[REBOL] New Amiga support?

2000-08-03 Thread kracik

Hi Rebols,

I just noticed a new line in experimental releases:

Group  System-name   Hardware   Type
TaoElate/intent  VP tar.gz

There are no releases by now, but does this mean that REBOL will run on
the new Amiga? It would certainly be a reason to buy one ;-)

Michal Kracik

[REBOL] web stuff

2000-08-03 Thread galtbarber

Unfortunately, I have been unable to participate much 
on the list recently.

I finally got my book Rebol the Official Guide and 
it looks really great so far.  They even talk about 
strange context behavior right at the start!  
That's a good sign that it's not just for dummies.
The installation/unzip instructions are brutally detailed, 

I have been trying out some Load Testing software for our web app,
because of course it works fine here but when 200+ users hit 
our software simultaneously, it slows down and then sometimes 
just hangs IIS permanently.  I tried finding some products 
on the web that do load testing but one didn't work for our app
and the other, Astra, costs $30,000+ for about 250+ simultaneous
virtual user load emulation.  That's not within my present budget.

So I thought that Rebol might make a very good toolkit for 
doing Load Testing.  I thought why not record with the 
http proxy in Rebol, and then play it back later with 
a vuser emulator also made with Rebol.  Of course it would have to be 
able to handle session ids for IIS (temporary cookie).

By the way, the cookies-client.r is giving me trouble.
there are documentation mistakes, redundancies, and inflexible 
code, and it doesn't fetch binary files like .jpg properly
because of mishandling of cr lf chars, etc. - does anybody 
have a proper version that works or does anybody want to 
have a go at improving the blasted thing?
For instance, what the heck is the actual 
purpose of cookie-data2?  Why are there two 
and not many (a block)?  Where is an actual example of use 
of each of these?
Is the cookie stuff supposed to be built into Rebol,
or do you have to get down and dirty with the http protocol

Finally, when I was testing the proxy.r program, I noticed 
that it seemed to work for simple pages with few graphics,
but the minute I access a web-page with several icons 
as gifs or jpgs, such as our main menu, most of these images 
are not getting retrieved from the server.

I think the connections are 
being closed as soon as the browser or the server 
creates an event that takes it out of waiting on the 
connection, but the data retrieved is length zero.
The program then closes it's side of the connection
and also closes its proxy partner connection.
Let's hear it for the coitus interruptus jokes.
I don't know if keep-alive stuff needs to be added 
to proxy.r to be a proper proxy or what, but if I can't 
fix that I really can't use Rebol for Load Testing,
which would be an aweful shame.

Any help would be much appreciated!!



[REBOL] REBOL Internet Chess? Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread rebol

Hi n.p.

you wrote:
Now that you've got my wheels spinning, would it be possible to develop a 
real-time chat application in REBOL? 

I just sent an email to the Ally list in the thread module that includes a
rudimentary chat-type server. With a few modifications, it should do
something like this.

To collect single characters from the console you can use something like
Cal Dixon's code for his rem editor (which I recommend, btw. A
well-designed and very useful and surprisingly stable beta version):

   port: open/binary [ scheme: 'console ]
   get-key: does [ wait port to-string copy/part port 1 ]

All you need to do is open an additional tcp port add code that inserts the
value returned by get-key into the tcp port. On the client side you open a
tcp port and use prin to output the character that was received on the tcp
input port.

Hope this helps,

;- Elan [ : - ) ]
REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

[REBOL] REBOL Internet Chess? Re:(3)

2000-08-03 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 Hi n.p.

 you wrote:
 Now that you've got my wheels spinning, would it be possible to develop a
 real-time chat application in REBOL?

 I just sent an email to the Ally list in the thread module that includes a
 rudimentary chat-type server. With a few modifications, it should do
 something like this.

 To collect single characters from the console you can use something like
 Cal Dixon's code for his rem editor (which I recommend, btw. A
 well-designed and very useful and surprisingly stable beta version):

port: open/binary [ scheme: 'console ]
get-key: does [ wait port to-string copy/part port 1 ]

 All you need to do is open an additional tcp port add code that inserts the
 value returned by get-key into the tcp port. On the client side you open a
 tcp port and use prin to output the character that was received on the tcp
 input port.

 Hope this helps,

Elan, good stuff. Do you remember early alpha stages? Web page contained
something like rebol://  So, I don't know if remote module creation is
clear concept - will have to think about it, as if that should be consistent,
what about other "make"s?

