Re: [PATCH][BTRFS-PROGS] btrfs filesystem disk-usage

2012-10-02 Thread Sébastien Maury


Thanks for this patch.

Personally, i don't mind any of the propositions as the developpement  
is still in progress and may be adapted.

Furthermore, as Roman said, df is more well known for unix users.

Thanks to your work on that, i've started developing a bunch of  
scripts for monitoring btrfs disk usage (and also for monitoring  
snapper if anyone use it) through nagios.


Roman Mamedov  a écrit :

On Wed, 3 Oct 2012 08:22:06 +0200
Goffredo Baroncelli  wrote:

On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 1:46 AM, Chris Mason   

> I like it, thanks.  Could you please update btrfs fi df to show this
> instead of adding a new command though?

Hi Chris,
no problem to update the patches, however I have one suggestion:
- leave "btrfs fi df" as is to no break any script (if any) which
would uses it. Hide it from the help and deprecating it in the man
page. This because the output is very different.
- renaming "btrfs fi disk-usage" in "btrfs fi disk-free", which make sense.

1) btrfs is still labeled experimental, so no script author should have
seriously relied on utilities text output to stay unchanged long-term;
personally I don't see modifying it (especially not in some superficial way,
but as a part of major improvement) to be a problem;

2) "disk-usage" and "disk-free" are both way too awkward and too   
long to type,
compared to "fi df", and "df" is the expected shorthand for "disk   
free" in the

UNIX land.

With respect,

"Stallman had a printer,
with code he could not see.
So he began to tinker,
and set the software free."

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Re: [RFC] btrfs fi df output [Was Re: BTRF - Storage Usage]

2012-09-29 Thread Sébastien Maury


First of all, i've to say that i'm not a linux specialist, so that  
means my point of view is balanced between a linux admin and a user.

I may also say "stupid" things, so pleas excuse me in advance :p

The first difference between the original command and the discussed  
one is on the value for the DUP parts (one has to be multiplied by 2,  
whereas the other is already multiplied by 2).

I think this should be indicated somewhere in order to avoid confusion.
This has been pointed already, but whatever the output is, it is  
essential to know if the value is raw or not, if it has to be  
multiplied or divided.

Also, i do agree with Hugo concerning the output to make it easier to  
parse through scripting.
The units should also be settable in order to have the same units for  
all values.

Basically, this new output is more explicit for me and remove a bit of  

Although, the part "Average_disk_efficiency" seems confusing as i'm  
not sure the term "efficiency" is correct in that part.
That makes me ask some questions : why this much allocated ? when will  
it allocate more ? how much might be allocated ? ...
So, this percentage doesn't indicate an efficient usage of disk space  
or not ... for me, it indicates that it needed to allocated that  
(depending on the chunk size).
In this example there's indeed 30% of the allocation that is unused,  
but it will be used as data will grow on the disk.
For me it's similar as a LUN created in thick provisioning ... i might  
not need all the space, but i don't want to be stuck if i'll need it.

(dunno if i'm clear on that part)

Am i wrong in saying that "Free_(Estimated)" is a false value as the  
snapshots size isn't included ?
Let's say i've like 10 GB of snapshots ... then  
Free_(Estimated)=Free_(Estimated)-snaps size ? no ?
Is it possible to include those snaps size somewhere (maybe not to  
include in the summary or details, but to add another section or  
option allowing to have that info) ?

Finally, i do agree about the linearly growth as the best model currently.
For several reasons, some already explained by Hugo, and because as  
far as i understood, there is no "single" way to know very accurately  
how your disk is used. That said, the point is at least to give the  
most accurate data as possible and to be able to interpret them.
In a production environment, i can't afford to say "sorry, the app is  
crashed because my disk is full". So i need a view on what's happening  
on my disk.
Even if it lacks perfect accuracy, i can place thresholds to avoid any  
problem (70% of disk full as a warning for example).

So, i would change some terms i guess indicating more precisely the  
"raw" data and the already computed ones.
I would also not use the term efficiency as people may wonder at some  
point if they didn't make a mistake using btrfs seeing a % never near  
from 100.

