2001-10-25 Thread burns

On October 23, 2001 10:12 pm, Tom Wilson wrote:
> Hi gang,

> I tried adding a few of these to my $PATH to no avail.   Anyone know
> which, if any, of the above paths is the correct one for the
> installation to find the jvm?

check out man strace

If nothing else, this will show you where the make file is looking for jvm to 
be and can't find it.  You should then be able to make the necessary 
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2001-10-24 Thread Tom Wilson

Thanks Jerry,

I'll take a look at it in the evening tomorrow and see if I can't work 
it out..   

I was going to re-install the latest version of the JDK but I wasn't 
sure if Sun charged for it.  The one I am currently using I pulled of 
an old eDesktop cd..

Tom Wilson
Registered Linux user #199331
Live on your knees in conformity or die on your feet for honesty.

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2001-10-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 22:44:15 -0400 Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Thanks for the tips and advice guys.  I will try to add /usr/java or 
> /opt/java to the $PATH and post the results.

Here's my copy of bashrc. The JAVA_HOME variable points to /usr/java which is
soft link to /opt/java-1.3.

Hope this helps you. Why not just reinstall the jvm/jdk?

# /etc/config.d/shells/bashrc
# $Id: bashrc,v 1.4 2000/11/17 10:08:40 ray Exp ray $
# Full fledged, system-wide initialization of "interactive"-shells
# (source-able by $HOME/.bashrc)
#[ -e /etc/config.d/D ] && echo "/etc/config.d/shells/bashrc: \$-='$-'" 1>&2

# if we haven't read /etc/profile (e.g. rsh or su) read it now...
[ -z "$_ETC_PROFILE" ] && . /etc/profile

# fiddle with umask
umask 022
[ -n "$USER" ]&&[ "$USER" = `id -gn` ]&&[ "$UID" != 0 ]&& umask 002

# set up "HOME" variables for certain packages...
[ -z "$KDEDIRS" ]&&[ -d /opt/kde2 ] &&  export KDEDIRS=/opt/kde2
[ -z "$KDEHOME" ]&&[ -d $HOME/.kde2 ] && export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde2
[ -z "$KDEDIR" ]&&[ -d /opt/kde ] &&export KDEDIR=/opt/kde
[ -z "$OPENWINHOME" ]&&[ -d /usr/openwin ] && export OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin
[ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]&&[ -d /usr/java ] && {
  export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java
  [ -r $JAVA_HOME/lib/ ] &&

# try to generate an elaborate PATH ...
[ "$UID" = 0 ]  && _p="$_p /usr/local/sbin /sbin /usr/sbin"

_q=`echo " $PATH " | sed -e 's/:/ /g' -e 's/ \.[. ]* / /g'`
_q="$_q /usr/local/bin  /opt/bin"
_q="$_q $KDEDIRS/bin $KDEDIR/bin $OPENWINHOME/bin $JAVA_HOME/bin"
_q="$_q /usr/X11R6/bin /opt/teTeX/bin"

for _i in $_p $_q; do
  case ":$_P:" in
   *:$_i:*) : $_i;;
   *) [ -d $_i ] && _P="$_P:$_i" ;;
while [ $_P != ${_P#:} ]; do _P=${_P#:}; done

# if you have relaxed security concerns you may un-comment the following...
#[ -n "$UID" ]&&[ "$UID" != 0 ]&& _P="${_P}:."

export PATH=$_P
unset _p _q _i _P

# try solve this tedious 'Backspace vs. Delete' problem...
case $- in
  if [ -z "$TERM" ]; then
echo ".bashrc: TERM empty! This should never happen!" 1>&2
echo "   Please contact '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 1>&2
  elif [ "$(LC_ALL=C tty)" = "not a tty" ]; then
echo ".bashrc: interactive on non-terminal! This should never happen!"
echo "   Please contact '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 1>&2
case $TERM in
  stty erase '^?'
  stty erase '^H'

# general environment settings
export MAIL="/var/mail/$USER"
#export GROFF_TYPESETTER=latin1
#export LC_CTYPE=iso-8859-1
export LESSCHARSET=latin1
export PAGER=less

# bash-specific settings
PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "

alias which='type -path'
alias h='history'
alias j='jobs -l'
alias l='ls -Fax'
alias ll='ls -Alg'
alias pd='pushd'
alias z='suspend'

> -- 
> Tom Wilson
> Registered Linux user #199331
> Live on your knees in conformity or die on your feet for honesty.
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list
> Archives, Digests, etc at

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2001-10-24 Thread Tom Wilson

Thanks for the replies guys.  I will trucate them all into one here.

