Linux-Hardware Digest #417

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #417, Volume #10Sat, 5 Jun 99 03:13:48 EDT

  Re: Is this modem IRQ problem? (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Diamond Monster Sound (Sean Middleditch)
  Re: Sound Blaster Live! loading on startup (Jim Zubb)
  Re: CRAZY IDEA: Linux Box as TCP/IP Network Audio/Visual Server? ("Seth Rightmer")
  Where do I find jumper spec for old hard disk? (Alex Yung)
  Re: Diamond Monster Sound (Leejay Wu)
  Re: Kernel too large, why? (Le physicien nocturne)
  Re: Internal ISA PNP 56K Modem under Linux ("dpc")
  Cannot setting the Modem on Linux Redhat 6.0? ("Raymond Yung")
  Re: 2.2.5-15 kernel eats memory! ("Seth Rightmer")
  Re: Can't connect to my ISP yet, here's the pppd-output... (fahlis)
  Re: ViewSonic G790 Monitor problem... (Andrew Comech)
  Re: X and ATI Rage 128 Graphics card (Miles Long)
  Wheel Mouse problems (Brett Hall)
  Re: What distribution? ("Justin Settle")
  Re: S3 Trio3d 2X AGP for Linux Red hat 6.0 ? ("R. Tolga Korkunckaya")
  Re: IBM 0669 ESDI hard disk parameters? (Georg Schwarz)
  about SB AWE64 ISA (chunfuyu)
  Re: HP JetDirects (using DLC) on Linux??? ("Don Young")

From: Henrik Carlqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is this modem IRQ problem?
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 21:00:50 +0200

Frank Yan wrote:
> I'm wondering if I did something wrong with the configuration or
> something not configured well with the modem, 

What speed did you set the serial port to? You should set this to 115
> People told me that it's the modem IRQ problem, I'm wondering how
> to check the modem IRQ 

cat /proc/interrupts

You shold also know that COM3: and COM4: (/dev/ttyS2 and /dev/ttyS3) are
unusable when they share irq with COM1: and COM2:.

> and how to set it? 

Some serial boards have jumpers to change IRQ. But you will also have to
change the software to use the new IRQ. In linux this is done with
setserial. However, a better idea is probably to connect your modem to
COM2: and make sure that you don't use COM4:.

regards Henrik
spammer strikeback:


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:42:58 -0400
From: Sean Middleditch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diamond Monster Sound

I was wondering if there are any drivers for the Diamond Monster Sound
card (Aureal Vortex chipset, I believ).  I remember last I checked, I
found a list saying the ships were new (which isn't all that true, is
it?) and that drivers haven't been developed yet.  However, I also
remember reading somehwere that Diamond now fully supports the Linux
community, so I would guess there'd be drivers out now, but I can't find
any.  Any help, anyone?

Sean Middleditch


From: Jim Zubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sound Blaster Live! loading on startup
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 21:44:10 -0400

John Bjorgen wrote:
> I recompiled my kernel and force loaded the new Sound Blaster Live driver
> from creative as a module using insmod -f sblive.o.  It works beautifully.
> My problem is that I have the 2.2.5-15 kernel that comes with Red Hat 6.0
> and the driver was compiled for 2.2.5.  On startup it gives me an error
> about incompatible versions when it is finding module dependencies and
> loading modules.  How can I make this work? I don't want to manually load it
> every time I start up.

You can add the insmod -f in your rc.local script.  I think
there is an option you can put in conf.modules, but I am not
sure about what it is.  

Alternately you can edit the binary module using a hex
editor (if you installed gnome with your RH 6 you can use
ghex).  Load the file in the editor, search in the ASCII
data for 2.2.5 then change it to read 2.2.5-15.  No more
complaints.  I have put up a version of the sblive modified
like this here:

Jim Zubb


From: "Seth Rightmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: CRAZY IDEA: Linux Box as TCP/IP Network Audio/Visual Server?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:30:06 -1000

Cyrus, I think you are on to something, my man.  I haven't heard of anything
like that, but if people are putting toasters and coffee pots on the
internet, how hard could it be?  I expect to see this kind of thing Real
Soon Now(tm), with a half dozen different incompatible protocols at first,
of course.  Know any electronics wizards?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Yung)
Subject: Where do I find jumper spec for old hard disk?
Date: 4 Jun 1999 20:24:50 GMT

Would someone remind me of the url for that?  Thanks.


From: Leejay Wu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Diamond Monster Sound
Date: Fri,  4 Jun 1999 16:33:03 -0400

Excerpts from netnews.

Linux-Hardware Digest #416

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #416, Volume #10Sat, 5 Jun 99 00:13:35 EDT

  Driver Available for MultiPort adapter. (Godric Goodrich)
  Re: CRAZY IDEA: Linux Box as TCP/IP Network Audio/Visual Server? (mike dombrowski)
  Re: X and ATI Rage 128 Graphics card (Phil Adamson)
  Some trouble with RH6 (Alexander Russell)
  Re: bash-2.03? was: Re: TNT2 Drivers, Diamond Viper 770 (Frank v Waveren)
  Re: Book on HW/SW interface? (Andy)
  Opinions on the IndyBox? (Dan Star)
  LS-120 wont mount during Redhat Setup ("colin")
  Re: Kernel too large, why? (Sadlysaid)
  Re: D-Link DFE530TX ethernet card work for anyone?? (Shane A Davenport)
  Re: Printer driver for HP 712c (Hardy)
  HP 3200C scanjet supprt? (Paul Maragakis)
  Linksys HomePNA PCI card (HPN100) driver? (Gerard Talatinian)
  PCI SCSI adapter recommendations (inexpensive & good linux support) ("mikez")
  Large Disk Partition Problem -- Caldera Open Linux 2.2/EZ Drive (John Verel)
  Re: HP 820 series printer (Joe Manojlovich)
  Re: Can't connect to my ISP yet, here's the pppd-output... (Bill Unruh)
  Re: "Kernel size too large" (Chris Lee)
  SCSI scanners (Daniel Naughton)
  Re: Redhat 6.0 and Zip Plus (Joe Manojlovich)
  Disable Modem's Speaker ("Tomcat")
  Re: PCI SCSI adapter recommendations (inexpensive & good linux support) (B)
  Re: Is it possible to build a sub-$500 Linux machine? (Henrik Carlqvist)

From: Godric Goodrich 

Subject: Driver Available for MultiPort adapter.
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 16:13:14 +0100 


Has anyone got, or know where I can get, a driver for the Monolith
Flexcomm 8000 multiport adapter ? It does not seem to be in any of the
lists I have at my disposal !!!