The "Data_to_disk_ratio" seems preferable for me.



Goffredo Baroncelli  a écrit :

On 09/28/2012 10:13 PM, Hugo Mills wrote:


 Disk_size:  135.00 GiB
 Disk_allocated:  10.51 GiB
 Disk_unallocated:   124.49 GiB
 Used: 2.59 GiB
 Free_(Estimated):91.93 GiB
 Average_disk_efficiency:  70 %

Chunk-typeMode Disk-allocated Used   Available
Data  Single4.01GB  2.16GB  1.87GB
SystemDUP  16.00MB  4.00KB  7.99MB
SystemSingle4.00MB0.00  4.00MB
Metadata  DUP   6.00GB429.16MB  2.57GB
Metadata  Single8.00MB0.00  8.00MB

Disk-allocated  ->  space used on the disk by the chunk
Disk-size   ->  size of the disk
Disk-unallocated->  disk not used in any chunk
Used->  space used by the files/metadata

   The problem here is that if you're using raw storage, the Used
value in the second stanza grows twice as fast as the user expects.

This is the misunderstanding whom I talked before.

If you give a look at the line "Metadata DUP", you can see that the
disk-allocated are about 6GB, instead if you sum Used and Available you
got 3GB.

I.e. if you create a 1GB file, "Used" ever increased of 1GB, and
Available ever decrease 1GB, whichever you are using DUP or Single or


think this second stanza should at minimum include the "cooked" values
used in btrfs fi df, because those reflect the user's experience. Then
adding [some of?] the raw values you've got here to help connect the
values to the raw data in the first stanza of output.

The only raw values are the one "prefixed" with disk. The other ones
are at the net of the DUP/Single/Raid

   As I said above, it's the connection between "I wrote a 1GiB file
to my filesystem" and "why have my numbers increased/decreased by

Re: BTRF - Storage Usage

2012-09-27 Thread Sébastien Maury


Thanks a lot for your time and answers.

Things look pretty clear now for me.

I'm monitoring my systems using nagios, and i was annoyed about the  
disk usage monitoring.

Thanks to your answers, i should be able to developp a rather accurate script.
Or so i hope :)


Hugo Mills  a écrit :

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 01:25:58PM +0200, Sébastien Maury wrote:


Thanks for the quick reply, this clarify me lots of things.
I've had read the articles you mentioned, but i must admit that your
explanations based on my examples makes things even more clearer.

Also, if i understand things properly, snaphots size aren't included
in the "btrfs filesystem show" command output ?
So, the use, for example, of a "du -sh /.snapshots" is correct to
determine the disk usage of my snapshots ?

   "Disk usage of a snapshot" has two different answers:

1) The total size of the files listed in the snapshot, which you can
   get from du.

2) The amount of space that would be freed up by deleting the
   snapshot, which isn't currently available, but probably will be
   soon. (The additional bookkeeping code was part of the qgroups
   patches, which are in 3.6).

I will see with the people of my company in charge of maintaining
distributions to provide us a more recent kernel.

PS : I use SLES 11 SP2 distribution.

   OK, that one's actually one of the few that does keep proper

   That said, I don't know how good they are at keeping up -- probably
pretty good, but other people here may be able to answer that better.


Hugo Mills  a écrit :

> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 12:44:27PM +0200, Sébastien Maury wrote:
>> I've installed a new server using btrfs for my root partition ("/").
>> It uses snapper for snapshots management and all seems to work   
pretty fine.

>> My problem is to be able to know the remaining REAL free space in my
>> partition.
>This is in the FAQ:

