thoughts/experience much appreciated
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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(no subject)

2004-03-05 Thread Lee Blinco
i'm experimenting with the amplitudePro xtra (which is great by the way) and
i am having trouble getting rid of my objects without explicity naming them.
i have tried

global  gAmpXtra -- current instance of the object

 if sound(1).status = 0 then
  put sound(1).status
  ClearAmpObject(gAmpXtra) -- pass the object to the ClearAmpObject
end if


on  ClearAmpObject(theampobject)
  if objectP(theampobject) then
theampobject= 0
theampobject= VOID
  end if


i was hoping that this would substitute theampobject with a reference to the
gAmpXtra instance and then clear it but it creates theampobject as another
instance of the Parent Xtra object and then clears that instance but leaves
me with my original object instance.
Is it possible to pass my clean up handler a reference to the object i want
to destroy so i can call it for differently named objects, I know i can
substitute theampobject with gAmpXtra in my ClearAmpObject handler but i
want to have multiple objects with different names and only one cleanup
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re: updating an online database

2004-02-10 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi Irv
net error being returned is = 1.
the asp page is not set to return anything.
if i use net manager then the db is not updated, if i use the single lingo
command postNextText to the same page the db is updated.
So i'm still not sure why the netManager call aways fails.

Thanks for your tip Pedja i have now got a working system that uploads my
data in one big list which i parse at the asp page but i'd like to
understand why irv's netmanager is returning an error all the time.

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re: updating an online database

2004-02-06 Thread Lee Blinco
to make sure i've created a new movie with just a preparemovie script like

global goNetManager
on PrepareMovie me
  goNetManager = new(script"NetManager")

a parent script which is netMgr#6 from irvs' book and a single sprite with
the following code

global goNetManager
on mouseUp me
  thelist = [#gameNo:84, #points:10 , #predID:23322, #twocorrect:1,

on mNetEvent me, sText, errorCode
  if errorCode <> 0 then
alert("Error:" && errorCode)
-- Do whatever you want to with sText
  end if

and i still get error = 1

if i simply change the line


PredID = PostNetText("",thelist)

and i then check the database the data has been uploaded but this falls over
obviously withlots of repeated calls as in my application.

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re: updating an online database

2004-02-06 Thread Lee Blinco

ok, so i read irvs' chapter and it seemed allright to me so i've had a go at
it this morning and while it appears to be working in director its not
updating the database.
i copied irvs' net  manager code into a parent script , initiated the global
object on preparemovie and attached my code with a call to the net manager
to my button sprite, i amended the  mnetEvent handler to build a list of the
error codes like so

on mNetEvent me, sText, errorCode
if errorCode <> 0 then
end if

i can see in the object inspector that the net manager object is there and
stepping through the list of calls sent to it but it returns an error of 1
for every call. i can not see in the lingo help what a network error of 1 is
equal to but i get this every time with irv's netmanager. i switched back to
me previous code which posts to exactly the same url and it updated about
85% of my data so i'm confident that asp inserts into the database ok.
I tried doing a single call rather than repeat through my 982 item list but
this also did not work and returned an error code of 1.
so anybody know what the error code of 1 is equal to and why i always get it
now ?

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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re updating an online database

2004-02-05 Thread Lee Blinco
hi chaps
thanks for your comments i think i've dedcided to upload it all as massive
string effectively in a single go and then split it all up in my asp page,
irv thanks for the point to your chapter i'll give it a read tonite.
cheers again
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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updating an online database

2004-02-05 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi list,
i'm updating an online mysql database with 3 fields, in 982 records and
basically its unreliable it doesn't manage top do all the updates or even a
consistent numberit usually falls about 100 short.

