Linux-Hardware Digest #791

2001-05-18 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #791, Volume #14   Fri, 18 May 01 17:13:09 EDT

  Re: PCMCIA / PS2 IRQ12 Conflict (2.4 kernel) (David Hawkins)
  Case badges with your own logo from under $0.50 each (SecurisysAgency)
  Selecting from the crop of DSL hub/switch/firewall units (Harry Putnam)
  IRQ conflict-- CMD 646 IDE and ESS Maestro 2E (Nicholas Weininger)
  Re: Screen Size problem on Sony LCD screen (Kwan Lowe)
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (The Linux 
  USB problem (Linux Guerilla)
  Re: Anyone selling basic cheap Linux boxes? (Kwan Lowe)
  G400 + XFree 4.0 (Sebastian Bossung)
  Re: G400 + XFree 4.0 (Peter Riggs)
  gravis stinger (Chris Schadl)
  USB problem (Linux Guerilla)
  Re: More Info - Problems with Adaptec 2930CU w/ BRU and SEAGATE Travan in RH6.2 
(William N Moore)

From: David Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: PCMCIA / PS2 IRQ12 Conflict (2.4 kernel)
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 10:12:43 -0700

Thanks Len!

This works great. I really needed to have access to my serial
port, so this helps me a lot.

Where did you get info on the lilo boot parameter? I
had looked at 'man bootparam' and 'man lilo' and couldn't see how
to mask off the interrupts - I had assumed that this
should be possible, but couldn't work out how.

I had a look at the bug report in Bugzilla - interesting
discussion. Is the problem still there in 2.4.4?

Since you appear to have a similar machine, perhaps
you could tell me how you got the sound to work. Its
not really a high priority for me, so I gave up
when it didn't work initially. I suspect the OSS
sound drivers might work, and I did read some
info in the Documentation directory, but haven't
had a chance to play with it again. Perhaps you can
save me some time.

Again, this is great.

Thanks so much!

Dave Hawkins

Leonard Evens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 David Hawkins wrote:
  Thanks Clark,
  I'm not quite sure the problem is 100% related to the Yenta
  driver though. Any idea why the mouse won't work if I uninstall
  the PCMCIA drivers? If you stop the PCMCIA services, then
  the interrupt is released.  of course I haven't tried removing
  the service on boot though.
  Thanks for the comments.
  clark tompsett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I have posted a bug report with Redhat.  I have a Winbook XL also.
   problem appears to be bios related.  The 2.4.2 kernel used Yenta for
   socket driver and it looks at the bios and claims irq12.  The only
   solution I have at present is to install RH7.1 and replace the kernel
   pcmcia back to 2.2.19.  I don't know if this will be solved.
   In article 9dffj7$[EMAIL PROTECTED], David Hawkins
I'd like some suggestions as to the cause and fix of a problem I am
having with Linux 2.4 freezing up on me. My system is
- Winbook XL
- Red Hat 7.1 (2.4.2-2 kernel)
The mouse is a PS/2 device (the Winbook has a keyboard 'nipple' and
touchpad), and this is what Win95 sees it as. When installing RH, it
didn't recognize the mouse, so I used the text install. On first
the mouse was recognized by the hardware detection and assigned as a
generic ps/2 mouse. The first time I booted into X, the system
Booting next time and staying in text mode, I tried gpm and mev, the
laptop froze both times. (/dev/mouse - /dev/psaux so thats ok)
Looking under /proc/interrupts I see that the PS/2 interrupt is
shared with the TI PCI1131 PCMCIA cardbus controller. Several
indicate the the PS/2 must use IRQ12, so the 1131 IRQ may need to be
changed. However, looking at /etc/pcmcia/config.opts lists IRQ12 as
being excluded - so how come the controller claimed it? (perhaps the
exclude only applies to devices in the PCMCIA slots...?). Under
the 1131 uses IRQ15.
Thinking that maybe the interrupts from the TI1131 were the cause of
problem I performed:
/etc/init.d/pcmcia stop
This removed PCMCIA services and /proc/interrupts shows only the
mouse on IRQ12. However, booting into X still freezes and so does
Actually, I just ran mev (with PCMCIA services off), and could type
text, however, as soon as I touched the mouse, the system  freezes.
This system has had RH 6.2 working fine in the past, and booting
Win95 shows all is well there.
dmesg and /var/log/messages don't contain any interesting info on
the system may be crashing. Although there is the comment that the
serial driver is 5.02 and that SHARE_IRQ is enabled.
I deleted /etc/sysconfig/mouse and ran mouseconfig ... and receved