>Short answer: you can't know in general.
>Longer answer -- see below.
>> Using different commands, i have different results, and i don't know
>> how to interpret them correctly :
>> poivron:~ # btrfs filesystem show /dev/sda3
>> Label: none  uuid: 9e68b667-f9f9-490f-9da1-ae4e91558212
>>  Total devices 1 FS bytes used 2.58GB
>>  devid1 size 131.64GB used 10.04GB path /dev/sda3
>You have 131.64 GiB of raw storage in your filesystem. Of that,
> 10.04 GiB is currently allocated for use by the FS (and it will take
> more as it needs it).
>> poivron:~ # btrfs filesystem df /
>> Data: total=4.01GB, used=2.16GB
>4.01 GiB of the 10.04 GiB allocation is assigned for use by data,
> and 2.16 GiB of that allocation actually contains data.
>> System, DUP: total=8.00MB, used=4.00KB
>16 MiB (=2*8.00 MiB) of the 10.04 GiB allocation is assigned for
> use as two copies of the system data. There is 4 KiB of system data
> actually used.
>> System: total=4.00MB, used=0.00
>> Metadata, DUP: total=3.00GB, used=429.16MB
>6 GiB (=2*3.00 GiB) of your 10.04 GiB allocation is assigned for
> use as metadata, with two copies (DUP) being kept. 429.16 MiB of the
> 3.00 GiB is currently in use.
>> Metadata: total=8.00MB, used=0.00
>> poivron:~ #  df -hP /
>> Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>> /dev/sda3   132G  3.0G  124G   3% /
>Plain old df can't handle the truth, so this is at best only a hint
> at what's actually happening. When "Avail" reaches zero, your FS is
> probably full. Other than that, you can't necessarily say very much.
>> ===
>> Please help me understand and interpret those information to know the
>> most accurately as possible what is my real remaining space, and what
>> space is used by what.
>> Although, i don't really understand the output of the command "btrfs
>> filesystem df /" : what are exactly "Data", "System DUP", "System
>> total", "Metadata DUP" and "Metadata total" ?
>This should all be covered in the glossary on the website:
>Data is the contents of your files. Metadata is all the other stuff
> that the FS needs in order to store your files -- directory
> structures, permissions, locations of the file data, that kind of
> thing. System is a particular bit of the metadata (

Re: BTRF - Storage Usage

2012-09-27 Thread Sébastien Maury


Thanks for the quick reply, this clarify me lots of things.
I've had read the articles you mentioned, but i must admit that your  
explanations based on my examples makes things even more clearer.

Also, if i understand things properly, snaphots size aren't included  
in the "btrfs filesystem show" command output ?
So, the use, for example, of a "du -sh /.snapshots" is correct to  
determine the disk usage of my snapshots ?

I will see with the people of my company in charge of maintaining  
distributions to provide us a more recent kernel.

PS : I use SLES 11 SP2 distribution.

Hugo Mills  a écrit :

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 12:44:27PM +0200, Sébastien Maury wrote:

I've installed a new server using btrfs for my root partition ("/").

It uses snapper for snapshots management and all seems to work pretty fine.

My problem is to be able to know the remaining REAL free space in my

   This is in the FAQ:

   Short answer: you can't know in general.

   Longer answer -- see below.

Using different commands, i have different results, and i don't know
how to interpret them correctly :

poivron:~ # btrfs filesystem show /dev/sda3
Label: none  uuid: 9e68b667-f9f9-490f-9da1-ae4e91558212
 Total devices 1 FS bytes used 2.58GB
 devid1 size 131.64GB used 10.04GB path /dev/sda3

   You have 131.64 GiB of raw storage in your filesystem. Of that,
10.04 GiB is currently allocated for use by the FS (and it will take
more as it needs it).

poivron:~ # btrfs filesystem df /
Data: total=4.01GB, used=2.16GB

   4.01 GiB of the 10.04 GiB allocation is assigned for use by data,
and 2.16 GiB of that allocation actually contains data.

System, DUP: total=8.00MB, used=4.00KB

   16 MiB (=2*8.00 MiB) of the 10.04 GiB allocation is assigned for
use as two copies of the system data. There is 4 KiB of system data
actually used.

System: total=4.00MB, used=0.00
Metadata, DUP: total=3.00GB, used=429.16MB

   6 GiB (=2*3.00 GiB) of your 10.04 GiB allocation is assigned for
use as metadata, with two copies (DUP) being kept. 429.16 MiB of the
3.00 GiB is currently in use.

Metadata: total=8.00MB, used=0.00

poivron:~ #  df -hP /
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3   132G  3.0G  124G   3% /

   Plain old df can't handle the truth, so this is at best only a hint
at what's actually happening. When "Avail" reaches zero, your FS is
probably full. Other than that, you can't necessarily say very much.


