Re: Linux Laptops

2007-08-06 Thread David Heilman

I have had SuSE Linux running on T60's and T40's for the past 3 years.
The R series had problems but the T series seems to run great. I am
about to try SuSE on a Gateway Notepad to see how well that works.

David Heilman
T3 Technologies, Inc.
Office 440-834-1672
T3 Support 813-288-0048

Tom Duerbusch wrote:

Suse 10 had the same problems.

Tom Duerbusch
THD Consulting

David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8/6/2007 1:26 PM >>>

At the end of the year (2005), I bought a Thinkpad  some model or


It sure doesn't like linux (Suse 8, Suse 9 or Suse 10).  Power


doesn't work.  The battery indicator doesn't work,  Wifi does work.


Linux up for over 30 minutes, and the Thinkpad shuts down.  The fan
sometimes doesn't come on and the laptop overheats.

I think the laptop is a G40.  It didn't have Linux as one of the


Operation Systems at the time I bought it.  I will make sure support


there on the following hardware purchases.  For now, it converted me


to XP.

Try again now. A lot of work on laptop support has been done in Linux
since then.

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Re: IBM typo or pre-announce ???

2007-06-12 Thread David Heilman

Would be nice if they replaced Z/OS USS.

Lionel B. Dyck wrote:

Take a look at this and tell me - is it a typo or is IBM pre-announcing


Lionel B. Dyck, Consultant/Specialist
Enterprise Platform Services, Mainframe Engineering
KP-IT Enterprise Engineering, Client and Platform Engineering Services
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here to make lives better.?

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Re: Protecting SSH key on Windows desktop

2007-03-28 Thread David Heilman

Can't help myself. Get rid of Windoz and that would solve a lot of
your security problems.

David Heilman

KEETON Dave * OR SDC wrote:

One possible solution is to store the private key on a USB pen drive and
take it with you when you leave your desktop.

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
David Boyes
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: Protecting SSH key on Windows desktop

At present, the best that I can think of is to put
it on a USB thumb drive which I then only attach to the Windows

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Re: AF_IUCV support

2007-03-27 Thread David Heilman

You could also transfer data between VSE and Linux without having an IP
stack in VSE.


Dave Jones wrote:

Since IUCV is now "built-in" to both CMS and Linux, you could develop
cloning applications that used an IUCV connection to set up cloned Linux
guests IP and other parameters.

Or have CMS and Linux applications share data and communicate using
IUCV; much simpler and faster than having to do an IP network setup.

Now all we need is for somebody to write up an IUCV function package for
ooRexx or Regina on Linux.:-)

Marcy Cortes wrote:

Now, for the rest of us in the dark, what we we do with that function?

Marcy Cortes

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-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
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Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [LINUX-390] AF_IUCV support

Alan Altmark said:

So, I was walking down the street and looked in the storefront window.
There, staring back at me, was AF_IUCV support in Linux.  Thanks to my

colleagues for building this support!

As they say in the neck-o-the-woods I come from:  YEEE-HAAA!!!

-- R;

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Re: from a local linux discussion group: Hans Reiser arrested for murdering his wife.

2006-10-12 Thread David Heilman

So what do you suggest? Just forget it ever happened.. Think it's
just a wast of time?

John Summerfield wrote:

Paul Dembry wrote:

Very sad for the children.

Whatever Hans did, I can't imagine it's happy for him either. In such a
murder, I can see why The State would wish to punish the culprit, but I
don't see how it actually makes anything better for anyone. Not the
childred, not the deceased, certainly not the culprit, not The Taxpayer,
and nor can I imagine it deterring anyone else sufficiently emotional.



-- spambait
Tourist pics

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David Heilman
T3 Technologies, Inc.
Office 440-834-1672
T3 Support 813-288-0048

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Re: Brain dead question

2006-07-21 Thread David Heilman

That's not the correct command in SCO Unix. Told you I was going brain
dead this late in the week...

What I am trying to find out is the information on a SCSI attached tape
drive. The type of drive, is it attached, it's attributes, etc.


Doug Griswold wrote:

What does devaddr /dev/sg1 do and maybe we can find you comparable

[EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/21/06 3:30 pm >>>

Having problems with an old mind with limited storage.
I had someone ask me a question right of the blue without any warning
and my mind went on vacation or some place far away


Is there a command in Linux that will display the status of a device
like the one in SCO, devaddr /dev/sg1?


