Re: large ide raid system

2000-01-13 Thread Benno Senoner

Thomas Davis wrote:

 JMy 4way IDE based, 2 channels (ie, master/slave, master/slave) built
 using IBM 16gb Ultra33 drives in RAID0 are capable of about 25mb/sec
 across the raid.

nice to hear :-) not a very big performance degradation

 Adding a Promise 66 card, changing to all masters, got the numbers up
 into the 30's range (I don't have them at the moment.. hmm..)

  I was also wondering about the reliability of using slaves.
  Does anyone know about the likelihood of a single failed drive
  bringing down the whole master/slave pair?  Since I have tended to
  stay away from slaves, for performance reasons, I don't know
  how they influence reliability.  Maybe it's ok.

 When the slave fail, the master goes down.

 My experience has been, when _ANY_ IDE drive fails, it takes down the
 whole channel.  Master or slave.  The kernel just gives fits..

hmm .. strange .. I got an old Pentium box, and disconnected the slave and
the raid5 array continued  to work after a TON of syslog messages.

Anyway, I agree that the master-only configuration is much more reliable
from an electrical point of view.

I was wondering how much IDE channels linux 2.2 can handle,
can it handle 8 channels ?

would an Abit with 4 channels + 2 promise ultra 66 cards work ?
or a normal BX mainboard (2 channels) + 3 promise ultra 66 ?

thanks for infos,


Re: large ide raid system

2000-01-13 Thread John Burton


 john b said:

  Performance is pretty good - these numbers are for a first generation
  smartcan (spring '99)

 these numbers are also useless since they are much too close to your ram size,
 and bonnie only shows how fast your system runs bonnie :) a better benchmark
 would be to see how this runs with multiple concurrent accesses to even larger
 files. perhaps something like tiotest?

Good point, I'll try re-running it with 500MB - 2GB file size. Just need to keep
other processes from doing raid i/o while I'm testing - it *is* a production
machine and has been running quite happily since June...

 but even with bonnie getting more cpu time, the speed did not seem terribly
 different. this makes me wonder about how fast the smartcan's logic really

True, but then again, it was a first generation smartcan setup...:-)

 speech type=rant
 i cant tell you about the division of responsiblility, but i can tell you i
 keep closed source, binary modules out of my kernel. i have enough problem
 with vendors who dont release specs to their equipment, let alone those who
 ride on the backs of the kernel developers by taking advantage of open code,
 and keeping theirs closed. vote with your dollars i say.

I agree with you about the open source in the kernel... one thing you might want
to consider though is trying to motivate companies into developing / releasing
products for the Linux environment. In virtually every other market, the
*standard* is closed, binary modules  drivers. How do you get these companies to
open up and release their intellectual property? By refusing to buy their products
when they attempt to enter the market (you're basically saying, its my way, or no
way)? How about *working* with them, buying their initial products. Once you
*prove* there is a market for them, they'll listen to you about the market
culture... if they still refuse, don't buy anything else from them...


Re: AW: HowTo: Upgrade Oldraid-5 - NewRaid-5

2000-01-13 Thread Michael

OK, I don't mean to beat a dead horse but..

I am about to upgrade several old raid5 production systems to the new 
raid using 0.90 tools. I see this warning 

   See raid0.conf. sample from archive:
   persistent-superblock   0# set this to 1 if you want autostart,
array created # by older raidtools
(0.40-0.51) or mdtools!

an a conflicting statement that says:

   1st step was done previously exept for the persistent-superblock
I set it now to 1
   2nd step: run mkraid -- upgrade /dev/md2

So is it safe to set the persistent-superblock to 

or NOT when doing the mkraid --upgrade on raid5 and raid 1 devices???

I still don't have it straight and I don't really want to re-load 
many giga-bytes from a slow dat tape.


Re: raid-2.2.14-B1.14 doesn't patch 2.2.14 properly

2000-01-13 Thread Marc Mutz

Scott Thomson wrote:
 Am I missing something here?
 The source has just been freshly untarred from linux-2.2.14.tgz
 This is just the the first prompt. It goes on and on...
 patching file `linux/init/main.c'
 Hunk #1 FAILED at 19.
 Hunk #2 FAILED at 488.
 Hunk #3 FAILED at 928.
 Hunk #4 FAILED at 1426.
 4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to linux/init/main.c.rej
 The next patch would create the file `linux/include/linux/raid/linear.h',
 which already exists! Assume -R? [n]
 main.c.rej is as follows

1.) what was the current working directory and the exact patch command
you issued?
2.) did the errors start with the first file to patch or was main.c
further down the list of files to be patched?
3.) What is raid-2.2.14-B1.14? I only know of raid-2.2.14-B1 and that
one patched into my 2.2.14 without rejects.


