[REBOL] New? programming construct Re:

2000-02-17 Thread robert . muench

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2000 4:35 AM
 Subject: [REBOL] New? programming construct

 Those interested in new and unusual programming constructs,
 take a look at R++ from ATT, where Bjarne Stroustrup, the
 inventor of C++, works.

Hi, just a short note, that's the "constraint" programming approach,
which we use in the OpenAmulet library too. It has been shown that
this pattern is extremly cool for GUI programming. I would be
interested to port this idea to Rebol and see if a constriant based
GUI dialect would make sense.

Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
== ask for PGP public-key ==

  When do you want to reboot today?

Use the free portable GUI Library
OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org

[REBOL] Increment/Decrement Functions Re:

2000-02-17 Thread icimjs

Hey EAT,


;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] unique entry

2000-02-17 Thread prowsef

I have the following list of data..actually alot of it...

950783356 13564 348 13564 348 
950783099 10631 343 10631 343 
950782800 16909 354 20544 361 
950782500 19584 343 20544 361 
950782200 16041 342 19060 347 
950781900 12396 409 14217 442 
950781600 11183 435 11444 442
950781300 8332 407  535 
950781000 11308 471 14224 535 
950780700 14224 331 14224 331 
950780400 14405 451 14500 514 
950780100 18492 389 19707 514
950779800 15180 345 19707 352 
950779500 12726 382 12909 399 
950779200 12329 365 12909 399 
950778900 16787 356 18903 361 
950778600 16636 371 18903 378 
950778300 18704 388 21082 395 
950778000 25992 380 29089 395
95000 26748 316 29089 372
950777400 34714 375 39972 428 

I need to take each of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th column and place it into
a block database...(incrementing some totals) simple engough..however I
need to ensure that the time stamp (the first column) us unique before
adding to the database. 

Any simple rebol function to aproach this?

For those of you curious the data is from MRTG



[REBOL] New? programming construct Re:

2000-02-17 Thread rebol

This sounds really cool. I haven't read the article yet, but it sounds a lot
like it can provide some of the capability that Eiffel does. Good news for
the OO community! Thanks for posting the info, Andrew.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 10:35 PM
Subject: [REBOL] New? programming construct

 Those interested in new and unusual programming constructs, take a look at
 R++ from ATT, where Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++, works. Here's
 the link:

 R++ extends the C++ language with a single new programming construct --
 rule. In addition to data-members and member functions, R++ adds a new
 of member to C++ classes namely "member rules". A rule is a statement
 composed of a condition and an action that specifies what to do when the
 condition becomes true. Whenever some program data changes, rules whose
 conditions involve that data are examined, and if a rule's condition
 evaluates to true, its action is executed. The action may of course modify
 data and therefore trigger other rules. Currently R++ is implemented as a
 pre-processor. It translates R++ rules into C++ code.

 What would this look like in REBOL?

 Andrew Martin
 ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] URL for rebol archive?

2000-02-17 Thread rihughes

I was lookiing on the rebol site for an archive of the list. I remember
seeing it but cant find it now.

Got the URL?


[REBOL] New? programming construct Re:(2)

2000-02-17 Thread lear

I do notice that they have a patent covering "integrating rules into OO
languages ... that covers the innovative technology within R++".

I thought rules and constraints were well-known enough that a patent in this
area would have to be very specific.  Anyone have any more specific
knowledge of the patent?

I don't know how this would impact work in Rebol (is rebol considered OO?),
but it might be something to keep in the back of your mind.  Any lawyers or
would-be lawyers out there?  Don't ya just love patents?


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 11:50 PM
Subject: [REBOL] New? programming construct Re:

Hi, just a short note, that's the "constraint" programming approach,
which we use in the OpenAmulet library too. It has been shown that
this pattern is extremly cool for GUI programming. I would be
interested to port this idea to Rebol and see if a constriant based
GUI dialect would make sense.

Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
== ask for PGP public-key ==

  When do you want to reboot today?

Use the free portable GUI Library
OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org

[REBOL] job opportunity

2000-02-17 Thread bobr

A project I am involved with needs a cgi programmer.
This would be work for hire under an NDA.

You would be expected to write the majority of the
application in Rebol/core.  CGI using colocated apache server.
Short term (2 weeks), high rate (fixed bid).

The contract would have incentives to get done early.
First version of UI is prototyped as web pages so the look and
corresponding iteration/refinement are not
going to hold the project up.

If you are a frequent-poster to this list you will
not need to spend time making up a resume or portfolio.
Just contact me off-list if interested.

Individuals or companies may apply.
A second phase is already planned,
so follow-on work is possible if you
can keep up with the pace.