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David Heilman
T3 Technologies, Inc.
Office 440-834-1672
T3 Support 813-288-0048

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Re: Brain dead question

2006-07-21 Thread David Heilman

Thanks That is what I was trying to remember. I didn't even get the
SCO Unix command right. Sure am happy it's Friday.

Dominic Coulombe wrote:

cat /proc/dasd/devices will give you some info on the disks.
I don't know about the devaddr command.  What info do you want ?

On 7/21/06, David Heilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Having problems with an old mind with limited storage.
I had someone ask me a question right of the blue without any warning
and my mind went on vacation or some place far away


Is there a command in Linux that will display the status of a device
like the one in SCO, devaddr /dev/sg1?


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David Heilman
T3 Technologies, Inc.
Office 440-834-1672
T3 Support 813-288-0048

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Brain dead question

2006-07-21 Thread David Heilman

Having problems with an old mind with limited storage.
I had someone ask me a question right of the blue without any warning
and my mind went on vacation or some place far away


Is there a command in Linux that will display the status of a device
like the one in SCO, devaddr /dev/sg1?


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Re: New IBM Linux redbook.

2006-07-03 Thread David Heilman

Doesn't mean you can't have a happy 4th of July I'm not very bright
at times but I think the 4th happens all around the world even if you
don't get the day off... :-)

Mark Perry wrote:

- Start Original Message -
Sent: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 09:13:36 -0500
From: Dave Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New IBM Linux redbook.

Happy 4th of July, everyone.

Nice thought Dave, but not *everyone* is american, a lot of us will be working 
tomorrow :-(


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Re: SLES9 SSH client session

2006-06-19 Thread David Heilman

Have you tried logging on as someone other than root?

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Re: Google out of capacity?

2006-05-05 Thread David Heilman

Being Sun Servers they were junk before they started. oh well, someone
needs to keep P/C geeks off the unemployment line.

David Boyes wrote:

So who gets the broken stuff?  Is it cannibalized for parts or should


start raiding the dumpsters at Google?

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Re: Wine on z/Linux

2006-04-20 Thread David Heilman

I had it working a long time ago. Problem is that it's Windows with all
the overhead that goes with it.

Phil Tully wrote:

I was asked today if wine emulation runs on z/Linux I haven't been
able to determine what win programs they are trying to run, I'm still
working on that.

Any info would be helpful.

Phil Tully

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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
I'm trying to install SLES9 SP3 in 31 bit mode on
a Flexes server configuration using Z/VM 4.3.

Here is the console when I start sles9 exec.

HCPGIR453W CP entered; program interrupt loop

 Original Message 

From: John Schnitzler Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 17:26:00

>When I try IPL'ing from the reader I'm doing the
>same as you Image parm initrd all 80 character

What version of sles9 are you using? (GA, sp1,
sp2, sp3) (31 or 64 bit)
How far into the IPL are you getting before it abends?
Looking at the files you are trying to ipl via the
reader, can you do a
and tell me the file sizes? I will compare against
my files here.
Can you cut and paste your user direct entry?


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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
When I try IPL'ing from the reader I'm doing the
same as you Image parm initrd all 80 character

 Original Message 

From: John Schnitzler Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 12:55:00

>Tried the virtual RDR first and it also failed. I
>double checked to make sure I was using the
>correct files from the CD and everything looks good.

In what sequence did you punch the files to the
reader? I use the following
on VM to punch the files to the reader ?

/* */
Parse Arg fn ft fm
If fn = '' Then fn = 'sles9'
If ft = '' Then ft = 'image'
If fm = '' Then fm = 'A'
'set relpage off'
'purge rdr class i'
'spool punch * rdr class I'
'spool rdr class I'
'punch' fn ft fm '(noh'
If RC <> 0 Then Exit RC
'punch' 'sles9 parmfile' fm '(noh'
If RC <> 0 Then Exit RC
'punch' 'sles9 initrd' fm '(noh'
If RC <> 0 Then Exit RC
'ch rdr all keep nohold'
'i 00c clear'


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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
MACH XA, XC and ESA same results.