Tha data i want to upload is stored in an individual propertylist in a
second list which in turn is stored in a single master list ie the place
data is gmasterpredlist[i][j].place.

the approach i am using is to step through the masterlist and build a list
for each record and then use postnettext to an asp page that does a very
simple UPDATE command. I think that the problem is probably to do with  post
982 records to the page in quick succession and either the asp or mysql not
being able to handle it well enough. I've put a little routine in director
to wait for the last network op being ok but i'd appreciate someone looking
at it and confirming the logic for me.
my director code is

webresults =[]
webpredresult = [#gameNo:1, #points:0 , #predID:2, #twocorrect:0, #place:1]

gmasterpredcount = gmasterpredlist.count

repeat with i = 1 to gmasterpredcount

areacount = gmasterpredlist[i].count

repeat with j = 1 to areacount

if gmasterpredlist[i][j].predID > 1 then
webpredresult.gameNo = gmasterpredlist[i][j].gameNo
webpredresult.points = gmasterpredlist[i][j].points
webpredresult.predID = gmasterpredlist[i][j].predID
webpredresult.twocorrect = gmasterpredlist[i][j].twocorrect = gmasterpredlist[i][j].place

netID = postNetText("";,



end if
end repeat

end repeat

put webresults.count

-- routines to make sure network operation ghas  finished before next one is

on waitfornet ()
ok = false
ok = timeout("intervalTimer").new(100, #checknet)
repeat while ok = false
end repeat


on checknet ()
if netError() = 0 then
return true
return false
end if

any suggestions for a more reliable way to do this much appreciated
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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RE sorting through lists

2004-01-23 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi again
thanks alex and irv for your comments, your both right the major factor here
was the member.text instructions, ( i had just tried this and got the time
down to well under ten seconds when i received the latest digest with your
tips). I originally used this approach as i was going to use printomatic
lite to do the printing and thought i could use a text members formatting
capabilities to help me out but 72 dpi printing just doesn't cut it for me
and i foolishly kept writing into a text member when i switched to creating
an html file .. . . you live and learn.
 Thanks for the other tips, i use the lingo by feature option in the DMX
help and list.addAt() is missing from the lists functions just to catch me
out !!
once again thanks for your help and have a nice weekend

Lee Blinco

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sorting through lists

2004-01-23 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi folks,
i am developing an application that takes in a load of footy score
predictions and then calculates points for each prediction once the games
have been played, it then works out the winners etc. Another factor is that
a player can belong to a team and teams themselves are in various local
My problem is that once i've worked everything out i have to print various
tables including a table for each team showing every player in that team's
points awarded that week and i am finding that it takes my win 2k, pentium4
2.4ghz, 1Mb ram machine over two minutes to sort out these tables for only a
thousand predictions, so i'd like to know if thats what i should expect or
if my sorting code is awful and i'm missing several tricks !

i store an individual prediction in a list like

PredList = [#area : "", #gameNo : 0 , #pred1 : 0 , #pred2 : 0 , #pred3 : 0,
#pred4 : 0 ,  #pred5 : 0 , #pred6 : 0 , #pred7 : 0 , #pred8 : 0 , #pred9 : 0
, #pred10 : 0 , #pred11 : 0 , #pred12 : 0, #player : "", #team : "", #points
: 0,#place:1]

these are then grouped in another list as the game is split into local areas
and these local lists of prediction lists are the stored in one global
master list ie

gmasterpredlist[1][1].team is the team of the first prediction of the first

by the time i want to print the team tables the data is sorted in the master
predictionlist by place in each area. I also have a similar global list of
area lists for the teams data for each league.
 So thats my situation and here is my code which takes so long . . .

on printTeams3

  -- sort the predictions list by team name
  workingleaguelist = gfileleaguelist.duplicate() -- global list of the team
data in each league
  templist = []
  repeat with i=1 to workingleaguelist.count
templist[i] = []
repeat with j = 1 to workingleaguelist[i].count -- step through each
team in every league
  thefilter = workingleaguelist[i][j][2]
  slist = gmasterpredlist[i]
  tempresult = filterList( slist, thefilter)
  templist[i].append(tempresult) -- build a temp list where predictions
are grouped in lists by team name
end repeat
  end repeat