University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)

Re: large ide raid system

2000-01-13 Thread Thomas Davis

Brian Grossman wrote:
 RZ Of course this is not the only thing the affects speed. Other issues that
 RZ make our units fast is the PCI bus which is 133Mbs and DMA directly to
 RZ drives.
 It is however, still unclear whether it's safe to run reiserfs on a
 raidzone.  I have a question about that out to Colin.

I tried the ext3 alpha code once..  it went BOOM almost on immediately
on first boot..  But, that may be the code, and not RZ's fault.

Thomas Davis| PDSF Project Leader
(510) 486-4524  | "Only a petabyte of data this year?"

Re: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers

2000-01-13 Thread Andy Poling

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
 are there any complete systems
 resellers (like Dell for ex.) that integrate Linux-compatible RAID
 controllers in their offerings?

Most of the larger linux hardware vendors seem to offer pre-packaged RAID
hardware along with their systems.


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2000-01-13 Thread Techsurvey

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Re: Mylex Ultra3 Cards

2000-01-13 Thread Leonard N. Zubkoff

  Date:   Tue, 11 Jan 2000 14:07:17 -0800
  From: "Jon Doyle" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Has anyone used the new ExtremeRAID or AccelRAID 352 on Linux
  with the DAC960 drivers? I run SuSE 6.3 on the Ultra2 and UW
  DAC, AccelRAD 250, and ExtremeRAID 1164, but thought I might
  ask before diving into the new gear.

I am precently working on driver support for the new AcceleRAID 352 and
eXtremeRAID 2000/3000.  These boards have a new generation firmware interface
and will not work with the existing drivers.  I expect to have at least a beta
version available within a few weeks.


Re: [FAQ-answer] Re: soft RAID5 + journalled FS + power fai

2000-01-13 Thread Stephen C. Tweedie


On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 11:28:28 MET-1, "Petr Vandrovec"

   I did not follow this thread (on -fsdevel) too close (and I never
 looked into RAID code, so I should shut up), but... can you
 confirm that after buffer with data is finally marked dirty, parity
 is recomputed anyway? So that window is really small and same problems
 occurs every moment when you wrote data, but did not wrote parity yet?

Yes, that's what I said.


FW: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers

2000-01-13 Thread Ray Methvin


Monolith Corporation located in Raleigh, North Carolina USA will
pre-configure a Linux compatible RAID server.   They ship within North
America and on-site support is provided by IBM Global Services.

You can reach Monolith at 800-949-7425  x223 or 919 878 1900  x223.  Visit
their web site at

Best regards,

Ray Methvin

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Woyach 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 1:26 PM
 To:   Ray Methvin
 Subject:  FW: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers
 -Original Message-
 From: Louis-David Mitterrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 5:56 AM
 Subject: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers
 Buying a Mylex card and installing it on our Linux server seems easy
 enough, but just for information are there any complete systems
 resellers (like Dell for ex.) that integrate Linux-compatible RAID
 controllers in their offerings?
 And a terribly newbie-revealing question: if we install an
 AcceleRAID-250 do we need any other SCSI controller at all? It seems not,
 but I just wanted to make sure...
 Thanks in advance.
 Louis-David Mitterrand - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: Mylex Ultra3 Cards

2000-01-13 Thread Theron J. Lewis

I am currently using an ExtremeRAID card with RedHat 6.0.  Make sure the
firmware on the card is up to date before attempting this though (you can
find the updates on the Mylex website).  Also make sure your motherboard
BIOS is compatible with the card (has anyone found a retail motherboard
with a 64bit PCI slot that works with the ExtremeRAID card?  I would
love to see how our system perform at "theoretical" 160MB/sec.)



On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Jon Doyle wrote:

 Has anyone used the new ExtremeRAID or AccelRAID 352 on Linux
 with the DAC960 drivers? I run SuSE 6.3 on the Ultra2 and UW
 DAC, AccelRAD 250, and ExtremeRAID 1164, but thought I might
 ask before diving into the new gear.
 Jon R. Doyle 
 Systems Administrator
 Document Solutions, Inc.
 1611 Telegraph Avenue Ste. 1010
 Oakland, Ca. 94612

Re: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers

2000-01-13 Thread Theron J. Lewis

Check out Penguin Computing at

We have bought several of their rackmount 2U hot-swappable raid servers.  
So far they have performed exceptionally with no problems whatsoever.