 Original Message 

From: Neale Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 10:53:00

Is the virtual machine you are IPLing SUSE in
"MACHINE XA" or did you use a CMS template and
maybe have "MACHINE XC" in the directory entry for
that user?


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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
Thanks Neale, I have it defined as MACH ESA
I'll try XA.

 Original Message 

From: Neale Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 10:53:00

Is the virtual machine you are IPLing SUSE in
"MACHINE XA" or did you use a CMS template and
maybe have "MACHINE XC" in the directory entry for
that user?


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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
When I tried the Virual RDR I used fix 80 and when
I did the FTP for a tape IPL I used 1024. I have
both versions in my 191 disk and they look correct.

 Original Message 

From: Troyski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 15:55:00

When you transferred the initial files to your
guest, did you use

--- clip --

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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
This is part of the SuSE instructions and I
followed them to the letter.

There are many ways to create an IPLable tape. One
is to copy the files:
as binary files from CD 1 into the z/VM (for
example, using FTP from a
Linux workstation).
Name them
and write them onto a tape with the REXX script in
Example 8.1.
Transferring Binaries using FTP
Do not upload the files as fixed 80. Store them as
fixed 1024. Use the FTP command loc site fix 1024.
Example 8.1: REXX Script to Create an IPLable Tape
say Writing:  left(file1,23)
say Writing:  left(file2,23)
say Writing:  left(file3,23)
say Done.

 Original Message 

From: Peter 1 Oberparleiter
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 16:23:00

-- clip --

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Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
Tried the virtual RDR first and it also failed. I
double checked to make sure I was using the
correct files from the CD and everything looks good.

I'll try the trace next.


 Original Message 

From: Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Initial IPL of SuSE 9
Date: Tue, February 21, 2006, 15:48:00

On 2/21/06, David Heilman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I created a linux machine under VM and created an
> IPL'able tape per SuSE install instructions. When
> I issue the IPL I am getting a disabled wait.
> HCPGIR450W CP entered; disabled wait PSW
000A 0068

It could be you have the kernel with the bootstrap
for the virtual
reader rather than the tape. You might verify with
RUN before you IPL and see where it goes wrong.
When you install Linux
in a virtual machine, it is probably more common
to IPL from your
virtual RDR. Any reason you could not try that?

Rob van der Heij
Velocity Software, Inc

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Initial IPL of SuSE 9

2006-02-21 Thread David Heilman
Simple question from a simple person

I created a linux machine under VM and created an
IPL'able tape per SuSE install instructions. When
I issue the IPL I am getting a disabled wait.

HCPGIR450W CP entered; disabled wait PSW 000A

Can anyone shed some light on the reason? Anyone
know where I can find the error messages/codes?


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Re: OT:

2006-01-06 Thread David Heilman

Great... Now I know where I live...:-))

Rob van der Heij wrote:

It does not get much more off-topic than this, but with the new
technology you have to act quick ;-)  I started a frappr map for the
linux390 community members.

Rob van der Heij  rvdheij @

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Re: Linux/390 Dedian install problem

2005-02-17 Thread David Heilman
Thanks Adam, I'll try both. This is just to keep me busy and out of trouble. Oh 
yea, some self
training also.
Adam Thornton wrote:
On Feb 16, 2005, at 5:35 PM, David Heilman wrote:
I am trying to install the Debian linux/390 distro on an LPAR and I am
having a problem when I boot
the first time from disk. It is telling me the following:
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth0
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
This is my first time with Debian and can not figure out were I went
wrong. Anyone have any suggestions?
You're installing Woody (3.0), right?  You have an OSA, right?
Woody doesn't include the (at the time of release) OCO modules for
2.4.17 for the installation kernel.
However, the Woody installer *does* recognize a second file, called
INITRD2, packed with all the OCOs you want.  We do that (in a virtual
card deck) for our distro.  Basically you create a lib/modules/
directory tree in an ext2 filesystem, write that to an image file,
block that file to 1k, and write it to the tape after initrd.
Or, just install Sarge, which will be a whole lot easier.
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Linux/390 Dedian install problem

2005-02-16 Thread David Heilman
I am trying to install the Debian linux/390 distro on an LPAR and I am having a 
problem when I boot
the first time from disk. It is telling me the following:
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module eth0
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
This is my first time with Debian and can not figure out were I went wrong. 
Anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: File system full