I am not the buyer but I will assist
in keeping the project doable/in-scope and
be involved in the security checkpoints.

;# mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] migration paths

2000-02-17 Thread bobr

in X-SELMA: [REBOL] 107012   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
My latest work on the HTML dialect requires REBOL/View with the new parse
block capability. 

this warning goes out to all on this list, not just Andrew.

Please do not tread there so fast.
It is fine to be involved with /view so early but
"my latest m (now) requires / with feature z"
is a phrase that should make all kinds of red flags go up.

you are forcing users of your high quality product 
to migrate when some of them cannot (yet).
Forcing people to migrate is a tactic
which only large monopolistic companies can afford
because they don't care about customers and user-base.

What you get when you don't have a monopoly
is burned users, bad reputation and customers
who simply drop the Rebol language.

I would expect that this kind of non-portability/alienation
is exactly the kind that rebol technologies is trying to avoid.

A feature which is not available everywhere should not entice
developers to limit the number of platforms that
they offer the product on.

If you have a product out 
(which is already compatible with the /core product)
and you decide that with some feature only in /view (presently)
you could make your own product sexier, cleaner, neater
or more maintainable (all good reasons for rewriting code ),
then you are, in effect, withdrawing support for the old product line.

Ask yourself if you will be more respected
for withdrawing such support.

this withdrawal is especially hurtful if the new feature is only in a
beta product which may not be deployable in a commercial context
for some time due to beta licensing requirements.

;# mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] Reading files from a web page requiring login/password submission

2000-02-17 Thread mjmalpha

Hi all.

I'm mostly a newbie as a REBOL programmer,
but I have been actively following the threads
in this forum.

I spent roughly 2 hours yesterday reading
REBOL/Core  documentation and trying to
build a script that would automate a cumbersome
process we go through each week: downloading
specific files from a web page whose file names
are constructed to include a form of a date.

I was *blown away* at how REBOL facilitated this;
I now have a good glimpse of what you folks have
been raving about.

My question: for those web pages that I interface
with manually that either have fields requiring
a login and password submission (and maybe the
click of a SUBMIT button as well) is there any way
I can use REBOL/Core to authorize myself (satisfy login
requirements) such that I can proceed to further
pages of interest ?  In most of these cases, direct ftp
access is not enabled (otherwise I would employ ftp).

I'm thinking I need to wait for /Command to do something
of this type ?

Thanks in advance for any help ...

Mike Mastroianni

[REBOL] Whoops!

2000-02-17 Thread brian . hawley

Hi all,

Yesterday, my Bigfoot account wasn't working. It's
entirely possible that the messages sent to me by
this list were bounced back to the list. Since I
didn't get any of those messages I have no way of
knowing, one way or the other.

If messages were bounced back, I apologize.
If anyone was trying to get in touch with me in
particular, please try again - it works now.

Brian Hawley

[REBOL] Reading files from a web page requiring login/password submission Re:

2000-02-17 Thread tim781

Hi I'm not an expert but sometimes when I need
rebol to post (Like a submit button) I use my
browser first and see if the resulting url has
the ? mark in it.

I use a free web translation service that requires a button to
be pressed. the below url will translate www.rebol.com into german.
And when ever I need a url translated I change the url at the end.

This will also work for having penpals in different languages.
You first save the email to a text and then add your current
IP address so that http://www.freetranslation.com will request your
file. It takes more than just that. You also have to write in your
to have rebol act as a simple web server.



 Hi all.

 I'm mostly a newbie as a REBOL programmer,
 but I have been actively following the threads
 in this forum.

 I spent roughly 2 hours yesterday reading
 REBOL/Core  documentation and trying to
 build a script that would automate a cumbersome
 process we go through each week: downloading
 specific files from a web page whose file names
 are constructed to include a form of a date.

 I was *blown away* at how REBOL facilitated this;
 I now have a good glimpse of what you folks have
 been raving about.

 My question: for those web pages that I interface
 with manually that either have fields requiring
 a login and password submission (and maybe the
 click of a SUBMIT button as well) is there any way
 I can use REBOL/Core to authorize myself (satisfy login
 requirements) such that I can proceed to further
 pages of interest ?  In most of these cases, direct ftp
 access is not enabled (otherwise I would employ ftp).

 I'm thinking I need to wait for /Command to do something
 of this type ?

 Thanks in advance for any help ...

 Mike Mastroianni

[REBOL] URL for rebol archive? Re:

2000-02-17 Thread ingo

Hi Rich,

have a look at http://www.rebol.org



Those were the words of [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I was lookiing on the rebol site for an archive of the list. I remember
 seeing it but cant find it now.
 Got the URL?

