2000-08-04 Thread Tim Walberg

On 08/04/2000 09:54 -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
  The usual suggestion is:
  bzip2 -dc filename.tar.bz2 | tar -xf -

or use bzcat, which is exactly the same as bzip2 -dc...

| Tim Walberg  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| 828 Marshall Ct. | |
| Palatine, IL 60074   |  |

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Re: problem: unexpected inconsistency

2000-04-12 Thread Tim Walberg

Sounds to me like you either:
1) initialized md4 after there was already a
   live file system on it, or
2) initialized md4, then used dd to copy a
   file system onto it,
and you didn't take into account that the raid
superblock takes up the last bit of the partition
on which it's built, meaning that the md device
size is slightly smaller than the original partition
was. I would suggest backing up the data, re-running
mke2fs on md4 rather than on the underlying partition,
then restoring the data.


On 04/12/2000 12:05 +0200, Patrick Peck wrote:
  i'm trying to get software-raid 1 started on my machine.
  kernel version 2.2.14 + ide patch + raid-0.90 patch
  so far, i've succeeded in setting up the array using mkraid.
  when booting the system, the raid partitions are auto-detected,
  but mounting the filesystem fails with the following error:
  /dev/md4: The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 2671444
  blocks. The physical size of the device is 2671424 blocks. Either the
  superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt.
  i did 'fsck /dev/md4' but it did'nt help...
  thanks in advance,
End of included message

| Tim Walberg  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| 828 Marshall Ct. | |
| Palatine, IL 60074   |  |

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Re: autorun

1999-10-27 Thread Tim Walberg

On 10/27/1999 10:07 -0400, Fernandez, Richard wrote:
  I've been able to set up raid 1 for my /usr /var and /usr/local partitions
  on RH6.0
  I've been lurking in the list for a while and I keep seeing references to
  setting the partition type to 0xfd for root-RAID.
  I feel dumb asking the question 'cuz the answer must be staring me in the
  How do you set the partition type to 0xfd? 
  I don't see any reference to "fd" when I list the Hex codes (fdisk v2.9n)

To quote a popular shoe maker... "Just do it". Never mind that fd isn't
in the list; when it asks for the new partition type, type in '0xfd'.


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: RAID controllers under Linux...

1999-10-18 Thread Tim Walberg

  Of course you can use all 4 primary entries, but you can't use logical
  partitions with this method, because you can' t copy a partitioning scheme
  with logical drives in an extended partition with just a single dd ...

Unless the logical partitions are also identical and in the
same order. I've done this on my system - two identical
drives, all partitions are RAID1s and laid out exactly
the same, and it works fine. You're right, though, if you
want to use different extended/logical partitions (or even
primary) partitions, you can't just dd the partition table.
You could, however, probably write some gnarly little script
to parse 'fdisk -l', merge the partition tables and write
them out to the second disk (yuck... can't believe I'm suggesting
that - just shoot me now...).


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: 71% full raid - no space left on device

1999-10-14 Thread Tim Walberg

On 10/14/1999 09:22 -0700, Thomas Davis wrote:
  Stephen Waters wrote:
   Thomas Davis wrote:
Stephen Kennedy wrote:

 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/hda5   155545 95652 51863  65% /
 /dev/hdc6  5653028   232   3143636  41% /home
 /dev/hda6  2229516762396   1353864  36% /usr
 /dev/md1   1011800681344279060  71% /usr/src
 /dev/hda1  3310904   2522112788792  76% /dosc

how about 'df -i'? you could be out of inodes..
   if one were out of inodes, how would one go about resolving the issue?
   backup filesystem and reformat w/ more available inodes?
   preparing for the worst,
  You've got it.
  I don't know of any Unix FS with dynamic inode allocation..  Is there

Veritas' VxFS does, but, alas, there's no Linux port. Works
great on Solaris, though.


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: resync after disk failure

1999-10-12 Thread Tim Walberg

On 10/12/1999 16:56 +0200, Kay Salzwedel wrote:
  Hi folks,
  How long does it take to resync a RAID5 array after a disk failure?
  Unfortunately, I have just two disks on my box (OK, I got tree on it but
  one is so packed that I can not use it) so that I cannot try for myself.

This really depends a lot on the size and speed of your disks, and the amount
of other activity going on on your system (resync is done at lower priority
so that other I/O activity is not stalled). Can't tell you much more
than that.

