Linux-Misc Digest #323

2001-03-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #27Fri, 9 Mar 01 16:13:03 EST

  Re: 2 kernel issues ("Robert Wiegand")
  Re: Mandrake Question - Simple ("Robert Wiegand")
  Kernel Upgrade crashed X-Server (Mathias Kohlenz)
  Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a CD and 
it won't boot with it. (robert mansfield)
  Re: Question: setup cable modem, Linux and Windows (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Drawing/Ploting Tools in Linux (Grant Edwards)
  Re: adding LOTS of users (quickly) (Grant Edwards)
  Re: suse 7.1 (Young4ert)
  Re: boot up problem ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Need identd for IRC behind firewall? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: CRC error b4 decompressing kernel? ("D. Stimits")
  Re: Netscape and !lock file. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Drawing/Ploting Tools in Linux (Big Daddy)
  Linux 2.4 and NTFS (Andre Kostur)
  Re: 2 kernel issues (Doug O'Leary)
  Re: Linux 2.4 and NTFS (Adam K Kirchhoff)
  Re: cross-posting (Floyd Davidson)
  memory management (Mihai Cartoaje)
  Re: error on post ("Peter T. Breuer")
  users can mount? (Martin Greco)

From: "Robert Wiegand" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 2 kernel issues
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 12:54:42 -0600

In article jY7q6.1364$[EMAIL PROTECTED], "Doug O'Leary"

   I'm getting multiple unresolved module dependencies when booting
 the system.  All the dependencies are for functions/systems that I  have
 configured out of the kernel because they're not installed or won't be used on
 this system.  I've done the 
 make modules; make modules_install
 However, still getting the errors.

FIrst, I would suggest that you delete the old modules before intalling the
new ones. Or better yet - change the kernel name so you can have both
sets around. The modules are in:

Also check:



From: "Robert Wiegand" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Mandrake Question - Simple
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 12:48:22 -0600

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Jean-David Beyer"

 You need to login as root to build a kernel.
 It seems to me that you should need to be root only to INSTALL a kernel.
 Anyone with permission to write in /usr/src/linux-[release] should be able to
 build one.

At least on my Mandrake system the only one with permission to write to
/usr/src/linux is root. So you either need to be root or change the



From: Mathias Kohlenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Kernel Upgrade crashed X-Server
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:14:55 GMT


Yesterday evening, I intended to upgrade my 2.2 kernel to 2.4.2. I=20
configured everything with "make xconfig", then performed "make dep" and=
"make clean". I copied the bzImage over to /boot and then wanted to=20
create an image-file of the kernel. I got my first doubts, when the=20
system wasn't able to find the command "mkinitrd" anymore. I thought a=20
reboot could help here. During the boot of the old kernel everything=20
seemed to be fine, but when entering graphical login, all I saw was a=20
constantly self-refreshing text-screen. There was an error message there=
but it was hard to figure out what it said, because as soon as it was=20
displayed the screen would go blank again. What I could figure out of th=
error message was something like "... seems to be running alread=
... however it was mysteriously murdered ...".=20

I am able to login in runlevel 2, text-only mode, so there is a chance I=
could fix something if I only knew where to begin! My guess is that "mak=
clean" deleted some much needed files, however this is just a guess. I=20
looked in /usr/lib, but there was no entry for the 2.4.2  kernel, that's=
all I found out so far.=20

Any help or links to documentation highly appreciated!


