[REBOL] RFC: Split-Path Re:

2000-04-06 Thread lmecir


what I will not like is this:

 split-path %./a
== [%./ %a]
 split-path %a
== [%./ %a]

,because the latter may mean something slightly different, than
the former. I would prefer the following instead:

 split-path %./a
== [%./ %a]
 split-path %a
== [none %a]

(or something similar taking the difference into account)

My reason is this:

if I write something like:

include %a.r

I don't mean the same as

include %./a.r

instead I want Include to search the desired file in its path in
the former case and pick the file in the current directory in the
latter case.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 6:24 PM
Subject: [REBOL] RFC: Split-Path

 Request for Comments on Split-Path Revision

 Issue: Should split-path be changed?


 Split-path currently returns the last element of a path,
regardless of whether it is a file or directory.  That is:

  split-path %a/b/c
 == [%a/b/ %c]

  split-path %a/b/c/
 == [%a/b/ %c/]

 This allows writing iterative code like:

  path: %/a/b/c/d
 == %/a/b/c/d
  while [path  %/] [set [path file] split-path path print

 (Note, this example also shows another problem with
split-path... in that it has no regular iterative termination
condition.  If you provided a path of %a/b/c/d this code would
loop forever, because the path would reduce to %./ not %/ )

 However, you would normally think that a split path type of
function would separate the directory path from the file name
itself.  This would take %a/b/c/ and return a directory path of
%a/b/c/ and a file of none (not a file of %"", which is a file
with no name).  However, you loose the iterative "peeling" shown

 Since split-path has other issues that we will be fixing very
soon, I would like to get your comments on this issue soon.  Do
not consider legacy with existing code base.  It is better to
correct this problem today, rather than when the child is 20.


[REBOL] parse / space Re:(2)

2000-04-06 Thread agem

 parse "LIB1 "  ["LIB1"]
== false
 parse "LIB1 "  ["LIB1" to end]
== true
 parse "LI B1 "  ["LIB1" to end]
== false   

result says, could parse full string, or there is a rest, IMO.
  Am Mit, 05 Apr 2000 schrieben Sie:
 Hi bciceron,
 The short version is: I believe it's a bug.
 The long version:
 space at the begining of string:
  parse " LIB1"  ["LIB1"]
 == true
 space smack in the middle of token:
  parse "LI B1"  ["LIB1"]
 == false
 ;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] parse / space Re:(3)

2000-04-06 Thread icimjs

Hi Volker

you wrote:

At 12:41 PM 4/6/00 +0200, you wrote:
 parse "LIB1 "  ["LIB1"]
== false
 parse "LIB1 "  ["LIB1" to end]
== true
 parse "LI B1 "  ["LIB1" to end]
== false   

result says, could parse full string, or there is a rest, IMO.

that is correct and undisputed. According to the documentation parse
ignores spaces unless used with the /all refinement.

In the example

 parse " LIB1"  ["LIB1"]
== true

I demonstrate that parse w/o /all refinement indeed *ignores* spaces, at
least leading spaces.

The example

 parse "LIB1 "  ["LIB1" (print "found it")]
found it
== true

demonstrates that parse w/o /all also ignores *trailing* spaces. 

If we leave away the expression (print "found it") and simply do

 parse "LIB1 "  ["LIB1"]
== false

the trailing space is *not* ignored. Why all of a sudden is the trailing
space not ignored? Should it be ignored?

My position is: In example (3) the trailing space should be ignored,
because the pattern matching part of the rule in (3) is no different from
the pattern matching part of the rule in (2). Since we are doing the same
pattern matching against the same input stream we should be getting the
same results. 

Should (2) return the same results as (3), or should (3) behave like (2)?
Since we are using parse without the /all refinement, and parse ignores
spaces without the /all refinement, the trailing space should be ignored in
(3) as it is being ignored in (2) and the string should be considered
completely parsed.

My guess is that (3) does not act like (2) because the termination code for
parse is incomplete in situation (3). How do (2) and (3) differ? In (2) the
rule block is *not* exhausted with the "LIB1" pattern. In (3) it is.

When parse encounters the trailing space, it still has something remaining
in the rule block, namely (print "found it"). This means that empty?
rule-block at this point will return false. Since there's still something
remaining in the rule block, parse continues to evaluate the rule-block. In
doing so, it returns to a part of the parse code that is ignore-spaces-aware.

