[REBOL] debugging TCP/IP programs

2000-02-19 Thread anon_emouse

Has anyone written a listen utility to monitor port 80?  I am trying to
see what the remote web server is sending so that I can respond
appropriately from a rebol client.

Regards,Graham Chiu
http://www.compkarori.com/dynamo - The Homebuilt Dynamo
http://www.compkarori.com/dbase - The dBase bulletin

[REBOL] Re: empty context possible? Re:

2000-02-19 Thread giesse


On 18-Feb-00, you wrote:

 V I did and got something similar to this, but was able to hack
 V it with going to global scope by "/probe" instead of "probe".

Actually, it doesn't work, or at least it doesn't here. I just get
"hello" returned (just because it is the last value in the block);
indeed, /probe is a refinement, not a word, so it is not evaluated
as a word.

 do [probe] ; this is a word
** Script Error: probe is missing its value argument.
** Where: probe
 do [/probe] ; this is a refinement
== /probe
 type? do [/probe]   
== refinement!

 V (Gabrielle, please don't
 V try this with "/delete rebol.exe"!!! But thank you for the

I can:

 do [/delete %rebol]
== %rebol

Nothing happens here, even if I didn't bind it to a "secure"

P.S.: just to let you know, my name is Gabriele (with just one
"l"), and it is an italian male name. :-)

o) .-^-. (--o
| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
o) `-v-' (--o

[REBOL] debugging TCP/IP programs Re:

2000-02-19 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 Has anyone written a listen utility to monitor port 80?  I am trying to
 see what the remote web server is sending so that I can respond
 appropriately from a rebol client.

www.rebol.org  look at Sterling's proxy script, very nice 



 Regards,Graham Chiu
 http://www.compkarori.com/dynamo - The Homebuilt Dynamo
 http://www.compkarori.com/dbase - The dBase bulletin

[REBOL] Re: Parse questions ??

2000-02-19 Thread giesse


On 19-Feb-00, you wrote:

 m I have a file consisting of lines in the following format:

 m "23123+34234+234234-23423+3-"

 m ie, n digits followed by a sign etc etc.

What about:

 data: "23123+34234+234234-23423+3-"
== "23123+34234+234234-23423+3-"
 values: make block! 10
== []
 digits: charset "0123456789"
== make bitset! #{
 parse data [   
[some [ 
[copy value some digits 
[(value: load value)
[["+" (insert tail values value) | "-" (insert tail values negate value)]
== true
== [23123 34234 -234234 23423 -3]

o) .-^-. (--o
| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
o) `-v-' (--o

[REBOL] Precision in fractionnal numbers

2000-02-19 Thread dolmen

I wrote before on the mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) about the importance of
precision when manipulating money values. Money values are currently handled
with floating point values stored in base 2.
I'm trying to produce a sample of how this internal design might result in
wrong results. I didn't found one yet with money values, but here is one
with date values :

 d: now
== 19-Feb-2000/18:43:56+1:00
 d/time/second: 29.456
== 18:43:29.45599

This test was running on the Win32 platform.

As you can see, the output is not the same as the input. This is due to the
fact that the  input (29.456) is converted from decimal to binary for
storage, then from binary to decimal for output. One thing that too many
programmers ignore is that conversion of fractionnal numbers may result in
losing precision when converting from decimal to binary or from binary to

For date value, I don't care because I don't plan to use so small values of
time. But I repeat that precision is the most important thing when dealing
with money  values.

Olivier Mengué

[REBOL] httpreferer?

2000-02-19 Thread rihughes

How can I get the http  refering page when using webserver.r ?


[REBOL] New? programming construct Re:(4)

2000-02-19 Thread ole_f

Hi Elan, 17-Feb-2000 you wrote:

Would that mean that GnuC++ would not be able to incorporate rules? Beta
has had rule constraints for at least two or three years. 