Please help me understand and interpret those information to know the
most accurately as possible what is my real remaining space, and what
space is used by what.

Although, i don't really understand the output of the command "btrfs
filesystem df /" : what are exactly "Data", "System DUP", "System
total", "Metadata DUP" and "Metadata total" ?

   This should all be covered in the glossary on the website:

   Data is the contents of your files. Metadata is all the other stuff
that the FS needs in order to store your files -- directory
structures, permissions, locations of the file data, that kind of
thing. System is a particular bit of the metadata (the chunk tree)
which governs an internal physical/virtual mapping, and which needs to
be read before anything else can make any kind of sense.

   DUP is a bit like RAID-1: anything stored in a DUP chunk is
actually written to two different places on the disk, and can help
recovery in the case of physical disk corruption (e.g. bad blocks,
head crash).


Here are some complementary informations :
poivron:~ # uname -a
Linux poivron 3.0.26-0.7-default #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 10:27:57 UTC 2012
(3829766) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

   You [probably(*)] need to upgrade your kernel as soon as possible.
btrfs code moves very fast, and 3.0 has significant bugs in it. You
should be running the latest released kernel -- right now, that's 3.5,
or 3.6-rc7. Next week, it will probably change to 3.6 when Linus makes
the next release. Most distributions have a repository somewhere which
will give you access to new kernels without too much trouble.


(*) Some of the enterprise distributions do have backported btrfs
fixes in their apparently older kernels.

=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... | | ===
  PGP key: 515C238D from or
   ---   __(_'>  Squeak!   ---


Sébastien MAURY
Responsable d'exploitation du site de Montpellier
Équipe DBA
INSERM - DSI - Pôle Infrastructures

Délégation régionale La

BTRF - Storage Usage

2012-09-27 Thread Sébastien Maury


I've installed a new server using btrfs for my root partition ("/").

It uses snapper for snapshots management and all seems to work pretty fine.

My problem is to be able to know the remaining REAL free space in my  

Using different commands, i have different results, and i don't know  
how to interpret them correctly :

poivron:~ # btrfs filesystem df /
Data: total=4.01GB, used=2.16GB
System, DUP: total=8.00MB, used=4.00KB
System: total=4.00MB, used=0.00
Metadata, DUP: total=3.00GB, used=429.16MB
Metadata: total=8.00MB, used=0.00

poivron:~ #  df -hP /
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3   132G  3.0G  124G   3% /

poivron:~ # btrfs filesystem show /dev/sda3
Label: none  uuid: 9e68b667-f9f9-490f-9da1-ae4e91558212
Total devices 1 FS bytes used 2.58GB
devid1 size 131.64GB used 10.04GB path /dev/sda3

Btrfs v0.19+

poivron:~ # du -sh /.snapshots
40G /.snapshots


Please help me understand and interpret those information to know the  
most accurately as possible what is my real remaining space, and what  
space is used by what.

Although, i don't really understand the output of the command "btrfs  
filesystem df /" : what are exactly "Data", "System DUP", "System  
total", "Metadata DUP" and "Metadata total" ?


Here are some complementary informations :
poivron:~ # uname -a
Linux poivron 3.0.26-0.7-default #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 10:27:57 UTC 2012  
(3829766) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

poivron:~ # snapper list-configs
Config| Subvolume
root  | /

poivron:~ # cat /etc/snapper/configs/root

# subvolume to snapshot

# filesystem type

# run daily number cleanup

# limit for number cleanup

# create hourly snapshots

# cleanup hourly snapshots after some time

# limits for timeline cleanup

# cleanup empty pre-post-pairs

# limits for empty pre-post-pair cleanup


Sébastien MAURY
Responsable d'exploitation du site de Montpellier
Équipe DBA
INSERM - DSI - Pôle Infrastructures

Délégation régionale Languedoc Roussillon
60, rue de Navacelles
34394 Montpellier Cedex 5

Mob : 06 31 51 42 18
Fixe : 04 67 63 61 43
Fax : 04 67 63 70 25
Mél :

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