Some time ago someone proposed rebol ram-disk equivalent. I even sent request
for 'make refinement /external e.g. 'ram 'ram-disk (being schemes). So I though
general mechanism for sharing stuff over network would be great. Even hooking
rebols thru system objects could be great. Let's assume some field 'remote,
which could contain block of ports ...

... or something along the lines ... just dreaming :-)


 ;- Elan [ : - ) ]
 REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
 visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

[REBOL] REBOL Internet Chess? Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread deadzaphod

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 8/2/00 9:18 pm:

Now that you've got my 
wheels spinning, would it be 
possible to develop a 
real-time chat application in 
REBOL? I'm not talking about 
a situation where you type a 
message, hit enter, and 
then send a string. I'm 
talking about sending ASCII 
AS IT IS TYPED to a port 
which is sent via tcp/ip to a 
terminal window (or a view 
layout?) The ASCII then 
appears in real-time, 
backspaces and all, on the 
receiving end.

   Sounds simple enough, I'll try to put one together when i'm back on a real computer 
instead of the PalmPilot...
   A good place to look for ideas on how to write this would be %littlebell.r (the 
telnet program) it should be helpful.



[REBOL] Order of arguments to common words Re:

2000-08-03 Thread lmecir

Interesting idea, Keith.

 Hi, I'm just wondering why this design choice was made:

 for pretty much any word that finds or picks, etc. a location
out of a
 series, for example:

 print find "here and now" "and"

 blk: [red 123 green 456 blue 789]
 print select blk 'red

 str: "REBOL"
 print pick str 2

 (all examples from the dictionary) the series is the first
argument, and the
 index or the thing to find is the second argument. I'm just
wondering why
 this is, because it seems like this makes it more confusing to
string them

 For instance, with the way it is now, you would write something
like: "skip
 skip [a b c d e] 2 2", which to make clearer with parentheses
would be (skip
 (skip [a b c d e] 2) 2). How come it was chosen for it to be
this way rather
 than being able to do "skip 2 skip 2 [a b c d e]", if the
arguments were

 Just looking for some insight :) Thanks!


[REBOL] REBOL stand-alone applications?

2000-08-03 Thread newsletters

I would like to be able to put together an client side standalone
application that uses REBOL - but
I do not want to require the user to download the REBOL and see the scripts
that make up the application.

Is it possible to create a REBOL app that completely encapsulates the REBOL
engine and hides the script(s)
And if so, how?

- Scanzoni

[REBOL] Re: New Amiga support?

2000-08-03 Thread files

That is indeed good news.  I was wondering about that.


On 03-Aug-00, you wrote:

 Hi Rebols,
 I just noticed a new line in experimental releases:
 Group  System-name   Hardware   Type
 TaoElate/intent  VP tar.gz
 There are no releases by now, but does this mean that REBOL will run on
 the new Amiga? It would certainly be a reason to buy one ;-)

[REBOL] REBOL chat server Re:

2000-08-03 Thread jelinem1

 Now that you've got my wheels spinning, would it be possible to develop a
real-time chat application in REBOL? I'm not talking about a situation
you type a message, hit enter, and then send a string. I'm talking about
sending ASCII AS IT IS TYPED to a port which is sent via tcp/ip to a
window (or a view layout?) The ASCII then appears in real-time, backspaces
and all, on the receiving end.

Check out multisession.r (on rebol.org, I think). It needs some work to be
a "chat server" but it has all of the network and i/o basic functionality
for it. I've been slack in working on my server lately, but I've achieved
chat server status (at the least). I actually wanted buffered i/o (line not
sent until the user presses return) and couldn't get rebol to do it
automatically, so I had to scan the input for eol manually. I could have
just as easily sent out the characters as they were typed. Np.

Now, to do this with a REBOL/View client featuring an input window and an
output window, would be even cooler. I'm using telnet to connect to my

Is it possible? Certainly :)

- Michael Jelinek

[REBOL] Re:Trapping errors? - Not like the book says?

2000-08-03 Thread KGD03011

Hi Doug,

Why don't you try it this way:

if error? error: try [send  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  {test} true ][
   log-event/error system/script/header/file "error" (disarm error)

SEND doesn't return a value, so TRY doesn't return one either. As a
result all the set-word error: sees is the unset! value, which produces
the error. If you add 'true to the end of the try block, that
ensures you'll have some value to set 'error to. Here's an illustration
with PRINT, another function that returns no value.

 type? try [print "hello"]
== unset!
 error? try [print "hello"]; ERROR? doesn't mind unset!
== false
 error? error: try [print "hello"] ; but error: can't stand it
** Script Error: error needs a value.
** Where: error? error: try [print "hello"]
 error? error: try [print "hello" true]   ; give it TRUE to keep it happy
== false

See you,

[REBOL] web stuff Re:

2000-08-03 Thread bhandley

Just replying to one bit.

