Compile problem--Tnos

1999-07-29 Thread Jack

I've been trying to compile TNOS-2.30 without much success. When I 
execute ./premake I get an error message almost immediately that
reads :   'can't load library ''

Would anyone know what I should look for to correct the problem?

I'm using Caldera Open Linix 1.1, linux 2.0.29 ; gcc

Jack -- kc6cem
Big Bear Lake, California, USA

RE: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread John - G3JAG

I just looked at my copy. It uses pdf  Acrobat is even on
the CD as well. When I get the chance I'll peek at it on this Linux
machine, but I will be surprised if its not readable - at least in part.
Costs around $40; not as user friendly as the hard copy, and it is more
portable, (but only if you normally lug a pc around with you.)

The Antenna Handbook is also on CD, and its in pdf as well, but now I
have it, I prefer the paper edition for ease of bedtime browsing. (At
this location I can only dream about antennas).

On 29-Jul-99 Adolf Ahmad MS wrote:
 How Much and how to order it ...?
 -Original Message-
 From:Chuck Hemker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:Thursday, July 29, 1999 12:20 PM
 Subject: ARRL Handbook on CD
 I noticed that the ARRL has the Handbook on CD now.  However, it
 says it
 requires Microsoft Windows.  I was wondering if anyone has a copy
 and has
 looked at it to see how much it really does?  Is most of the data in
 platform format like PDF, or did they decide to use either a
 or a proprietary format?  Or maybe even in simple text?

Date: 29-Jul-99
Time: 09:13:03

This message was sent by XFMail

Re: need mailgw help

1999-07-29 Thread Arno Verhoeven

The problem is solved. smtp_rcv is working fine now.

I found that the signal 13 error disapeared after I changed one of the
mailgw config files.

A few tips for whoever wants to configure mailgw

I found that smtp_rcv writes its output file,, with the properties of the user that sent the smtp mail.
This means that the /urs/local/fbb directory needs to have write
properties for everybody. I didn't like that so I changed
/etc/mailgw/mailgw.conf and /usr/local/fbb/init.srv to look for the file in /var/spool/mailgw

Aparently smtp-rcv also wants to write the lock file for pbbs_rcv. I
think this is a bug, but I worked around it by also using
/var/spool/mailgw/ als the location where FBB writes it's output file

The file /doc/sendmail/sendmail.txt in the mailgw package mentions to
the following line to be added in

Mpbbs,  P=/usr/mailgw/smtp_rcv, F=lFDMn, S=10/30, R=40,
A=smtp_rcv $f $u $u@$h

But this causes all mails to be exported with an extra @ behind the
This can be solved in the mailgw config files, but I tought it was nicer
to not add this extra @ in
I have the following line added in

Mpbbs,  P=/usr/mailgw/smtp_rcv, F=lFDMn, S=10/30, R=40,
A=smtp_rcv $f $h $u

Also instead of making seperate entries for all .EU .WW .NOAM and so on
domains, I have made an entry for .bbs

This way you don't have to change the config files if you find that you
want to forward another domain also.

smtp mail can be addressed as follows

If have stored the mailgw config files and in a tarball on  for whoever wants to
use them as an example.

I haven't yet looked at nntp forwarding, so those files are not altered.

73, Arno  pe1icq

Serial Sync RS-422 Learning curve

1999-07-29 Thread John Feist

  Well, I may of messed up. Last night I burned in the new Eprom image
for the WA4DSY modem using the Edit56k windows utility and an older JTR
Eprom programmer. Thinking standard serial lines, In the excitement, I
did not hesitate to unplug the modem from the PackeTwin card while the
machine was running. This I had done zillions of times with the standard
serial kiss links.

  After burning and installing the new Eprom I hooked everything back up
and rebooted the system. Much to my dismay the PackeTwin card does load
but it does not talk to the WA4DSY modem anymore. It appears that I may
have blown away the RS-422 chipset. I replace the original Eprom and had
the same results.

