lingo-l Minimized app problem

2004-03-01 Thread Neil Sandbach
Minimized app problem

I have a problem in Windows XP where my minimized projector 
automatically becomes activated again if the user closes the last open 
window on the desktop. Although the projector does not come to the 
front, you can see that it is active because the tab in the start bar 
is highlighted and  the on activateApplication handler is also called.

The projector should only become active if the user clicks the tab in 
the start bar.

I need to avoid this happening because in this case I am using the on 
activateApplication handler to set the screen resolution to 800 x 600. 
So if the user minimizes the projector and has any folders or windows 
open on the desktop, closing the last window will reset the monitor to 
800 x 600 - showing a BIG desktop - but without even bring the 
projector back up.

I realise this is probably a Windows issue, not a Director issue. Is 
there any way to detect that the stage has been brought to the front 
rather than relying on the on activateApplication handler?

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Many Thanks
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Re: lingo-l Minimized app problem

2004-03-01 Thread Jeff Gomes

How about just checking whether the projector window is minimized, using Buddy API or 
Master App?

-- CAUTION: Untested email pseudocode
on activateApplication
  if baWindowInfo ( baWinHandle ( ), state ) = min then
-- may need to set a timeout here to start polling for when state changes
-- go ahead and set your screen res here
  end if

At 1505 + 03/01/2004, Neil Sandbach wrote:
Minimized app problem

I have a problem in Windows XP where my minimized projector automatically becomes 
activated again if the user closes the last open window on the desktop. Although the 
projector does not come to the front, you can see that it is active because the tab 
in the start bar is highlighted and  the on activateApplication handler is also 

The projector should only become active if the user clicks the tab in the start bar.

I need to avoid this happening because in this case I am using the on 
activateApplication handler to set the screen resolution to 800 x 600. So if the user 
minimizes the projector and has any folders or windows open on the desktop, closing 
the last window will reset the monitor to 800 x 600 - showing a BIG desktop - but 
without even bring the projector back up.

I realise this is probably a Windows issue, not a Director issue. Is there any way to 
detect that the stage has been brought to the front rather than relying on the on 
activateApplication handler?
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with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Re: lingo-l Minimized app problem

2004-03-01 Thread Daniel Nelson
You could test if (the frontWindow = the stage or (the 
windowList).getPos(the frontWindow)) prior to setting the resolution.



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