From: robert mansfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: I've downloaded the ISO file.  Now what do I do with it?  I've  burned a 
CD and it won't boot with it.
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,linux.redhat
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:43:28 GMT

James Knott wrote:

 Your message would be easier to read, if you used proper
 vicka wrote:
 its possible to MOUNT THIS FILE like any other
 so if u mount it like smth iso96xxx then u can
 browse it like simple cd
 of course if u have no x near 2 u it will not work
 i just downloaded iso file to
 and i think i will install mandrake first and ONLY
 then 3BSD :)
 newbie too -- vicka
 John Winters wrote:
  In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Peter Brylde  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Linux-Misc Digest #323

2000-11-16 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #26   Thu, 16 Nov 00 11:13:01 EST

  running C++ script on linux not successful ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: running C++ script on linux not successful ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: running C++ script on linux not successful (Eric)
  Re: please help asap with rpm (Andrew Purugganan)
  Responsiveness under X (John English)
  Re: running C++ script on linux not successful (Andreas =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4h=E4ri?=)
  Help! kdelibs-2.0-7 requires ("john.q (replace NO_SPAM 
with ntlworld to reply)")
  Re: Is this hard drive dead? (LuisMiguel Figueiredo)
  Re: waiting 5 minutes for route results (Lee Allen)
  Re: Connecting the output of one printer filter to another. (Lee Allen)
  Re: Restoring RH 6.2 /usr/src/linux tree ("Paul Steckler")
  Re: running C++ script on linux not successful (John English)
  Re: ping problems (marvin)
  Re: How to setup dual/multiple monitors ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Graphics+Network bootmode problem ("Sutto Zoltan")
  Re: about .htaccess (phil)
  Xfree 4.0.1 on TNT2 (Tomasz Wojtowicz)
  Re: Xfree 4.0.1 on TNT2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: imap and ssh (Joshua Baker-LePain)
  Re: LinkSys betrayed us! Poor prospects for Linux. (Henry_Barta)
  Re: Help! kdelibs-2.0-7 requires (Topaz Crow)
  problem installing MAKEDEV pkg under RH62 (Binh Ngo)
  Re: running C++ script on linux not successful (Eric)
  Boot from floppy very slow ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Leer 'exit' desde el shell (Hernan Gonzalez)

Subject: running C++ script on linux not successful
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:16:29 GMT


I’m trying to learn how to program C++ on linux. I started with the
standard “hello world” script. I compiled with the command;

g++ -o hello

Everything seem to go well, but when I try to run:


There was the following error:

Bash: hello command not found.

What could be the problem? My gcc version is:
egcs-2.91.66 19990314/lLinux(egcs-1.1.2release)
I’m on redhat 6.1 kernel 2.2.10


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: running C++ script on linux not successful
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:02:05 +0100

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:16:29 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I’m trying to learn how to program C++ on linux. I started with the
standard “hello world” script. I compiled with the command;

g++ -o hello

That's ok, but a C++ program is not a script. A script would be written in
Perl or other interpreter languages. C and C++ programs are compiled into
machine code, as you did.

Everything seem to go well, but when I try to run:


First: is the executable there and does it have executable properties ? Do a
ls -l hello

I guess all is ok, and just your current directory is not in your path. Try


bet it works.

Happy programming !

Eggert Ehmke


Subject: Re: running C++ script on linux not successful
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:07:08 +0100

 I?m trying to learn how to program C++ on linux. I started with the
 standard ?hello world? script. I compiled with the command;
 g++ -o hello
 Everything seem to go well, but when I try to run:
 There was the following error:
 Bash: hello command not found.
 What could be the problem? My gcc version is:
 egcs-2.91.66 19990314/lLinux(egcs-1.1.2release)
 I?m on redhat 6.1 kernel 2.2.10

Well it says so: hello not found..

try ./hello

It's caused by the fact that . (the current directory) is not in the
default PATH



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: please help asap with rpm
Date: 16 Nov 2000 13:00:18 GMT

John Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[  how does one verify that the package is installed correctly.

[ "rpm -V [packagename]"

[  how to find all the installed packages...