  Looks like I am out another $36.00 for a chipset. Hopefully this msg
may save someone else the expense. Comments always welcome.

regards, John

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread Dan

You said:

 ARRL has released all back issues of QST on CD in the past few years and
 these files are not PDF.  I have the 1995 QST View (as they call it) and
 it uses some proprietary file format and a custom viewer written
 specifically for this application.  I wrote the publications manager
 about a year ago asking if X would be supported, or if the file format
 would be made available for a free software project.  Essentially, the
 answer was no, not at this time.  So, until Linux becomes the ham
 platform of choice and QST View sales drop off for that reason, I don't
 foresee ARRL supporting X with QST View.

At a hamfest last weekend, a company was offering a *decent* dualbander
for a really good price that was PC programmable. I asked the gal if there
was support for linux, or if the protocol for their radio was available. I
came to find out she didn't know about the protocol, and she wasn't aware
of any other OS's than Windows. I sighed and moved on..

It's not long until the unclean masses start demanding linux support from
their vendors..and im excited to wait.

-Dan N7NMD

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread Kai Altenfelder

On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Dan wrote:

 At a hamfest last weekend, a company was offering a *decent* dualbander
 for a really good price that was PC programmable. I asked the gal if there
 was support for linux, or if the protocol for their radio was available. I
 came to find out she didn't know about the protocol, and she wasn't aware
 of any other OS's than Windows. I sighed and moved on..
 It's not long until the unclean masses start demanding linux support from
 their vendors..and im excited to wait.

I have made the same experiences at the HAM Radio fair last month.

Several of the exhibitors of good dos/win software were not willing to 
do a port of their software because linux has no market share yet.

But others are willing to do so and I am looking forward to see
their products in the future...

Regards, Kai
Kai Altenfelder, SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, D-90443 Nuernberg
Tel.: +49-911-74053-0, Fax: +49-911-3206727, EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ham: DL3LBA   PGP public key available 

Re: Compile problem--Tnos

1999-07-29 Thread Harry L. Styron

Jack wrote:
 I've been trying to compile TNOS-2.30 without much success. When I
 execute ./premake I get an error message almost immediately that
 reads :   'can't load library ''
 Would anyone know what I should look for to correct the problem?
 I'm using Caldera Open Linix 1.1, linux 2.0.29 ; gcc
 Jack -- kc6cem
 Big Bear Lake, California, USA

Hi Jack:

I suggest you use the precompiled version.  Brian Lantz stopped work on
support a couple of years ago and totally dropped support including the
mailing list and web site in February.  There are many library skew
problems between current Linux and TNOS 2.30.  Better yet, use JNOS . .
. the learning curve is less steep, there is current support, and it
does almost everything TNOS does.

I speak from experience.

73 de K6HS

#  Harry L. Styron, Attorney at Law  #
# 1-925-932-4300  Fax 1-925-944-0591 #
#   "The devil is in the details."   #

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread Ted Ozolins

"Affan Basalamah (96-018)" wrote:
 you can check in ARRL web site in

It seems that although their antenae handbook on cd is in .pdf format,
the Amateur Radio Handbook is wintendo only. Does this mean that ARRL
does not fully support Linux-Hams?
Ted Ozolins (VE6TVO)
Edmonton, Alberta.

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread holotko

Nate Bargmann wrote:

  ARRL has released all back issues of QST on CD in the past few years and
  these files are not PDF.  I have the 1995 QST View (as they call it) and
  it uses some proprietary file format and a custom viewer written
  specifically for this application.  I wrote the publications manager
  about a year ago asking if X would be supported, or if the file format
  would be made available for a free software project.  Essentially, the
  answer was no, not at this time.  So, until Linux becomes the ham
  platform of choice and QST View sales drop off for that reason, I don't
  foresee ARRL supporting X with QST View.

  the UI be deficient in some area for a small group of customers, will
  these companies being willing to make those changes to the software?
  Will they care?