--  _ ._
ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _  
www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_| 
http://www.2b1.de/Rebol/ ._|  ._|

[REBOL] Re: emacs mode Re:(3)

2000-02-17 Thread Johan . Forsberg . 6117

On 29-Dec-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Sterling, 27-Dec-1999 you wrote:
 It does nothing?  Even if you load up a script and then do
 'Meta-X rebol-mode'?  Odd.
 Yup. And I've got witnesses ;-)
 I used GNU EMacs, but I don't remember the exact version. Somebody
 once said that the REBOL mode didn't do as much in GNU EMacs as in
 XEMacs (or whatever it was...), but that it did nothing at all (at
 least as far as I and a friend saw it) was a bit of a surprise.

The one I have (which I got from one of the REBOL people, I assume
it's the same one) at least takes care of intentation in a slightly
annoying, but acceptable way. This requires that you actually invoke
indentation, though. It would be nice to get some syntax highlighting
too, but I haven't gotten that to work.

 However, I cannot rule out the possibility that there _was_
 something changed in EMacs, I just didn't notice it. And please
 don't rule out the possibility that I'm a jerk concerning
 Unix-related stuff in general.

Me too, but I find that it's usually not too hard to figure stuff
out, and it's almost always worth doing it :)

Johan Forsberg  /-\ | V | | ( -, /-\  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Random Nethack Rumor of the Day :
  A nymph knows how to unlock chains.

[REBOL] REBOL as cgi in M$ IIS 5.0...how? Re:

2000-02-17 Thread s_woodrum

I'm using IIS 5/Win2k for some simple REBOL cgi-scripts at work. Here's how 
I configured IIS:
Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools -
Internet Services Manager - navigate to the web site icon in the
left pane (for me it's just "Default Web Site") - right-click on "Default 
Web Site" and click "Properties" - Click the "Home Directory" tab - In the 
Applications Settings area click the "Configuration" button - on the App 
Mappings pane, click "Add" -
In the executable field, type the path to the REBOL .exe like this:

D:\rebol\REBOL.exe -cs %s %s

In the extension field type ".r" (NO quotes!) - check the "All verbs" radio 
button - click OK, OK, OK - Expand the tree in the left pane of the 
Internet Services Manager, right click on the directory you will place your 
scripts and choose Properties - on the Virtual Directory tab change the 
Execute Permissions drop down box to "Scripts and Executables".

This procedure worked for me. Hope this helps :-)


Subject: [REBOL] REBOL as cgi in M$ IIS 5.0...how?
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 1:06:51 +0100


Anybody know how to configure M$ Internet Information Server 5.0 (the
internet pack which comes with windows 2000) to let REBOL act as cgi
If possible with an example usage.

Very cool would be if somebody could exactly tell me how to implement
the following:
I need to build a database to store information on for examples news
flashes which will be shown on a webpage for a certain amount of days
(so they "expire").
I want to glue this together with php3 and use REBOL for the complete
formhandling (as in input of new messages which will be put in to the
database, if possible with newlines converted to BR, and for general

[REBOL] REBOL as cgi in M$ IIS 5.0...how? Re:

[REBOL] REBOL as cgi in M$ IIS 5.0...how? Re:(2)
h . a . e . borger



Reply via email to



[REBOL] unique entry Re:

2000-02-17 Thread icimjs

Hi Francois,

I copied and pasted your data into a file that I called unique.dat. 
I wrote a little script and put it in the file unique.r

Here's the script:


data: read/lines %unique.dat

get-column: func [ table [block!] column [integer!] /local result] [
  result: make block! length? table
  foreach entry table [
append result pick parse entry none column
  return result

unique?: func [item [string!] column [integer!] table [block!]] [
  table: get-column table column
  return empty? intersect reduce [item] table  

save-record: func [ "dummy function. displays data that should be saved"
record ] [
  print ["saved:" mold record]

unique-data?: func [] [
  forall data [
date: first parse first data none
next-data: next data
either unique? date 1 next-data [
  save-record first data
] [
  print "found duplicate"
  data: head data
  print "done"

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] New? programming construct Re:(3)

2000-02-17 Thread icimjs

At 09:11 AM 2/17/00 -0800, you wrote:
I do notice that they have a patent covering "integrating rules into OO
languages ... that covers the innovative technology within R++".

I thought rules and constraints were well-known enough that a patent in this
area would have to be very specific.  Anyone have any more specific
knowledge of the patent?

I don't know how this would impact work in Rebol (is rebol considered OO?),
but it might be something to keep in the back of your mind.  Any lawyers or
would-be lawyers out there?  Don't ya just love patents?


Would that mean that GnuC++ would not be able to incorporate rules? Beta
has had rule constraints for at least two or three years. 