[ "rpm -qa"  or, if you're not a speed reader "rpm -qa|less"

[ You can also use this to check if a package is installed: 
[ "rpm -qa|grep [packagename]"

the gui way in KDE is to open up kpackage and select the rpm in question 
to see if it's installed
Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: John English [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Responsiveness under X
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 12:14:01 +

On my system (PIII 450MHz, 512M RAM, Red Hat 6.2), when I run
something CPU-intensive like gzipping a couple of hundred megs,
the responsiveness

Linux-Misc Digest #323

2000-08-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #25Wed, 2 Aug 00 22:13:02 EDT

  Re: Can't start GNOME as root ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: DNS (Akira Yamanita)
  3D Hardware Acceleration Not Working for One User (Kevin Brown)
  boot disk question ("none")
  Re: Oh no! (John Hasler)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (John Hasler)
  Re: Changing LILO in Mandrake? (Andres Soolo)
  Re: the psychology of linux and the hacker ethos (Mary P)
  Re: fetchmail: domain name must exist?! (David Rysdam)
  Re: boot disk question (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Switching to 40-characters video mode under Linux (character based) (Vladimir 
  X 4.0.1 and /etc/termcap ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cron behaves differently on Sundays? ("OzEmail News Server")
  Re: Best Quality Encoder for Linux. ("OzEmail News Server")
  Re: Netscape Mail Problem (Michel Catudal)

Subject: Re: Can't start GNOME as root
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 00:03:11 GMT

Ohh yaehh - that fixed the problem!
I was about to go crazy!
Thanks a lot!!

In article 8m9rne$6d8$[EMAIL PROTECTED],
  "Lurch" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 do you have a file called .XClients in your homedirectory as root? if
 delete it.

 hope this helped...


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:8m9dmj$sss$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
  I can't start GNOME when loged in as root. startx executes KDE.
  I tryed to change to GNOME with Desktop Switching Tool, but when
  is executed KDE start up??
  Only got the problem when loged in as root.
  Sent via
  Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Akira Yamanita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: DNS
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 00:10:26 GMT

 No settings have been changed (except in an attempt to get it working).
 Killing Samba and restarting it doesn't help. Rebooting the workstations
 doesn't work. I even went back to a standard smb.conf file and started

Post the [global] section of /etc/smb.conf.
Also try "nmblookup -M -" and post the output.

Stop Samba and shut down the Win9x machines. After every single
one is down, bring them back up. They should be able to recognize
each-other by their names. If not, there's another problem. (Be
sure to bring them up and test them one at a time.)


From: Kevin Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,
Subject: 3D Hardware Acceleration Not Working for One User
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 00:15:42 GMT

I am using Linux Mandrake 7.1 with an NVidia GeForce 256 DDR with
XFree86 4.0 using the 0.92 NVidia kernel.  I am running a 3D visualizer
that uses SGI Performer 2.3.1 as the 3D engine.  Up until a few days
ago, everything worked fine with every user, but then the username i use
most often stopped running OpenGL acceleration with both my app that
uses performer and perfly, the SGI OpenFlight model viewer.  They now
run using Mesa Software accel, and look like crap.  Every other user on
the system, plus root, all work fine with both perfly and my app, they
look awesome.  Performer spits out something about using OpenGL 1.2.0
when its workin right, but it says something like OpenGL Mesa 1.2.0 when
the acceleration doesn't work right.

I don't have any programs that run native OpenGL without performer, so
I'm not quite sure if its performer or the NVidia drivers that are

Does anyone know why acceleration would stop all the sudden for just one
user, and keep workin for everyone else?

Kevin Brown


From: "none" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: boot disk question
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 17:18:21 -0700


I have searched quite a bit and can't seem to find a good solution to this
problem.  I want to create a basic floppy disk with a minimal kernel and
root system.  The only thing I want to do is boot the system from the floppy
and run a very small program, I don't need net access or even hard drive
access.  Anyone know of a good source of information on doing this?I


From: John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Oh no!
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 23:14:48 GMT

blowfish writes:
 Unless you're using one of the *BSD, and install from their "ports"
 system (which will fetch the main source, all dependency files' sources,
 MD5 checked them, patch the necessary patches, then, configure, make and
 install everything right inside your very own machine, in front of your
 eyes, and ask you what to do if there's more than one option to be
 decided. And will tell you in detail and how to correct the problem if it
 (hardly ever, but outside servers serving some of the files can be
 unreachable from tim