  -- start creating the html
member("temptext").text = "BR
{page-break-after: always} "

  repeat with i = 1 to templist.count
repeat with j = 1 to templist[i].count -- now step through each team
list in  templist
  member("temptext").text =member("temptext").text & "" & templist[i][j][1][1] & "
Individual Team Tables"
  member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text & "Game Number " & ggamelist.gameNo  & " Weekend " &
member("datefield").text & ""
  member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text & ""
  member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text & "Team : " & templist[i][j][1][2] &
  member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text &

 repeat with m = 1 to templist[i][j].count
   member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text & "" & m &
"" & templist[i][j][m][3] & "" & templist[i][j][m][4] &
  end repeat

  tempteamlist= []
  member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text & ""

  put j
end repeat
put "area" & i
  end repeat

  member("temptext").text = member("temptext").text & ""
  printfile = the moviepath & "\data\printteamfile.htm"
  temptext = member("temptext").text
  fileerror = baWriteFile(printfile, temptext) -- write to file for printing


on filterList sList, filterStr
   rList = []
  mx = count (sList)
  repeat with k = 1 to mx
fName = [sList[k].area, sList[k].team, sList[k].player,
sList[k].points ]
if sList[k].team =filterStr then append rList, fName
  end repeat
  return rList

by looking at the output i can see that it is the parsing of the team lists
in templist that takes all the time. I have also tried to do this in other
ways,for instance not creating a list of lists grouped by team name but
simply taking a unique team name from gfileleaguelist and then going through
the master prediction list and adding every occurence of that team name to
my output and the repeating for the next team name but this takes a similar
amount of time.

Another  difficulty i have experienced on this project is wanting to insert
a value in a list at a given point and not overwriting the existing data but
moving it and all subsequent data along one place. I have to do this with a
repeat loop every time so that in effect to insert a value in a list at a
given place i have to step through the whole list. Is there a better way to
do this ?

all comments much appreciated

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re using the property value of one list as a property in another list

2004-01-12 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi again
i've figured it out use "string".symbol(), hope know ones ansewered this
before i did,
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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using the property value of one list as a property in another list

2004-01-12 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi all,
a problem i always seem to face but seem to sort out in different ways, is
how to take a prop value from one list ie
firstlist = [#county:"beds",#town:"ampthill"]
 and then to use this value as a property in a second list, (ie for the
county property of firstlist i would take "beds" in this instance)
secondlist = [#beds:[some_list_of_values_just_relevant_to_beds]]

how can i acheive this ?


Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re: re: Dir MX2004 (Tom)

2004-01-07 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi warren,
thanks for your answers,
i can only find the method of altering the projec32.skl file for changing a
projectors icon, yet you say it is possible with a cast member, could you
point me where i can find out more about this.
My wish for mpg is that purely because you have to install QT on a win box
which often creates problems when distributing due to company it policies,
user competence/reluctance etc.
cheers again
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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re: Dir MX2004 (Tom)

2004-01-07 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi Tom
i too would sometimes like my projectors to ape windows applications and
would like to know more about your following snippet -
>Instead of a single "windowType" property you now have full control over
>the elements that appear in your window: close box, minimize box, maximize
>box, border or no border, etc., and a "metal" appearance (OSX only) and you
>can define an icon (bitmap member) to be used in the MIAW's title bar (Win

Will the maximize button scale or leave content in a fixed position or even
move the content proportionally across the monitor ? will projector windows
be sizeable by dragging ? Can the projector have a bitmap castmember for an
icon or must we still use an icon editing program to create an ico file ?
also i wondered why with the mention of improved media support
(wmv,real(?)mpeg2/dvd) i can not see mpeg 1 support, we find this the most
reliable video format, is it supported now ?

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re: database xtra

2003-12-10 Thread Lee Blinco
Thanks for the repilies laurent and oliver,
I should explain further that the app is not mass distribution, only one or
two copies on machines we can set up which is why i thought that an odbc
connector would be good as it would let me connect to the web mysql server
and the local access db in a similar way.
Laurent why do you warn against an odbc connector ?
Olivier if i go a php/asp/cgi route this will mean i will still have a
headache for writing data  to the local access db ( i guess i could set up a
web server and use netlingo to post the data to a local asp script but
thiseems a lot more work than an xtra that connects directly to the database
with little set up.
cheers again
Lee Blinco
AVR Productions

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database xtra

2003-12-10 Thread Lee Blinco
i'm doing a project where i need to do the following

  read in data/tables from a web based mysql server
  write data into the mysql server and a local access database

i've seen two xtras, the ADO Xtra and the dataLinker Xtra which seem to do
what i need.

has anyone any experience with these xtras they would like to pass on?