On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:

 Buying a Mylex card and installing it on our Linux server seems easy
 enough, but just for information are there any complete systems
 resellers (like Dell for ex.) that integrate Linux-compatible RAID
 controllers in their offerings?
 And a terribly newbie-revealing question: if we install an
 AcceleRAID-250 do we need any other SCSI controller at all? It seems not,
 but I just wanted to make sure...
 Thanks in advance.
 Louis-David Mitterrand - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Re: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers

2000-01-13 Thread Gregory Leblanc

Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
 Buying a Mylex card and installing it on our Linux server seems easy
 enough, but just for information are there any complete systems
 resellers (like Dell for ex.) that integrate Linux-compatible RAID
 controllers in their offerings?

IBM just announced that you can purchase ANY of their servers with
Linux, so you should be able to get their RAID crads working.  

 And a terribly newbie-revealing question: if we install an
 AcceleRAID-250 do we need any other SCSI controller at all? It seems not,
 but I just wanted to make sure...

Short answer, no.  If you have a much bigger server, you might need some
SCSI controllers (we have a total of 7 SCSI channels on one of our
server, 3 of them RAID), but for most things... 

test, and a question

2000-01-13 Thread Edward Schernau

Is this list active?  If so, I have a question

Running 2.2.13 with patches for the HPT366 IDE controller.

AHA2940, 2 411 MB SCSI drives, sda and sdb.  I've made a single
partition on each, not yet formatted.  I'm trying to create RAID0.

My /etc/raidtab is:

# Sample raid-0 configuration
raiddev /dev/md0
raid-level  0# it's not obvious but this *must* be 
 # right after raiddev
persistent-superblock   0# set this to 1 if you want autostart,
 # CONTENTS if this is a RAID0 array created
 # by older raidtools (0.40-0.51) or
chunk-size  16
nr-raid-disks   2
nr-spare-disks  0
device  /dev/sda1
raid-disk   0
device  /dev/sdb1
raid-disk   1

Totally standard, I think.  When I run "mkraid /dev/md0" I get:

handling MD device /dev/md0
analyzing super-block
disk 0: /dev/sda1, 420848kB, raid superblock at 420736kB
disk 1: /dev/sdb1, 420848kB, raid superblock at 420736kB
mkraid: aborted

What does this mean?  Thanks in advance.
Edward Schernau
Network Architect   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rational Computing  Providence, RI, USA, Earth

Re: large ide raid system

2000-01-13 Thread Jan Edler

Benno Senoner wrote:
 I was wondering how much IDE channels linux 2.2 can handle,
 can it handle 8 channels ?

I think the limit with the later 2.2 kernel ide patches is 10 IDE channels.
I have run quite a bit with 4 Promise cards (8 channels),
plus the 2 onboard PIIX channels.

Jan Edler
NEC Research Institute

Re: raid-2.2.14-B1.14 doesn't patch 2.2.14 properly

2000-01-13 Thread Christopher E. Brown

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, James Manning wrote:

 [ Wednesday, January 12, 2000 ] Scott Thomson wrote:
  Am I missing something here? 
  The source has just been freshly untarred from linux-2.2.14.tgz 
  This is just the the first prompt. It goes on and on...  
  patching file `linux/init/main.c' 
  Hunk #1 FAILED at 19. 
  Hunk #2 FAILED at 488. 
  Hunk #3 FAILED at 928. 
  Hunk #4 FAILED at 1426. 
  4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to linux/init/main.c.rej 
  The next patch would create the file 
  which already exists!  Assume -R? [n] 
 Hmm works fine from here... maybe rm -rf linux or try checking
 your .tar.gz file:

I get

patching file `init/main.c'
Hunk #2 succeeded at 497 (offset 9 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 931 (offset 3 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1435 (offset 9 lines).

from a clean linux-2.2.14.tar.gz

As folks might have suspected, not much survives except roaches, 
and they don't carry large enough packets fast enough...
--About the Internet and nuclear war.

Re: AW: HowTo: Upgrade Oldraid-5 - NewRaid-5

2000-01-13 Thread Martin Bene

Hi Michael,

At 15:01 12.01.00 -0800, Michael wrote:
OK, I don't mean to beat a dead horse but..
I am about to upgrade several old raid5 production systems to the new 
raid using 0.90 tools. I see this warning 
   persistent-superblock   0# set this to 1 if you want autostart,
array created # by older raidtools
(0.40-0.51) or mdtools!
an a conflicting statement that says:
   1st step was done previously exept for the persistent-superblock
I set it now to 1

So where's the conflict? You want to upgrade raid5, the warning concerns
raid0 (and linear).