In (3) the rule block is exhausted with the "LIB1" pattern. empty?
rule-block returns true and parse returns false because it has not reached
the end of the input stream, but it has already exhausted its rules. That
is an incorrect termination, since we are using parse without the /all
refinement, and parse should determine whether or not all remaining
characters in the input stream are spaces, before it decides whether to
return true or false. If only spaces remain, - and in our example that is
the case - parse should report true, just as it did in (2).

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] bug ? parse / space Re:(2)

2000-04-06 Thread giesse


 but i cannot change the input string to parse.
 so if it is a bug can we get a fix, and
 how to workaround it ?

parse/all your-string [lib-name any #" " lib-type]

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] CGI problem Re:(6)

2000-04-06 Thread ingo

Hi Rachid,

Those were the words of [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  What you _could_ do, is something like
  #!rebol -cs
  secure [net quit]
  This would give all access to files, but none to the web.
 Why would one do that? Can it still process a form? How does this exactly
 limit Rebol?

Well, I just tried to answer the question, in te way I understood
it. I think GET should still be possible, I am not sure about PUT.
(I have written one test cgi up to now, so am not exactly a profi
in this field).

Thinking about it, the better solution would be to add 'secure
to %user.r, know you could be sure, that none of your cgi's ever
sends a mail with your files attached, or something like that ...



--  _ ._
ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _  
www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_| 
http://www.2b1.de/Rebol/ ._|  ._|

[REBOL] [REBOL]CGI script problems on Linux

2000-04-06 Thread tjohnson

I have written a test cgi script works as
expected on my own machine using Person Web

It's acting strangely on a linux server using
Apache server.

On PWS, I see for content:
hello world from rebol script
as I would expect

On the Linux Server, the only content I see is:

I am enclosing first the SOURCE of the content
from the Linux server, and then the script itself.
thanks in advance.

Here is the source of the content as posted
when I run it:
; content source below
REBOL options script arguments

All fields are optional. Supported options are:

--cgi (-c)   Check for CGI input
--do exprEvaluate expression
--help (-?)  Display this usage information
--nowindow (-w)  Do not open a window
--quiet (-q) Don't print banners
--script fileExplicitly specify script
--secure level   Set security level:
 (none write read throw quit)
-s   Shortcut: no security
+s   Shortcut: full security
--trace (-t) Enable trace mode


REBOL script.r
REBOL script.r 10:30 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
REBOL script.r -do "verbose: true"
REBOL --cgi -s
REBOL --cgi -secure throw --script cgi.r "debug: true"
REBOL --secure none

Content-Type: text/html

HTMLheadtitle hello world /title/head 
h1hello world from rebol script/h1/body/html

;now, hello-world.r script source below

#!/usr/bin/rebol -cs
Title: "Test Rebol CGI script"
Date:  28-Mar-2000
File:  %hello-world.r
Purpose: {just to see if we can get anything to work}
; functions
fprint: func [fp1[port!] value]
[ append fp1 value ]
write_to_file: func []
  either equal? system/options/cgi/server-name none
  [return true]
  [{else}return false]
init_output: func[fname[string!] /local fpl]
  either write_to_file
file_name:  make file! fname
fpl: open/new/write file_name
  [fpl: system/ports/output]
  return fpl
text_html_header: func [fp1[port!]]
[either write_to_file [][fprint fp1 "Content-Type: text/html^/^/"]]
html_header: func [fp1[port!] title[string!]]
[fprint fp1 reform ["HTMLheadtitle" title "/title/head" newline]]
html_footer: func [fp1[port!]] [fprint fp1 "/body/html^/"]
fp: init_output "hello.htm"
text_html_header fp
html_header fp "hello world"
fprint fp "h1hello world from rebol script/h1"
html_footer fp
either write_to_file [close fp][]

[REBOL] [REBOL]CGI script problems on Linux Re:

2000-04-06 Thread kracik


I don't know if it's the problem, but as you run the script on PWS it
may have MS-DOS end-of-line characters.

make sure the first line starting with #! does end with LF alone and
not CRLF, because Linux does not like it.

Michal Kracik

[REBOL] Newsletter via Procmail

2000-04-06 Thread evans

My web host supports REBOL and limited procmail but not SMTP (direct outgoing
mail).  I want to create an opt-in/opt-out subscriber e-mail newsletter with
REBOL that runs through their procmail.

What I need are some simple REBOL commands to test sending messages through
procmail.  I know next to nothing about procmail and would rather things stay
that way if they can.

