Linux-Hardware Digest #800

2001-05-19 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #800, Volume #14   Sat, 19 May 01 22:13:08 EDT

  How do I Kill Netscape? (Lamar Thomas)
  Re: oki4w printer not detected (Roger Lindmark)
  Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode! (The Linux 
  Acer 8432A CDRW Problems (don keith)
  Re: Acer 8432A CDRW Problems (Roger Lindmark)
  sidewinder gamepad on sb awe 64, please help! (mrmojorisin)
  Re: Tape Backup Configuration (David Wood)
  Re: Is an optical mouse different? (Steve Sivier)
  Re: Is an optical mouse different? (Steve Sivier)
  LOCK UP!! (Todd)
  Re: Datachute-PCI Slimscsi 1480 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: dual athlon (Paul Ingram)
  Re: How do I Kill Netscape? (bowman)
  PPP over ATM (Andy Kinsey)
  Re: dual athlon (Stuffed Crust)
  Mandrake 7.1 won't recognize my Maxtor 36147H8 60 GB ATA 100 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Mandrake 7.1 won't recognize my Maxtor 36147H8 60 GB ATA 100 (Sky Lemon)
  Re: Is an optical mouse different? (Sky Lemon)

From: Lamar Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: How do I Kill Netscape?
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 19:17:34 GMT

I am running RH 7.1 and Netscape 4.76.  Every now and then Netscape
locks up on me and it won't Close.  I have tried Alt+F4 and Close
and Exit from the file menu.  The only way I have been able to get out
of it is to exit and re-start X Windows  Anyone know how I can Kill
Netscape without having to exit X Windows?  I am using KDE as my
desktop.  Thanks,



Date: 19 May 2001 19:25:23 GMT
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?B?SW5zdGFsbCBwcm9ibOhtZS4uLiBjYXJ0ZSBTQ1NJIEFkYXB0ZWMgMjkwNA==?=

Au debut de l'install de linux 

Je possede cette carte Adaptec 2904 controleur mais elle ne semble pas etre
reconnue par Mandrake  qui me propose un choix de pilotes ou il n'y a pas celui
de ma carte et ça tourne en rond... 

Que faire ?

Quel lecteur IDE  DVD est compatible avec Mandrake 7.2 ou 8.0 ? 

Merci de m'aider


From: Roger Lindmark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: oki4w printer not detected
Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 21:34:10 +0200

Sten Ahlberg wrote:

 Can anyone tell me why printer ports are not detected by Linux, neither on
 installation, startup or by running kudzu.
 I have an Oki4w printer, works fine on dual os (win98), is recognized by
 bios and by win.
 However there seems to be some kind of confusion between systems , bios vs
 windows, about beeing 03bcH or 0378 for lp0 or lp1
 In bios lpt1 is 0378
 In win lpt1 is 03bc IRQ = 7
 It's all very confusing and I find no way of detecting whats going on in
 Linux besides lp waiting for device ( lp0 or lp1 )to be ready.
 Any suggestion welcome.

Hi, Sten!

I have had problems with printing after I installed a SCSI-card, but prior 
that it worked for me.

Can you print directly to the port? Try: ls /dev/lp0  at a commandprompt 
and a few lines should be printed out.

Have you tried lsmod command to see, if the modules for printing is loaded.
parport_pc and lp should be present.

You can, as root operator load the driver for the paralell port manually by 
the command: modprobe parport_pc 

Try then to install the printer and check printing.

If it works then your problem is to get the parport_pc driver loaded at 
bootup. Check that it is correctly listed in modules.conf

Sincerely Yours


Roger Lindmark
OS/2 Warp 4.06
RedHat 7.1


From: The Linux AntiChrist [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: yes, 2 SGI 1600sw LCD panels DO work in linux in dualhead mode!
Date: 19 May 2001 19:49:04 GMT

In Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sgi talks a good game about linux.  I'm not the one that started them on this
 track of theirs; they voluntarily chose to support linux.  so, SUPPORT IT!
 don't do it half-assed - either do it right or quit trying to be a linux

agreed.  they should shitcan this linux garbage once and for all.

 if they never had released an x-server for the #9 i128-fp cards, then
 I wouldn't have bought any of these displays.  and there would be
 nothing to 'whine' about since linux would clearly not be a supported
 o/s.  but they DO claim linux support.  sorry you have a problem with
 that (die-hard irix bigot, maybe?  nt weenie?)

wow, news to me.  you show me where sgi themselves specifically released
an x-server for full support with the 1600sw and the bundled #9 card...

i'll live with the IRIX bigot attribution.