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] Rebol friendly hosting providers

2000-02-17 Thread liber

Hi rebols!

I own a web hosting company (happysite.net) and I'm lobbying Rebol
technologies to create a web host certification programme "Rebol friendly
hosting provider". Could you help me out by answering the following

1) Do you make rebol cgi scripts ?
a) yes
b) no

2) Would you give preference to an isp certified by Rebol technologies as a
"Rebol friendly hosting provider"?
a) yes
b) no

3) Do you find the following price: USD 20 for 200Megs with native rebol
a) too high
b) just right
c) dirt cheap

4) Any other comments

Thanks for your time,

Ricardo Liberato

[REBOL] Rebol friendly hosting providers Re:

2000-02-17 Thread tim781

Hi $20 is'nt too much money to be able to write
your own cgi scripts. Mosts sites won't allow you
because of security reasons. Note: using guestbooks
on free homepages is very valuble. you just have to
write the right html code into your web pages.
They can be used to record your vistors, the time of
visits, their ip address, etc. But, you'll end up losing your
account if you abuse it.



 Hi rebols!

 I own a web hosting company (happysite.net) and I'm lobbying Rebol
 technologies to create a web host certification programme "Rebol friendly
 hosting provider". Could you help me out by answering the following

 1) Do you make rebol cgi scripts ?
 a) yes
 b) no

 2) Would you give preference to an isp certified by Rebol technologies as a
 "Rebol friendly hosting provider"?
 a) yes
 b) no

 3) Do you find the following price: USD 20 for 200Megs with native rebol
 a) too high
 b) just right
 c) dirt cheap

 4) Any other comments

 Thanks for your time,

 Ricardo Liberato

[REBOL] REBOL as cgi in M$ IIS 5.0...how? Re:(2)

2000-02-17 Thread h . a . e . borger

 D:\rebol\REBOL.exe -cs %s %s

Whoops, had forgotten the arguments...
DV*S)SSXDV)*FSAUIOFF (slaps forehead on keyboard)

 This procedure worked for me. Hope this helps :-)

Now it works for me too, thanks!

Ewald Börger

[REBOL] Rebol friendly hosting providers Re:

2000-02-17 Thread wwink2

Adminning a real certification program may be a distraction from the
Rebol companies main tasks right now. I would suggest just a page
on  www.rebol.org where rebol-friendly isps could post and
announcement/link blurb.  Pricewise - is that $20/month??? and
is the 200Mb disk space or bandwidth - again per month??? and
are there any other charges?

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, you wrote:
 Hi rebols!
 I own a web hosting company (happysite.net) and I'm lobbying Rebol
 technologies to create a web host certification programme "Rebol friendly
 hosting provider". Could you help me out by answering the following
 1) Do you make rebol cgi scripts ?
 a) yes
 b) no
 2) Would you give preference to an isp certified by Rebol technologies as a
 "Rebol friendly hosting provider"?
 a) yes
 b) no
 3) Do you find the following price: USD 20 for 200Megs with native rebol
 a) too high
 b) just right
 c) dirt cheap
 4) Any other comments
 Thanks for your time,
 Ricardo Liberato

[REBOL] Rebol friendly hosting providers Re:(2)

2000-02-17 Thread liber

Thanks for your reply,

Our silver plan includes, among other features, 200Megs webspace and  has no
setup fees, costing 20$/month. Check it out at happysite.net.



- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 3:59 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Rebol friendly hosting providers Re:

 Adminning a real certification program may be a distraction from the
 Rebol companies main tasks right now. I would suggest just a page
 on  www.rebol.org where rebol-friendly isps could post and
 announcement/link blurb.  Pricewise - is that $20/month??? and
 is the 200Mb disk space or bandwidth - again per month??? and
 are there any other charges?

 On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, you wrote:
  Hi rebols!
  I own a web hosting company (happysite.net) and I'm lobbying Rebol
  technologies to create a web host certification programme "Rebol
  hosting provider". Could you help me out by answering the following
  1) Do you make rebol cgi scripts ?
  a) yes
  b) no
  2) Would you give preference to an isp certified by Rebol technologies
as a
  "Rebol friendly hosting provider"?
  a) yes
  b) no
  3) Do you find the following price: USD 20 for 200Megs with native rebol
  a) too high
  b) just right
  c) dirt cheap
  4) Any other comments
  Thanks for your time,
  Ricardo Liberato

[REBOL] wishlist

2000-02-17 Thread kenss . lo

 I'm still new to rebol and I already like its style and size but wait. 
  I can't do anything until I get through the generic firewall.  
 Writing a base64 module is easy but how am I going to weave it into 
 the read call ?
 Wishlist no. 2 is https (someone suggested before I know).