Kernel 5.2

Thanks in advance 

Godric Goodrich


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mike dombrowski)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: CRAZY IDEA: Linux Box as TCP/IP Network Audio/Visual Server?
Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 01:46:58 GMT

On 4 Jun 1999 04:54:24 GMT, Cyrus Mehta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I was wondering if the following was possible (or even desireable)
>I want to set up a home network for data,audio(stereo output), and video.  I want a 
>consolidated server for the deal, I dont want to run Data wire, speaker wire, and 
>COAX to every port
>and figure out a way to switch between all the different connections
>Suppose you have:
>a Linux Box (any Distro, any kernal you want)
>A TCP/IP 10/100BaseT network with CAT5 wiring
>Quality Soundcard
>Quality Video Card
>Is it possible to use the Linux Box as a server to send an audio/visual signal
>to network ports so that I could hook up a TV and/or some stereo speakers to a network
>port WITHOUT a client computer to receive the signal and translate for the 
>I was thinking of a simple device that would connect to a network port and output a 
>relateively simply like an RCA type connection (you know left channel, reight 
>channel, and/or video channel)
>Any thoughts, ideas, flames, go ahead..

Nice thought but no. I was thinking of doing the same but there is no
such thing. You could have no soundcard in the main machine and a
junky video card and have a large harddrive and (I know you don't want
this) a client computer with sound/video to mount it's fs off the
server. Or you'd have to run 3 cable all over your house.



From: Phil Adamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: X and ATI Rage 128 Graphics card
Date: 4 Jun 1999 12:59:05 GMT

In uk.comp.os.linux Jimmy Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Upgrade X to 3.3.3 for drivers

The 128 bit ATI cards are supported in XFree 3.3.3? Where?

AFAIK, there is no X server for the 128 bit ATI cards yet, although I did
hear a rumour that someone was working on one. You should be able to get
it to work with the vesa framebuffer support in the 2.2 kernels, and the
XFree86-FBDev server. It won't be accelerated, though.

   _/_/_/  _/  _/ _/ _/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  U Sussex / MINOS
  _/   _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ All their rights respected
 _/_/_/  _/  _/ _/ _/_/_/  Till somebody we like can be elected.
_/ PGP 1024/61A59EE9  28 1B C7 76 C5 02 FE C0  CE 05 E9 05 36 94 05 FB


From: Alexander Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Some trouble with RH6
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:17:00 -0700

I just upgraded from RH5.1 to RH6. Most things seem to work fine. lp no
longer works, though. When I try to print a sample page from the
printtool menu, it complains that there is no device or file "/dev/lp0"
and that it can't start the demon. Listing the /dev/ directory does
indeed show lp0, lp1, and lp2. What could be wrong?

Also, what is the /dev/pts filesystem?

Alex Russell
UC Berkeley


From: [

Linux-Hardware Digest #415

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #415, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 22:13:39 EDT

  Taxan Crystalvision 620 LCD TFT Xconfigurator problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Riva TNT Drivers for Linux (Final Report) (ren)
  Re: IBM 0669 ESDI hard disk parameters? (Rich)
  Re: Can't connect to my ISP yet, here's the pppd-output... (Gutrot)
  Re: Upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2! How will it affect the user? (John Thompson)

Subject: Taxan Crystalvision 620 LCD TFT Xconfigurator problem
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:25:59 GMT

I can not see/utilize the whole of my screen. In fact, I can not see
GNOME's or KDE's taskbar. I am not in scrolling mode which is usually
solved by pressing CTRL ALT + (or -). The only resolution I am able to
"run" X is 640x480 at 8bit and that's dreadful, mate!
I wanna be able to see the whole of my screen and run X at
640x480@75 Hz NON INTERLACED
800x600@75 Hz NON INTERLACED

Both modes can be used in Windows95.
My graphics are supplied by a SIS 5598 chip on the motherboard using
4MB of system RAM.

My PC is a DESKTOP Cyrix 233Mhz. My shop is very small so I had to get
a Taxan Crystalvision 620  12.1 inch Monitor TFT LCD colour screen
whose technical specifications are as follows

Compatibility: IBM VGA or compatibles
Display Type: Colour TFT LCD
Size: 12.1" diagonal (307mm)
Display Area: 245 x 185 mm
Display Colours: 262,144
Display Resolution: 640 x 480 , 800x600
Contrast Ratio: 100:1 (typical)
Brightness: 150 cd/m²(typical)
H. Scan Frequency: 31.469 ~ 37.9 KHz
V. Scan Frequency: 56 ~ 75 Hz
Input Video Signal: RGB analogue 0.75V p-p 75 ohm
Input Video Sync: H/V separate pos/neg
Input Terminal: 15 pin D-type (integral)
On Screen Display (OSD): H/V position, tracking, fine tune, brightness,
contrast, text/graphics, text form, frequency, palette, oversize,
Built-in Audio: 2 x speakers 0.5% THD at 4 ohm load
Audio OSD Controls: Volume, mute, bass, treble, stereo, spatial,
pseudo, linear, forced
Rear Connectors: 5-pin mini-din power connector, 15-pin mini D-sub VGA
connector, audio connectors
Power Supply Input: 90 ~ 250 Volt 50/60 Hz
Power Supply Output: 5 Volt DC 2.5A, 12 Volt DC 1A
Power Consumption: 11 Watts max. (normal operation)
Dimensions (mm): 325(w) x 257(h) x 96(d) (folded)

Yes, I typed in the right horizontal/vertical refresh info.
The output of startx is