 By the way, the cookies-client.r is giving me trouble.
 there are documentation mistakes, redundancies, and inflexible
 code, and it doesn't fetch binary files like .jpg properly
 because of mishandling of cr lf chars, etc. - does anybody
 have a proper version that works or does anybody want to
 have a go at improving the blasted thing?
 For instance, what the heck is the actual
 purpose of cookie-data2?  Why are there two
 and not many (a block)?  Where is an actual example of use
 of each of these?
 Is the cookie stuff supposed to be built into Rebol,
 or do you have to get down and dirty with the http protocol

I hope that cookies will be supported in Rebol. I think that
cookies-client.r is a bit too low-level. One way I have seen it done (WebL)
is having a cookie database built into the language, which by default makes
cookies transparent to the programmer. It also allows the programmer to
manage cookie databases.  Something similar would no go astray here.  I was
going to give this method a go, but became entangled in uncertainty as to
what is the real cookie spec. actually is. Then I just got sidetracked.

[REBOL] Rebol Config/INI File Difficulty Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread rsnell

Thanks for the 'compose lesson.  I've never had to use it.
I can get something close to what I want, but I still am having
trouble getting the following to work.

Here is one file %in.dat:

item1 "hello"
item2 "goodbye"

n "bad"

Fine.  Now a console session

 sprops: do %in.dat
== [
item1 "hello"
item2 "goodbye"
n "bad"

save/header %out.dat sprops []

Here is what %out.dat then contains:


item1 "hello" 
item2 "goodbye"
n "bad"

Not what I want.  I want (expect) to see exactly what is in
the file %in.dat.  So I say, OK, use compose/deep to enclose
the thing in a block.  The following:

save/header %out.dat compose/deep [(sprops)] []

gives the same %out.dat as before.  And this:

save/header %out.dat compose/deep [[(sprops)]] []

makes %out.dat look like the following:

item1 "hello" 
item2 "goodbye"
n "bad"

As you can see there are is now an extra enclosing block instead of just

How do I save sprops, which has the exact form I want, to %out.dat so it
looks exactly like %in.dat???



[REBOL] New Amiga support? Re:

2000-08-03 Thread holger

On Thu, 03 Aug 2000, you wrote:
 Hi Rebols,
 I just noticed a new line in experimental releases:
 Group  System-name   Hardware   Type
 TaoElate/intent  VP tar.gz
 There are no releases by now, but does this mean that REBOL will run on
 the new Amiga? It would certainly be a reason to buy one ;-)

The first experimental release of REBOL/Core for Tao Elate/intent VP is now
available for download. It should work on any TAO Elate platform, but so far
has only been tested with the current Amiga SDK. Whether this current version
will also work with future SDKs or the new Amiga remains to be seen, but we
are hopeful :-)

Holger Kruse

[REBOL] New Amiga support? Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 On Thu, 03 Aug 2000, you wrote:
  Hi Rebols,
  I just noticed a new line in experimental releases:
  Group  System-name   Hardware   Type
  TaoElate/intent  VP tar.gz
  There are no releases by now, but does this mean that REBOL will run on
  the new Amiga? It would certainly be a reason to buy one ;-)

 The first experimental release of REBOL/Core for Tao Elate/intent VP is now
 available for download. It should work on any TAO Elate platform, but so far
 has only been tested with the current Amiga SDK. Whether this current version
 will also work with future SDKs or the new Amiga remains to be seen, but we
 are hopeful :-)

So fast you are :-) Well - what's the speed penalty to run interpreted REBOL on
hosted environment? :-)


 Holger Kruse

[REBOL] Re: rgb color selector error (/data = none) Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread g . santilli


On 02-Ago-00, you wrote:

 R Making this change only made the slider /data value change
 R from 0 to 1 when I move the slider and the /data value doesn't
 R return to 0.

Yup, sorry, I was too tired yesterday. :-) If you don't want to
check for none then you may want to try my slider style.


rgb: frame 50x50 [
rgb/color: to-tuple reduce [
any [red/data 1] - 1
any [green/data 1] - 1
any [blue/data 1] - 1
show rgb

assuming /data goes from 1 to 256 (so you can solve your problem
with black being 1.1.1).

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] Re: /view slider data (size - 4) ? Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread g . santilli


On 02-Ago-00, you wrote:

 R Do you have a usage guide for the scrollers?