2004-12-29 Thread David Heilman
Thanks everyone... There where a number of suggestion that worked very well. It 
turned out to be a
hidden file from a background task that I didn't know the customer had running.
Ferguson, Neale wrote:
du -x -h --max-depth=1 /
It will then show you the space used by 1st level of directories. Then drill 
down using the same command with a different argument. Take a look in /var/log. 
I find /var/log/sa fills things up quite quickly (which is why I usually put it 
on a device of its own).
-Original Message-
What is the fastest way to find out what is filling up disk space? I've been 
searching directories
manually and can see nothing that big. It was 70% now it is 100%.
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File system full

2004-12-28 Thread David Heilman
What is the fastest way to find out what is filling up disk space? I've been 
searching directories
manually and can see nothing that big. It was 70% now it is 100%.
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Re: Anyone what to sell me SuSE Linux for s/390?

2004-05-21 Thread David Heilman
Thanks Alan. I'll work with Debian for awhile to see what I can do.
Alan Cox wrote:
On Iau, 2004-05-20 at 13:33, David Heilman wrote:
I agree with you. But, my point is that if I can not buy the product without jumping 
through hoops,
why should I think that I'll get good services if and when I get it. As far as getting 
the updates
and not support, why not just buy a new release of the distribution every now and then 
when needed.
All I want is to learn more about the operating system and keep myself skills up to 

In which case something like Debian is going to do just fine. (I'd
like to suggest Fedora but there isnt a Fedora for S/390 while there
is already a working usable Debian/390)
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Re: Anyone what to sell me SuSE Linux for s/390?

2004-05-20 Thread David Heilman
I agree with you. But, my point is that if I can not buy the product without jumping 
through hoops,
why should I think that I'll get good services if and when I get it. As far as getting 
the updates
and not support, why not just buy a new release of the distribution every now and then 
when needed.
All I want is to learn more about the operating system and keep myself skills up to 
Joe Poole wrote:
On Wednesday 19 May 2004 16:55, you wrote:
With the answers I have ben getting about the SuSE side of things
today I wonder what you get for $15K. If their service is as good as
their sales I don't think I want it. I think I'm getting to old for
this business..;-( What ever happened to service?
Getting old with a lot less patience

I, too, am getting within eyesight of retirement, Dave.  However, I
believe that we have to pay for the fixes and downloads from the
distributions we choose, until our staffs build their skill levels to
be able to bolt together a working Linux instance from freely available
materials.  When that day comes, and I hope to be here when it does,
open source will have arrived at our shop to the tune of popping corks
and cheers galore.  Oh, yeah.  Pizza, too.  (Big spender, huh?)
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Re: Anyone what to sell me SuSE Linux for s/390?

2004-05-19 Thread David Heilman
With the answers I have ben getting about the SuSE side of things today I wonder what 
you get for
$15K. If their service is as good as their sales I don't think I want it. I think I'm 
getting to old
for this business..;-( What ever happened to service?
Getting old with a lot less patience
Phil Payne wrote:
There has been a marketing change for SuSE.  I found out that you have
to call your Novell rep, who can recommend a software reseller in your
area that handles Novell products.  I think the discount you can get is
based on the reseller's discount with Novell.  Example:  SuSE annual
maintenance is part number 874-002691-001 for SLES8, list price just
shy of $15k.  Negotiate your heart out!
They have a new "site license" arrangement, too.
The motto is - always ask.
  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803
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Re: Anyone what to sell me SuSE Linux for s/390?

2004-05-19 Thread David Heilman
Thanks, I called them this 3 hours ago and still have not heard back from them:-( 
OH well, maybe
it's time to roll my own.
James Melin wrote:
The media kit is $600 for the POC.
We got ours from
MSI Systems Integrators
STE 410
8000 Maryland AVE
St. Louis,  MO 63105.
The contact number I have is 314-726-3635. This is for a Mr. R. Wright. I
dont have the first name of this person, sadly.