Lee Blinco
AVR Productions

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re deleting from a text file with fileIO -is this a bug ? and Erratic behavior with fileIO xtra

2003-09-01 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi  agian,
excatly the same thing happens with fileXtra 4, so i've now come to the
conclusion that fileIO can  be relied on NOT to work properly if you use
some other xtra which access the file system in some way as it always thinks
the file just deleted in fact still exists if the circumstances i've
described in the previous posts occur.
I've redone my file writing with the Propsave xtra and it now works as i
would expect !
thanks for suggestions.

Enrique i found the error meesage code very useful in finding out what was
happening with my fileIO problem

filestatus = status(instance)
alert schedulefile.error(instance)

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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re deleting from a text file with fileIO -is this a bug ?

2003-08-29 Thread Lee Blinco
hi again,
there still seems to be some confusion here. In my original post ( and in
the script that is showing this odd behaviour) i did close the file.

frame script on frame 2

on exitFrame me

  set schedulefile =new(xtra "fileio")
createFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt")
filestatus = status(schedulefile)
   alert schedulefile.error(filestatus)
openFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt", 0)
  set schedulefile=0

  set schedulefile =new(xtra "fileio")
  openFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt", 0)
  set schedulefile=0


secondly to clarify, the variable gresult is NOT the FileIO text files'
filename but a name of a file to be stored within this file created by
fileIO.( iknow these scripts dont do that but the problem is there before
that stage so i kept it to a minimum to avoid confusion :) )
So to recap i beleive that the above code should create a file and then
delete it ( and i think you agree) BUT if you use a button script

on mouseUp
set gresult=""
  set gresult = baGetFilename("select","","","",0,"Please select a

then if a file below the movies directory is selected with baGetFilename
then fileIO returns 'file already exists' this is what i can not understand.
why should buddy api or mui xtra (as the same thing happens)cause fileIO to
think the deleted file still exists, if you try it out and select files from
other folders or cancel then the file is created and edeleted as expected
but NOT if i select below the movie folder.

cheers again

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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re deleting from a text file with fileIO -is this a bug ?

2003-08-28 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi again
kerry -  these scripts are there to show my problem, as you say a file
should be created and then deleted so when the playhead returns to frame 2
after running the button script it should then do this again BUT if i have
selected a file from a directory below the movies directory by either buddy
api or Mui xtra ie gresult=the moviepath/somefolder/somefile , then fileIO
returns 'file already exists' - try it for yourself and see if it happens to
you. THe file does not exist we've deleted it , but it keeps telling me it
does if i use either of the other two xtras in the way explained. thats my
problem, hope that is clearer.
Charles - the order change has no effect. I cant see either fileXtra4 or
PropSave Xtra on macromedias xtra listing - where are they available ?
cheers for your time
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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Re: deleting from a text file with fileIO -is this a bug ?

2003-08-28 Thread Lee Blinco
Hi again,
right it simply wasn't working for me so i've eventually stripped it down to
what i see is causing the problem.Can anyone offer an explanation for the
My project stores a schedule in a text file, one of the parameters stored in
the file is a filename input by the user for this i am using the MUI xtra or
BuddyAPI, i have traced the problem i'm experiencing to have something to do
with this, so i created a simple movie 10 frame movie with the following

frame script on frame 2

on exitFrame me

  set schedulefile =new(xtra "fileio")
createFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt")
filestatus = status(schedulefile)
   alert schedulefile.error(filestatus)
openFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt", 0)
  set schedulefile=0

  set schedulefile =new(xtra "fileio")
  openFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt", 0)
  set schedulefile=0


frame script frame 10
go the frame

a button on the stage has the following script attached
on mouseUp me

  --  set aMuiObj = new (xtra "MUI")
  --  set fileString = "Open this file"
  --  set gresult = fileOpen(aMuiObj, fileString)

  set gresult=""
  set gresult = baGetFilename("select","","","",0,"Please select a

  --  set aMuiObj=0
  alert string(gresult)



I get similar results when i use the MUI xtra script above.
If i pick a file in a sub directory of the movie file i always get "file
already exists" when i can see it does not. The movie directory and other
paths seem to return OK but can anyone tell me why, its taken me ages to
track this down and i can see no logic in it what so ever.