Do you mean the Beta programming language, or just the beta versions of
GnuC++? (Didn't think anybody outside of the University of Aarhus, here in
Denmark, knew about Beta. And before I get your reply, I still think I'm
right on that one ;-) )

Kind regards,

"Ignorance is bliss"
(Cypher, The Matrix)

[REBOL] unsubsribe

2000-02-19 Thread ldenn142


[REBOL] Digest Format for REBOL List

2000-02-19 Thread evans

The REBOL e-list is very helpful.  Probably many of us novice listeners would
appreciate a digest format.

A digest is a collection of the previous day's exchanges that is automatically
compiled and mailed to (digest) subscribers once per day.  This single daily
e-mail is less troublesome than the raw traffic.

Someone familiar with SELMA could figure out how to add digest capability.
Subscribers should be able to change back and forth between regular and digest
subscriptions.  From what I gather about REBOL's capabilities, this sort of
problem should be fairly trivial.

Mark Evans

[REBOL] unsubsribe Re:

2000-02-19 Thread Al . Bri

 Subject: [REBOL] unsubsribe

To unsubscribe from this list, simply send an email to this list with only
in the subject line.

To make sure of this, click this link:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe
Make sure your spelling of "unsubscribe" is correct. In fact, to make
sure of it, copy the word unsubscribe from this email.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] .r to html monthly calendar prelude

2000-02-19 Thread business

Do any rebols have examples of .r scripts that create monthly 
calendars thatthey are willing to share? Or even a few thoughts on how 
you would create one.

The following are some simple scripts I made yesterday as a 
prelude to html monthly calendar. The work, however I'd love to see how 
other people are thinking about calendar.r thatwill create interactive 
monthlycalendars for events, etc Ideally some link to a database or 
(block?) or (series?) will be useful so that http:// visitors or administrator will be able to 
change the events visa the http:// link. 

But before you see the prelude to the calendar scripts, let's 
assume I want to provide access to an http://wateva.com/admincal.r how do I go 
about protecting that admincal.r file soonly thepersons with the 
proper username and password have access? I'm talking about the internet 
here not a private intranet... ideally the admincal.r will ask the person 
for a username and password. If not correct it will send them to some 
index.htm or index.r fileafter a few tries. If they are authorized 
via the proper username and password that they enter then it continues on with 
the rest if the script allowing them to update or delete events, 

REBOL [ Title: "day of the 
Week" Date: 18-Feb--2000 
Author: "J B" Version: 1.0.0 
Purpose: "Shows day of the week and number of days in months, it's a prelude to 
an HTML monthly calendar"]

print "The ify way to show today is " if now/weekday 
= 1 [print "Monday"] if now/weekday = 2 [print "Tuesday"] if 
now/weekday = 3 [print "Wednesday"] if now/weekday = 4 [print 
"Thursday"] if now/weekday = 5 [print "Friday"] if 
now/weekday = 6 [print "Saturday"] if now/Weekday = 7 [print 

print [" The switch way to show today is " 
switch now/weekday [ 1 ["Monday"]2 ["Tuesday"]3 
["Wednesday"]4 ["Thursday"]5 ["Friday"]6 
["Saturday"]7 ["Sunday"] ]; ends switch]; ends 

; QUESTION there's go to be more elegant ways of getting the 
named day than this?print [newline "QUESTION there's go to be more elegant 
ways of getting the named day than the two ways I've shown here?" 