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: January 4 1999
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.2.1-ac1 i686 [ELF] Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  NV1, STG2000, RIVA128, RIVATNT, ET4000, ET4000W32, ET4000W32i,
  ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p, ET4000W32p_rev_a,
  ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c, ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000,
  et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10, wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31,
  gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202, sis86c205, sis86c215, sis86c225,
  sis5597, sis5598, sis6326, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs, tvga8900b,
  tvga8900c, tvga8900cl, tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i, tvga9100b,
  tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi, tgui9420, tgui9420dgi, tgui9430dgi,
  tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660, tgui9680, tgui9682, tgui9685,
  cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388, cyber9397, cyber9520, 3dimage975,
  3dimage985, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428,
  clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480,
  clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235,
  clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555, clgd7556, ncr77c22,
  cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, mgag200,
  mgag100, oti067, oti077, oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228,
  ali2302, ali2308, ali2401, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440, video7,
  ark1000vl, ark1000pv, ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek, s3_virge,
  AP6422, AT24, AT3D, s3_svga, NM2070, NM2090, NM2093, NM2097,
  NM2200, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545,
  ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct69000, ct64200,
  ct64300, mediagx, V1000, V2x00, p9100, spc8110, generic(using VT
number 7)
XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keycodes: "xfree86"(**) XKB: types: "default"
(**) XKB: compat: "default"(**) XKB: symbols: "us(pc101)"
(**) XKB: geometry: "pc"(**) XKB: rules: "xfree86"(**) XKB: model:
(**) XKB: layout: "gb"
(**) Mouse: type: Microsoft, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mo

Linux-Hardware Digest #414

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #414, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 22:13:39 EDT

  Linux with the Dell Dimension Series ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Laptop APM (Mohd H Misnan)
  magneto optical drive (waco)
  Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system? (mumford)

Subject: Linux with the Dell Dimension Series
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 23:30:23 GMT

Hi all,

I am new to the Linux hardware bit and would very
much appreciate some advice.  I am looking to buy
the Linux Diemsion Series Pentium III box as advertised
on their home page.  My budget is $2000 and with the
components that they have recommended for this series
of machine is comes to a nice 1857 dollars, within
budget.  How do I check if the components are compatible
with Linux?   It does not say on their web page.  I am
interested in getting the whole multimedia stuff.  Are
these things supported by Linux?  I would be interested
in installing Linux, but I am in a hurry to get a machine
and if it would be too expensive to do so or take too
long, I could forget about it.

Many Thanks,
Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan)
Subject: Re: Laptop APM
Date: 4 Jun 1999 15:15:37 GMT

On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 19:39:42 +0100, Shamsuddin, Amir (EXCHANGE:MDN05:7E24) 
>Mark Swope wrote:
>> It might help if you stated which laptop you have, just to see if
>> anyone has a working system.
>It's a rebadged Mitac 6133
>Celeron 333 / 96Mb / 4Gb / CD-Rom / PCMCIA modem / 13.3TFT
>I'll post chipset makes/model/numbers when I get back home to it.

I've rebadged Mitac 5033 which work well with APM on 2.2.X kernels, I got the
same problem when I was on 2.0.X kernels. Anyway, have you checked Mitac website
for BIOS updates? May be you need to update the BIOS to have this supported.

>The error was when booting the new kernel. It starts up normally, priting the
>usual lines, then It hangs between printing a line about "hda" and where it
>would print a line about "hdc", which is a cdrom. I'll transcribe it and post
>it later.

Mine was stuck at the fd0 line last time.

|Mohd Hamid Misnan   |[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |i|
|iMac/233 RevB+MacOS 8.6 |  |M|
|Mitac 5033/AMD K6-2/300 |We want to take over the world, but we don't have |a|
|Linux 2.2.9 i586|to do it tomorrow. It's OK by next week - Linus T.|c|


From: waco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: magneto optical drive
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:38:05 -0400

I have a Sony SMO-C301-00 magneto optical drive SCSI.  I'd like to use
it in Linux...can someone tell me how?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mumford)
Subject: Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system?
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 16:28:39 GMT

A while ago, Chris Mauritz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> begot:
>mumford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Anyway, less risky way of doing the same test is to use 'make -j 2' or -j 4,
>> replacing the number with the number of CPUs you have.
>I seem to get the best performance (maximizing cpu usage) by using "-j 6" on
>dual processor boxen.

The smp.txt actually recommends #of CPUS + 1 (3 in our case).  I have yet to
find the optimal value for my system.  I'll give 6 a try for a while.

>> Also, changing the MAKE definition in linux/Makefile is not necessary.  Just
>> doing 'make -j 2 zImage' is sufficient.  Make will pass its parameters to its
>> children.
>Not always.  I use:
>make -j 6 MAKE="make -j 6" bzImage


linux# time bash -c "make -j6 bzImage && make -j6 modules"
[output snipped]
324.99user 25.41system 3:13.26elapsed 181%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1033540482major+-1327296488minor)pagefaults 0swaps

linux# MAKE="make -j6" time bash -c "make -j6 bzImage && make -j6 modules"
[output snipped]
323.79user 25.34system 3:14.43elapsed 179%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1033540496major+-302914344minor)pagefaults 0swaps

No significant difference one way or the other.

>> If you visit the SIG-11 FAQ ( page, you'll see
>> a little script that does 100 kernel compiles.  That's what I used to test
>> my dual celery system.
>Yow!  When I want to beat up on them for testing, I generally fire
>up the multithreaded rc5 client and then start a couple of concurrent
>emacs-20.x compiles.

The kernel compiles aren't concurrent.  The test is designed to get your
CPU hot fairly quickly, then crunch away at that temperature for a long
time.  It's a good sig-11 test, and I actually did manage to hang my dual
system the first time I tried it... then I put some thermal grease between
the CPU and the heatsink and haven't been able to hang it since.