I have been a licensed amateur for only about 10-11 years and my
biggest grumble regarding the ARRL is that they are oftentimes not
very supportive of amateur related interested which fall outside the
radius of what is deemed the paramount interests and/or absorbtions
of  what they view as the majority of the amateur community. Items
which deviate this ARRL self defined scope seem to be treated as
collateral and unimportant.
How does this pertain to the situation you describe? In that old
rhetorical sense of argument that can be best defined in phrase,
"everybody uses MS Windows so why cater to the minority that does
not??".  Much the same mannerism of "everybody does this or that
nowadays" that the ARRL has undertaken in several other amateur
related issues that I had been involved in over the years. However, of
late I am quite detached as although licensed I have not been
practicing amateur radio actively in the last several years. 

It behooves me to make clear that I am not saying this to belittle the
ARRL or any of their actions which may have notably benefited the
amateur community over  the many years of its operations.


Local mailserver , remote


Just a drop in the basket helps keep your city clean!

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread James S. Kaplan KG7FU

ghostview, xpdf, acrobat reader and several other X apps do a fine
job with .pdf's.

Interesting note, .pdf is merely .ps with LZW compression.


RE: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread schoon

Actually, a PDF is alittle more involved that just a ps file. It's
possible to include a fulltext segment that can automatically be index
via some web search engines, and have it all go along for the ride. As
for the compression, it's kinda lousy atleast on standard 150 dpi scans
of BW text. A standard G4 tiff is 25% smaller than the pdf - I guess it
just depends on what you need.



From:  James S. Kaplan KG7FU[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:  Thursday, July 29, 1999 8:45 AM
Subject:   Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

ghostview, xpdf, acrobat reader and several other X apps do a fine
job with .pdf's.

Interesting note, .pdf is merely .ps with LZW compression.


Re: [Fwd: linux and BPQ]

1999-07-29 Thread richardr

Peter wrote:
I have the following and it seems to work okay, allthough probably not
exactly the way it should be :

ifconfig bpq0 hw ax25 PA3GWH-7 up
net2kiss -f -i bpq0 /dev/ptyp1 
kissattach -i /dev/ttyp1 eth

note that eth is the portname from axports and bpq0 the networkdevice
name from the kernel for bpq-ether

Good luck, 73 Richard PA3GWH

 Subject: linux and BPQ
 Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 11:25:15 +0200
 Organization: Your welcome at
 I'am trying to make a dos machine with BPQ to talk with linux via ax25
 and ethernet.
 By reading ax25-howto the bpq device is associated with eth0
 With "# /sbin/ifconfig bpq0 hw ax25 pi4cc-7 comment" I do config the
 eth0 device.
 When I start calling pi4cc-7 at the dos machine the packets a received
 at eth0. The rx pactkets is counting. But there will be no link. The
 bpq0 doen't receive any packet.
 My question: whats wrong?
 Here is a copy of ifconfig:
 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:1657 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:1657 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:4C:02:EB:50
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:30 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:150 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   Interrupt:5 Base address:0x300
 bpq0  Link encap:AMPR AX.25  HWaddr PI4CC-7
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP RUNNING  MTU:256  Metric:1
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 ax0   Link encap:AMPR AX.25  HWaddr PI4CC
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP RUNNING  MTU:255  Metric:1
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 73 peter

n:Van der Riet;Richard
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Amateur Radio Station PA3GWH=0D=0A=0D=0ARunning S.u.S.E. Linux 6.0
fn:Richard Van der Riet

Re: What about 6Pack?

1999-07-29 Thread Robert Steinhaeusser

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Riley Williams wrote:

 There is a readme.txt file in the /pub directory thereon. It's in
 German, but the BabelFish translation thereof states:
  Q This directory is empty, since neighbouring Anonymous FTP
  Q servers offer an abundance of well sorted files for the
  Q selection.
  Q Pure information files (texts, pictures) are in the HTTP 
  Q server and can be selected there.
 However, I get no such host when referring to that URL...

