Re: Help Recovering BTRFS array

2017-09-21 Thread grondinm

Hi Duncan,

I'm not sure if this will attache to my original message...

Thank you for your reply. For some reason i'm not getting list messages even 
tho i know i am subscribed.

I know all to well about the golden rule of data. It has bitten me  a few 
times. The data on this array is mostly data that i don't really care about. I 
was able to copy off what i wanted. The main reason i sent it to the list was 
just to see if i could somehow return the FS to a working state without having 
to recreate. I'm just surprised that all 3 copies of the super block got 
corrupted. Probably my lack of understanding but i always assumed that if one 
copy got corrupted it would be replaced by a good copy therefore leaving all 
copies in a good state. Is that not the case. If it is then what back luck that 
all 3 got messed up at same time. 

Some information i forgot to include in my original message

uname -a
Linux thebeach 4.12.13-gentoo-GMAN #1 SMP Sat Sep 16 15:28:26 ADT 2017 x86_64 
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

btrfs --version
btrfs-progs v4.10.2

Anyways thank you again for your reply. I will leave the FS intact for a few 
days in case anymore details could help the development of BTRFS and maybe 
avoid this happening or having a recovery option.


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Help Recovering BTRFS array

2017-09-18 Thread grondinm

I will try to provide all information pertinent to the situation i find myself 

Yesterday while trying to write some data to a BTRFS filesystem on top of a 
mdadm raid5 array encrypted with dmcrypt comprising of 4 1tb HDD my system 
became unresponsive and i had no choice but to hard reset. System came back up 
no problem and the array in question mounted without a complaint. Once i tried 
to write data to it again however the system became unresponsive again and 
required another hard reset. Again system came back up and everything mounted 
with no complaints.

This time i decided to run some checks. Ran a raid check by issuing 'echo check 
> /sys/block/md0/md/sync_action'. This completed without a single error. So i 
performed a proper restart just because and once the system came back up i 
initiated a scrub on the btrfs filesystem. This greeted me with my first 
indication that something is wrong:

btrfs sc stat /media/Storage2 
scrub status for e5bd5cf3-c736-48ff-b1c6-c9f678567788
scrub started at Mon Sep 18 06:05:21 2017, running for 07:40:47
total bytes scrubbed: 1.03TiB with 1 errors
error details: super=1
corrected errors: 0, uncorrectable errors: 0, unverified errors: 0

I was concerned but since it was still scrubbing i left it. Now things look 
really bleak... 

Every few minutes the scrub process goes into a D status as shown by htop it 
eventually keeps going and as far as i can see is still scrubbing(slowly). I 
decided to check a something else(based on the error above) I ran btrfs 
inspect-internal dump-super -a -f /dev/md0 which gave me this:

superblock: bytenr=65536, device=/dev/md0 
ERROR: bad magic on superblock on /dev/md0 at 65536

superblock: bytenr=67108864, device=/dev/md0
ERROR: bad magic on superblock on /dev/md0 at 67108864

superblock: bytenr=274877906944, device=/dev/md0
ERROR: bad magic on superblock on /dev/md0 at 274877906944

Now i'm really panicked. Is the FS toast? Can any recovery be attempted?

Here is the output of dump-super with the -F option:

superblock: bytenr=65536, device=/dev/md0
csum_type   43668 (INVALID)
csum_size   32
0x76c647b04abf1057f04e40d1dc52522397258064b98a1b8f6aa6934c74c0dd55 [DON'T MATCH]
bytenr  6376050623103086821
flags   0x7edcc412b742c79f
  unknown flag: 0x7edcc410b742c79c )
magic   ..l~...q [DON'T MATCH]
generation  1769598730239175261
sys_array_size  1744503544
chunk_root_generation   18100024505086712407
root_level  79
chunk_root  10848092274453435018
log_root_level  18
total_bytes 5481087866519986730
bytes_used  13216280034370888020
sectorsize  4102056786
stripesize  2473897044
num_devices 12836127619712721941
compat_ro_flags 0x3fe8246616164da7
  unknown flag: 0x3fe8246616164da4 )
incompat_flags  0x3989a5037330bfd8
  RAID56 |
  unknown flag: 0x3989a5037330bc10 )
dev_item.uuid   e6e382b3-de66-4c25-7cc9-3cc43cde9c24
dev_item.fsid   f8430e37-12ca-adaf-b038-f0ee10ce6327 [DON'T MATCH]
dev_item.type   7909001383421391155
dev_item.bytes_used 14330418354255459170
dev_item.io_align   4136652250
dev_item.io_width   1113335506
dev_item.devid  16559830033162408461
dev_item.dev_group  3271056113