Glenn Lamb - [E

Linux-Hardware Digest #413

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #413, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 21:13:33 EDT

  Kernel too large, why? ("David Murray")
  X-server for Intel 810 'Whitney' chipset (or i752) ("Christof Windeck")
  Re: ps dont work??? ("David Murray")
  Re: DVD-RAM anybody? (Swietanowski Artur)
  Re: Deleted /dev/sd* by mistake!!! How to remake them? (Tom Daley)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Daniele Bernardini)
  DNS problem. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux on Presario 1210 laptop (Syd Logan)
  Re: IBM 0669 ESDI hard disk parameters? (Robert =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=F6gberg?=)
  modem for laptop? (Charles T. Young)
  Re: Linux and Lexmark 5700 (Steve Pacenka)
  Re: Newbee needs help (Elijah Menifee)
  PCchips M598 Motherboard and Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 2.2.5-15 kernel eats memory! (Marc Mutz)
  Re: ATI Rage 128 ("Dan")
  Re: 2.2.5-15 kernel eats memory! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Diamond Monster Sound ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: MCA and Linux ?!? (Walt Shekrota)
  Re: Need help getting monitor info ("John Smith")
  Re: Upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2! How will it affect the user? (John Thompson)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (Daniele Bernardini)
  Re: 2.2.5-15 kernel eats memory! (William Burrow)

From: "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel too large, why?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:07:10 GMT

I keep asking this but nobody has come up with a logical answer!  I can't
recompile my kernel on RedHat 6.0.. When I run LILO it tells me that the
kernel is too big.  The thing is, I am using a compressed kernel and it is
only about 470K.  What is more odd than this is that the kernel that RedHat
6 comes with by default is much larger, over a megabyte.  Why is it that
LILO can use that one, but not my new kernel?  I need to get Video4Linux
compiled into the kernel with my capture devices.. I also like to have my
kernel compiled with Pentium optimizations.  What is going on here?


From: "Christof Windeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: X-server for Intel 810 'Whitney' chipset (or i752)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 15:07:56 +0200

Does anyboby know, if a currently available driver exists, supporting
the new Intel 'Whitney' chipset (Intel 810 with integrated graphics
controller i752)?

If not, is anyone scheduling a development of such driver?


Christof Windeck


From: "David Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ps dont work???
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:10:18 GMT

I'm not sure if your TV card is specifically supported, but a few are.. 
The reason your processes may not be showing is that they don't
specifically belong to root.  You might try using a command like "ps -ax"
for example, which will show all the processes currently running whether
they are root processes or not.

> 1. I cannot see the processes running when i use ps from any console or
> terminal as root...
> I use Slackware40 with its original kernel...
> 2. Will i be able to use my TV card under Linux? Its FlyView. When i was
> "trying" to compile the kernel i saw someting related to TV cards... If
> i will be able to use it how, which options should i put in the kernel?
> Anyone knows a site which i can find some information?


From: Swietanowski Artur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DVD-RAM anybody?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 15:31:07 +0200

Jun Yang wrote:
> Is DVD-RAM supported on Linux?  I can't find it in the HOWTOs.
> Thanks!

Search the archives of this group on Dejanews. It was discussed 
a few times in the last 3 months or so.
Artur Swietanowskimailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
Universität Wien, Universitätsstr. 5,A-1010 Wien, Austria
tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620 fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Daley)
Subject: Re: Deleted /dev/sd* by mistake!!! How to remake them?
Date: 4 Jun 1999 14:06:50 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Gen. Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In an ongoing effort to get my zip and cdrw working, I managed to delete
> /dev/sd*.
> How do I recreate these files?

mknod /dev/sda b 8 0
mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1
mknod /dev/sda2 b 8 2
mknod /dev/sda3 b 8 3
mknod /dev/sda4 b 8 4

  this goes on to sda15

mknod /dev/sdb b 8 16
mknod /dev/sdb1 b 8 17
mknod /dev/sdb2 b 8 18
mknod /dev/sdb3 b 8 19
mknod /dev/sdb4 b 8 20

  All of the sd* device files on my system are mode 640 and ownership 
is root:disk.

brw-r-   1 root disk   8,   0 Apr 29  1995 /dev/sda
brw-r-   1 root disk   8,   1 Apr 29  1995 /dev/sda1


Linux-Hardware Digest #412

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #412, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 19:13:32 EDT

  Re: Xfree86 and KDE (Chris Lee)
  Re: how's this for a cheap webserver? (Bryan Scott)
  Re: SB 64 PnP PCI (Spiros Ioannou)
  Re: TEKRAM 310 (Michael Meissner)
  Re: There is an updated version of SCSI Howto? (Mircea)
  Re: wintv - bttv (Tom Poe)
  Re: Problem with Iomega ZIP. (Roger Atkinson)
  Re: SoundBlaster 16/PCI (Matthew Pound)
  Re: MCA and Linux ?!? (Matthew Pound)
  Re: "Kernel size too large" (Michael Meissner)
  Tyan S1837UANG Mother Board ("LeRoy D. Cressy")
  Re: Dual Celeron's and SMP Performance Problems (CB)
  Re: bzImage vs modules. (Swietanowski Artur)
  Re: AZT3000,AZT2320 sound pnp (Ning Ma)
  Re: Is the 3c509 really that much better than ne2000 clone? ("Tony Platt")

From: Chris Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: Xfree86 and KDE
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:30:40 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Raul wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> Greetings, I am a rookie user to Linux. I had recently installed RH5.2 in my
> computer.
> I know that there are some configurations had to be set in order to make the
> hardwares support the Xwindow and the name of it is Xfree86. But my problem
> is I don't know what to do to make it work with my computer and how to set
> them up.
> ALso, I have another problem is that I don't know how install the KDE in
> Linux, can anyone give me an advice pls?
> Looking forwward to replys! Thx for help.