 Joe Poole
 Sent by: Linux on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 390 Port   cc
 IST.EDU>  Subject
   Re: Anyone what to sell me SuSE
   Linux for s/390?
 05/19/2004 10:17
 Please respond to
 Linux on 390 Port

There has been a marketing change for SuSE.  I found out that you have
to call your Novell rep, who can recommend a software reseller in your
area that handles Novell products.  I think the discount you can get is
based on the reseller's discount with Novell.  Example:  SuSE annual
maintenance is part number 874-002691-001 for SLES8, list price just
shy of $15k.  Negotiate your heart out!
On Wednesday 19 May 2004 10:55, you wrote:
If there is a vendor on the list that would like to sell me the media
package for SuSE enterprise Linux for S/390 please email me OFFLINE.
I would also consider over packages for Linux for S/390.
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Anyone what to sell me SuSE Linux for s/390?

2004-05-19 Thread David Heilman
If there is a vendor on the list that would like to sell me the media package for SuSE 
Linux for S/390 please email me OFFLINE. I would also consider over packages for Linux 
for S/390.
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send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: Penguin terminology, was RE: VSWITCH and LINUX

2004-03-12 Thread David Heilman
Something has to be done It's a little deep in here.

Davis, Larry wrote:
I hope I don't have to clean the rookery.

-Original Message-
From: Post, Mark K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 12:26 PM
Subject: OT: Penguin terminology, was RE: VSWITCH and LINUX
According to Webster, a "rookery" is "The breeding place of a colony of," so
colony would be the collection of birds, rookery is where they breed.  So,
when is IBM going to come out with a new version of the zSeries boxes
code-named "rookery?"  :)
Mark Post

-Original Message-
From: Linux on 390 Port [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 11:37 AM
Subject: VSWITCH and LINUX
"Sorry should it be Flock, Herd, or School for penguins."

The correct term seems to be "rookery" of penguins.

Jim Sibley
RHCT, Implementor of Linux on zSeries
"Computer are useless.They can only give answers." Pablo Picasso

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Re: z/VM and VMware

2003-09-21 Thread David Heilman
Last time I looked they did not support OS/2. Have you tried getting a
new release of OS/2 for the new hardware?
Bernd Oppolzer wrote:

by the way:

does anybody know, if it is possible to run OS/2 with VMWare? Is anybody
doing this? I have some OS/2 "legacy" applications, but OS/2 doesn't run on
new hardware, so I have to keep my old boxes. But if OS/2 would run with
VMWare, I could run it without problems on brand new hardware.
Kind regards


Am Sam, 20 Sep 2003 schrieben Sie:

Actually, this is not entirely correct either, but it does point at a fairly
big limitation in VMWare (and x86 capability for being virtualized)...  VMWare
actually can run more OSes (and versions of OSes) than those 'supported' by
VMWare.  E.g. I had Plan9 running (in text mode, due to not having the specs
for the video card VMWare emulates) on VMWare years ago, and now Bell Labs has
is running with GUI.  But it is not at all supported by VMWare, and VMWare does
not contain any code that is customized to make it possible.

Re: z/VM and VMware

2003-09-18 Thread David Heilman
I've been running it under Linux for about 4 years now. I started using
VMWare when you could get a hobby license. I run Windows NT on my Linux
lap top and run 3 different levels and distribution of linux under linux
on my desk top along with Windows NT. It all works great. If I had a 390
system I would be playing with that also.

Rich Smrcina wrote:

I've actually just started using VMWare.  It is pretty cool, I have 2
W2K machines (one is a template) and a W98 machine.  I've been
successful at cloning the W2K machine and I want to also be able to
clone the W98 machine.  I just have to copy the virtual file system and
edit a couple of configuration files.  It supports NAT so the virtual
machines have their own subnet.  The Windows virtual machines can access
the host (Linux) systems filesystem through Samba.
All of the administration is with a GUI, so there is no hcp stuff to
speak of.  You can add and remove devices that the machines can use,
though.  For instance, if I don't need the CD I just disconnect it since
evidently Windows will check for a CD every second in order to be able
to automatically run it.  My laptop doesn't have a floppy, so none of
the virtual machines have a floppy drive.  But, I can create a floppy
image and connect a virtual machine to it.
On Thu, 2003-09-18 at 18:15, Richard Troth wrote:

