Re: Re: Windows98: Command prompt?

2001-12-22 Thread Marvin Dickens

> as a MS beta-tester

  being allowed:

"The number of bugs in a program is roughly proportional to the length of the 
source code (Rather than being proportional to the program's functionality). 
Randel L. Schwartz, "Learning Perl, 3rd Edition, O'Reilly, 2001 "


Take it easy


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Re: Re: Windows98: Command prompt?

2001-12-22 Thread Marvin Dickens

I thought this was a linux list... Go figure.


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PostgreSQL and Pg-DBD (Perl module used to access PostgreSQL)

2001-12-18 Thread Marvin Dickens


Installing Postgresql with the Pg DBD module gave me a few problems, so I 
thought I would share an installation method that worked for me across a 
couple of distro's. Here is how I did it:

A.) Install the following RPM packages:

Development/Libraries/Perl: perl-DBI
Applications/Databases: all postgresql modules
Development Libraries: postgresql-devl

B.) Setup directories and paths for PostgreSQL:

Open a terminal and su as root
Setup disk directory for your db:

mkdir /var/lib/pgsql/data
chown postgres /var/lib/pgsql/data

Add PostgreSQL to the path by inserting  the following statement:


into the PATH statement located in /etc/profile.local

C.)  Initialize the PostgreSQL database, start the PostgreSQL daemon, and 
test the newly installed database system:

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
rcpostgresql start

Quick-test the server using the boiler plate test package that ships with 
su postgres
psql -d template1
Use the "\q" command to exit psql

Setup another db user:
createuser   (Make sure it matches an existing Linux user...)

Questions PostgreSQL asks when you run "createuser" and the answers:

Shall the new user be able to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be able to create new users? (y/n) n

Note: SuSE 7.3, SuSe 7.2 as well as RedHat Version X.anything-recent  all 
appear to have a Pg DBD that ship with the afore mentioned products, but I 
could not get them to work Go figure.

So... Do this:

D.) Verify the existence of the following on your system. They are required 
for the Perl-DB:


Download DBD::Pg from .

Explode and examine the downloaded components:

su as the  you setup for db access. Do *NOT* su as root!
Explode DBD-Pg-1.01.tar.gz into your home directory directory.
Read the README file. *Really...*

Prepare your system for the build process:

export POSTGRES_INCLUDE=/usr/include/pgsql
export POSTGRES_LIB=/usr/lib

Build the module:

perl Makefile.PL
Make sure you have no errors from the make.
make test
Make sure you only recieved "ok" statements from the make test.

install Perl-DB:

su as root
make install

YMMV, but it worked for me as described above on three different distro's.



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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-16 Thread Marvin Dickens

Richard Thompson wrote:
> First, through job experience (only currently employed as a police officer of
> 20 years experience) and through life experience I have a much better working
> knowledge of these issues that you credit me with.  I assure you, I have done
> my research - for longer than some of the members of this list have been alive.

> Second - Bin ladin is a businessman.  He has actual, physical business
> interests and stock investments which produce large amounts of money.  He is
> the first businessman terrorist.  I made no comment on where he got his
> startup funds - that was irrelevent, and still is.

Bin Ladin is in his 40's. He has not actively participated in *any* of
"business interests" in 15 years. 

> Thirdly - it doesn't matter where he is persona non-grata.  He is not subject
> to control by the threat of his sponsor government cutting off his funds.  He
> can afford to hide anywhere he needs to.  Afghanistan works for now, other
> places might work, if less well, but it isn't as simple a matter as a particular
> state pulling his strings.

He cannot purchase any geographic location of his choosing. I'd like to
see him attempt
to set up shop anywhere in North or South America, Western Europe or for
that matter
OZ. Only those nations who agree with and support his politics are
involved with him.
> This is a very different sort of war, with a very different sort of enemy, in a
> very  different world than even our President's father commanded.  

Technically, it is know as asymetric warfare. The last asymetric war the
US was
involved in was the war against the Barbary Pirates during Thomas
presidency. Even then, Jefferson and others realized they could not
defeat an asymetric enemy... Therefore, he defeated the enemy indirectly
by removing 
all support of any type or kind (Which is why he sent the Navy and the
to Tripoli, Libya all those years ago). 

I stick by my statement that the current Afgan government as well as all
governments who participate in state sponsored terrorism must be removed
the face of the earth. If they are not, the cost of having them around
consistantly rise.


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Re: Am immodest proposal (forgive me, Mr. Swift)

2001-09-15 Thread Marvin Dickens

> This is wrong.  Bin Ladin is a businessman, pal.  

Sorry pal. Do a little research and you will find that
Bin Ladin has never worked a day in his life. He is the
son of one of wealthiest Saudi's of the 20th century. His 
father, who *actually* was a businessman, was first involved 
in the oil business and later in international banking. Bin Ladin's
entire fortune is the result of another mans efforts... His

Further, Bin Ladin is personanongrata (sp?) in Saudi Arabia
even though he has a huge following in Saudi (As well as the
rest of the Arab world). Also, the Saudi Royal Family is 
terrifed of the bastard... He has a lot more political and
military power than you want to give him credit for. 

> Even if it were true that state sponsored
> terrorism was the sole, or even the most important,
> source of funding, it must have electronic
> access to the world.  

Where the hell do you think the money came from or do you 
think they just put the whole operation on their VISA card...?... 
Also, even in the most remote, war torn areas of the world
there is access to almost all forms of electronic communication.

One other thing: The moment these people plop this war into
your front yard you'll be singing a different tune. My own opinion
is (And I really could care less what others think of it) smoke the
Taliban government and all those who support it and let God sort 
them out. I certainly won't bother. 

M. Peck Dickens

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