Try, which is the same computer on the

73s, Robert

Robert Steinhaeusser, DL1NC/N9KBK

Check out LinKT (the Linux KDE Terminal) at

Re: ax25-tools/utils

1999-07-29 Thread Robert Steinhaeusser

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Arno Verhoeven wrote:
 The ax25-utils version 2.1.42a do not compile while running a 2.2
 kernel. But axutils binaries compiled on a system runing a 2.0 or 2.1
 kernel, run just fine on a system running a new 2.2 kernel.

The copy I obtained at
utils-2.1.42a.glibc.tar.gz compile here, using SuSE 6.0 oder 6.1 and a
2.2 kernel (tested with 2.2.5 and 2.2.9). But, there are two #include
sys/socket.h statements missing in node/something.c and the ax25rtd
requires the patch found on its current homepage.

Still, it might be better to try the new libax25 -- Craig will surely be
happy if somebody uses the new stuff.

73s, Robert

Robert Steinhaeusser, DL1NC/N9KBK

Check out LinKT (the Linux KDE Terminal) at

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread Nate Bargmann

Although an ARRL member continuosly since January of 1983, the League is
not above criticism when I believe they are taking the wrong path.  An
interesting page I read last night is at:

by NA3T.  I know this is getting off target, but although we have seen
support on this list from various HQ staff (keep up the good work
guys!), from the view presented by the League to the mainstream
membership, ARRL is a Wintendo (I like that) outfit.  I admit, though,
Linux has gotten at least two mentions in the Digital Dimension column
some months back.

Perhaps it behooves more experimenters to embrace Linux and write
articles about it and using it for project development for QST.  Perhaps
some of the blame can be laid at our doorstep for not providing them
with publishable articles.

Unfortunately, I don't see the market emphasis of the League changing
until they are losing sales because of the lack of Linux and X support. 
My crystal ball is cloudy, but until most of the computer software use
in ham radio is ported to Linux/X, the League will continue to market to
Wintendo only.

73, de Nate 


 Packet   | N0NB @ WF0A.#SCKS.KS.USA.NOAM   | "None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 Location | Valley Center, Kansas USA EM17hs| men; the rest love not
Visit my Linux + Ham Radio pages| freedom, but license."  | -- John Milton

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 09:26:58AM +0100, John - G3JAG wrote:
 I just looked at my copy. It uses pdf  Acrobat is even on
 the CD as well. When I get the chance I'll peek at it on this Linux
 machine, but I will be surprised if its not readable - at least in part.
 Costs around $40; not as user friendly as the hard copy, and it is more
 portable, (but only if you normally lug a pc around with you.)
 The Antenna Handbook is also on CD, and its in pdf as well, but now I
 have it, I prefer the paper edition for ease of bedtime browsing. (At
 this location I can only dream about antennas).

IIRC, the CD-ROM copy of the ARRL handbook is more expensive than the
paper copy. That just doesn't make sense given the relative costs
of production (high for a large, thick book; low ($1 US?) for CD-ROM).

Hamish Moffatt   Mobile: +61 412 011 176 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rising Software Australia Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +61 3 9894 4788Fax: +61 3 9894 3362USA: 1 888 667 7839

Re: ARRL Handbook on CD

1999-07-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt

On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 08:45:51AM -0700, James S. Kaplan KG7FU wrote:
 ghostview, xpdf, acrobat reader and several other X apps do a fine
 job with .pdf's.
 Interesting note, .pdf is merely .ps with LZW compression.

pdf has hyperlinks and embedded video support too.

Hamish Moffatt   Mobile: +61 412 011 176 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rising Software Australia Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +61 3 9894 4788Fax: +61 3 9894 3362USA: 1 888 667 7839