Linux-Hardware Digest #791

1999-07-18 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #791, Volume #10   Sun, 18 Jul 99 19:13:30 EDT

  Re: Problems with using 2 ethernet cards -- please help! (Steve Arnold)
  Radio card installation problems (root)
  Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice. (Chris Mauritz)
  second hard disk (Stephen Tawn)
  Re: Building a Linux Box - comments? (wizard)
  (yet another) soundcard problem (Bruno MEUNIER)
  PC Chips TX AGP Pro M/B? (Ian Briggs)
  Exabyte NS-8 hardware compression? (Rohan Oberoi)
  DirecPC PCI  ("David A. Kimball")
  Linux  HP710C, will it work ? (Kris \"Duke\" Vandecruys)
  Re: Ricoh CD-RW MP-6200A being read as floppy (DGehler)
  Re: ASUS V3800TNT2 (Kris \"Duke\" Vandecruys)
  Re: Linux  HP710C, will it work ? ("jams")
  Re: recovery nightmare, corrupt part'n table/MBR (Matthias Kilian)
  Re: second hard disk ("Prasanth Kumar")
  Re: How much space for each partition? ("TURBO1010")
  Number Nine SR9 video? (Rick Herrick)
  LS-120? (Phillip McGregor)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Arnold)
Subject: Re: Problems with using 2 ethernet cards -- please help!
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 20:15:19 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Pelly) wrote:

I'm trying to use 2 ethernet cards in my linux box to enable ip
masquerading. However, I'm having problems getting both ethernet cards
to work. I've got an Intel EtherExpress Pro 10/100 and a NetGear
FA-310 card (I think those are the right model #'s). According to the
ethernet-HOWTO, I can pass arguments to the kernel through LILO to
tell it I'm using two ethernet cards. However, I'm not using LILO to
boot linux -- I'm using a boot floppy instead. 


Either of the cards will load fine individually (ie, when I take the
other out), but both won't work in the machine at the same time.

So does anybody know how to tell the kernel to load both cards? I'm
running RH 5.2. 

There's probably a way I don't know about, but without using lilo, I don't 
know of any other way except changing the kernel driver source.  I'd say 
installing lilo is the best way to go; you can use it boot different linux 
kernels, ie, add a stanza to lilo.conf to boot your latest custom kernel in 
test mode, so you can easily go back to your orignal kernel if something 
doesn't work right.

Assuming there are no conflicts between the two NICs, you can add the line:

append = "ether=9,0x360,eth1"

to the right section of lilo.conf and you should be in business.  The same 
thing (without the quotes) will work from the LILO: boot prompt.  Just don't 
specify the first ethernet card (eth0); you only need to specify the ones 
beyond the first one.

HTH, Steve


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Radio card installation problems
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 21:24:48 +0200

Is there anyone in this cruel world who can help me out?

I just installed RedHat 6.0 and I have a Aztech Radio card in my system
which works fine in Windows98. I checked the port, and it's on port
350.  But somehow, when I recompile my kernel with the Video4Linux
driver  the Aztech driver, the card gives no reaction at all.

First I tried to compile the driver into the kernel, but there was no
reaction. After that, I compiled the kernel again, but now the drivers
as modules. With the 'insmod' command on the 'radio-aztech.o' I get the
message that the resource is busy. In any case, there's no /dev/radio*
or some other device whatsoever to be found in the '/dev/' directory.
And the worst thing of all: documentation on this subject is very

I'ld appreciate any help on this problem




From: Chris Mauritz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: About to build Linux RAID box.  Need advice.
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 19:56:14 GMT

Scott Marlowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sincero arcadio wrote:

 Floyd Davidson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 : the total power per unit is about 40 watts, and 8 of them adds up to
 : more than 250 watts!  Probably the best solution there is a pair of 250
 : watt supplies.

 Oohh ... now theres an idea I haven't thought of!  Use a pair of
 250watt power supplies.  I've been doing searches for power supplies
 greater than 300W and those things are actually pretty expensive (like
 close to $100 or even more)!  Using two 250W supplies would definitely be
 cheaper.  Now, i wonder how I would hook it up so one switch would power
 on both power supplies ... doesn't sound too hard, but I'm no electrician.