How did your setup go? Did the Xconfigurator utility run correctly? If you want
to set up XFree86, run the command (as root)
root@localhost /root# Xconfigurator
and it will ask you a few questions about what kind of video card you have,
what type of monitor you have, and also what resolutions you want to run in. If
you'd like some more help with your setup, then we (in the newsgroups) will
need some more information- what kind of video card do you have? How much video
RAM? How good is your monitor? Once you can tell us this, we will be able to
help you out much more. As for KDE, don't install it until you have a perfectly
working X-Windows environment. I can help you out with that if you can tell me
which version of RedHat 5.2 you bought (there are several versions, from
RedHat, from Macmillan Publishing, from online websites... Did you get the
Official RedHat 5.2 in the blue box?) Thanks, and I'll be waiting for your
reply so I can help.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Raul wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings, I am a rookie user to Linux. I had recently installed RH5.2
in my
I know that there are some configurations had to be set in order to
make the
hardwares support the Xwindow and the name of it is Xfree86. But my
is I don't know what to do to make it work with my computer and how
to set
them up.
ALso, I have another problem is that I don't know how install the KDE
Linux, can anyone give me an advice pls?
Looking forwward to replys! Thx for help.
How did your setup go? Did the Xconfigurator utility run correctly? If
you want to set up XFree86, run the command (as root)
root@localhost /root# Xconfigurator
and it will ask you a few questions about what kind of video card you
have, what type of monitor you have, and also what resolutions you want
to run in. If you'd like some more help with your setup, then we (in the
newsgroups) will need some more information- what kind of video card do
you have? How much video RAM? How good is your monitor? Once you can tell
us this, we will be able to help you out much more. As for KDE, don't install
it until you have a perfectly working X-Windows environment. I can help
you out with that if you can tell me which version of RedHat 5.2 you bought
(there are several versions, from RedHat, from Macmillan Publishing, from
online websites... Did you get the Official RedHat 5.2 in the blue box?)
Thanks, and I'll be waiting for your reply so I can help.



Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 13:38:08 -0600
From: Bryan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how's this for a cheap webserver?

Lyn A Headley wrote:
> hi,
> I'm putting together an experimental webserver on a shoestring
> budget.  I just want to be sure it will work with linux (and solaris
> for intel, if anyone has comments about that).  This is my first time
> building a machine from components, so I'm probably remarkably
> clueless about some things.  I have indicated my insecurities beneath
> each component.  I'd be much obliged if folks would comment on any and
> all aspects of this system.
> thanks,
> -Lyn Headley
> vendor --
> motherboard: $95
> ASUS:P5A ALI 512K 100MHZ 5P

Linux-Hardware Digest #411

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #411, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 18:13:31 EDT

  Re: Wanted: Promise eide 4030plus disk accelerator (Jay Bigelow)
  Re:  Linux training in Austin, Texas (Linux Louie)
  Re: Riva TNT only in 256 colours. (Clarence Riddle)
  Re: Riva TNT Drivers for Linux (Clarence Riddle)
  Re: AMD K6-2 Problems (Clarence Riddle)
  Redhat 6.0 setup with LS-120 and PCMCIA NIC? ("colin")
  Re: CT MediaGX motherboards and Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Printing with NEC P6 (Dirk Herrmann)
  ViewSonic G790 Monitor problem... (Marc Duran)
  Re: 2.2.5-15 kernel eats memory! ("D. Vrabel")
  Re: I'm *close* with my Epson 740 setup...please help! (Jil Tardiff)
  Re: problem install linux in a old packard bell computer (killbill)
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! (norman elliott)
  There is an updated version of SCSI Howto? (Simone Piccardi)
  Re: Where do I find jumper spec for old hard disk? (Tom Daley)
  Re: Xfree86 and KDE (Chris Lee)
  Re: Xfree86 and KDE (Chris Lee)

From: Jay Bigelow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wanted: Promise eide 4030plus disk accelerator
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:05:09 -0400

I've got a spare machine that I installed RH 5.0 on that's got a DC4030Plus in it
with 8MB RAM. I'm not sure I want to part with it, but make me an offer.

I might be persuaded to sell the whole thing (DC4030Plus, Hercules Terminator  VLB
video, M/B with AMD 5x86/133 CPU, etc.).


RCo2970070 wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to purchase a "new" or used Promise eide 4030plus vesa local bus
> hard disk accelerator to speed up my aged machine. Evidentally it is difficult
> to find one of these as they have been discontinued for some time; there are


From: Linux Louie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  Linux training in Austin, Texas
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 20:00:58 GMT

Hey -

There's Linux treaining in Austin, Texas.  Check out



From: Clarence Riddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Riva TNT only in 256 colours.
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:17:07 -0500

Riva TNT (pci)  works fine in RH 6.0 but not in RH 5.2. I'm running


gm wrote:

> I recall in the notes for XFree86 specific to nVidia
> that 24bpp is not supported.  Also notes from ASUS in their
> AGP-V2400TNT board fail to mention 24bpp, which suggests
> to me that the chip does not do this.
> regards,
> gm
> Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in article
> --snip--
>  > At least when I ran xf86config right now, it set up modes for 8,
> 16, 24, and 32
> > bit pixels.  I suspect if you do:


From: Clarence Riddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Riva TNT Drivers for Linux
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:22:02 -0500

Riva TNT works fine with the RH 6.0 SVGA server - no clock


ren wrote:

> >
> >
> > Have a pleasant day,
> >
> > Jimmy
> Thanks Jimmy,
> Did you use the Xfree driver?
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Clarence Riddle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: AMD K6-2 Problems
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 14:34:19 -0500

Go in setup (del on boot) and turn off pnp os. I have several machines configured like 
your and have no problems running RH 5.2, RH 6.0, SCO Unix 3.2.4 (ODT 3), win95,
win98, NT4.0 server. I build systems.


Bryan Scott wrote:

> NeXuS wrote:
> >
> > > ->> This sounds like the problem I am getting with a new FIC VA503+ w/ K6-2 350. 
> I am booting successfully with a floppy now, but I wish I could get back to the
> > > ->>  usual way of booting from the hard disk boot partition in /
> > > ->
> > > ->Linux does _not_ have problems with properly configured K6-2 systems.
> > >
> > > Nope.  It doesn't.  This problem may be an issue with the motherboard
> > > tho.  It seems that the FIC-503+ is very picky about the RAM it will work
> > > correctly with.
> > >
> > > Check the FIC web page under the reports section.
> >
> > I'm only a newbie if it comes to linux, but I've got a similar system
> > running a k6-2/300.  If it's a problem with the memory there is a neat
> > feature on this board.  It uses a via chipset witch allows you, with
> > help of jumpers, to run your memory at 66Mhz while your system can still
> > use the 100FSB.  This way you can still use old edo 72pinns if you want
> > to @ a 100 FSB.  Maybe you should try that out to see if it makes any
> > difference.  If your system runs normal with this setting enabled it
> > probably is your memory that doesn't work very well with this board.
> > It's a good board for a good price but

Linux-Hardware Digest #410

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #410, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 16:13:38 EDT