; convert the current month to words, save it.switch 
now/month [1 [currentMonth: "January"]2 [currentMonth: 
"February"]3 [currentMonth: "March"]4 [currentMonth: 
"April"]5 [currentMonth: "Mayo"]6 [currentMonth: 
"June"]7 [currentMonth: "Julio"]8 [currentMonth: 
"Augusta"]9 [currentMonth: "September"]10 [currentMonth: 
"Octopus"]11 [currentMonth: "Novice"]12 [currentMonth: 
"Decent"] ] ; end switch of 

firstOfMonth: now - now/day + 1

Print ["the first day of " currentMonth now/year 
"was" switch firstOfMonth/weekday [1 
["Monday"]2 ["Tuesday"]3 ["Wednesday"]4 
["Thursday"]5 ["Friday"]6 
["Saturday"]7 ["Sunday"] ] ; ends the switch] ; 
ends first day of month print

;figure out the number of days in this month and 

monthInQeustion: now/monthEOMtest: firstOfMonth + 

print ["before using to-date is EOMtest a date? " date? 
EOMtest]EOMtest: to-date EOMtestprint ["after to-date is EOMtest a date? 
" date? EOMtest]; I'd like to assign the above to EOMtest: [firstOfMonth + 
27] ; however then if I use EOMtest/month it claims 'invalid path value: 
month'; I had to-date the EOMtest Now after working on this all day long I'm 
not sure ; about this so the following question maybe a bit 
silly...;; QUESTION why doesn't the type date value automatically 
transfer to the new variable?;; Note: the second time you run this both 
of the date? of EOMtest will be true,; because EOMtest is now in a date type 
resulting from ; the previous run unless of course you've reset all the 
variables;-}; which brings me to my next 

; QUESTIION how do I easily clear or reset variables at the 
begining of the script?

month: monthInQuestionwhile [month = monthInQuestion] 
[ EOMtest: EOMtest + 1  daysInMonth: EOMtest/day 
month: EOMtest/month] ; ends code of while block; go back one day 
for last day in monthEOMtest: EOMtest - 1daysInMonth: 
EOMtest/dayprint [" There are " daysInMonth " days in " currentMonth 

; figuring out how many days in month; one way that 
seems intutive if I could do somthing like ; goToEndOfMonth: make date! [dd 
mm yy] where dd mm and yy are actually variables; and iterate using any of 
dd mm or yy... but that doesn't seem to work; help on the above... line is 
appreciated; than I could itereate any of these values.; and test for 
when mm change the previous dd is the number of days in month; instead I do 
the following... ; however, tmtowtdi so ... more elegant solutions will be 
greatly appreciated.

print "Enter a date in the following format dd-mm-yy 
I'll tell you the day of the week of the first day, the last day and the number 
of days in that month."print " go ahead dd-mm-yy "

inputDate: inputinputDate: to-date 
inputDatedateInQuestion: inputDatemonthInQuestion: 

; convert the monthInQuestion to words, save it.switch 
monthInQuestion [1 [MonthName: 

[REBOL] .r to html monthly calendar prelude Re:

2000-02-19 Thread bpaddock

Title:  "day of the Week"
;figure out the number of days in this month and print
; figuring out how many days in month
; one way that seems intutive if I could do somthing like=20

The 'standard', if there is such a thing, for figuring out
the day of the week is "Zeller's Congruence".  His formula
might help you out.

Sorry that I didn't take the time to convert it to Rebol. 
Would like to see it that way if some one is so inclined.

/* Zeller's Congruence: From "Acta Mathematica #7, Stockholm, 1887.

Determine the day of the week give the year, month, and the
day of the month; which are passed in the structure 'utc'

return(  0 = Sunday...6=Saturday ) and also set utc-wday

J = Century (ie 19), K = Year (ie 91), q = Day of the month, m = Month

March = month #3December = month #12,
January = month #13, February = month #14 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR.

[q + [((m + 1) * 26 ) / 10] + K + (K / 4) + (J / 4) - (2 * J)] % 7
 Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer.