 If you're going to the trouble to build a large RAID array, you might wanna
 look at a large all in one enclosure that has dual redundant power supplies.

 Super Micro makes a case (SC-800/SC-800A) that has 11 5.25 HH bays, and dual
 350 or 400 watt hot swappable supplies.  When it positively absolutely has to
 stay up, these are pretty n

Linux-Hardware Digest #791

1999-03-20 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #791, Volume #9Sat, 20 Mar 99 17:13:28 EST

  Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session (jedi)
  Sony Monitor Setup (Tomasz Lukasiak)
  Re: Monitor Frequency (Xwindows) (Andrew Comech)
  Re: Modems and KDE (Rob Clark)
  Imation Superdisk as a backup device ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How to Make a bootable MO disk. (Vincent Lai)
  Re: For all you Nicrosoft lovers (Don Baccus)
  Re: How about this modem?? (Allen)
  Re: ghostscript driver for minolta PagePro 8 (Grant Taylor)
  Re: Slow SCSI performance  :-(
  Re: Recommend Fast Ethernet Card (Colin)
  AMD vs PII (Maurice Kurland)
  Re: What videocard do you use? (Rod Roark)
  Re: AMD vs PII (Rod Roark)
  Re: vi ("Anders G. Olstad")
  Redhat and modem please read ("Elmer D'paz")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jedi)
Subject: Re: X munges the graphics card? (Re: Windows 2000 Rah! Rah! Session
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:10:14 GMT

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999 12:45:06 GMT, Jeff McWilliams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jeff Szarka wrote:
On a fresh redhat 5.2 install doing rpm installs resulted in many
broken dependencies. It's just as annoying as the windows DLL mess.

Keep in mind that this is distribution specific.  I don't know anything about
REDHAT as I don't use that distribution.  But I do know Debian.  Debian's
equivalent of RPM is dpkg, and there is a higher level installation utility
called dselect that lets you select lists of packages to install and it'll
help you figure out the dependency issues.  The Debian people have been 
very good about embedding dependency information inside their .DEB files.
(The equivalent of .RPM packages in RedHat)  If I try to install, 
for example, xbase-3.3.2.deb it'll make sure I have xlib6g-3.3.2.deb installed
first.  If I don't, it'll tell me I have a problem before proceeding with 
configuring the package I tried to install.  It's a great feature.

I believe this is the process he is comparing with *dll hell.

Debian CD's, as well as Debian's web page, gives you the dependency 
information for every package available.  Since I find dselect clumsy to use
(they're supposed to be improving this with a new utility called apt) I just
use dpkg to pick and choose which .deb's i wish to install by hand.  With the
dependency information in there it's pretty close to fool proof.

You're right though, that Microsoft DLL's aren't much different than .so
shared libs under Linux.  The problem with Microsoft software is that
Microsoft encourages developers to include system DLL's in their software
installations if they're required by the application.  No version
interdependency checking is done when this occurs.  At best, the newest
version of a DLL almost always gets installed, whether it's compatible with
the rest of the system or not.  I've seen people right in my own company
seriously hose a computer's TCP/IP capabilities because Installshield Express
thought a Visual Basic project needed WININET.DLL.  Installing a new copy of
that, however, breaks SHLWAPI.DLL (er something like that) in a way that
breaks a lot of TCP/IP functionality without warning the user.  

This practice is unheard of using the Debian system.  An installation of the
mail reader elm, for instance, won't include the mime-support libs just
because it supports mime.  You go back to Debian for the mime-support libs,
and dpkg makes sure the mime-support libs and the elm package are compatible
with the rest of the libs on your system before installing.



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From: Tomasz Lukasiak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Sony Monitor Setup
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:10:44 GMT

I just got a new 17in Sony MultiScan 200ES along with a Creative
Labs Graphics Blaster Riva TNT video card.  I'd like to run at 1280x1024
resolution, but I want to use all the available refresh capability of
the monitor.  The specs give it 30-70k kHz horizontal and 50-120 kHz
vertical.  XFree86 gives three ready-to-go 1280x1024 modes, but the only
one that is below 70 kHz horizontal is also only 60 kHz vertical (thus
causing a slight flicker).  Can anyone tell me the mode parameters
I should use in order to run at 1280x1024 with a good vertical refresh



From: Andrew Comech [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Monitor Frequency (Xwindows)
Date: 19 Mar 1999 08:11:40 GMT

 I've got a problem...
 When trying to set up Xwindows in SUSE lin