Linux-Misc Digest #323

2000-04-30 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #24   Sun, 30 Apr 00 18:13:02 EDT

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6) 

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 4 of 6)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 18:35:16 GMT

Archive-Name: linux/faq/part4
Posting-Frequency: weekly
Last-modified: 04/30/2000

   architecture-specific asm directory--if you have a freshly unpacked
   kernel source tree, you must make symlinks. You'll also find that you
   may need to do `make config' in a newly-unpacked kernel source tree,
   to create linux/autoconf.h.
6.11. I Get Errors when I Try to Compile the Kernel.

   See the previous question regarding the header files.
   Remember that when you apply a patch to the kernel, you must use the
   ``-p0'' or ``-p1'' option: otherwise, the patch may be misapplied. See
   the patch manual page for details.
   ``ld: unrecognized option `-qmagic''' means that you should get a
   newer linker, from, in
   the file binutils-
6.12. How Do I Make a Shared Library?

   For ELF,
gcc -fPIC -c *.c
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o *.o

   For a.out, get tools-n.nn.tar.gz from It comes with
   documentation that will tell you what to do. Note that a.out shared
   libraries are a very tricky business. Consider upgrading your
   libraries to ELF shared libraries. See the ELF HOWTO, at
6.13. My Executables Are (Very) Large.

   With an ELF compiler (``What's All This about ELF? glibc?''), the most
   common cause of large executables is the lack of an appropriate .so
   library link for one of the libraries you're using. There should be a
   link like for every library like
   With an a.out compiler the most common cause of large executables is
   the -g linker (compiler) flag. This produces (as well as debugging
   information in the output file) a program which is statically
   linked--one which includes a copy of the C library instead of a
   dynamically linked copy.
   Other things worth investigating are -O and -O2, which enable
   optimization (check the GCC documentation), and -s (or the strip
   command) which strip the symbol information from the resulting binary
   (making debugging totally impossible).
   You may wish to use -N on very small executables (less than 8K with
   the -N), but you shouldn't do this unless you understand its
   performance implications, and definitely never with daemons.
6.14. Does Linux Support Threads or Lightweight Processes?

   As well as the Unix multiprocessing model involving heavyweight
   processes, which is of course part of the standard Linux kernel, there
   are several implementations of lightweight processes or threads.
   Recent kernels implement a thread model, kthreads. In addition, there
   are the following packages available for Linux.
 * GNU glibc2 for Linux has optional support for threads. The archive
   is available from the same place as glibc2,
 * In or Documentation isn't in the
   package, but is available on the World Wide Web at Newer Linux
   libc's contain the pthreads source. The GNU Ada compiler on
   f.tar.gz contains binaries made from that source code.
 * In is QuickThreads.
   More information can be found in the technical report, available
   on the same site is /tr/1993/05/UW-CSE-93-05-06.PS.Z.
 * In is lwp, a very minimal implementation.
 * In, an Ada implementation. This is
   useful mainly because it has a lot of Postscript papers that
   you'll find useful in learning more about threads. This is not
   directly usable under Linux.
   Please contact the authors of the packages in question for details.
6.15. Where Can I Get lint for Linux?

   Roughly equivalent functionality is built into GCC. Use the -Wall
   option to turn on most of the useful extra warnings

Linux-Misc Digest #323

1999-08-07 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #21Sat, 7 Aug 99 18:13:09 EDT

