Re: [LIH] kernel probs

2000-12-18 Thread Sreeji K Das


lilo.conf is a configuration file for LILO (LInux LOader), which is
basically a boot manager for booting the OS of your choice (mmm.. Linux, I
mean !).  U need to run lilo after you've compiled a kernel so that next
time you switch on your machine, the new kernel is booted.

For running lilo, ensure that the lilo.conf is in proper location
(normally /etc/lilo.conf) & simply type the command lilo & that should

As for the module errors, have you run 
make modules
make modules_install

during the compilation of the kernel ? Ensure that you do this.


On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, manish wrote:

> hi listmem
> i attempted a kernel compilation went thru the whole process
> but on the last step i did not know what to do the lino.conf 
> i compiled the whole stuff from /usr/src/linux dir.
> so i rebooted and to my surprise the booting process has now 
> a penguin logo fonts have changed and i get many unresolved symbols 
> for lib of different things (surely errors of some kind)
> would like to know what exactly to do with lilo.conf.
> and also for the errors if some thing could be done to resolve them.
> would it be better if i did a recompile 
> lilo.conf still points to /vmlinuz, probably the one before compile 
> so how did the boot process change i.e. fonts logo and lib errors. 
> would be glad for detailed help.
> thanks in advance
> manish
> p.s rajesh F surely helped with some stuff. good pics :)
> _
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[LIH] kernel probs

2000-12-18 Thread manish

hi listmem

i attempted a kernel compilation went thru the whole process
but on the last step i did not know what to do the lino.conf 
i compiled the whole stuff from /usr/src/linux dir.
so i rebooted and to my surprise the booting process has now 
a penguin logo fonts have changed and i get many unresolved symbols 
for lib of different things (surely errors of some kind)
would like to know what exactly to do with lilo.conf.
and also for the errors if some thing could be done to resolve them.
would it be better if i did a recompile 
lilo.conf still points to /vmlinuz, probably the one before compile 
so how did the boot process change i.e. fonts logo and lib errors. 
would be glad for detailed help.

thanks in advance


p.s rajesh F surely helped with some stuff. good pics :)

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Re: [LIH] kernel probs

2000-04-02 Thread Arun Sharma

> > Hello folks
> > 
> > Well, when I compiled the K 2.3.49, it does not seem
> > to support 
> > pcmcia..

Till recently, PCMCIA was separate from the kernel. I think only recent
2.3.x kernels have PCMCIA in the base kernel.


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Re: [LIH] kernel probs

2000-04-02 Thread Nick Hill

I think u didn't u didn't select the PCMCIA drivers
while configuring the kernel. did u do a make
config/menuconfig/xconfig, before compiling? and if u
did do it, did u select the PCMCIA drivers in the
config? u have to select the drivers as a module or
inbuilt. do this and u shud be on u're way...


--- Sthitaprajna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello folks
> Well, when I compiled the K 2.3.49, it does not seem
> to support 
> pcmcia..Did i go horribly wrong somewhere??Since
> this is my first 
> kernel compilw after 2.2.14, am completely at
> sea.Tried it twice 
> but the problem persists.if it is a known
> problem, can someone 
> point out a patch??
> Thanks
> Sthitaprajna
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[LIH] kernel probs

2000-03-31 Thread Sthitaprajna

Hello folks

Well, when I compiled the K 2.3.49, it does not seem to support 
pcmcia..Did i go horribly wrong somewhere??Since this is my first 
kernel compilw after 2.2.14, am completely at sea.Tried it twice 
but the problem persists.if it is a known problem, can someone 
point out a patch??



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