  Re: ali chipset ("R. Tolga Korkunckaya")
  Re: Toshiba T2105 & Floppy Drive Errors (Dick Repasky)
  Re: SoundBlaster 16/PCI ("Jose M. Urena")
  RipTide driver support? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Deleted /dev/sd* by mistake!!! How to remake them? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: about ASUS V3400 Agp! (Thomas Ruge)
  Re: Linux support for WD8003E/A? (PS/2 NIC) (Raine M. Ekman)
  Re: IBM 0669 ESDI hard disk parameters? (Ed Avis)
  Re: Modem initial string (Vladimir Florinski)
  Zip Plus + 2.2.9 (digitalklown)
  Re: Zip Plus + 2.2.9 (Joe Manojlovich)
  Re: 3Com 3CXEM556 and pppd: working but sloow... (David Hinds)
  problem install linux in a old packard bell computer (ZuoDong Zheng)
  Re: Attempted RedHat install kills HDD (Clarence Riddle)
  Re: Sony 17" SE II problem (Clarence Riddle)
  Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 2.2.5-15 kernel eats memory! (Clarence Riddle)
  Re: Booting from a LS-120 (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: ATAPI ZIP + RH 6.0 problems (Clarence Riddle)
  Re: Disable Modem's Speaker (Joe Manojlovich)
  Re: Upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2! How will it affect the user? ("Gen. Sisyphus")

From: "R. Tolga Korkunckaya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ali chipset
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 10:51:01 -0800

Phil DeBecker wrote:

> Oliver Hach wrote:
> > Thomas Mikkelsen wrote:
> >
> > > Is there a driver for the ali m1542 chipset
> > >
> > > Its comes with the ASUS P5A-B motherboard
> >
> > The m1542 is supported by Kernel 2.3.x.
> > There is another way: 2_2_9_uniform-ide-6_19_hotel_patch
> >
> > might work
> >
> > olli
> Yes, the uniform IDE patch works.  You can get it here:
> I run kernel 2.2.9 with this patch on my AMD K6/2-350 on an Asus P5A-B.
> Works well, I get about 12.90 MB/sec with hdparm -t (with a Western
> Digital 6.4GB UDMA drive).
> Phil D.

I'm new at Linux. i use the same motherboard with Maxtor 8,4 hdd on an
AMDK6 II 350 @400 mhz with 160mb ram.
What is the use of the driver you are talkin abt? I mean, do i need to
install it for a faster pc? or what?
I use Slackware40...
I had some problems compiling the kernel. It gave me some errors and the
zImage did not exist, can it be related to the problem you are talkin abt?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dick Repasky)
Subject: Re: Toshiba T2105 & Floppy Drive Errors
Date: 4 Jun 1999 17:35:54 GMT

On Wed, 02 Jun 1999 16:27:47 -0400, Hugh McCurdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Toshiba Satellite T2105.

>I was wondering if anyone had a clue or is using Linux on
>a T2105.  Or have any idea of what I should tell this guy.
>I could say the computer is broken, but I can't resolve
>the fact that it works fine in NW-DOS 7.
>Hugh McCurdy

I have one that I bought used, and it works fine.  I have no experience
with DOS on them machine, other than deleting it to install linux.

I guess the only information I can provide is that T2105's can run linux.



Remove the underscore from my e-mail address to reply by mail.


From: "Jose M. Urena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SoundBlaster 16/PCI
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 13:20:19 -0400

Honestly, I think that the SB 16 PCI is the SB PCI64 under a new name.
Probably to distance themselves from the Audio PCI name

both are 16 bit sound cards for the PCI BUS
both use a soft file for MIDI instruments

and the creative site makes no mention of a SB16 PCI under the SB 16 family of


> Tony B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you mean the pci64 ? That's what was the original Ensoniq AudioPCI with
>There _is_ a PCI version of the Sound Blaster 16, so I think he means
> what he said :-)
>Greg H.


Subject: RipTide driver support?
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 16:15:40 GMT

Hi Braniacs,

I'm using a friend's HP Pavilion 4440 (AMD K-2 333MHz) that has a
RipTide modem/sound chip (Rockwell Semiconductor Systems), and I'm
having difficulty getting Linux to recognize it.  From what I gather
from my 'net searching, RipTide's Linux driver may or may not be
supported at the alpha or beta stage.

Other pertinent factors:
The kernels I've tried are 2.0.35 and 2.2.9.
RipTide is supposedly 100% SB compatible, has WaveStream 64, HRTF-3D
(A3D), MPU-401 interface, and I2S support.

Thanks y'all,

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: Deleted /dev/sd* by mistake!!! How to remake them?
Date: 04 Jun 1999 13:50:13 -0400

"Gen. Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In an ongoing effort to get my zip and cdrw working, I managed to delete
> /dev/sd*.
> How do I recre

Linux-Hardware Digest #409

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #409, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 14:13:42 EDT

  Re: bzImage vs modules. (David Ripton)
  Re: MO disk files to DLT ??? ("Shaun Beech")
  Multiple CD-Rom Drives (Gary)
  Re: bash-2.03? was: Re: TNT2 Drivers, Diamond Viper 770 (ren)
  Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system? (mumford)
  SiS 3dPro Full Color (john hoebing)
  can 2 linux machines talk to a dual port scsi raid system ?? (dan)
  D-Link DFE530TX ethernet card work for anyone?? (Eric Stratte)
  Linux and Lexmark 5700 ("Frank Kraft")
  Re: ATI All-in-Wonder PRO: Video support? (Bryan Scott)
  What distribution? ("Baldur Gislason")
  Re: Linux program to exercise Dual-CPU system? (Chris Mauritz)
  Umax 1220s SCSI adaptor ?  (hazzmat)
  Re: VIA MVP3 + UDMA no good? (Andrew Comech)
  Modem initial string ("Frank Yan")
  Re: Disk usage monitoring (Randy Olinger)
  Re: X server for S3 Trio 3D  [S3 86C365] -> Does anybody knows where to  ("R. Tolga 
  PRI CARD ("Luke")
  compaq monitor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ZIP Atapi 100 LS 120 cannot find ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problem for two PCCOM8 ("Sotnikov Sergei")
  IBM 0669 ESDI hard disk parameters? (Georg Schwarz)
  Can't connect to my ISP yet, here's the pppd-output... ("Melle")
  Linux 6.1 and NEC CRDOM 502 ("Ernst Boehl")
  Re: Creative labs PCI modem (Andrew Comech)
  Re: Need advice on what InkJet printer to buy. (csjd)
  SB 64 PnP PCI ("Kvdveer")
  CT MediaGX motherboards and Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Ripton)
Subject: Re: bzImage vs modules.
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:05:26 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Swietanowski Artur  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tomas Barros wrote:
>>I would like to know what is better, use the bzImage or more modules,
>> and why ?
>It is still *possible* to produce a working kernel w/o using mudules, 
>but for all practical purposes bzImage is just not good enough. 
>I have a kernel configured w/o any entertainment equipment support, 
>(i.e., no sound card, joystick etc.), no obsolete devices, no IrDA, 
>no fancy filesystems, etc. All in all, a pretty minimalistic setup. 
>Still if I tried to compile support for some of the devices that 
>I actually have, codepages I use etc. directly into the kernel, it 
>grew too large even for bzImage. 
>The bottom line: I use modules for everything, except the boot HDD 
>filesystem and ELF executables, and I still need bzImage. 
>I am not aware of any serious reasons not to use modules. Maybe 
>someone would like to point those out. 