So yes, for upgrading your old raid5 arrays you can and should use
persistent-superblock 1

Bye, Martin

"you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take effect"
 Martin Bene   vox: +43-664-3251047
 simon media   fax: +43-316-813824-6
 Andreas-Hofer-Platz 9 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 8010 Graz, Austria
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

raid145 patches for 2.2.14 anywhere?

2000-01-13 Thread Thomas Gebhardt


just looked for the raid for 2.2.13 or 2.2.14 in the kernel archive.
The last patches that I have found are for 2.2.11 and at least one
hunk cannot be applied to the newer kernel sources without making
the hands dirty. Can I get the patches for the newer kernels

Thank you very much!

Regards, Thomas

Re: DPT PM3754U2 RaidV Millennium and Slackware.

2000-01-13 Thread Brecht Samyn

I am currently trying to configure the same controler for a Debian installation. I
patched a 2.2.13 kernel source with the patches for the DPT-controler (patches were for
kernel 2.2.5, but I performed them manually).

I first tried to compile the driver in the kernel, but I got strange timeouts when 
this kernel (for minutes, I couldn't access the drive).
Then I tried to insert it as a module. Kernel compiled well, but I got compilation
errors when doing a "make module".

Then I just "insmod -f "-ed the module I got from the RedHat 6.0 disks and that worked.

Tomorrow, I get on with the tests.


Gregory Leblanc wrote:

  I am trying to get the DPT PM3754U2 Raid controller to work in an X86 dual PIII500
  The only Linux I have seen support for is Red Hat. Has anyone out there possibly
  hacked the source
  from DPT to create a boot disk that will work with Slackware?

 If you can create custom boot disks for Slack, then this should be
 trivial as the drivers for the DPT cards are open source.  You can grab
 the patch from their site, and I think that Alan Cox is working on those
 drivers in the 2.3.x kernel series.

Re: FW: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers

2000-01-13 Thread Chris Mauritz

Both Penguin Computing and VA Linux will also ship preconfigured RAIDed
Linux boxes.  They also have nifty 1U and 2U rackmount systems available.



 From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jan 13 10:19:06 2000
 Monolith Corporation located in Raleigh, North Carolina USA will
 pre-configure a Linux compatible RAID server.   They ship within North
 America and on-site support is provided by IBM Global Services.
 You can reach Monolith at 800-949-7425  x223 or 919 878 1900  x223.  Visit
 their web site at
 Best regards,
 Ray Methvin
  -Original Message-
  From:   Jim Woyach 
  Sent:   Wednesday, January 12, 2000 1:26 PM
  To: Ray Methvin
  Subject:FW: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers
  -Original Message-
  From: Louis-David Mitterrand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000 5:56 AM
  Subject: looking for pre-configured linux-compatible RAID servers
  Buying a Mylex card and installing it on our Linux server seems easy
  enough, but just for information are there any complete systems
  resellers (like Dell for ex.) that integrate Linux-compatible RAID
  controllers in their offerings?
  And a terribly newbie-revealing question: if we install an
  AcceleRAID-250 do we need any other SCSI controller at all? It seems not,
  but I just wanted to make sure...
  Thanks in advance.
  Louis-David Mitterrand - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Christopher Mauritz

Re: [FAQ-answer] Re: soft RAID5 + journalled FS + power failure =problems ?

2000-01-13 Thread Stephen C. Tweedie


On Wed, 12 Jan 2000 22:09:35 +0100, Benno Senoner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sorry for my ignorance I got a little confused by this post:

 Ingo said we are 100% journal-safe, you said the contrary,

Raid resync is safe in the presence of journaling.  Journaling is not
safe in the presence of raid resync.

 can you or Ingo please explain us in which situation (power-loss)
 running linux-raid+ journaled FS we risk a corrupted filesystem ?

Please read my previous reply on the subject (the one that started off
with "I'm tired of answering the same question a million times so here's
a definitive answer").  Basically, there will always be a small risk of
data loss if power-down is accompanied by loss of a disk (it's a
double-failure); and the current implementation of raid resync means
that journaling will be broken by the raid1 or raid5 resync code after a
reboot on a journaled filesystem (ext3 is likely to panic, reiserfs will
not but will still get its IO ordering requirements messed up by the

 After the reboot if all disk remain intact physically, will we only
 lose the data that was being written, or is there a possibility to end
 up in a corrupted filesystem which could more damages in future ?

In the power+disk failure case, there is a very narrow window in which
parity may be incorrect, so loss of the disk may result in inability to
correctly restore the lost data.  This may affect data which was not
being written at the time of the crash.  Only raid 5 is affected.