Curious, why would you use RAID5 when you have only 2 disks? RAID1 would
give you better performance for no cost in usable space in that situation...

  Please cc to me 'cos I'm not in this list.
  Regards Kay
  Kay A Salzwedel
  Heinz Nixdorf Institute
  University of Paderborn
  Tel.:+49-5251-60 64 58
End of included message

| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: Booting Root RAID 1 Directly _Is_ Possible

1999-08-23 Thread Tim Walberg

One method I've seen on another platform (Solaris/Veritas)
is as follows:

1) boot loader knows about a list of the various components
   of the boot RAID device (accomplished via eeprom on SPARC)
   and will attempt to boot from the first of these it can
   talk to
2) first component is accessed in read-only mode (thus not
   invalidating any RAID data) in order to load the kernel
   far enough to go through the device detection/configuration
3) after RAID devices have been detected and configured,
   boot/root file systems can be re-mounted read/write

I'm not real familiar with the LILO or kernel-boot code
in Linux, so I don't know what kind of work it would be
to implement something like this, but I do know that this
process has worked extremely well for RAID1 root filesystems.
It wouldn't work very well for RAID0 or RAID5, I'm pretty
sure, but I've usually set up a relatively small RAID1
root filesystem and used RAID5, RAID1+0 (or 0+1) on other
larger file systems.

The only major problem I've gotten into with this is when
the root filesystem gets corrupted enough that the kernel
can't be found on the booted component, but hopefully that's
a **very** rare occurrence.


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: raid0 vs. raid5 read performance

1999-07-30 Thread Tim Walberg

On 07/30/1999 08:51 -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
  Then what I get from this is that the fundimental unit of measure is
  kilo-bytes (KB/1024 bytes)?
  Further, that I will have to write up various cases? Okay, I'll do it.
  Case for normal generic file system usage and a case for RDBMS usage.
  These will include separate considerations. It'll take a while because I
  have to interleave it with my WHOIS server project and my day-time job.
  I might ask the list for certain empirical results, as I run into the
  Yes, I think it is important, especially for ORDBMS users. I have both
  Oracle8 and PostgreSQL. If MySQL users can identify themselves now I
  will ask them for case studies later.
End of included message

Actually, it might be useful to consider several different cases (you mentioned
1 and 4, but there are a couple other common cases):
1) RDBMS raw block device usage
2) small-file file system (i.e. news server)
3) large-file file system (i.e. images, archives, data warehousing, ftp 
4) general purpose file system (somewhere between 2 and 3)

The differences boil down to optimizing for small IOs vs. large IOs
or (less) optimization for the general case. If I had the hardware
to do it, I'd generate as many empirical results as necessary for
you - I've done this before (but using Solaris/SPARC with Veritas
Volume Manager, and at a previous job - I don't have access to that
kinda stuff at the moment). I/O optimization was pretty much my sole
purpose for living for a year or two... ;o)


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

 PGP signature

Re: raid0 vs. raid5 read performance

1999-07-30 Thread Tim Walberg

On 07/30/1999 09:34 -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
   Actually, it might be useful to consider several different
   cases (you mentioned
   1 and 4, but there are a couple other common cases):
 1) RDBMS raw block device usage
 2) small-file file system (i.e. news server)
 3) large-file file system (i.e. images, archives, data
   warehousing, ftp servers)
 4) general purpose file system (somewhere between 2 and 3)
  Data warehousing is the RDBMS case, usually done with exactly the same
  hardware and software, but different optimizations. The schemas are, of
  course much different (star queries are a PITA!). Much of it depends on
  how the RDBMS is implemented. However, I don't think anyone does RAW

Don't know about under Linux, but I know of a number of sites still using
raw for databases (granted, I don't think any of them are on Oracle, they're
all either Sybase or Informix).

  anymore. Image archives, for anyone doing a production implementation,
  isuslaly served up as BLOBs, under an RDBMS (back to the RDBMS case).

I wasn't thinking of images only in the graphical sense - we've got a server
where we keep large images of databases (kind of a fast rollback/recovery
solution - don't ask).

  This gives us case 1 and 2 as special/rare-use cases and drops RDBMS and
  FTP servers into case 3.
  What do you think?

