>This is my concern also.  Or some remote NGO.
>Diane Cabell
>Fausett, Gaeta & Lund

Then give us substance Diane.  Use you lawyerly skills to back up 
these vague assertions instead of always excusing ICANN's heavy 

Some remote NGO.  Isn't that just precisely what ICANN is?  a very 
remote NGO unless one joins in making excuses for its actions.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Greg Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 5:20 PM
>Subject: Re: [IFWP] please give us substance and not assertions Re:
>November Cook Report - intro and part 1 ISOC's critical role in enabling
> > It strikes me that Farber is not so much defending ICANN (as it currently
> > exists) as he is defending *the process* by which there can be Internet
> > self-governance.  If ICANN (as it currently exists) falls, the process
> > fall as well.  Then we might very well be subject to laws that are the
> > result of the laissez-faire regulatory policies governments like the US
> > seem to employ that favor big businesses.
> >
> > --gregbo
> >

The COOK Report on Internet            Index to seven years of the COOK Report
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(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax)           ICANN: The Internet's Oversight Board -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    What's Behind ICANN's Desire to Control
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