They do support the procmail-based "SmartList" system for discussion groups.  So
in principle REBOL could interface to procmail and accomplish the same thing.
In may case I don't need a discussion group, just a newsletter.

I am learning a lot about REBOL on this e-list and appreciate all inputs.


Mark Evans

[REBOL] saving and loading objects

2000-04-06 Thread dae_alt3

I am stuck.  I have followed along with the "Simple Database"
contained in the Rebol how-to.html file, but I can't manipulate
the header object that save/header load/header creates.
I want to make changes and save the data back, with the header intact.

Here's what I have been trying out:

1. I started by copying some data into Rebol 
(its from the how-to.html):

cities: [
  "Ukiah" CA 95482 
  "Richmond" VA 12345 
  "Omaha" NE 43210 
  "New York" NY 20202 

2. I saved it with a header added
save/header %cities1.r cities [
   Title: "City data"
   User_Groups: "PDX Vanc"

The cities1.r file looks like this:

Title: "City data" 
User_Groups: "PDX Vanc"

"Ukiah" CA 95482 
"Richmond" VA 12345 
"Omaha" NE 43210 
"New York" NY 20202

3. I then loaded the file with header 
cities1: load/header  %cities1.r

4. Testing header and data shows everything is there:
header: first cities1
data: next cities1

a. inspect header
probe first header
[self Title Date Name Version File Home Author Owner Rights
Needs Tabs Usage Purpose Comment History Language User_groups]
probe header/Title
"City data"
probe header/User_groups
"PDX Vanc"

b. inspect data items
probe data
"Ukiah" CA 95482
"Richmond" VA 12345
"Omaha" NE 43210
"New York" NY 20202]

5. Now I change something in the data:

change find data 12345 9
probe data
"Ukiah" CA 95482
"Richmond" VA 9
"Omaha" NE 43210
"New York" NY 20202]

6. -- Here's where I am stuck -
How can I save the data with the header information?

7. I tried a simple save:
save %cities2.r cities1

cities2.r looks like this:

make object! [
Title: "City data"
Date: none
Name: none
Version: none
File: none
Home: none
Author: none
Owner: none
Rights: none
Needs: none
Tabs: none
Usage: none
Purpose: none
Comment: none
History: none
Language: none
User_Groups: "PDX Vanc"
"Ukiah" CA 95482 
"Richmond" VA 12345 
"Omaha" NE 43210 
"New York" NY 20202

Attempting load/header results in ERROR

cities2: load/header  %cities2.r
** Syntax Error: Script is missing a REBOL header.
** Where: cities2: load/header %cities2.r

load without refinement loses the header info, or
at least puts it in a different part under cities2

cities2: load  %cities2.r
== [
make object! [
Title: "City data"
Date: none
Name: none
Version: none
File: no...

 header2: first cities2
== make
 probe first header2
** Script Error: first expected series argument of type: series
 pair event money date object port time tuple any-function libr
ary struct event.
** Where: probe first header2

8. Save/header with only one argument is ERROR:
save/header %cities3.r cities1
** Script Error: save expected header-data argument of type: bl
ock object.
** Where: save/header %cities3.r cities1

9. save/header *almost* works:
save/header %cities3.r data header 

buts adds words 'make object! after REBOL

make object! [
Title: "City data"
Date: none
Name: none
Version: none
File: none
Home: none
Author: none
Owner: none
Rights: none
Needs: none
Tabs: none
Usage: none
Purpose: none
Comment: none
History: none
Language: none
User_Groups: "PDX Vanc"

"Ukiah" CA 95482 
"Richmond" VA 12345 
"Omaha" NE 43210 
"New York" NY 20202

I cannot find information about
converting objects into blocks etc,
or how to reach the values of object keys.


doug edmunds
6 April 2000

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[REBOL] [REBOL]CGI script problems on Linux Re:(2)

2000-04-06 Thread tjohnson

Hi Michael:

that is EXACTLY what the problem was.
I'm up and running. Fortunately I am using
a nifty windooz editor that lets me edit Unix LF
style and still look like it's using CRLF. Notepad
won't do that.

thanks so much!!

At 11:06 PM 4/6/00 +0100, you wrote:

I don't know if it's the problem, but as you run the script on PWS it
may have MS-DOS end-of-line characters.

make sure the first line starting with #! does end with LF alone and
not CRLF, because Linux does not like it.

Michal Kracik