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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re : deleting from a text file with fileIO

2003-08-27 Thread Lee Blinco
further observations -  as i was getting nowhere i wondered if using buddy
api would help me by copying a file over my original eg

 set schedulefile =new(xtra "fileio")
createFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt")
filestatus = status(schedulefile)
   alert schedulefile.error(filestatus)
openFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt", 0)
setPosition (schedulefile, 0)
calendar_list_string = string(gcalendarlist)
writeString( schedulefile, calendar_list_string)
thepath = the moviepath
sourcefile = thepath & "\tempschedule.txt"
destfile =  thepath & "\schedule.txt"

set schedulefile=0

ok=baCopyFile(sourcefile, destfile, "Always")
alert string(ok)

set schedulefile =new(xtra "fileio")
openFile(schedulefile, "tempschedule.txt", 0)
set schedulefile=0

what happens now is that if i have deleted the file tempschedule.txt once
with the above code when i return quite some time later from another movie
it alerts me that the file (tempschedule.txt) exists and doesnt therefore
create it, IT definitely does not exist only in the mind of FileIO. Any

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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deleting from a text file with fileIO

2003-08-27 Thread Lee Blinco
i see that the only delete capabilities of FileIO is to delete the whole
file, i need to rewrite a file with less data, so i thought delete the file
and then create it again with the new data. I am having no success here
though, i get a ' file exists' error if i try to create a file with the same
name as the one i've just deleted, so i put the create file command someway
down the timeline, tried repeat while the status <> 0 and even  tried a
timeout to make sure that the old file is definitely deleted , but all to no
good my timeout just keeps saying that the file exists !

-- timeout function
set schedulefile2 =new(xtra "fileio")
 createFile(schedulefile2, "schedule.txt")
 --openFile(schedulefile2, "schedule.txt",0)
  filestatus = status(schedulefile2)
  alert string(filestatus)
  if filestatus = 0 then
calendar_list_string = string(gcalendarlist)
writeString( schedulefile2, calendar_list_string)


  end if
  set schedulefile2=0

I'm sure that there must be a way to do this, a search on macromedias site
said the way to shorten a file is to delete then recreate so does anyone
have a working method for replacing the contents of a file with a shorter
amount of data ie not leave unwanted extra characters when rewriting the
file from the beginning.
thanks a lot

Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
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what is happening with my fonts ?

2003-07-30 Thread Lee Blinco
can anyone please explain this to me.
i have a stub movie which runs a main movie which then opens some other
movies for certain functions. The problem is that all of a sudden with
definitely no editing of some of the movies by me all examples of the arial
font on a button or checkbox are displayed as illegible multilines ie

instead of powerpoint. This only happens when opened by another movie, its
fine in DirMX authoring and if i make a standalone projector of the
individual movies they are ok. If i change the font in director it is also
ok. I've burnt a cd and run it on another machine with exactly the same
results and i've replaced my arial font.
I am now at my wits end - any suggestions much appreciated.
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
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active x

2003-07-28 Thread Lee Blinco
i've put in the MS active x calendar9.0 control in to my director project,
but it always seems to be stuck on the date i first inserted the control
into my movie and not the current date. Any one know how to make the
calendar control show todays date at runtime ?
on the subject of active x controls is it possible to turn of the sound in a
ms web browser control.
Also does any one know where on microsofts site ( or anywhere else for that
matter) there is documentataion for the web browser active x control.
Lee Blinco

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with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

acrobat ActiveX control

2003-03-05 Thread Lee Blinco
I've got an application that uses the activex control xtra to embed pdfs in
the projector, this works fine apart from the following.
At one location the user selects several documents which are then showed to
the viewer in succesion when they click a next button. This button runs the

sprite(5).src = "pdfpath\pdffile.pdf" --(sets the src of the pdfviewer
control to the new pdf file)

This works fine if the user has acrobat 4 installed but crashes the
projector if acrobat 5 is installed.