Another way of looking at it is:
1) constant (or near constant, anyway) medium IO block size mostly
sequential access (corresponds to 1 above)
2) small random access (corresponds to 2 above)
3) large sequential access (3 above)
4) random size random access (4 above)

I guess I might concur that 1 may have features in common with any of 2-4,
depending on what exactly the DBMS is doing - small vs large tables,
small vs large updates, etc. Where 1 tends to be different, is in the
fact that the kernel buffer cache is usually bypassed in this case, so
the characteristic I/O patterns may be significantly different because
of the use of different caching and write gathering algorithms. I don't
know if there's a big enough difference to worry about, but I don't know
there isn't either. That's why I always recommend benchmarking several
different configs.

I still think 2-4 are sufficiently different, though - 2 and 3 are very
optimized for particular purposes, and 4 is less optimized, just designed
so that everything works as well as can be expected.

| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: raid0 vs. raid5 read performance

1999-07-29 Thread Tim Walberg

On 07/29/1999 11:18 -0400, Jan Edler wrote:
  I don't buy this; the atime updates should be subject to caching,
  and not get written to the disk more than the update daemon
  (kflushd or whatever) forces.

True, if there are a small number of accesses, but I have seen
many cases (for example running 'find . -whatever' on a large
file system consisting primarily of many small files) where there
are sufficient accesses going on to keep kflushd/update/whatever
busy enough to actually impact read performance. Granted, that
may not be everyone's usual case, but it does happen. This is
one of the reasons I will personally not recommend putting a
very busy news server on RAID5 - the expires can easily kill
a machine.


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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Re: raid0 vs. raid5 read performance

1999-07-29 Thread Tim Walberg

On 07/29/1999 10:24 -0700, Lance Robinson wrote:
  AFAIK: RAID-5 accesses are always in stripes. All disks are read (or
  written) no matter how small the original read/write request. Whereas, RAID0
  can read just one disk for smaller requests. RAID5 does a lot more work for
  smaller requests.

Haven't looked at the Linux implementation code, but if this
is true, somebody needs to be whacked... That's **vey**
sub-optimal. For writes, it is most efficient if you can
write-gather so that you can write an entire stripe, but
you do not need to access the entire row on reads - there
should be (almost) no overhead for reads, unless you've
already lost a disk and are having to calculate data from the

For example, consider a 3+1 RAID5 (4 drives) with a 1-block
chunk size. The following scenarios are the way I see things
should probably happen (assuming that Drive3 is the parity
drive for this row of chunks, and reads/writes are aligned
at the beginning of the row - for other situations, the
access needs to be separated into separate events that
are all the equivalent of one of these):

Event   Drive0  Drive1  Drive2  Drive3  Reads   Writes
--- --- --- --- --- --- --
1 block readread1   0

2 block readreadread2   0

3 block readreadreadread3   0

1 block write   write   read/write  1   2
1 block write   write   readreadwrite   2   2

2 block write   write   write   read/write  1   3
2 block write   write   write   readwrite   1   3

3 block write   write   write   write   write   0   4

Note the alternatives to the 1 and 2 block write scenarios
that avoid having 2 consecutive I/Os on the same drive (which
must necessarily wait for an entire rotation of the platter,
unless you are using the drive's write cache, in which case
you're just asking for trouble for a number of other reasons)
Also, for any of the writes, the parity cannot be rewritten
until enough data is available to recalculate it - either
by reading the drives that are not involved in the write
or by reading the parity and calculating it based on the
drives that are being written, so assuming writes can be
performed in parallel, and a write takes W ms, a 1 or 2
block write must take at least 2W ms to complete, where
a 3 block write can be done in 1W - this is why large (i.e.
full-stripe) writes are better under RAID5.

Note that none of this takes into account any RAID book
keeping that has to be done, either. Again, I haven't looked
real close at the Linux implementation, so I don't know
if it's doing any dirty region logging or anything, which
just makes the whole analysis that much more complex...

Hope that's useful info to someone... (Also hope I haven't
goofed something up there... ;- )


| Tim Walberg  | Phone: 847-782-2472  |
| TERAbridge Technologies Corp | FAX:   847-623-1717  |
| 1375 Tri-State Parkway   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Gurnee, IL 60031 | 800-SKY-TEL2 PIN 9353299 |

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