[IFWP] Re: [Nc-tlds] RE: ICANN received 44 applications for new TLDs

2000-10-05 Thread Michael Sondow

Anupam Chander writes:
 First, Mr.
 Sondow's uneducated claim that I have "only recently become aware of ICANN's
 activities" is utterly false.

I used the word "uneducated" in reference to the ICANN Board, not
Mr. Chander. As to Mr. Chander being only recently involved in this
affair, I don't recall seeing any posts from him on the related
mailing lists (IFWP, Domain-policy, ICANN M.A.C., etc.) during the 
period 1998-99 (I have been an active subscriber to them), nor do I
remember ever
having heard him speak at an ICANN meeting during its formation.

Where was Mr. Chander when the White Paper was issued? Where was he
during the IFWP? Where was he during the debates 
surrounding the proposals for the NewCo? Where was he during the
struggle between the Paris group and the CORE/Trademark group for
acceptance by the ICANN Board of bylaws for the DNSO, or the war for
control of the NCDNHC? Was he present, but silent? Did he use
another name?

 If he had forwarded my original email in its
 entirety, others would have understood that the primary thrust of that email
 was criticism of ICANN's $50k entrance fee.

Your so-called "criticism" is typical of the loyal
opposition. You, like so many others who have found an unwarranted
place in ICANN, operate so as to preserve your new-found and
undeserved position by criticizing ICANN "from within", careful
always to suggest, in every thing you say, that ICANN is not
actually a bad organization, that it has simply made some minor
errors, and that it is reformable. These are lies. ICANN was
illegitimately created, has proceeded illegitimately in everything
it has undertaken including its manipulation of its own bylaws to
obviate the most fundamental rules which allowed it to be recognized
by the DOC (membership, transparency, and accountability), and is in
blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution and federal laws
regarding the administration of government agencies and antitrust.
Yet you pretend that ICANN need only modify its greed, by changing
its TLD application process, to become acceptable.

Like a host of other appeasers and collaborators, your criticisms
are a cover-up for the irreconcilable breaches of justice, fairness,
and legality committed by ICANN and which make it an unreformable
and illicit organization.

 By forwarding my email to
 multiple lists, he denies me the opportunity to respond to his ridicule
 because I am not a subscriber to those lists, and my response is thereby
 automatically rejected by those lists that prohibit non-member  postings.

The fact that you are not a subscriber to the IFWP and Domain-Policy
lists proves my original contention that you are a jonny-come-lately
who has only recently become aware of ICANN's activities.

Michael Sondow
   http://www.iciiu.org(ICIIU)[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [IFWP] Re: [Nc-tlds] RE: ICANN received 44 applications for new TLDs

2000-10-05 Thread Michael Sondow

Kent Crispin wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 11:13:25AM -0700, Anupam Chander wrote:
  Mr. Sondow's future postings will go unanswered by me.

That is because he has no answer to them.

 Generally, that is the best policy.

Same for Crispin, whose credibility (never very great, since he is a
government employee) reached zero when he went behind the back of
the membership of the DNSO-in-formation, re-writing the proposal
agreed to in Monterrey in order to incorporate the demands of the
trademark lobby without anyone's approval.

Michael Sondow
   http://www.iciiu.org(ICIIU)[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[IFWP] Re: [Nc-tlds] RE: ICANN received 44 applications for new TLDs

2000-10-04 Thread Michael Sondow

Anupam Chander writes:
 While I appreciate Mr. Sondow's concern, this seems to me a premature

It seems to premature to Mr. Chander because you he has only
recently become aware of ICANN's activities. If he had been
following its development for the past two years, as I have, he
would admit that the assessment is accurate. At least, he would
admit it if he were truthful.

 I am grateful that Mr. Sondow and others will work to make sure
 that this view of a greedy ICANN will not come to pass.

This is absurd. It has come to pass, despite the efforts of myself
and others (not including, however, Mr. Chander). Where has Mr.
Chander been all this time, and how does he pretend to come into the
fray now, out of nowhere, to give his pedantic and mistaken opinions

 As an aside, Mr. Sondow quoted one sentence from a long email and
 cross-posted that sentence to numerous other lists, out of context from both
 my original email and the long discussion that preceded it on the list to
 which it was posted (namely, ncdnhc).

I am not a subscriber to the ncdnhc list; I received that post
because Mr. Chander himself cross-posted it to other lists to which
I do subscribe. It was therefore very far from being a personal or
restricted message, and I have certainly not broken any rules of
netiquet in replying to it and posting my response to other lists
concerned with these matters.

As to its being out of context, that is simply untrue. There was no
context, other than what was contained in the sentence quoted.

 I think this practice should be

The practice that needs to be discouraged is that of outsiders like
Chander injecting themselves into an ongoing history and attempting
to convince list members that their opinion - that ICANN is a
legitimate organization - is valid.

Michael Sondow
   http://www.iciiu.org(ICIIU)[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[IFWP] Re: [Nc-tlds] RE: ICANN received 44 applications for new TLDs

2000-10-04 Thread Kent Crispin

On Wed, Oct 04, 2000 at 11:13:25AM -0700, Anupam Chander wrote:
 Mr. Sondow's future postings will go unanswered by me.

Generally, that is the best policy.

Kent Crispin   "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   lonesome." -- Mark Twain

[IFWP] Re: [Nc-tlds] RE: ICANN received 44 applications for new TLDs

2000-10-03 Thread Michael Sondow

Anupam Chander wrote:
 ICANN can still serve the interests of humankind by not privileging the
 entities that proposed the TLDs when it decides who will administer the TLDs
 it awards.

If this is a joke, it isn't very funny. ICANN is selling TLDs. The
$50K application fee makes that crystal clear. ICANN will now sell
registry rights, no doubt for far more than $50K, and will approve
those TLDs that are backed by corporations able to pay it huge
registry fees. 

ICANN is a business, albeit one that expects not to pay taxes by
pretending to be a "public benefit non-profit corporation" (and it
may succeed in avoiding taxes thanks to the dupes who have
registered to be "at-large members").

ICANN's board are business people; its DNSO are all business people;
and its attorneys are corporate lawyers. ICANN is motivated by one
thing and one thing only: greed, the lowest common denominator of
the low class of people who created it. Uneducated, selfish, and
craven, ICANN will use new TLDs to make as much money as it can.

Michael Sondow

   "We need to be able to judge which is more important - the
   images on the screen, the mechanisms that produce them, or 
   the world that they are striving to represent."
--Oscar Kenshur, in 'The Allure of the Hybrid'

   http://www.iciiu.org(ICIIU)[EMAIL PROTECTED] 