[REBOL] webbanner.r help Re:(2)

2000-04-16 Thread norsepower

OK, so in the following function...

make-banner: func [/ad adnumber /local url img alt] [
set [url img alt] skip banner-db either ad [ 
adnumber - 1 * 6
random (length? banner-db) / 6
rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="} alt {" 

...how does adnumber get its value and what is the purpose of the 
adnumber word?

you now have 18 entries in the
database, six records of length 3 each, and not 36 entries. But when 
call make-banner with the ad refinement, get
adnumber - 1 * 6

is 6 - 1 * 6 = 30. No wonder you get none.

[REBOL] using print with CGI

2000-04-16 Thread norsepower

I re-wrote Andrew Grossman's webbanner.r (I made it simpler for my 
simple mind) and I am able to get rebol on my local machine to print 
the HTML code for a linked image on the command line but I can't get my 
web server to output the HTML code.

Here is the script...

#!rebol -cs

print "Content-Type: text/html^/"

Title:  "Banner Ad Randomizer"
File:   %webbanner.cgi
Date:   16-Apr-2000
Author: "Ryan Christiansen"
Purpose: {
Generate HTML code that displays a linked banner advertisement

urls: [ "http://www.schonder.com"

imgs: [ "schonder.gif"

alts: [ "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
"Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
"BePlan from AbiSoft"
"BuzzCD - Hand-picked best BeOS software"
"NVF: A Be-centric comic strip"
"ImagePro displays, zooms, and re-sizes images"

ad: random 6

url: pick urls ad
img: pick imgs ad
alt: pick alts ad

bannerHTML: rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="} alt {" 
target="_blank" border=0/a}]

print bannerHTML

I have also tried the following...

bannerHTML: print rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="} 
alt {" target="_blank" border=0/a}]

do bannerHTML

... but the browser outputs "do bannerHTML"

[REBOL] Re: Parse Re:(3)

2000-04-16 Thread giesse


On 16-Apr-00, you wrote:

 AOf course, this is a more accurate test:
 Aall [#"A" = C C = #"Z"]

Whoops... Well, sometimes it's better to stay quiet...



(BTW, if the comparison between chars is case insensitive, it
should be enough to convert them to integers first.)

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] using print with CGI Re:

2000-04-16 Thread kracik


not sure if it's the problem, but shouldn't REBOL header precede
print "Content-Type: text/html^/"?

Also, IMHO there should be a full path to REBOL executable after the
"hash bang", not just #!rebol -cs

Michal Kracik

 I re-wrote Andrew Grossman's webbanner.r (I made it simpler for my
 simple mind) and I am able to get rebol on my local machine to print
 the HTML code for a linked image on the command line but I can't get my
 web server to output the HTML code.
 Here is the script...
 #!rebol -cs
 print "Content-Type: text/html^/"
 Title:  "Banner Ad Randomizer"
 File:   %webbanner.cgi
 Date:   16-Apr-2000
 Author: "Ryan Christiansen"
 Purpose: {
 Generate HTML code that displays a linked banner advertisement
 urls: [ "http://www.schonder.com"
 imgs: [ "schonder.gif"
 alts: [ "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
 "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
 "BePlan from AbiSoft"
 "BuzzCD - Hand-picked best BeOS software"
 "NVF: A Be-centric comic strip"
 "ImagePro displays, zooms, and re-sizes images"
 ad: random 6
 url: pick urls ad
 img: pick imgs ad
 alt: pick alts ad
 bannerHTML: rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="} alt {"
 target="_blank" border=0/a}]
 print bannerHTML
 I have also tried the following...
 bannerHTML: print rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="}
 alt {" target="_blank" border=0/a}]
 do bannerHTML
 ... but the browser outputs "do bannerHTML"

[REBOL] webbanner.r help Re:(3)

2000-04-16 Thread icimjs

Hi Ryan,

you wrote:
OK, so in the following function...

make-banner: func [/ad adnumber /local url img alt] [
set [url img alt] skip banner-db either ad [ 
adnumber - 1 * 6
random (length? banner-db) / 6
rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="} img {" ALT="} alt {" 

...how does adnumber get its value and what is the purpose of the 
adnumber word?

Function specification:

when you specify a refinement in a function - /ad - then you can associate
an argument with that refinement - adnumber. The make-banner function can
be called either without a refinement and without an argument, or with the
refinement /ad, in which case you must supply an argument for adnumber. The
argument adnumber is initialized to the value with which you call
make-banner, when you call make-banner with the /ad refinement:

make-banner ;- no refinement, no argument

make-banner/ad 6 ;- with refinement, with argument

The role of adnumber.

