[Linux-HA] Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Joe Bill

  Stopping the Heartbeat daemon (service heartbeat stop)
 does not stop the DRBD daemon even if it is one of
 the resources. 

- Heartbeat and DRBD are 2 different products/packages

- Like most services, DRBD doesn't need Heartbeat to run. You can set up and 
run DRBD volumes without Heartbeat installed, or any cluster supervisor.

- The DRBD daemons provide the communication interface for each network volume 
and are therefor an integral part of the volume management. Without the DRBD 
daemons, you (manually) and Heartbeat (automagically) could not handle the DRBD 

- If you look carefully at your startup, DRBD daemons start whether or not 
Heartbeat is started.


Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Re: [Linux-HA] Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Dominik Klein
Joe Bill wrote:
  Stopping the Heartbeat daemon (service heartbeat stop)
 does not stop the DRBD daemon even if it is one of
 the resources. 
 - Heartbeat and DRBD are 2 different products/packages
 - Like most services, DRBD doesn't need Heartbeat to run. You can set up and 
 run DRBD volumes without Heartbeat installed, or any cluster supervisor.
 - The DRBD daemons provide the communication interface for each network 
 volume and are therefor an integral part of the volume management. Without 
 the DRBD daemons, you (manually) and Heartbeat (automagically) could not 
 handle the DRBD volumes.

Just to avoid confusion: There is no such thing as a DRBD daemon. DRBD
is a kernel module.

 - If you look carefully at your startup, DRBD daemons start whether or not 
 Heartbeat is started.

That depends on your setup. Maybe in yours it does and it should. In
others it does not and it should not.

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

[Linux-HA] Problem with Two Apache Web Servers in an Active/Active Configuration

2009-04-03 Thread dang thai hoang

Hi guys!

I am a newbie and I really need your help.

I followed this instruction: http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStartedV2/TwoApaches

to  confugure 2
apache server in an Active/Active state but it did not work.


I have Win XP host, VirtualBox installed and two Ubuntu


I set both 2 nodes are static IP addresses: 

Node 1:

Node 2:


Both 2 guests are installed Apache2


//may01 and may02 are my guests’s namesmay01  
apache2::/etc/apache2/apache2.conf may02  


cib  configuration    crm_config/    nodes/    resources  group 
id=apache_group_1    primitive id=ip_resource_1 class=ocf 
type=IPaddr provider=heartbeat  instance_attributes    
attributes  nvpair name=ip value=    
/attributes  /instance_attributes    /primitive    
primitive id=apache class=heartbeat type=apache  
instance_attributes    attributes  nvpair name=1 
value=/etc/apache2/apache2.conf/    /attributes  
/instance_attributes    /primitive  /group  group 
id=apache_group_2    primitive id=ip_resource_2 class=ocf 
type=IPaddr provider=heartbeat 
 instance_attributes    attributes  nvpair name=ip 
value=    /attributes  
/instance_attributes    /primitive    primitive id=apache 
class=heartbeat type=apache  instance_attributes    
attributes  nvpair name=1 
value=/etc/apache2/apache2.conf/    /attributes  
/instance_attributes    /primitive  /group    /resources    
constraints  rsc_location id=run_apache_group_1 
rsc=apache_group_1    rule id=pref_run_apache_group_1 
score=100  expression attribute=#uname operation=eq 
value=may01/    /rule  /rsc_location  rsc_location 
id=run_apache_group_2 rsc=apache_group_2    rule
 id=pref_run_apache_group_2 score=100  expression 
attribute=#uname operation=eq value=may02/    /rule  
/rsc_location    /constraints  /configuration  status//cib

/etc/ha.d/ha.cf file

logfacility daemon node may01 may02    keepalive 
1    warntime  3    deadtime 10    bcast 
eth0 eth1    ping   # Ping my router IP of Win XP 
hostauto_failback yes  respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail  

/etc/ha.d/authkeys file

auth 11 sha1 password

Apache Directives

I followed this instruction: http://www.linux-ha.org/GettingStarted/TwoApaches

But I don’t know where to put: Listen and Listen in my may01 and may02 guests, because I installed apache2 and 
I cannot find httpd.cf file like in the instruction. I tried to put it in 
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf and /etc/apache2/apache2.conf either but it still did 
not work. 

Init Directives

In my Ubuntu 8.10 I typed in the terminal to disable apache2 to start when 
Ubuntu starts: Update-rc.d –f apache2 remove



Could somebody tell me what is wrong?


Thank you in advance.


Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

[Linux-HA] Re: Re: Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Joe Bill

dk wrote:

 Joe Bill wrote:

 - The DRBD daemons provide the communication interface
 for each network volume and are therefor an integral
 part of the volume management. Without the DRBD daemons,
you (manually) and Heartbeat (automagically) could not
 handle the DRBD volumes.

Just to avoid confusion: There is no such thing as a DRBD daemon. DRBD
is a kernel module. 

Now I'm the one confused.
What are these processes that show up when I ps -ef ?

root..25621..0..2008..?00:00:00 [drbd7_worker]
root.175581..0..2008..?00:00:00 [drbd7_receiver]
root.246471..0.Jan02..?00:00:27 [drbd7_asender]

Doesn't the '1'---^ here, mean 'root' detached ?


Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Re: [Linux-HA] Re: Re: Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Dominik Klein
 - The DRBD daemons provide the communication interface
 for each network volume and are therefor an integral
 part of the volume management. Without the DRBD daemons,
 you (manually) and Heartbeat (automagically) could not
 handle the DRBD volumes.
 Just to avoid confusion: There is no such thing as a DRBD daemon. DRBD
 is a kernel module. 
 Now I'm the one confused.
 What are these processes that show up when I ps -ef ?
 root..25621..0..2008..?00:00:00 [drbd7_worker]
 root.175581..0..2008..?00:00:00 [drbd7_receiver]
 root.246471..0.Jan02..?00:00:27 [drbd7_asender]
 Doesn't the '1'---^ here, mean 'root' detached ?

Those are the kernel threads (indicated by the enclosing [])

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Re: [Linux-HA] node ignored after reboot

2009-04-03 Thread Andrew Beekhof
Sorry, I've had to ignore Heartbeat based clusters for the last few weeks...

There may have been a problem with 1.0.2, I never tested it with
Heartbeat, but my testing this week indicates the current code should
So you might want to consider updating...

This looks suspicious though:
  heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:18:03 WARN: Message hist queue is
filling up (377 messages in queue)
and would seem to indicate some sort of communications problem.

I'd suggest grabbing the latest Pacemaker code and submitting a bug if
you find it happens again.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 18:29, Juha Heinanen j...@tutpro.com wrote:
 i set up the example apache cluster of document


 but used mysql server instead of apache server.  crm of my test cluster
 looks like this:

 node $id=8df8447f-6ecf-41a7-a131-c89fd59a120d lenny1
 node $id=f13aff7b-6c94-43ac-9a24-b118e62d5325 lenny2
 primitive drbd0 ocf:heartbeat:drbd \
        params drbd_resource=drbd0 \
        op monitor interval=59s role=Master timeout=30s \
        op monitor interval=60s role=Slave timeout=30s
 primitive fs0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
        params ftype=ext3 directory=/var/lib/mysql device=/dev/drbd0 \
        meta target-role=Started
 primitive mysql-server lsb:mysql \
        op monitor interval=10s timeout=30s start-delay=10s
 primitive virtual-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
        params ip= broadcast= nic=eth1 
 cidr_netmask=24 \
        op monitor interval=21s timeout=5s
 group mysql-group fs0 mysql-server virtual-ip
 ms ms-drbd0 drbd0 \
        meta clone-max=2 notify=true globally-unique=false 
 colocation mysql-group-on-ms-drbd0 inf: mysql-group ms-drbd0:Master
 order ms-drbd0-before-mysql-group inf: ms-drbd0:promote mysql-group:start
 property $id=cib-bootstrap-options \
        dc-version=1.0.2-ec6b0bbee1f3aa72c4c2559997e675db6ab39160 \

 initially both nodes were online, lenny2 being the master.  then i tried
 what happens when i reboot lenny1. when lenny1 was powered off, cluster
 looked correctly like this:

 # crm_mon -1

 Last updated: Wed Mar 18 14:12:09 2009
 Current DC: lenny2 (f13aff7b-6c94-43ac-9a24-b118e62d5325)
 Version: 1.0.2-ec6b0bbee1f3aa72c4c2559997e675db6ab39160
 2 Nodes configured.
 2 Resources configured.

 Node: lenny1 (8df8447f-6ecf-41a7-a131-c89fd59a120d): OFFLINE
 Node: lenny2 (f13aff7b-6c94-43ac-9a24-b118e62d5325): online

 Master/Slave Set: ms-drbd0
    drbd0:0     (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Stopped
    drbd0:1     (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master lenny2
 Resource Group: mysql-group
    fs0 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started lenny2
    mysql-server        (lsb:mysql):    Started lenny2
    virtual-ip  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started lenny2

 when i powered lenny1 on again, i expected that after is becomes online
 again, but it was totally ignored.

 the log is below. versions of software are heartbeat 2.99.2 and
 pacemaker 1.0.2.

 any glues why lenny1 was ignored and my very first test to achieve high
 availability with heartbeat/pacemaker failed?  people on pacemaker list
 suspected ccm, which is part of heartbeat.