  SDSL setup for Slakware linux-2.2.6 ("bob")
  Re: Linux assembly, etc (Alexander Viro)
  Re: The Incredible Shrinking / !  Help! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Multiple users with linux-version Netscape (Geoff Short)
  Re: modem question (Rob Clark)
  .tar.bz2 file extensions (Wlmet)
  Re: Linux assembly, etc ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Curious and bizarre RH6 message (Eric The Half A Bee)
  Re: Have you heard? (DanH)
  Can't INSMOD the BTTV driver in 2.2.5 !!! (Warren)
  Re: Compiling C programs on RedHat 6.0 (Leonard Evens)
  2.2.6 kernel is too big (Wlmet)
  Re: Which POP3 Server? (tomislav)
  Re: 2.2.6 kernel is too big ("bob")
  One more LILO prints LI  the Solution Plus a Technical Question ("Norm Dresner")
  .sgml files (Wlmet)
  Re: Extract the first n characters from a stream? (Dave Brown)
  Re: Have you heard? (CJ)
  Connecting to ISP Questions ("Gilbert Groehn")
  Re: WINE help, please? (Chris Mahmood)
  Redhat/3dfx. HELP! PLEASE! (Eric The Half A Bee)
  sndconfig, cron problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Undo Partition (Jerry Lapham)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: SDSL setup for Slakware linux-2.2.6
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 12:54:34 -0700

I have a SDSL 384/384 installed by GTE. They claim to have it connected to
GTI in Texas. When a GTI person came out to set up the Internet service, he
said he didn't know anything about Slakware, only "pump" on Red Hat. He left
with the service not working because he couldn't find the Red Hat tools on
the system. I have set up the IP-Masquerading and the second NIC (eepro100
= eth1) myself as per various FAQ(s) and HowTo(s). When I do a ping from the
linux box on an IP which is not in my local net, I see the receive light on
the port box connected to the DSL modem flash periodically (about once a
second), but no indication of response (ping hangs). After Ctrl-C, doing an
ifconfig shows eth1 with 10 to 20 Tx packets but no Rx packets. I assume
this means nothing is coming back. Anyone know of a recipe to make this
Also, I rebuilt kernel as stated in HowTo(s) to include IP_MASQ, ..PACKETS
and socket ..FILTERS, but dhcp_client fails with a message saying
"FILTERS..." not in kernel. The .config file in /usr/src/linux says =y for
all of the referenced options and both make config and make xconfig confirm
these. Yes, I did "cp ...zImage /vmlinuz; make modules; make
modules_install; lilo. Is there a problem with linux-2.2.6??
Posted to comp.os.linux.networking but no response in 4 days.


Slakware linux-2.2.6
Dual PII/333
3c509 NIC for LAN (eth0)  // LAN works fine with Samba
EtherExpress10/100 NIC (eth1)


eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:AF:11:9D:64
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:14595 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:2874 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:7 Base address:0x300

eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:A0:C9:82:C1:E8
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:31 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:252 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:46 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
  Interrupt:19 Base address:0xfcc0

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:336 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:336 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0


Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface *   U 0
00 eth1
localnet  *   U 0
00 eth0
loopback*   U 0
00 lo
default UG  1  0
0 eth1

email - bklungle at ix dot netcom dot com


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Linux assembly, etc
Date: 7 Aug 1999 09:13:27 -0400

(This is probably for those ex-DOS assembly language programmers.)
I've been writing programs in linux and I've been wanting to
port many of DOS programs, mainly graphics-based. 

Linux-Misc Digest #323

1999-05-23 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #20   Sun, 23 May 99 22:13:12 EDT

  Report from after I have run Nessus. (Cesar da Silva)
  newbie  DHCP?? (Derek)
  User Setup Problem (GLRocca)
  Kde (Paul Trost)
  Re: /etc/issue (Josh Joyce)
  How to make a crontab that will make an empty file (mike murray)
  Re: Install help: HD BIOS cylinder 4092 limit. ("Lee Howard")
  Re: NT the best web platform? (Hiran Chaudhuri)
  Re: Linux kernel source code online in HTML format? ("test")
  Re: NT the best web platform? (Olaf Walkowiak)
  Re: Cannot run Glint or xrpm under root (Robert George Mayer)
  Re: How to make a crontab that will make an empty file (Justin B Willoughby)
  Re: SETI comparisons (Raj Rijhwani)
  Re: Kde (Steve Nospam)
  Alpha, PowerPC, Intel, and Sparc ("Michael")
  wxftp can't get remote directory (John Thompson)
  Re: Need help setting up system. (Bev)
  Re: Registry in Linux ??? (Christopher B. Browne)
  Re: Conner tape drive and Linux? (Frank Miles)
  Re: Rebuilding SRPMs (Michael McConnell)
  Linux users in Hawaii (root)