The function subtracts 1 from the adnumber and mutliplies the result with 3
(not 6 as in your example!).

The value 3 is the length of each record in the block. The adnumber which
is passed to make-banner is index of the first field of the record. Since
the function uses skip to locate the three fields it wants to use - url,
img alt - you must subtract 1 from the index. If the function is called
with the index 1, the first record in the block (consisting of three
fields) has to be displayed. The skip function will skip (adnumber = ) 1  *
3 (= record length) = 3 fields. That would position you at the second record. 
So you subtract 1 
(adnumber =) 1 - 1 * 3 (=record length)
1-1 * 3 = 0 * 3 = 0. You skip 0 fields and set [url img alt] will set the
three local variables to the first three fields in the block. The url word
will be set to the url of the site, the img will be set to the path of the
image that is to be displayed, and will set to the string which is
displayed while the image is being loaded, or continues to be displayed if
loading the image fails.

When you call make-banner/ad 2, you want to displaye the second record. 
2 - 1 * 3 = 1 * 3 = 3

The skip function will skip 3 fields and s

et will load the three local variables to the three fields beginning at the
fourth field, which is the url of the second Web site, followed the image
file's path, followed by the string that is displayed by the Web browser as
the alt string.

BTW, all arguments that precede any optional refinements are mandatory
arguments, arguments that follow refinements are associated with their
respective refinement, until another refinement is detected, or until the
/local word is detected which introduces words that are local to the function.

f: func [mandatory-arg-1 mandatory-arg-2 
/refinement refinement-arg
/local local-word] [ do-something-real-smart-here ]

This function may be called with two arguments

f arg-1 arg-2

or with two arguments, the refinement, and a third argument associated with
the refinement:

f/refinement mandator-arg-1 mandatatory-arg-2 refinement-arg

Hope this helps,

;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] random not random

2000-04-16 Thread norsepower

Thanks for the help so far. I have one last problem. The following 
script works fine now (having moved the Content-Type statement to just 
before the print output statement) except that it doesn't print a 
random banner like I expect it to. It always prints the 3rd banner, 
even though the pick number is set by using...

ad: random 6

...I tried giving "ad" a different value following the print statement, 
but it seems to have gotten caught up with the value "3" and I never 
see any other banner except the 3rd choice. The script should execute 
every time I reload the page, right?

#!rebol -cs

Title:  "Banner Ad Randomizer"
File:   %webbanner.cgi
Date:   16-Apr-2000
Author: "Ryan Christiansen"
Purpose: {
Generate HTML code that displays a linked banner advertisement

urls: [ "http://www.schonder.com"

imgs: [ "schonder.gif"

alts: [ "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
"Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
"BePlan from AbiSoft"
"BuzzCD - Hand-picked best BeOS software"
"NVF: A Be-centric comic strip"
"ImagePro displays, zooms, and re-sizes images"

ad: random 6

url: pick urls ad
img: pick imgs ad
alt: pick alts ad

print "Content-Type: text/html^/"

print rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="/graphics/bannerads/} img {" 
ALT="} alt {" target="_blank" border=0/a}]

[REBOL] random not random Re:

2000-04-16 Thread kracik


Yes, it is not random but "pseudorandom", it returns the same sequence
every time REBOL is run. Try to seed it with current time before use:

random/seed now
ad: random 6

Michal Kracik

 Thanks for the help so far. I have one last problem. The following
 script works fine now (having moved the Content-Type statement to just
 before the print output statement) except that it doesn't print a
 random banner like I expect it to. It always prints the 3rd banner,
 even though the pick number is set by using...
 ad: random 6
 ...I tried giving "ad" a different value following the print statement,
 but it seems to have gotten caught up with the value "3" and I never
 see any other banner except the 3rd choice. The script should execute
 every time I reload the page, right?
 #!rebol -cs
 Title:  "Banner Ad Randomizer"
 File:   %webbanner.cgi
 Date:   16-Apr-2000
 Author: "Ryan Christiansen"
 Purpose: {
 Generate HTML code that displays a linked banner advertisement
 urls: [ "http://www.schonder.com"
 imgs: [ "schonder.gif"
 alts: [ "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
 "Papier-Schonder KG office supply and bookstore"
 "BePlan from AbiSoft"
 "BuzzCD - Hand-picked best BeOS software"
 "NVF: A Be-centric comic strip"
 "ImagePro displays, zooms, and re-sizes images"
 ad: random 6
 url: pick urls ad
 img: pick imgs ad
 alt: pick alts ad
 print "Content-Type: text/html^/"
 print rejoin [{a href="} url {"IMG SRC="/graphics/bannerads/} img {"
 ALT="} alt {" target="_blank" border=0/a}]