Not yet, but the slider is 99% compatible with the predefined one.
Anyway, as a short summary:

slider ; goes from 1 to its size (like predefined)
slider 256 ; from 1 to 256
slider minimum 0 maximum 255 ; from 0 to 255

The other two styles (scroller and pixmap-scroller) are more
general (slider is based on scroller); the pixmap-scroller allows
using images for the arrows, the knob and the background.

Gabriele Santilli [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Amigan - REBOL programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

[REBOL] Trapping errors? - Not like the book says? Re:(2)

2000-08-03 Thread rebol

Hi Eric,

SEND doesn't return a value, so TRY doesn't return one either. As a
result all the set-word error: sees is the unset! value, which produces
the error. 


If you add 'true to the end of the try block, that
ensures you'll have some value to set 'error to. 

1. A better way to do it would be to use set/any 'error try [...] as in:

 either error? set/any 'error try [print "hi"] [
  print "error"
] [ 
  print "no error" 
no error

 either error? set/any 'error try [print 1 / 0] [
  print "error"
  ] [ 
  print "no error" 

;- Elan [ : - ) ]
REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

[REBOL] New Amiga support? Re:(3)

2000-08-03 Thread holger

On Thu, 03 Aug 2000, you wrote:

 So fast you are :-) Well - what's the speed penalty to run interpreted REBOL on
 hosted environment? :-)

No idea, sorry. I have not run any detailed benchmarks yet. Tests did not seem
significantly slower though.

Holger Kruse

[REBOL] Re: REBOL Internet Chess?

2000-08-03 Thread weirddream

Look at http://i.am/chesster for REBOL CHESS. It's in beta stage and only HTML
GUI is public available , however the engine is written in REBOL and we've got
some experimental VIEW and FLASH GUIs as well.

On 03-srp-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for chess game for my kids... that runs in View over the
 Internet... where one player can play another player. Anything like that out
Diky za pozornost,
Boleslav Brezovsky, NOT know as Kryptoplex, maybe on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
member of R.U.R (means RobotenUndRebol this week)
www.volny.cz/weirddream   MUSICSOUND   listen.to/sintezar   

[REBOL] /Command docs and release date Re:

2000-08-03 Thread allenk

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 9:19 AM
Subject: [REBOL] /Command docs and release date


 now that experimental /Command versions for different platforms are
 available for download, I'd like to see some docs for ODBC and external
 library calls.

 Also, the REBOL/Command page at http://www.rebol.com/command1w.html
 says that "REBOL/Command will be available for purchase in August
 2000.", so should we expect it Real Soon Now?

 Michal Kracik

Hi Michal,

Until we have an official link for the new ones at REBOL, I have placed the
the beta 0.90 REBOL/Command docs on my server.




Hope this helps,

Allen K

[REBOL] REBOL the Official Guide

2000-08-03 Thread ptretter

I just want to urge everyone who is serious about learning REBOL to buy the
book "REBOL - The Official Guide".  I dont work for REBOL or anyway profit
from this book.  However, I know many people on these lists have had great
benefits from RT products whether beta or not.  Carl and his staff have
worked very hard to create a great product and I have heard great things
about the book.  I myself have already ordered and await anxiously for
arrival.  I also want to thank all of you for your help and contribution to
the lists.  Amazon, is asking for reviews so if you have recieved the book
Im sure you will post great things about the book.  Have fun everyone!


[REBOL] ODBC Connection

2000-08-03 Thread etcha

I am using win95 ver of rebol/command for the first time, and thought id
open a data
source connection to the radius.  can somebody tell me what im doing wrong:

dbase: open odbc://name:pass@datasourcehere

db-port: make dbase [scheme: 'odbc]

insert db-port "select * from tablenamehere"

and it returned

 Error: Port none not opened
Where: insert db-port "select * from tablenamehere"

I thought this _was_ a port.?


[REBOL] ODBC Connection Re:

2000-08-03 Thread jimg

The way to open a command port has been changed from:

db-port: make dbase [ scheme: 'odbc ]


db-port: first dbase

Think of the dbase port as a factory that makes command ports.

  - jim

At 02:46 PM 8/4/2000 +1000, you wrote:
I am using win95 ver of rebol/command for the first time, and thought id
open a data
source connection to the radius.  can somebody tell me what im doing wrong:

dbase: open odbc://name:pass@datasourcehere

db-port: make dbase [scheme: 'odbc]

insert db-port "select * from tablenamehere"

and it returned

  Error: Port none not opened
Where: insert db-port "select * from tablenamehere"

I thought this _was_ a port.?