 -- juha


 this came to syslog when lenny1 was powered off:

 r...@lenny2:~# heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:12:32 WARN: node lenny1: is dead
 heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:12:32 info: Link lenny1:eth1 dead.
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:32 notice: crmd_ha_status_callback: Status 
 Node lenny1 now has status [dead] (DC=true)
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:32 info: crm_update_peer_proc: lenny1.ais is now
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:32 info: te_graph_trigger: Transition 12 is now
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:32 info: notify_crmd: Transition 12 status: done 

 and this when it was powered on again:

 heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 info: Heartbeat restart on node lenny1
 heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 info: Link lenny1:eth1 up.
 heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 info: Status update for node lenny1:
 status init
 heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 info: Status update for node lenny1:
 status up
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 notice: crmd_ha_status_callback: Status 
 Node lenny1 now has status [init] (DC=true)
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 info: crm_update_peer_proc: lenny1.ais is now
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:12:56 notice: crmd_ha_status_callback: Status 
 Node lenny1 now has status [up] (DC=true)
 heartbeat[1831]: 2009/03/18_14:13:26 info: Status update for node lenny1:
 status active
 crmd[1923]: 2009/03/18_14:13:26 notice: crmd_ha_status_callback: Status 
 Node lenny1 now has status [active] (DC=true)
 cib[1919]: 2009/03/18_14:13:26 info: cib_client_status_callback: Status 
 Client lenny1/cib now has status [join]
 cib[1919]: 2009/03/18_14:13:26 info: crm_update_peer_proc: 

Re: [Linux-HA] How to determine why resources aren't started?

2009-04-03 Thread Andrew Beekhof
I'd not be using master/slave resources with 2.1.4
Try getting the latest version of Pacemaker (which also lists failed
operations in the crm_mon output)

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 16:21, Michael Rendell mich...@cs.mun.ca wrote:

  Am having problems determining why some resources are not started
 by linux-ha - wondering if anyone can provide some insight on this:

  Using heartbeat-2.1.4 on CentOS-5.2 with DRBD-8.2.6.  The two node
 configuration is to set up a number of drbd resources (master/slave)
 and then, on the master, mount the filesystems and set up an IP alias
 (there is also an http server with another IP alias).

  When a single node starts, it puts the drbd devices in master mode,
 but does not mount the filesystems.  Could not find anything in the
 logs to say why not.

  Have attached the config file (cib.xml cibadmin --cib_query) and portion
 of /var/log/messages (log-1.txt). crm_mon -1 reports:

    Last updated: Mon Feb  9 16:07:41 2009
    Current DC: nmhd-bs1 (1a55de06-858d-4487-ac6e-a488824ec50d)
    2 Nodes configured.
    3 Resources configured.

    Node: nmhd-bs1 (1a55de06-858d-4487-ac6e-a488824ec50d): online
    Node: nmhd-bs2 (b83a3c45-b1a2-48bf-b793-8b4d605c2212): OFFLINE

    Master/Slave Set: boot_ms_drbd
        Resource Group: boot_ms_drbd_group:0
            boot_ms_drbd_home:0 (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master nmhd-bs1
            boot_ms_drbd_droot:0        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master nmhd-bs1
            boot_ms_drbd_dvars:0        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master nmhd-bs1
        Resource Group: boot_ms_drbd_group:1
            boot_ms_drbd_home:1 (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Stopped
            boot_ms_drbd_droot:1        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Stopped
            boot_ms_drbd_dvars:1        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Stopped
    Resource Group: web_group
        web_ip  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started nmhd-bs1
        httpd_site      (ocf::heartbeat:apache):        Started nmhd-bs1

  After starting the second node, the filesystems still aren't
 mounted (see log-2m.txt and log-2s.txt for the master/slave node logs).
 The crm_mon output is:

    Last updated: Mon Feb  9 16:21:34 2009
    Current DC: nmhd-bs1 (1a55de06-858d-4487-ac6e-a488824ec50d)
    2 Nodes configured.
    3 Resources configured.