UINT weekday( gmt )
struct utc *gmt;
 UINT  mth, year, cent;
 register UINT temp;
 year = gmt-year;
 mth  = gmt-month;

 if( mth  3 )
  mth += 12;

 cent = year / 100; /* 19th, 20th, or 21th etc century */
 year %= 100;   /* Tens of years (00-99) */
 temp  = gmt-day;  /* Start with the day of the month */

 temp += (((mth + 1) * 26) / 10); /* Advance to the start of the month */

 temp += year;  /* [K]   Add in the year */

 temp += (year / 4);/* [K/4] Correct for leap years */

/* Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer: */
 temp += (cent * 5);/* [J*5]  Correct for centuries  */

 temp += (cent / 4);/* [J/4] Give extra day ever 400 years */

 temp %= 7;  /* 7 days in a week */

 if( !temp )/* Wrap Saturday to be the last day of week */
  temp = 7;

 temp -= 1; /* 0 = Sunday...6=Saturday */

 gmt-wday = temp;

 return( temp );

[REBOL] Re: What am I doing wrong? Re:(3)

2000-02-19 Thread ejolson


On 07-Feb-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This list is a real good idea. I use Sambar and they have a list like
 I have never recieved this kind of product support from Microsoft..

There's the difference, you get your money's worth with Rebol.  
M$ support?  Yeah, right!


[REBOL] New? programming construct Re:(5)

2000-02-19 Thread icimjs

Hi Ole,

you wrote:

Do you mean the Beta programming language, 


or just the beta versions of
GnuC++? (Didn't think anybody outside of the University of Aarhus, here in
Denmark, knew about Beta. 


And before I get your reply, I still think I'm
right on that one ;-) )

Yikes. I didn't know Beta was *that* unknown. I actually printed out and
studied the accompanying manuals. I especially like the idea of fragments.
It provides some interesting added flexibility. I also found the arrow
notation very intuitive and appealing. The only thing that stopped from
actually using Beta beyond just entering all the examples from the manuals
was the fact that the MS Windows GUI support was rather weak (at the time
it relied on Tcl/Tk, if I remember correctly.) The kind of software I was
looking to implement would have been very GUI intensive and I dreaded the
idea of having to fool around with Tcl/Tk in order to get it to work,
albeit through a Beta interface. 

At some point I remember someone announced that they were a implementing a
constraint sub system for Beta.

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] .r to html monthly calendar prelude Re:(2)

2000-02-19 Thread ddalley

Hello, BP:

On 20-Feb-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The 'standard', if there is such a thing, for figuring out
 the day of the week is "Zeller's Congruence".  His formula
 might help you out.

 Sorry that I didn't take the time to convert it to Rebol. 
 Would like to see it that way if some one is so inclined.

I did a "Zeller's Congruence" last summer, as a learning experience. At the
time, it was politely ignored because of REBOL's built-in date function. The
only REBOL code that I have publicly available is at:



---===///||| Donald Dalley |||\\\===---
 The World of AmiBroker Support
   Member: ICOA and Team AMIGA

[REBOL] bpaddocks revival of Zeller's congruence Re:

2000-02-19 Thread business

; Here's a working zeller.r script...
; corrected a few of the goofs from previous post.

; note that this isn't quite what I was looking for when I posted the
calendar.r html making letter
; however it's nice to know about  Zeller's Congruence...

Title:  "bpaddock revival of Zeller's Convergenc or print the day of the
Date:   18-Feb--2000
Author: "converted from c? by JB c source provided by bpaddock"
Version: 1.0.0
Purpose: "Shows day of the week, because we can"

; The 'standard', if there is such a thing, for figuring out
; the day of the week is "Zeller's Congruence".  His formula
; might help you out.
; Sorry that I didn't take the time to convert it to Rebol.
; Would like to see it that way if some one is so inclined.
; jb was inclined as long as bpaddock edits...and error corrects
; /* Zeller's Congruence: From "Acta Mathematica #7, Stockholm, 1887.
; Determine the day of the week give the year, month, and the
; day of the month; which are passed in the structure 'utc'
; return(  0 = Sunday...6=Saturday ) and also set utc-wday
; J = Century (ie 19), K = Year (ie 91), q = Day of the month, m = Month
; March = month #3December = month #12,
; January = month #13, February = month #14 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR.
; [q + [((m + 1) * 26 ) / 10] + K + (K / 4) + (J / 4) - (2 * J)] % 7
;  Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer.
; */
; ;