If you can do it, then compiling everything statically has the 
benefit of simplicity.  Less to learn, fewer daemons to run, fewer
config files to maintain.  Not much of a benefit, except maybe in 
an embedded system or diskless workstation. 

There are certain drivers that can be compiled either way, but 
are a bit easier to configure statically than as modules, e.g. 
some non-PnP sound card drivers.  There are some drivers that 
can be compiled either way but only work right if you compile 
them as modules, because they need to be configured with 
information that's not available until after boot, e.g. drivers
for some PnP or PCMCIA devices.

I agree that most people should configure most stuff as modules.
Use "make bzImage" anyway; that way you won't have to switch
later if your kernel grows.  Plus it's good to get in the habit
of using bzip2 instead of gzip; if everyone did this it would
save a lot of bandwidth.

spamgard(tm): To email me, put "geek" in your Subject line.


From: "Shaun Beech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MO disk files to DLT ???
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 16:19:18 +0200

Depending on you os have a look on for a tar utility there
generally are a couple available there

Bill R. King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have a Sony magneto optical disk model EDM-1DA1s, 512 bytes/sector
> that was written on a PS-2 with AIX 1.3.0. I need to TAR the files out
> to a DLT cartridge.
> I have available a Pentium-II computer with an Adaptec 2940, a SCSI
> Sony SMO-541 MO drive and a SCSI Quantum DLT 4000. Can I simply install
> something like RedHat and a TAR utility, mount the MO and DLT drives and
> copy the MO files or is there a lot more to it than that? I sent an
> email inquiry to RedHat a few days ago, but received no response.
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
> TIA,
> Bill


Subject: Multiple CD-Rom Drives
Date: 4 Jun 1999 14:33:17 GMT

How do you get Linux to recognize 2 CD-Rom drives?  I can get the master drive 
mounted ok, but can't get the 2nd one recognized.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux

Linux-Hardware Digest #407

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #407, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 07:13:39 EDT

  Need help getting monitor info ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ATI LT Pro +  Laptop (Marc Mutz)
  Re: PC->Linux<-Mac (Mohd H Misnan)
  Re: TNT2 Drivers, Diamond Viper 770 ("For Sale")
  Re: Windows easy to install? BULLSHIT! ("Quantum Leaper")
  iomega zip drive... (csjd)
  Re: ATI RAGE PRO LT (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Memory Flush (chris)
  Re: Okidata Okipage 6e printer ("Lee Sharp")
  Re: I'm *close* with my Epson 740 setup...please help! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  SOUND: /dev/sndstat unreadable ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: X and ATI Rage 128 Graphics card (Jimmy Andrews)
  Re: Linux support for WD8003E/A? (PS/2 NIC) (Christian Hansen)
  ZIP Atapi 100 LS 120 cannot find (Tero Niemi)
  Upgrade from 2.0 to 2.2! How will it affect the user? ("Gen. Sisyphus")
  Deleted /dev/sd* by mistake!!! How to remake them? ("Gen. Sisyphus")
  Re: Terabite Plus Filesystems (Phillip Fayers)
  Re: Asus Motherboard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Terabite Plus Filesystems (Tor Arntsen)
  X and ATI Rage 128 Graphics card ("Damon Jebb")
  Re: SoundBlaster 16/PCI (Jeff McWilliams)
  Re: Get my Linux box on Net!!! - PPP problems (paul lewis)
  RH6.0 + HDD WD 8GB + UDMA = NOPE (Rezac David)
  Cable Modems ("Anthony DeLuca")

Subject: Need help getting monitor info
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 01:30:34 -0500

I have an oldermonitor that was sold by Sunshine Merchandise Promotions.
The only possibly identifying info on the monitor are the model number:
TKM-1438A and a Product Number: KM-7LR.

Does anyone have access to, or know where I can get, a spec sheet
forthis monitor?


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 20:11:42 +0200
From: Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ATI LT Pro +  Laptop

Arno wrote:
> who has a running X-server ?
> i dont mind whether its freestuff or
> commercial.
> rgds Arno
If you need a resolution of 1024x768, then the following step-by-step
instructions will help you:
Please post here if you succeed and, even more important, if you fail.