From: Cesar da Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Report from after I have run Nessus.
Date: 23 May 1999 23:32:05 GMT


I've just runned Nessus on a Red Hat v6.0 and got this messages.

* printer (515/tcp) INFO You should check that the remote printer service (lpd);is 
correctly configured to accept print requests only;from a restricted panel of hosts.

What I did to the above message was that I created a file called /etc/hosts.lpd and 
put my hostname in it ( Is that the right way to fix this?

* (6000/tcp) REPORT On this machine, there is an X11-Server that grants access;without 
authentification. That means a hacker is able to sniff;every keystroke that is typed 
on the X11-Server (or get a copy of the victims screen).;Solution: use MIT-Cookies, 
xauth. ;

I thought that Red Hat did this as default. I checked the file /etc/X11R6/bin/startx 
and it has the -auth switch. So what am I missing here?

* general/icmp INFO The remote hosts answered to an icmp TIMESTAMP request.;This will 
give away the remote host current time to an;attacker, and this may help him to bypass 
time based ;authentification protocols;Solution : configure your firewalls/router and 
deny ICMP TIMESTAMP requests

What is the ipchain command for doing the above mentioned step?

(111/udp) INFO We could connect to the remote;RPC portmapper. This can give 
away;interesting informations to an attacker;Solution : filter incoming traffic to 
this port

What is the right command for doing this?

Thanks in advance,
Cesar da Silva


Subject: newbie  DHCP??
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 19:45:59 -0400

I am using SuSe Linux 6.1 and just switched over from RH5.1 to this and
now I cannot seem to find a config tool to setup my computer for a DHCP
server.  It asked me in setup for my hostname and domain name and I just

put something in but never gave me an option for DHCP access. Does
anyone know something about the Suse OS?  or any other ideas please.
thanks in advance

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Derek (Webmaster) {AOL I.M. ~ghitar1}


Subject: User Setup Problem
Date: Sun, 23 May 1999 09:40:21 -0400

Can someone explain why I dont seem to be able to confer PPP, POP, or
any other priveleges to a normal user set up per my Linuxconf setup
menu. I go into Linuxconf, set up my normal user account and all the
appropriate buttons are clicked on, but when I run as user, I can't get
to my MODEM or anything else (Usernet tells me I have no access
priveleges available). When I am in ROOT everything is  fine except for
the annoying fact that I cannot size my Netscape window to fit the
screen which is so annoying Ive gone back to Windows95  to surf the
Internet. SIGH...

P.S.:  RedHat has been ZERO  help on all this of course, and their
manual totally opaque.
P.P.S.: I'm running Red HAT Linux version 5.2. I see 6.0 is out. Has
anyone asked why previous owners are unable to unpgrade either for free
or for a nominal sum ?



From: Paul Trost [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Kde
Date: 24 May 1999 00:31:05 GMT

I am using kde 1.1.1 on SuSE 6.0. I have noticed on both my workstation and 
my server that every now and then when I close out an application window 
(like navigator or a terminal window) that my panel and taskbar will 
disappear. I can't get them back unless I click on the icon to shutdown kde 
and then restart it again. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?