On Wednesday 24 October 2001 07:47 am, Ken Moffat dropped these nuggets 
of information:
> Show us your $PATH.
> When a program complains about not finding jvm I don't think it's the
> jvm.h headers but rather the java runtime environment. Usually the
> path is not pointing to it.


Figured I need to add something here but wasn;t sure what the proper 
path was.

On Wednesday 24 October 2001 07:47 am, Jerry McBride dropped these 
nuggets of information:

> Open the kpackage manager. Search for jre. It it fails, you need to
> install it. An even
> better test would be, open a konsole... execute "java". If that fails
> then see above. If
> either test passes, then you have a config problem. For whatever
> reason, LimeWire
> isn't finding the java executable... check your "PATH" line... does
> it include "/opt/java..."
> or "/usr/java"?

The search for jre fails.  I do have the Sun JDK installed that says it 
provides a JVM.  I will check and add one/both of the above to the 

On Wednesday 24 October 2001 03:05 am, Roger Oberholtzer dropped these 
nuggets of information:

> What do you get when you type:
>   java -version

command not found.  Which leads me to my $PATH issue.  

Thanks for the tips and advice guys.  I will try to add /usr/java or 
/opt/java to the $PATH and post the results.

Tom Wilson
Registered Linux user #199331
Live on your knees in conformity or die on your feet for honesty.

Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at


2001-10-24 Thread Ken Moffat

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:12:21 -0400
Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I'm trying to install LimeWire onto my RH7.1 box and when I execute the 
> LImeWireLinux.bin it says there is no JVM installed.  Here is the error:
> Preparing to install...
> No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH
> environment variable.  You must install a VM prior to
> running this program.
> I know I have one installed cause I had to install it for Moneydance to 
> run.  
> I did a find on jvm got the following:
> /usr/include/jvmpi.h
> /usr/java/include/jvmdi.h
> /usr/java/include/jvmpi.h
> /usr/java/include-old/jvm.h
> /usr/java/include-old/jvmdi.h
> /usr/java/include-old/jvmpi.h
> /usr/java/include-old/linux/jvm_md.h
> /usr/java/jre/lib/i386/classic/
> /usr/java/jre/lib/jvm.hprof.txt
> I tried adding a few of these to my $PATH to no avail.   Anyone know 
> which, if any, of the above paths is the correct one for the 
> installation to find the jvm?

Show us your $PATH.
When a program complains about not finding jvm I don't think it's the
jvm.h headers but rather the java runtime environment. Usually the path is
not pointing to it.
Ken Moffat
Linux-users mailing list
Archives, Digests, etc at


2001-10-24 Thread Jerry McBride

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:12:21 -0400 Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I'm trying to install LimeWire onto my RH7.1 box and when I execute the 
> LImeWireLinux.bin it says there is no JVM installed.  Here is the error:

Open the kpackage manager. Search for jre. It it fails, you need to install
it. An even
better test would be, open a konsole... execute "java". If that fails then
see above. If
either test passes, then you have a config problem. For whatever reason,
isn't finding the java executable... check your "PATH" line... does it
include "/opt/java..."
or "/usr/java"?



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2001-10-23 Thread Roger Oberholtzer

What version of LimeWire? A few months ago there was an update that
required a recent JVM. I don't recall which one. I have run it on
eD 2.4 with whatever JVM it comes with - so the new LimeWire requirement
cannot be too bleeding-edge. I really don't think I updated java on
the machine in question. I have not tried it on WS3.1 due to as yet
unresolved problems discussed (but, alas not solved) in another thread.

What do you get when you type:

java -version

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:12:21 -0400
Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Hi gang,
| I'm trying to install LimeWire onto my RH7.1 box and when I execute the 
| LImeWireLinux.bin it says there is no JVM installed.  Here is the error:
| Preparing to install...
| No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH
| environment variable.  You must install a VM prior to
| running this program.
| I know I have one installed cause I had to install it for Moneydance to 
| run.  
| I did a find on jvm got the following:
| /usr/include/jvmpi.h
| /usr/java/include/jvmdi.h
| /usr/java/include/jvmpi.h
| /usr/java/include-old/jvm.h
| /usr/java/include-old/jvmdi.h
| /usr/java/include-old/jvmpi.h
| /usr/java/include-old/linux/jvm_md.h
| /usr/java/jre/lib/i386/classic/
| /usr/java/jre/lib/jvm.hprof.txt
| I tried adding a few of these to my $PATH to no avail.   Anyone know 
| which, if any, of the above paths is the correct one for the 
| installation to find the jvm?
| Thanks a bunch,
| -- 
| Tom Wilson
| Registered Linux user #199331
| Live on your knees in conformity or die on your feet for honesty.
| ___
| Linux-users mailing list
| Archives, Digests, etc at

Roger Oberholtzer E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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