Any ideas much appreciated
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for learning and helping 
with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

extract a font ?

2003-03-03 Thread Lee Blinco
If you have a director cast with embedded fonts is it possible to get them
out some way so you can install them on your win machine and then use them
in the authoring enviroment ?
Lee Blinco
Multimedia Developer
AVR Productions
+44 (0)1462 819603

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with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

fonts not the same - how to change all text to embedded font

2002-08-21 Thread Lee Blinco

I've just done a movie in several languages and i didn't embed the font as
it was arial and i thought that this would be on all win machines. On nt
however spanish accented characters did not show properly, does this mean
that the arial font on nt is not the same as on other versions of windows ?

I tried to change all my text members ( a couple of thousand ) with the
following movie script. The script didn't return errors and i tested it to
see that it cycled through all the ast libraries and cast members but it
didn't change all the text members fonts from arial to arial * - Can this be
done with a bit of code ?

repeat with n = 1 to the number of castLibs
   numberofmembers = the number of members of castLib(n)
repeat with m= 1 to numberofmembers
if (member(m).type=#text ) then
put member(m).font
if  (member(m).font = "Arial") then  member(m).font = "Arial *"
end if
    end repeat
end repeat

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
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graphics optimisation

2002-08-14 Thread Lee Blinco

i have a 3d animation at the start of a movie which is a series of fame by
frame bitmaps. To my continual chagrin it stutters on older machines, can
anyone give me a link to a good step by step tutorial on optimising frame
graphic animations like this.

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
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flash dont play in nt

2002-06-29 Thread Lee Blinco

i have  a movie which has a flash movie and the a mpeg movie and then
another flash movie which play in a linear fashion at the start of the
movie. it works fine on win98/2000 but on win nt4 ( which our end client
uses) the second flash movie only shows the first frame but doesn't play.
There is a way to play the second flash movie  without having finished
playing the first falsh swf and if you do this then the second flash movie
does play! i use the following script to wait for the end of the flash
movies. deadlines monday so any help much appreciated. -

fadeframes = (member("x2withintro").framecount - 20)
  flashframes = member("x2withintro").framecount
  if sprite(10).frame  < fadeframes then
   go to the frame

if sprite(10).frame  < flashframes then

  go the frame
--  sound(1).stop()
  go "themessage"

  end if

end if

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to  To post messages to the list, email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
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loading loop while text files read

2002-06-24 Thread Lee Blinco

i've got a movie which ids designed to be translatable. I read in several
text files and then set a couple of thousand cast members text in a prepare
movie script. How do i get some kind of loading loop to play while this is

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

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Re: Movies in a window - can this be done

2002-05-16 Thread Lee Blinco

>Probably not if you use the "native" title bar. However if you make a
>pseudo-title bar and then disable the "show title bar" option while
>making your projector, you should be able to have a draggable, usable
>title bar that also does mouse event recognition.

>Then you should be able to track the drag, do offset calculations, etc.

>Does that help?

yes thanks thats an approach i hadn,t thought of - but i reckon  this pseudo
title bar will have to be a MIAW as a movable sprite doesn't show off the
stage. Also is there a way to move the stage in director's lingo(other than
centered) i guess i can do it with buddy bamovewindow command. I'm suprised
this is so complicated i wish there was a locktostageposition property of
MIAW's  - i'll have to get the wish list in.

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Lingo-L is for 
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Movies in a window - can this be done

2002-05-15 Thread Lee Blinco

I want to have a PC projector in a window with a title bar so it can be
moved.This projector links to several MIAWs which should always be in the
same relative position compared to the main stage, the problem is can the
open MIAW position be made to update its position so it stays in its
relative position while the main stage is being dragged. I have tried
checking the stageLeft and stageTop in a on enterframe or on idle handler in
a movie script but this only updates once the drag is finished, i tried on
moveWindow but this doesn't seem to work with the main stage window , i've
also tried a while the mouseDown loop but this doesn't seem to get an event
if the mouse is down on the  title bar of the main window. Can it be done ?

Lee Blinco
AVR Productions
+44 01462 850608

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