Good luck,
Marc Mutz


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mohd H Misnan)
Subject: Re: PC->Linux<-Mac
Date: 3 Jun 1999 05:01:34 GMT

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 20:16:53 +0200, ..Luca T.. wrote:
>I'm sad.
>I wasn't able yet to install a LAN server in LINUX that permits the
>visibility between PCs(with windows 98) and Macs.
>Does anyone knows how or where should i find the answer for this?
>(or tomorrow i won't have the money to eat)

Do you want to let your PCs and Macs to talk to each others using Linux as a
medium? I've no idea if this can be done, but surely you can set up Linux as
your fileserver, install AppleTalk (netatalk) and compile DDP inside your
kernel and this will let you use your Linux as Macs fileserver. For PCs, you can
install SMB server on Linux and this will give your PCs access Linux as a
fileserver. With this, you dunnot need to buy any extra software to get it to
work. But if you want the PCs to talk directly to the Macs, then you need either
Timbuktu or DAVE (SMB implementation for Mac).

|Mohd Hamid Misnan   |[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |i|
|iMac/233 RevB+MacOS 8.6 |  |M|
|Mitac 5033/AMD K6-2/300 |We want to take over the world, but we don't have |a|
|Linux 2.2.9 i586|to do it tomorrow. It's OK by next week - Linus T.|c|


From: "For Sale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: TNT2 Drivers, Diamond Viper 770
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 15:00:19 +0800

I'm using SuSE 6.1 & Creative 3DBlaster TNT2 Ultra
I had the same error too.  So I looked at the shell script,
found out what it did, and manually copied over the files
and created the symbolic links myself.  Everything is working
now.  My problem before was indeed due to the monitor setting.
Using SaX, now I choose one of the hi-res VESA monitor instead
of my MAG XJ810 and everything works now at 1024x768 16bit :-)

Mike Matz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I was excited to find the new TNT drivers released last night, but when
> I downloaded the static glibc binary package, the riva_install script
> did not work.  I get an error at line 159, about an unexpected 'then'
> statement.  Anyway, I tried running the X server but it didn't work for
> modes over 320x300 or whatever the builtin one is.  What does the
> riva_install script do, and what can I do manually to get my TNT2 card
> running?  Please send a copy of any replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> if possible.  Thanks a lot.
> Mike


From: "Quantum Leaper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re

Linux-Hardware Digest #408

1999-06-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #408, Volume #10Fri, 4 Jun 99 10:14:27 EDT

  Problems with Diamond Viper V770 ("Iwaldi")
  SCSI host adaptor and old drives (Keith Rhodes)
  tnt drivers for linux ("John Smith")
  Re: MCA and Linux ?!? (Bryan Scott)
  Re: Linux support for WD8003E/A? (PS/2 NIC) (Su Wadlow)
  Re: iomega zip drive... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mouse Problem wont go away (Clark Curtiss)
  Re: Cable Modems (Grant Taylor)
  Re: motorola modem... (Rob Clark)
  Re: I'm *close* with my Epson 740 setup...please help! ("Andrew Wedding")
  Re: Anyone know about Element-L? (Alan Nash)
  Re: iomega zip drive... (TROESTLER Christophe)
  Re: Cable Modems (Alba)
  Re: Re: fasttrak raid controler (Ted)
  Re: Cable Modems (John Strange)
  Re: After install, RH5.2 claims "fs iso9660 not supported by kernel" ("Luiba")
  Re: about ASUS V3400 Agp! ("Nicholai V. Christensen")
  Re: MO disk files to DLT ??? (Swietanowski Artur)
  SB Live! and 2.2.7 (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jo=E3o?= Gil)
  insmod problems (Mike Kerr)
  Re: Partition sizes (csjd)
  Re: Need advice on what InkJet printer to buy. (Grant Taylor)

From: "Iwaldi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problems with Diamond Viper V770
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 22:02:38 +0400


ëÔÏ ÚÎÁÅÔ ËÁË ÎÁÓÔÒÏÉÔØ X-windows ÐÏÄ Diamond Viper V770.



From: Keith Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SCSI host adaptor and old drives
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 1999 20:29:38 +0200

I picked up a couple of old SCSI-2 drives:

seagate ST1480N
ibm 0663

What's a good Linux-happy host adaptor?
Preferably that will do SCSI-2 for now, but SCSI-3 or
Wide/UltraWide when I get the schekels together for another

Thanks in advance,



From: "John Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: tnt drivers for linux
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 11:17:07 GMT

I was at nvidias home page and they have official tnt drivers for linux beos
and os2.just thought someone might care.


Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 14:15:45 -0600
From: Bryan Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MCA and Linux ?!?

> I have heard that it is now possible to run Linux on a PS/2 with micro
> channel architecture. Has anyone ever attempted this installation? This
> machine of mine comes without (!) CD-ROM, has 8MB of RAM and has a
> 212MB SCSI HDD. I welcome any ideas, recommendation, sites, etc.
> Thanks,
> Marcus
> --== Sent via ==--
> ---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---

Anyone done anything with the MCA AT1700 network cards?  Linux can't
seem to find it, no matter which slot it's in.

I'd like to set up the box for NFS/root, as it's too small and slow for
anything else (6MB RAM, 60MB HDD, 386).

-- Bryan Scott


From: Su Wadlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux support for WD8003E/A? (PS/2 NIC)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 06:16:24 -0500

> > Does Linux support the WD8003E/A MCA ethernet card?
> > --
> 3Com523 and 3Com529 are the safe choices.
> Everything else might, might not work.

The SMC WD8013WP works great too.  I've got one of 'em
in my ADSL box.  I *think* I read somewhere that the
WD8013's were supported, but not the WD8003's.

Su Wadlow


Subject: Re: iomega zip drive...
Date: 04 Jun 1999 07:33:42 -0400

TROESTLER Christophe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> No one.  Works perfectly !  (There is a mini HOWTO.)

One thing to note: when you get a zip disk, its main partition
will be /dev/?d?4.  That is, if it's a SCSI ZIP disk, the default
partition will be /dev/sda4, or something like that.  Keep that
in mind when you're trying to mount the ZIP disk.  However, you
can use fdisk to modify this.  I don't know how that affects how
Windows can read it.


reply to jimmy at linuxstart dot com


From: Clark Curtiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mouse Problem wont go away
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1999 17:00:05 -0500

I'm sure I can't solve your problems, because I am brand new to Linux. 
I have a logitech mouse, but I think it's a mouseman+ with the middle
button being a wheel and a thumb button on the side, but it is PS/2. 
Mine is working fine, it even scrolls with the wheel if I put it in the
scroll bar.

I installed the last option for a mouse, First + or something.  If
nothing seems to work right, even installing it as a basic mouse, and it
is a serial mouse, maybe you should look toward your serial ports.  I
think you can set the speed and such, but I don't know how.  Maybe you
have some kind of conflict.


Dr Death wro