- Original Message -
From: Gordon Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 11:37 PM
Subject: Re: [IFWP] please give us substance and not assertions Re:November
Cook Report - intro and part 1 ISOC's critical role in enabling ICANN
> Then give us substance Diane. Use you lawyerly skills to back up
> these vague assertions instead of always excusing ICANN's heavy
> handedness.
I have given a good bit of substance and a great deal of my lawyerly skills
to the Membership Advisory Committee, Gordon. I'm afraid I just don't have
enough time to task on more than that right now.
I think it is unfair and inflammatory to say that I "excuse ICANN's heavy
handedness." I have freqently corrected what I thought were inaccurate
statements or deductions concerning actions that ICANN has already taken.
Unlike you, I am not anti-ICANN per se, as long as I see progress toward a
fair and representative organization. I *see* a great deal of progress
from last summer. The goal hasn't been reached yet, but I continue to push
for it.
> Some remote NGO. Isn't that just precisely what ICANN is? a very
> remote NGO unless one joins in making excuses for its actions.
Yes, despite the verbal fences from Ms.Dyson, I think ICANN will indeed be
an NGO, particularly if (as appears likely) it mandates uniform dispute
resolution. If so, I hope the structure will be better than existing ones.
I've never been able to vote for a WTO policy or a UN delegate either
directly or even at one remove. I expect to have that right as a member of
the ICANN At-large.
Diane Cabell
Fausett, Gaeta & Lund
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: Greg Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 5:20 PM
> >Subject: Re: [IFWP] please give us substance and not assertions Re:
> >November Cook Report - intro and part 1 ISOC's critical role in enabling
> >
> >
> > > It strikes me that Farber is not so much defending ICANN (as it
> > > exists) as he is defending *the process* by which there can be
> > > self-governance. If ICANN (as it currently exists) falls, the
> >may
> > > fall as well. Then we might very well be subject to laws that are
> > > result of the laissez-faire regulatory policies governments like the
> > > seem to employ that favor big businesses.
> > >
> > > --gregbo