[REBOL] When? Re:(2)

2000-05-21 Thread carl

Command, Beta 1.1 released last week.
View, Beta 4 released last week.
View, Beta 5 this week.
Core, 2.3 Beta 1 this week (I hope)


At 5/20/00 10:06 PM +1200, you wrote:
 Could we know when RT plans to release the next products, with all the
approximations, warnings, disclaimers and plain
don't-trust-this-dates-too-much granted?

Have a look on the Ally and Command lists. More details from Carl have been
published there.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] probe object

2000-05-21 Thread norsepower

I have a set of functions which turn the contents of an e-mail message 
object into a different object (called "article.")

article: make object! [
headline: subject-pieces/1
subheadline: subject-pieces/2
body: content-pieces

I'm trying to figure out how to probe the object and then write the 
result of the probe out to a file for inclusion at a later date.

Here is a session...

 breakdown-email msg
 probe article

make object! [
headline: "headlineokay"
subheadline: "subheadlineokay"
body: ["by golly" "" "by gumby" ""]
 write %bygolly.txt probe article

make object! [
headline: "headlineokay"
subheadline: "subheadlineokay"
body: ["by golly" "" "by gumby" ""]
REBOL - Security Check:
Script requests permission to open a port for read/write on: /boot/home
Yes, allow all, no, or quit? (Y/A/N/Q) Y
 uberall: read %bygolly.txt
== "?object?"
 print uberall

As you can see, the probe object only writes "?object?" to the %file.

What do I need to do to write the actual contents of the object?

The functions follow:


breakdown-subject: func [
"breakdown an e-mail subject field into its parts"
msg [object!] "e-mail message"
subject-info: msg/subject
subject-parts: []
foreach part parse/all subject-info ":" [
append subject-parts part


breakdown-content: func [
"breakdown an e-mail content field into its parts"
msg [object!] "e-mail message"
article-info: msg/content
end-of-paragraph: rejoin [{.} newline]
content-parts: []
foreach part parse/all article-info end-of-paragraph [ append 
content-parts part ]


breakdown-email: func [
"breakdown an e-mail message object and convert it to an article 
msg [object!] "e-mail message"

subject-pieces: breakdown-subject msg
content-pieces: breakdown-content msg

article: make object! [
headline: subject-pieces/1
subheadline: subject-pieces/2
body: content-pieces

[REBOL] Re: When? Re:(2)

2000-05-21 Thread weirddream

On 21-kvë-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Command, Beta 1.1 released last week.
 View, Beta 4 released last week.
 View, Beta 5 this week.
 Core, 2.3 Beta 1 this week (I hope)
This week ends today (at least in my country :))
Just kidding...


P.S.: Anyone interested in REBOL virtual synthesizer? I did not touch the
sources for more than half a year, because it eat my memory as mad ( 6MB for
8kB sample), then I lost sources but I fortunally found them last week and the
bug magically dissapeared under REBOL/Core/2.2.0 . It has my FEVO- Free
Elastic Vector Oscillator (VERY modular), simple LP filter with resonancy, but
it is NOT user-friendly and 1sec sound (with filters and morphing osc.) takes
aprox. 6mins on my SLOWSLOWSLOW Amiga 68030/50MHz. So if anybody (with faster
machine, of course) is interested...(I do not want to mess everybody's mailbox
with _huge_ ;) 7kB source full of stupidities and mistakes).
And now that's all.

[REBOL] Calling external functions Re:(2)

2000-05-21 Thread Al . Bri

 I can't take credit for this function, but I've used it to "include"
several different scripts and use their functions:

 include: func [files] [
 either block? files [
 forall files [do first files]
 ] [
 do files

 include %whatever.r

 Many thanks to the author of this function! :-)

Thank you, thank you. ::Bows::

Andrew Martin
Include self
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] installing Rebol as CGI application under PWS/Win32

2000-05-21 Thread christian . wenz


I am having a problem installing Rebol under PWS. In the registry, I added a
key ".r" under
HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/W3SVC/Parameters/Scriptmap with the
value "c:\rebol\rebol.exe -cs %s %s"
Now when I place a .r file into my cgi-bin directory and try to call it, I
always get the message that the script returned incomplete headers. I also
tried to output "Content-type: text/html" manually, but this didn't change
the result. Any pointers?