Has anyone done any correlation between VMware and z/VM?
I mean ... concepts.   We had a list some time back,  FREEVM-L,
where we discussed a spec  (no code,  just the high-level stuff)
for a common hypervisor design.
Some things are common between z/VM and VMware.
Many things are unique.   I'd like the common things to be
revealed and discussed,  especially w/r/t guest operatinng systems
like Linux.   Imagine if Linux-on-VMware and Linux-on-VM had
some common interface options!   As it is,  there is less in common
between the VMware tools and the z/VM interface than I would like.
(Not assigning blame;  just stating fact.)
Imagine if Linux-on-VMware could do something like

   hcp attach cdrom [to] guest37 cdrom

So the question is,  have any in the group written down anything
that they could share with the public?
-- R;

Rich Smrcina
Sr. Systems Engineer
Sytek Services - A Division of DSG
Milwaukee, WI
rsmrcina at
rsmrcina at
Catch the WAVV! Stay for requirements and the free-for-all.
Update your zSeries skills in 4 days for a very reasonable price.
WAVV 2004 in Chattanooga, TN
April 30-May 4, 2004
For details see

Re: RedHat vs Suse

2003-05-30 Thread David Heilman
I installed it 2 weeks ago at a customer and had few problems. Granted
the docs were not up to date but I got around that problem.
Peter Webb, Toronto Transit Commission wrote:

From a security point of view, having services turned off by default is a

-Original Message-
From: Ferguson, Neale [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:39 AM
Subject:  Re: RedHat vs Suse
I had no problem getting SLES8 up and running using the FTP/VNC method. I
greatly reduced the size of the install footprint by deselecting gnome/kde
from the detailed selection panel. YAST is now virtually identical to that
on the PC. The move to comply to the LSB has resulted in the changes to
where config files etc. live. You are right in that services like ftp etc.
are not enabled by default. I'd recommend using chkconfig -l to check what
is and use chkconfig  on to turn on those you are interested in.
have also received a new k_deflt that has proved very stable.

Re: SLES 8

2003-03-26 Thread David Heilman
Well said Rich...

Rich Smrcina wrote:

Then SuSE doesn't get compensated for their hard work, they stop making money
and stop making a distribution.  Who wins?
On Wednesday 26 March 2003 10:11 am, you wrote:

(This argument has been around before; I've checked the licenses, Suse
don't make it available for free download, but there's nothing to stop
anyone else redistributing it so long as they don't take money).

Rich Smrcina
Sr. Systems Engineer
Sytek Services, A Division of DSG
Milwaukee, WI
Catch the WAVV!  Stay for Requirements and the Free for All!
Update your S/390 skills in 4 days for a very reasonable price.
WAVV 2003 in Winston-Salem, NC.
April 25-29, 2003
For details see

Re: how to get to swat

2002-11-19 Thread David Heilman
Your messed up. I've only gotten one message from Jon.

Steve Gentry wrote:

Is anyone else receiveing the same email from Jon R. Doyle about "how to
get swat"?   I keep getting the same email over and over and don't know if
there is a problem on my end or if list-serve is messed up or if Jon keeps
sending this message.

"Jon R. Doyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: Linux on 390 Port <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/18/2002 12:55 PM
Please respond to Linux on 390 Port

   Subject:Re: how to get to swat

Edit inetd.conf and uncomment the lines to allow SWAT to run, be sure
is running, it should be in rc.config as start inetd=yes, you can call it
with "rcinetd start"



On 11/18/02 9:49 AM, "Noll, Ralph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

how do i get to swat>>.

i am using
Linux zvmlinx1 2.4.17-SuSE #1 SMP Thu Feb 28 14:28:29 GMT 2002 s390x


i tried my ip


Ralph Noll
Systems Programmer
City of Little Rock
Phone (501) 371-4884
Fax   (501) 371-4712

  \\\ ~ ~ ///
   (  @ @  )

Re: how to get to swat

2002-11-18 Thread David Heilman
Log on as root first time and add yourself the the security piece.

Noll, Ralph wrote:

401 Bad Authorization
username or password incorrect

ok i restarted my linux partition and swat came up..

now i get the above message


-Original Message-
From: Jon R. Doyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: how to get to swat

Edit inetd.conf and uncomment the lines to allow SWAT to run,
be sure inetd
is running, it should be in rc.config as start inetd=yes, you
can call it
with "rcinetd start"


Re: how to get to swat

2002-11-18 Thread David Heilman
Starting Samba is not required for SWAT. You can use SWAT to setup and
start Samba.