 (oh, and btw, xfree86 != linux.  get that straight mr. troll)

who said it did?  of course they are both cobbled together trash

Linux-Hardware Digest #800

2000-10-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #800, Volume #13   Sat, 28 Oct 00 17:13:07 EDT

  Re: DSL help ("bluster")
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("bluster")
  Re: Modem Setup (erich friesen)
  Tape streamer for Linux (Neil Durant)
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? (Leandro Gelasi)
  Anyone using an LCD screen with Linux RH 7.0? (Henry S. Greenside)
  CDrecord locks all IDE's when trying Creative CDRW8433e (Dr Aldo Medina)
  Re: DSL help (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: I'm throwing away my Diamond FireGL1 Card... (Valentin Guillen)
  Re: Modem Setup ("jonathan a adams")
  Re: APM Question (Sebastian Niehaus)
  Re: KT7-RAID with Linux? ("Autoxer")
  Problems installing RH 7 ("Ivan")
  Linux-compatible hardware (Barry Kirsten)
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("Craig Newstrom")
  Video Card PRoblem with Xwindows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ("Craig Newstrom")
  Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dual Boot with Scovery Flash Disk and Hard Disk ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: "bluster" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: DSL help
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:32:30 -0400

Joseph Lee Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How do I get DSL to work on my Linux Mandrake box? I configured the
 Cisco 675 off of a Win98 box, I should just be able to plug in the
 cable to the nic on the Linux box. Linix box has the nic card
 configured to dhcp. Still I get no connection to the outside world.
 Yes, everything works fine when I plug the 750 to the Win98 box.

After connecting the DSL cable, don't you have to do a

[root@zephyr]# ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0

or something to tell the dhcp client (pump) to register a lease for an
IP addr from the dhcp server at the other end of the DSL?



From: "bluster" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: How do I know if Linux sees 2nd CPU?
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:53:42 -0400

Craig Newstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just loaded Rhat 6.2 on a dual P-Pro machine.  Someone told me this
 system should really rock with linux on it.

 I did have the flash the BIOS on the motherboard with the latest rev to
 motherboard itself to see the 2nd CPU - but thats working just fine now.

 After flashing the BIOS, I installed Rhat.

 Linux itself seems to be running fine - but how do I know if linux is
 seeing/using the 2nd CPU?  More to the point, how can one actually see
 hardware the system has detected
 automatically, and is using?

It should detect and use the 2nd CPU automatically.
To check read the logs of the boot/init process.
these are found in the files:
You can view these files using the "less" command.
[root@zephyr]# less /var/log/dmesg



From: erich friesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Modem Setup
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 13:58:48 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Certainly the place to start would be to running isapnp tools, 
enter when logged in as root: pnpdump -c  /etc/isapnp.conf

Then look at ISA pnp.conf file.  Reboot and your card should be
recognized by the your system. Try opening kppp and using the "Query
modem" and you should get the modem strings displayed.  

Next step, if you can't get your modem to work would be to post the
pnp.conf file in the massage to this news group.

I am using an internal Diamond SupraExpress 56i Sp PC modem, and I did
end up having to change the modem to use fixed com setting using jumper
switches on the modem.  Also, there is a PC diagnostics program called
windows, you can go to the control panel and find out what resources are
being used by your different cards, that can help with getting linux

Cosmo wrote:
 I have a 3com USR Sportster 56k pnp ISA internal modem I have been trying to
 get working under Redhat 6.0.  Can anyone give me some direction on how to
 accomplish this?  I have been through all the HOWTO's without any success.
 Any help would be appreciated.
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adr:;;6154 Washington Blvd.;Sain

Linux-Hardware Digest #800

2000-05-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #800, Volume #12Thu, 4 May 00 06:13:05 EDT

  eisa mylex dac960 raid driver ?
  Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed ("Frank")
  Re: Linux Uses Less Power? (Neil Koozer)
  Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive (Neil Koozer)
  Re: SB Live help. (wayne rattz)
  HP Visualize FX6 Video Card (Kouros Owzar)
  Playing sound from program (Janos LICHTENBERGER)
  Re: eisa mylex dac960 raid driver ? ("Antony Platt")
  Re: In need of really cheap modem..  Any recommendations? ("Risto A. Paju")
  Re: In need of really cheap modem..  Any recommendations? (Rob Clark)
  Re: BT878 TV-Karte unter Linux (Andreas Maunz)
  Re: I'm going crazy! help me with my nic! (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Modem again (M. Buchenrieder)

Subject: eisa mylex dac960 raid driver ?
Date: 4 May 2000 06:41:39 GMT

ok, i have done a stupid thing and bought a secondhand server.  this big
box is a digital prioris hx 590dp.  it contains an adaptec 1542cf scsi
card and a digital branded mylex raid card.  as the subject indicates,
this is an eisa card.

naturally i have blown my budget buying this computer, so i don't want to
got out spending any more money.  i wish to use the raid card already in

the adaptec card drives the cd and other external cd drives.  the raid
card is driving the hotswap drive bays with two channels - drives 0 - 2
on one and the remaining 3 - 6 on another channel.  there is a single
2 gig drive at id 0, and a pair of 4gb drives at 1 and 3 i want to use
as a raid 0 array.  or at least this is what i have set up in the cards
non-volatile ram.

unfortunately the linux mylex drivers are for pci cards.  they do not
recognise the card in my computer.

does anyone know if there are some eisa drivers available that will get
this card going for me ?  beta or abandonded code at this stage would
even be considered...


if linux is like driving with the top down, then windows is like driving
with the wheels off.


i'd rather be using RiscOS 4.  but a reliable old a410/i will have to do.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: LILO doesn't like my 10G hard drive
Date: 4 May 2000 06:42:17 GMT


](3) Try the nuni boot loader (which I wrote:).  It avoids bios problems
]by not using the bios.  It can boot from anyplace up to 137gb on any IDE
]drive, including drives attached to add-on cards such as ata66 cards. 
]It can be downloaded from

Interesting. What is its downside? Why is it not the default loader in
(And what does nuni stand for? Or for that matter what does lilo stand


Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi
Subject: Re: Int 13h Device Not Found, BIOS not installed
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 00:51:42 -0700

"R. C. White" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
"M. Buchenrieder" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 Correction, from AHA-2940 Hardware Q  A :

 Q: I cannot boot from my NT 4.0 CD-ROM although the BIOS Support for
 bootable CD-ROM is enabled.

 A: The option was available in the V1.23 BIOS version, but due to changes in the 
standard from Microsoft, the CD would not boot.

 Well, the 1.21 version for sure does not support booting off of a CDROM at
 all. I do have one of these here in another machine 2 floors away :)

 This was corrected in the v1.25 BIOS version.

What controls the booting from ROM?  My 1996-vintage AHA-2940 (no suffix) had no 
trouble booting from CD-ROM (DVD-ROM, actually)
with either BIOS v1.21 or v1.23.

But, hold on.  As I was typing that little paragraph, it dawned on me that my Encore 
DVD-ROM is the only IDE device in my system.
So, I'm not booting from a SCSI CD (or DVD) drive.  Maybe the 2940 and its BIOS have 
nothing to do with it in my case.

The CD boot problem was only with "no-disk" emulation (aka El Torito).
Only certain CD's use this type of emulation, NT4 being one of them.

2940UW bios versions 1.21  1.23 work fine with the other two CD
types (hard disk and floppy emulation) but not with El Torito.  This was
fixed in bios version 1.25.


From: Neil Koozer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Linux Uses Less Power?
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000 00:15:56 -0700

John McKown wrote:
 On Mon, 1 May 2000 20:02:47 -0400, Thomas J. Canich
 it's a funny thing. processor fans are.  You don't need them, as lo