Linux-Misc Digest #323

1999-03-06 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #323, Volume #19Sat, 6 Mar 99 00:13:12 EST

  Re: Newsreaders and  Star Office (Ram Kalapatapu)
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion ("Keith G. Murphy")
  Re: Open source MS bad for Linux? ("Mr. Tinkertrain")
  Re: Public license question (Christopher Seawood)
  Re: Help! Netscape carshes my system (David Kirkpatrick)
  Re: Mwave For Linux Project ("matthew.r.pavlovich.1")
  Where is psaux.c ? (Regit Young)
  Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion (Roger Espel Llima)
  Re: Public license question (NF Stevens)
  Re: One-way Cable Modem (brian moore)
  Re: Can Linux use 36-bit Xeon addressing? ("David A. Frantz")
  Re: Public license question (Lynn Winebarger)
  Re: Public license question (jik-)
  Cannot Remove LILO from MBR (Cevher Dogan)
  Re: StarOffice anyone?? (Monte Milanuk)
  Re: Pentium III Boycott and survey info (mlw)
  Re: nn-tk Newsreader (David Magda)
  Re: Create a DOS bootdisk in using only Linux (Matthias Benkmann)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ram Kalapatapu)
Subject: Re: Newsreaders and  Star Office
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 21:54:13 GMT

On Fri, 05 Mar 1999 13:07:28 GMT, D Brown 
I'm new to Linux, but have got everything working (and am very 
pleased with the speed) as I want except for news readers. Three 

1 When I try to set up the news reader in Star Office I get an error 
message "Connection Failed" when I click on the subscribe tab in the 
news properties. So, I can't get the list of newsgroups. I can't see 
anything in the options for news, mail or internet that may be causing 
this problem. Mail and other news readers are working.

Staroffice is way too bloated for an average desktop machine. Since newsgroups
contain only text -- well ;-) you don't really need a GUI newsreader. slrn is
very fast and supports the mouse and color highlighting. For those 
alt.binaries.. you can always use netscape!

2 Is there an off-line newsreader for linux ?
 There are several in the pipeline.. krn, et al. Clucnky at this point of time.

3 Does anyone know if Virtual Access runs under wine ? If so is it 
32bit or 16bit version.

Agent is known to work well with wine. You might have to get a patch from
last november. Recent releases break agent. I have used 16 bit version 
succesfully many months ago. I am not a big fan of agent  or any wondows
based newsreader. 

Thanks in advance,

D Brown


From: "Keith G. Murphy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Microkernels are an abstraction inversion
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 15:59:07 -0600

Mark Harrison wrote:
 Stefan Skoglund wrote in message [EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 Mach can easily supports multiple OS at the same time ie it possible
 to implement OS/360 on an PC for example. Seeing the same machine
 running UNIX and OS/360 could be real fun.
 Nixdorf did this for their IBM-compatible mainframes in the early 1980's.
 It was done in their Dallas office.  The project was chartered to produce
 a text processing system.  The project leader proposed using an existing
 nicely featured system called "troff".  All that was necessary was to
 port some support software (called "unix") to provide an operating
 for the text processor.
Perhaps someone would like to expound on the evolutionary relationship
(if any) between troff and 'runoff', later Digital Standard Runoff, that
some of us are familiar with on VAX machines...


From: "Mr. Tinkertrain" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Open source MS bad for Linux?
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 17:20:03 -0500

actually, m$ realeasing the source might be good, because a) how many
out of the 10 million users are actually going to hack the source?  b)
the ones who do look at the source and understand the inner workings of
that evil os will be exploiting every single security hole that ever
existed in win95!! it'll be cool, there'll be all these thousands of
more ways to fuck up winblows.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Seawood)
Subject: Re: Public license question
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,gnu.misc.discuss
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 22:35:48 GMT

Barry Margolin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Peter Seebach [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: It doesn't make sense for his control of his work to depend on this either.
: He's the one who was purported to be writing a program that's dependent on
: a GPLed library, and was trying to use dynamic linking as a loophole around

If another non-GPL'd library could potentially be used instead of the
GPL'd one, then his work isn't dependent upon it.  But what you're saying
is that the mere potential isn't enough.  So what if someon