    Node: nmhd-bs1 (1a55de06-858d-4487-ac6e-a488824ec50d): online
    Node: nmhd-bs2 (b83a3c45-b1a2-48bf-b793-8b4d605c2212): online

    Master/Slave Set: boot_ms_drbd
        Resource Group: boot_ms_drbd_group:0
            boot_ms_drbd_home:0 (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master nmhd-bs1
            boot_ms_drbd_droot:0        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master nmhd-bs1
            boot_ms_drbd_dvars:0        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Master nmhd-bs1
        Resource Group: boot_ms_drbd_group:1
            boot_ms_drbd_home:1 (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Started nmhd-bs2
            boot_ms_drbd_droot:1        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Started 
            boot_ms_drbd_dvars:1        (ocf::heartbeat:drbd):  Started 
    Resource Group: web_group
        web_ip  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started nmhd-bs1
        httpd_site      (ocf::heartbeat:apache):        Started nmhd-bs1

 Any thoughts appreciated!

 Best wishes,

 Linux-HA mailing list
 See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

[Linux-HA] Re: Re: Re: Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Joe Bill

dk wrote:

 Now I'm the one confused.
 What are these processes that show up when I ps -ef ?

 root..25621..0..2008..?00:00:00 [drbd7_worker]
 root.175581..0..2008..?00:00:00 [drbd7_receiver]
 root.246471..0.Jan02..?00:00:27 [drbd7_asender]

 Doesn't the '1'---^ here, mean 'root' detached ?

Those are the kernel threads (indicated by the enclosing []) 

yes, but what is it in that kernel thread that prevents it from being also 
called a daemon, when it shares the characteristics of other daemons ?

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

RE: [Linux-HA] Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Jerome Yanga


-Original Message-
From: linux-ha-boun...@lists.linux-ha.org 
[mailto:linux-ha-boun...@lists.linux-ha.org] On Behalf Of Dominik Klein
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 10:44 PM
To: General Linux-HA mailing list
Subject: Re: [Linux-HA] Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD 

Jerome Yanga wrote:
 Stopping the Heartbeat daemon (service heartbeat stop) does not stop the DRBD 
 daemon even if it is one of the resources.
 # service heartbeat stop
 Stopping High-Availability services:
[  OK  ]
 # service drbd status
 drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
 version: 8.2.7 (api:88/proto:86-88)
 GIT-hash: 61b7f4c2fc34fe3d2acf7be6bcc1fc2684708a7d build by 
 r...@nomen.esri.com, 2009-03-24 08:29:57
 m:res  csst  ds  p  mounted  fstype
 0:r0   Unconfigured

It stops your drbd resource (device). It just does not unload the
module. That is the expected behaviour.


 Running the command below stops the DRBD daemon.
 Service drbd stop
 Applications Installed:
 # crm configure show
 primitive fs0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
 params fstype=ext3 directory=/data device=/dev/drbd0
 primitive VIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
 params ip= \
 op monitor interval=5s timeout=5s
 primitive drbd0 ocf:heartbeat:drbd \
 params drbd_resource=r0 \
 op monitor interval=59s role=Master timeout=30s \
 op monitor interval=60s role=Slave timeout=30s
 group DRBD_Group fs0 VIP \
 meta collocated=true ordered=true migration-threshold=1 
 failure-timeout=10s resource-stickiness=10
 ms ms-drbd0 drbd0 \
 meta clone-max=2 notify=true globally-unique=false 
 colocation DRBD_Group-on-ms-drbd0 inf: DRBD_Group ms-drbd0:Master
 order ms-drbd0-before-DRBD_Group inf: ms-drbd0:promote DRBD_Group:start
 Linux-HA mailing list
 See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

RE: [Linux-HA] Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the DRBD Daemon

2009-04-03 Thread Jerome Yanga

In my situation, DRBD is a resource in my cluster.  Hence, it is managed by 


-Original Message-
From: linux-ha-boun...@lists.linux-ha.org 
[mailto:linux-ha-boun...@lists.linux-ha.org] On Behalf Of Dominik Klein
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:50 AM
To: General Linux-HA mailing list
Subject: Re: [Linux-HA] Re: Stopping the Heartbeat daemon does not stop the 
DRBD Daemon

Joe Bill wrote:
  Stopping the Heartbeat daemon (service heartbeat stop)
 does not stop the DRBD daemon even if it is one of
 the resources. 
 - Heartbeat and DRBD are 2 different products/packages
 - Like most services, DRBD doesn't need Heartbeat to run. You can set up and 
 run DRBD volumes without Heartbeat installed, or any cluster supervisor.
 - The DRBD daemons provide the communication interface for each network 
 volume and are therefor an integral part of the volume management. Without 
 the DRBD daemons, you (manually) and Heartbeat (automagically) could not 
 handle the DRBD volumes.

Just to avoid confusion: There is no such thing as a DRBD daemon. DRBD
is a kernel module.

 - If you look carefully at your startup, DRBD daemons start whether or not 
 Heartbeat is started.

That depends on your setup. Maybe in yours it does and it should. In
others it does not and it should not.

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems