Re: recomendation for an Israely registrar and web hosting

2010-04-26 Thread Shachar Shemesh

Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

(Disclosure: I work at Hostdime)

Micha, as for registrar, all of them are more or less the same here in 
Israel, they all dealing with ISOC and the differences is the price 
you pay.

I disagree with this statement.

DomainTheNet, for example, have a horrific interface if you want to 
manage multiple domains for multiple entities. I have had cases where 
changing one domain's contact information affected the other domains. 
Isoc's method of "handles" is non-intuitive for non-programmers, but it 
is very concise in who a change affects.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

Linux-il mailing list

Re: [Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

2010-04-26 Thread Orr Dunkelman
Hi Everybody,

To allow more people to join the rant workshop (even those who cannot
come to the meeting physically), we shall "broadcast" the list of
websites we're approaching using three means:

1. (which will be updated whenever we
move to a new website - do not forget to refresh the page, not from
2. the haifux' group at linkedin (where we will post the website we
are dealing with)
3. for those of you who will google-talk me.

You are more than welcome to join us in this quest.

If you would like to have other means of communicating the current
"target", please let me know by private email.

Best regards and see you later,

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Amos Shapira  wrote:

Orr Dunkelman,

GPG fingerprint: C2D5 C6D6 9A24 9A95 C5B3  2023 6CAB 4A7C B73F D0AA
(This key will never sign Emails, only other PGP keys. The key
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Re: [Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

2010-04-26 Thread Dotan Cohen
> If you would like to have other means of communicating the current
> "target", please let me know by private email.

Orr, we should _not_ all write to the websites at once! It will be
obvious that a small group of zealots is "targeting" them.

Rather, it should appear to the sites that there are genuine problems
that regularly affect everyday users. We should coordinate so that
each site gets a letter from a different user every week, and don't
even mention the browser or OS in the initial contact letter. I will
gladly volunteer to coordinate this: interested users should
"register" with me, and once a week (not always on the same weekday) I
will send to them the address of a site to write to. That will ensure
a steady flow of non-related complaints: a tactic that is much more
effective than 5 complains all at once.

I presented this idea before, and advocates such as Shlomi Fish from
Linux-IL showed interest. I will organize everything now, and come to
the meeting prepared.

Dotan Cohen

Linux-il mailing list

Re: [Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

2010-04-26 Thread Orr Dunkelman
Dotan hi,

Even though we haven't tried as a community to approach such
webmasters on a regular basis, history shows that people approached
webmasters as individuals, and usually it did not succeed. Maybe
trying as a group would have a better effect.

Now, approaching several websites at the same time should be OK, as
usually they do not correlate and share information about: "hey XXX &
YYY & ZZZ & WWW all sent me complaints about W3C compliance...".
Moreover, history shows that long term coordinated events are harder
to pull over one time energy spike.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
>> If you would like to have other means of communicating the current
>> "target", please let me know by private email.
> Orr, we should _not_ all write to the websites at once! It will be
> obvious that a small group of zealots is "targeting" them.
> Rather, it should appear to the sites that there are genuine problems
> that regularly affect everyday users. We should coordinate so that
> each site gets a letter from a different user every week, and don't
> even mention the browser or OS in the initial contact letter. I will
> gladly volunteer to coordinate this: interested users should
> "register" with me, and once a week (not always on the same weekday) I
> will send to them the address of a site to write to. That will ensure
> a steady flow of non-related complaints: a tactic that is much more
> effective than 5 complains all at once.
> I presented this idea before, and advocates such as Shlomi Fish from
> Linux-IL showed interest. I will organize everything now, and come to
> the meeting prepared.
> --
> Dotan Cohen

Orr Dunkelman,

GPG fingerprint: C2D5 C6D6 9A24 9A95 C5B3  2023 6CAB 4A7C B73F D0AA
(This key will never sign Emails, only other PGP keys. The key
corresponds to

Linux-il mailing list

Re: [Haifux] [HAIFUX Workshop] The Web Rant Workshop

2010-04-26 Thread Dotan Cohen
> Even though we haven't tried as a community to approach such
> webmasters on a regular basis, history shows that people approached
> webmasters as individuals, and usually it did not succeed. Maybe
> trying as a group would have a better effect.

I disagree. I have contacted tens of sites, and in most cases found
that the sites want to accompany the users. In fact, only Israeli
sites seem to have the "my way or the highway" attitude, and even that
has changed since IE 7 came out.

We'll talk about that at the meeting.

> Now, approaching several websites at the same time should be OK, as
> usually they do not correlate and share information about: "hey XXX &
> YYY & ZZZ & WWW all sent me complaints about W3C compliance...".
> Moreover, history shows that long term coordinated events are harder
> to pull over one time energy spike.

A one-time event of ten emails is less effective than a one-time event
of a single email. A one-time event of a single email means a lost
purchase. A one-time event of ten emails means some zealots are being

Dotan Cohen

Linux-il mailing list

xen bandwidth limiting

2010-04-26 Thread Hetz Ben Hamo
I have setup few xen vm's here at home and I'm doing some tests. One issue
that won't work is the bandwidth limiting issue.
Here's my file:

name = "hetz-test3"
uuid = "a4452cbb-33bd-5cbd-0c59-cf2ae8c2b73e"
maxmem = 2048
memory = 2048
vcpus = 1
bootloader = "/usr/bin/pygrub"
on_poweroff = "destroy"
on_reboot = "restart"
on_crash = "restart"
vfb = [ "type=vnc,vncunused=1,keymap=en-us" ]
disk = [ "tap:aio:/vps/images/hetz-test3.img,xvda,w" ]
vif = [ '*rate=10KB/s*, mac=00:16:36:32:eb:7d, bridge=xenbr0,
script=vif-bridge' ]

I'm using the Xen that comes with CentOS 5.4 (Xen 3.0.3) and according to
the documentation of RHEL 5.4, the rate parameter should do the trick, yet
it doesn't work.

Have I missed anything? I thought using tc, but tc is a bitch (IMHO. ancient
docs, bizarre explanation).

my blog (hebrew):
Skype: heunique
Linux-il mailing list

Writing to request Firefox / Linux support from Hebrew websites

2010-04-26 Thread Dotan Cohen
At today's Haifux meeting it had been decided that I will organize a
weekly "write off" where members would write to the administration of
a different Israeli / Hebrew website that currently does not support
Firefox / Linux. If you would like to participate, then please write
back, on list or off, and let me know. Thanks!

Dotan Cohen

Linux-il mailing list

umbrello ERM to pdf/odt/doc/whatever.

2010-04-26 Thread David Harel


Using umbrello I created a nice Entity Relationship Diagram from which I 
can generate sql _CREATE TABLE_ code scripts. I also want it to export 
the entities definitions and attributes (in clean words: the database 
tables definition) to nice openoffice/word document tables similar to 
the documents I get when exporting class diagrams.

I was able to export everything to xml and to docbook.

any idea?


David Harel,


Home office +972 77 7657645
Cellular:   +972 54 4534502
Snail Mail: Amuka
   D.N Merom Hagalil

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Writing to request Firefox / Linux support from Hebrew websites

2010-04-26 Thread Stan Goodman
At 21:40:39 on Monday Monday 26 April 2010, Dotan Cohen 
> At today's Haifux meeting it had been decided that I will organize a
> weekly "write off" where members would write to the administration of
> a different Israeli / Hebrew website that currently does not support
> Firefox / Linux. If you would like to participate, then please write
> back, on list or off, and let me know. Thanks!

I'm in.
Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

Linux-il mailing list

Android on iPhone

2010-04-26 Thread Amos Shapira
Continuing the thread about phone recommendations, I just found this
through Google Buzz:

Hmmm possible plan: wait for iPhone 4G to come out, buy the 3GS
for 10% its current price and install Android on it?

*evil laugh*


Linux-il mailing list

same application code - different behavior with kernels 2.4 vs. 2.6

2010-04-26 Thread Alexander Indenbaum

I'm playing with a Linux embedded box. Some time ago, we (finally)
switched from kernel 2.4.36 to Naturally libc was also
upgraded. What have not changed was the sources of the applications:
Firefox 2.0 running on top of custom X server. GTK/pango/cairo/etc are
also identical in both systems. So far so good, yet we have found out
that the kernel/libc upgrade basically broke the customer's code:
CSS/Javascript timers driven application, running inside the browser,
which started to run much slower, from user experience point of view.
Unfortunately, the customer's user experience is extremely important

Black box analysis showed differences in system behavior, see bellow.
Any idea about what else should be checked are greatly appreciated.
And yeah, the final goal is a happy customer. Please share you
thoughts - bounce some ideas.

Thanks in advance,

2.4 The system CPU is 5% idle, utilization is between browser and X
server in 60%-40% ratio.
2.6 The system CPU is 80% idle, utilization is between browser and X
server in 60%-40% ratio.

STRACE (strace -c -p PID / during 100 secs). NOTE: In case of Firefox,
it is not a really apple to apple comparison,  since only "active
thread" pid was straced.
2.4 kernel - "FAST user experience"
X server
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
-- --- --- - - 
 90.70   15.259293        1045     14600       204 select
 4.55    0.765248          19     39678     11956 read
 3.59    0.604554          33     18350         2 writev
 0.52    0.087052          62      1415           munmap
 0.46    0.077625           3     29071           gettimeofday
 0.10    0.017304           3      4951      1821 sigreturn
 0.07    0.011463           8      1415           old_mmap
 0.01    0.002002           3       764           setitimer
-- --- --- - - 
100.00   16.824541                110244     13983 total

Firefox browser
-- --- --- - - 
 47.54    3.022460        1947      1552           select
 19.00    1.207781         272      4446           poll
 12.43    0.789926          41     19280           write
 8.32    0.529035          29     18218        37 readv
 7.37    0.468285         179      2618         2 writev
 1.51    0.095897           5     19428      1253 read
 1.20    0.076559          50      1544           old_mmap
 0.75    0.047951           7      6426           brk
 0.64    0.040452           9      4471           ioctl
 0.58    0.036982          24      1545           munmap
 0.57    0.035924           2     15927           gettimeofday
 0.09    0.005809           5      1156           kill
-- --- --- - - 
100.00    6.357061                 96611      1292 total

2.6 kernel - "SLOW user experience"
X server
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
-- --- --- - - 
 55.00    0.003374           1      5287           writev
 35.18    0.002158           0      8580      2217 select
 9.81    0.000602           0     14486      6008 read
 0.00    0.00           0     17114           gettimeofday
 0.00    0.00           0        41           munmap
 0.00    0.00           0      4454           setitimer
 0.00    0.00           0      2543      2479 sigreturn
 0.00    0.00           0        41           mmap2
-- --- --- - - 
100.00    0.006134                 52546     10704 total

Firefox browser
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
-- --- --- - - 
 81.95    0.021973           3      7421           writev
 13.55    0.003634           0     13674      5906 read
 3.68    0.000986           0     13012           select
 0.51    0.000138           1       170           stat64
 0.31    0.82           1       118           futex
 0.00    0.00           0        90           write
 0.00    0.00           0      1789           gettimeofday
 0.00    0.00           0       249           poll
-- --- --- - - 
100.00    0.026813                 36523      5906 total

Linux-il mailing list

Re: Android on iPhone

2010-04-26 Thread sammy ominsky
On 27/04/2010, at 05:52, Amos Shapira wrote:

> Hmmm possible plan: wait for iPhone 4G to come out, buy the 3GS
> for 10% its current price and install Android on it?

I like your way of thinking :)  I actually tried the install yesterday, ran 
into problems, ran out of time, and walked away.  My iPhone 2G's current 
functionality and data were all left intact.  If I could dual-boot a 3GS, I'd 
be very very happy.

So far it's only for iPhone 2G, but I expect it'll be ported forward soon 
enough.  The version of Android working now is 1.6, but it's expected that 
newer versions will be a simple drop-in upgrade.  Also, not quite full 
functionality yet.  Calling works, as does wifi, web browsing, and even 
multi-touch, but apparently there are big chunks missing.  Not being a current 
Android user, I couldn't tell you what they are.

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