[REBOL] probe object Re:(2)

2000-05-21 Thread norsepower


save %article.r article

saves the following in %article.r

make object! [
headline: "headlineokay"
subheadline: "subheadlineokay"
body: ["by golly" "" "by gumby" ""]


Why don't you use save?

 save article 

will write the object to a file. Later you can read or load it back. 
either case you will have to either do the result of reading the file, 
convert the string (read) or block (load) to an object:

retrieved-article: do read %article.txt
retrieved-article: do load %article.txt

[REBOL] installing Rebol as CGI application under PWS/Win32 Re:

2000-05-21 Thread icimjs

Hi Christian,

PWS is a little weird. I don't recall that anyone was able to successfully
install REBOL as a CGI client under PWS (may have missed it), whereas I do
recall periodically seeing messages that complain about PWS. 

My recommendation: use Apache. You can download your free copy of Apache
from http://www.apache.org.

If you have problems getting Apache to run, let me know. I have an old
email that describes Apache configuration under MS Windows. 

At 04:36 PM 5/21/00 +0200, you wrote:

I am having a problem installing Rebol under PWS. In the registry, I added a
key ".r" under
HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/W3SVC/Parameters/Scriptmap with the
value "c:\rebol\rebol.exe -cs %s %s"
Now when I place a .r file into my cgi-bin directory and try to call it, I
always get the message that the script returned incomplete headers. I also
tried to output "Content-type: text/html" manually, but this didn't change
the result. Any pointers?


;- Elan  [: - )]

[REBOL] installing Rebol as CGI application under PWS/Win32 Re:(2)

2000-05-21 Thread christian . wenz


I am using Apache on most of my Win32 machines, but I always try new stuff
on the PWS first (it's easier to configure, and easier to remove). Pity that
it doesn't seem to work. Maybe any official word from the developer if
something is planned there?


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 6:52 PM
Subject: [REBOL] installing Rebol as CGI application under PWS/Win32 Re:

 Hi Christian,

 PWS is a little weird. I don't recall that anyone was able to successfully
 install REBOL as a CGI client under PWS (may have missed it), whereas I do
 recall periodically seeing messages that complain about PWS.

 My recommendation: use Apache. You can download your free copy of Apache
 from http://www.apache.org.

 If you have problems getting Apache to run, let me know. I have an old
 email that describes Apache configuration under MS Windows.

 At 04:36 PM 5/21/00 +0200, you wrote:
 I am having a problem installing Rebol under PWS. In the registry, I
added a
 key ".r" under
 HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/W3SVC/Parameters/Scriptmap with
 value "c:\rebol\rebol.exe -cs %s %s"
 Now when I place a .r file into my cgi-bin directory and try to call it,
 always get the message that the script returned incomplete headers. I
 tried to output "Content-type: text/html" manually, but this didn't
 the result. Any pointers?

[REBOL] higher order functions Re:(3)

2000-05-21 Thread lmecir


 I've considered adding apply to REBOL for many years.  Every few
months I write a script that could use it.

 Also, here is another way to do nargs:

 nargs: func [f [any-function!]] [
-1 + index? any [find first :f refinement!  tail first :f]


didn't know, that Find can search for datatypes. Is
there a plan to control the Find behaviour with any refinements
wrt. datatypes? (See example)

find compose [1 2 (integer!) 3 (datatype!) 4] datatype!
== [datatype! 4]

I tried a simpler implementation of Apply and it looks that it is
about ten times faster, than the previous one.

Rebol [
Title: "Apply"
Date: 21/5/2000
File: %apply.r
Author: "Ladislav Mecir"
Purpose: {
Apply a function to its arguments stored in a block
Comment: {
much simpler/faster implementation,
compatible with zero-agument functions, as opposed to the
previous version

apply: func [
{Apply a function to its arguments}
f [any-function!]
blkargs [block!] {Argument values}
/local length statement result
] [
statement: make block! (length: length? blkargs) * 3 + 3
insert statement [set/any 'result f]
repeat i length [
append statement [pick blkargs]
append statement i
do statement
get/any 'result


apply :subtract [2 1]
apply :type? reduce [()]