Kittendorf, Craig wrote:

Has Samba been started?

Do you have
   swat  901/tcp
in /etc/services?

  swat  stream  tcp nowait  root   /usr/bin/swat swat
In /etc/inetd.conf?

-Original Message-
From:   Noll, Ralph [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, November 18, 2002 12:49 PM
Subject:how to get to swat

how do i get to swat>>.

i am using
Linux zvmlinx1 2.4.17-SuSE #1 SMP Thu Feb 28 14:28:29 GMT 2002 s390x unknown

i tried my ip


Ralph Noll
Systems Programmer
City of Little Rock
Phone (501) 371-4884
Fax   (501) 371-4712

\\\ ~ ~ ///
 (  @ @  )

Re: Crosspost: DISKMAP and Linux

2002-07-18 Thread David Heilman

When I was working with VM on a regular basis I would define all volumes
in user direct. Then I would remove the full volume entry when I added a
mini disk. This way I would see all the volumes in diskmap. It's simple
and it worked for me.


Gerhard Herold wrote:

>Hi Lionel,
>define a Minidisk on the last Cylinder of your volume and you get the whole
>Mit freundlichen Gr|_en
>Gerhard Herold
>Deutsche Telekom AG
>T-Com, Technik Niederlassung Schwdbisch Hall
>Network Configuration Center
>Support Zentrale Server
>Hausanschrift: Olgastra_e 67, 89073 Ulm
>Postanschrift: Postfach 3000, 89070 Ulm
>Telefon: (0731) 100 - 84424
>Telefax: (0731) 100 - 84066

Re: Crosspost: DISKMAP and Linux

2002-07-17 Thread David Heilman

If they are no longer in USER DIRECT then you will not see them. DISKMAP
just reads the USER DIRECT file and reports what it finds there.

Lionel Dyck wrote:

>I have an anomaly that I can't explain.  I am not using DIRMAINT rather
>I'm using XEDIT to manage my vm directory for the limited number of linux
>servers that I have (for now).  I have deleted from the vm directory
>several linux images and now when I run a DISKMAP I am not finding the
>expected free space.  I had several full volumes allocated for linux and
>diskmap does not report any free space on those, now free, volumes.
>What am I doing wrong (I know it must be me)?
>Lionel B. Dyck, Systems Software Lead
>Kaiser Permanente Information Technology
>25 N. Via Monte Ave
>Walnut Creek, Ca 94598
>Phone:   (925) 926-5332 (tie line 8/473-5332)
>Sametime: (use Lotus Notes address)

Re: Windows File Server to Samba

2002-07-02 Thread David Heilman

Why would you want to? It's Windoz that seems to have all the security

Lionel Dyck wrote:

>My server folks are asking is there a conversion tool available to migrate
>file permissions/rules from windows to samba?
>Lionel B. Dyck, Systems Software Lead
>Kaiser Permanente Information Technology
>25 N. Via Monte Ave
>Walnut Creek, Ca 94598
>Phone:   (925) 926-5332 (tie line 8/473-5332)
>Sametime: (use Lotus Notes address)

Re: RH on MP3000

2002-06-07 Thread David Heilman

Because the MP3000 is passing the data through OS/2 you have to use 1492
as the MTU. OS/2 appends 8 bytes to the packet for some reason. This has
been a sticking point with the MP3000, IS, and P/390 for a long time.

Alan Cox wrote:

>On Fri, 2002-06-07 at 12:36, Christopher Gombola wrote:
>>This fixed my problem.  The entire lab uses MTU=1500, when I changed to
>>1492, everything worked fine.  So in the case of a multiprise 3000, there
>>must be an MTU mismatch to get anywhere.  Good grief!
>I suspect its something else. 1500 is the ethernet MTU, and even if
>there was a mismatch with another LAN things ought to work properly due
>to the way TCP/IP does mtu discovery between networks.
>Your 'weird it works with 1492' is the kind of thing which makes the
>network administrators nervous. Its a bit like "The brakes are a bit odd
>but I use the handbrake when driving instead" 8)