Print "If you want to know what day of the week any date is?"
Print " Please, enter the year give all four digits "
oyear: input
year: make integer! oyear

; I DON'T know what the equivalent commands in Rebol are for initializing?
; UINT weekday( gmt )
; struct utc *gmt;
; {
;  UINT  mth, year, cent;
;  register UINT temp;
;  year = gmt-year;
;  mth  = gmt-month;

Print "Enter the month as m or mm"

omth: input
mth: make integer! omth ; how is this supposed to be set to integer?
if mth  3

mth: mth + 12
year: year - 1
] ;end if
; what is the proper way to enter more than one statement?
; could I have written:
; if mth  3 [mth: mth + 12 year: year - 1]
;  if( mth  3 )
;  {
;   mth += 12;
;   --year;
;  }

cent:  year / 100
;  cent = year / 100; /* 19th, 20th, or 21th etc century */

; ok bpaddock what's the % command do here?  remainder? Modulo? Integer
; Just what is this dulo that I'm asking more of ? (imagine that being said
by Groucho Marx?)
; even though I know it's not modulus does rebol have a modulus operator?

;  year %= 100; /* Tens of years (00-99) */

year:  remainder year 100

Print "Enter the day of the month as either d or dd"

dd: input
dd: make integer! dd

; or the above could be extraced from the present day as in the line below:
; dd: now/day ; but I prefer the interactive effect... the present is so

;  temp  = gmt-day; /* Start with the day of the month */
; we have day of the month from input
;  temp += (((mth + 1) * 26) / 10); /* Advance to the start of the month */
temp: dd + (((mth + 1) * 26) / 10) ; gosh I hope that syntax works in

;  temp += year; /* [K]   Add in the year */
temp: temp + year

;  temp += (year / 4); /* [K/4] Correct for leap years */
temp: temp + year / 4
;  I haven't reviewed the hierarchy of operators but above line should
; /* Because of the "% 7" term, -(2*J), and +(5*J) give the same answer: */
;  temp += (cent * 5); /* [J*5]  Correct for centuries  */
temp: temp + (cent * 5)
;  temp += (cent / 4); /* [J/4] Give extra day ever 400 years */
temp: temp + (cent / 4)
;  temp %= 7; /* 7 days in a week */

print ["temp before dividing by 7 = " temp]

temp:  remainder temp 7

print ["temp after dividing by 7 = " temp]

temp: make integer! temp

print ["temp after temp: make integer! temp = " temp]

;  if( !temp ) /* Wrap Saturday to be the last day of week */
if temp = 0 [ temp = 7]
;   temp = 7;
;  temp -= 1; /* 0 = Sunday...6=Saturday */
; in my case I want 1 = Sunday  7 = Saturday...

print [" The day of the week you were looking for "dd"/"omth"/"oyear " is "
   switch temp [
1 ["Sunday"]
2 ["Monday"]
3 ["Tuesday"]
4 ["Wednesday"]
5 ["Thursday"]
6 ["Friday"]
7 ["Saturday"]
   ]; ends switch
]; ends print

;   gmt-wday = temp;
;   return( temp );
;  }

[REBOL] Doomsday Algorith / Day of the Week was bpaddocks revival of Zeller's congruence Re:

2000-02-19 Thread jbone

Just a quick parse and respond...  this might be of interest to some of the
folks on the list who might not be aware of it.  John Conway of LIFE fame (the
automata thing) is credited with an algorith similar to Zellers called the
"Doomsday Algorithm."  His algorithm is simple enough to perform in your head
for any date in history, with just a little practice.  Knocking out a Rebol
implementation is on my todo list.  A good starting point is


Anyone know both of these algorithms well enough to talk about their
differences, pros / cons of one over the other, etc?
