[REBOL] core editor tricks?

2001-04-28 Thread balayo

howdy guys,

Has anyone done anything to, say, rem41.r, to allow for the
opening of remote files?

I'll be sticking with core for a while...View is just too slow
on my computer.  I like the idea of rebol-based editors alot,


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[REBOL] pop filtering

2001-02-14 Thread balayo

hey guys,

I'd like to filter my mail, according to address, as it comes
off of the server.  Jeff posted this script some time ago, but
it's for use with something like sendmail or exim, and I've
never been able to get it working.  How easy would it be to
convert this thing to pop?

;#!/usr/local/bin/rebol -qws
;Title: "Mail filter"
;stdin: copy system/ports/input
;message: import-email stdin
;foreach [item file][
;"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" %rebol-box
;"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" %doc-box
;if find item message/to [
;write/append file stdin
;write/append %default-box stdin



Loving every minute of it.
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[REBOL] parse examples?

2000-11-01 Thread balayo

Hey list,

none of my mail has been leaving my computer lately, so sorry if this
turns out to be a repeat queston.  Does anyone have a list of parse
examples?  I have the ones from all the current documentation, but was
thinking more along the lines of "a parse for any occasion".  This
time, I'd like to replace stuff from between tags, but that's only
this time.

any ideas?

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[REBOL] why do I get an error here?

2000-10-16 Thread balayo

hey guys, 

at the prompt, I can type in

read http://www.rebol.com/index.html

and get the error,

** Script Error: read-io expected port argument of type: port.
** Where: read-io port/sub-port data port/state/num

why do you suppose that started happening?

[REBOL] why do I get an error here? Re:(2)

2000-10-16 Thread balayo

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 20:01:30 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 balayo wrote:
   at the prompt, I can type in
   read http://www.rebol.com/index.html
   and get the error,
   ** Script Error: read-io expected port argument of type: port.
   ** Where: read-io port/sub-port data port/state/num
   why do you suppose that started happening?
  I don't get that error.

I've got REBOL/Core

I think I must have redefined some words... using view, and an
fresh copy 
of core, I got no error, (and that function worked too)

I guess I should have considered that possibility before I


[REBOL] parse, I think

2000-09-30 Thread balayo


Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] parse, I think, (again)

2000-09-30 Thread balayo

hey guys,

sorry about that blank post.

If given a block, ["text, text -b text --b , text"], 
how do I replace -b and --b with b and /b, respectively?

Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] download progress

2000-09-29 Thread balayo

Hey list,I don't suppose anyone has made any kind
of "progress indicator" for downloads, have they?
If I'm fetching a large file, I would kind of like
to see how much is left. wget does this pretty well.
has anyone done this?

Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] simple, yet frustrating

2000-09-25 Thread balayo

howdy list,

This doesn't seem to be the time to be asking *really* easy
questions, but I'm frustrated enough to go for it anyway.

this is ftpdownload.r, sans the interactive part.

site: ftp://ftp.rebol.com/pub/downloads/

pattern: "*.gz"

files: read site

foreach file files [
if find/match/any file pattern [
write/binary file read/binary site/:file

what I can't seem to do is have this fetch "*.gz" files, but not "gz.bak"
files.  I don't want the backups (later, I'll modify this to delete them).
of course, the site and pattern have been changed to protect the innocent.

thanks for your patience...   


Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] file extensions (was if any [find suffixes....)

2000-09-07 Thread balayo


since we're already on the subject,

Do you mean ...
foreach file-name file-list [
if find/any file-name "*.r" [ print join "found " file-name ]

how 'bout a refinement which allows one to choose *only* "*.r" and not,
say, "*r.old" ?


Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] stdout instead of print?

2000-09-07 Thread balayo

howdy guys,

print date-string

Instead of printing date-string, how can I get it to stdout,
so I can pipe it to date?

Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] to encrypt, or not to encrypt...

2000-09-04 Thread balayo

howdy list,

There have been several posts on encryption lately.  I'd 
like to be able to encrypt a local password file to call on
when constructing ftp urls.  I don't want to hard-code them
into scripts, and I'm already tired of

;pass: ask/hide "password? "

I also don't like to have my passwords floating around my drive
in plain text.

How do you  guys handle this?


Eat more spinach.

[REBOL] finding, adding string.

2000-08-19 Thread balayo

Hey guys,

I would like to add a meta tag just under "head" to a directory full of html files, 
via ftp.
I'm struggling a little...can some kind soul help me out?


[REBOL] One disk OS + REBOL Re

2000-08-17 Thread balayo


another one-disk wonder is tomsrtbt--it also has some networking
support, and is pretty darn cool.

Insert witty saying here.

[REBOL] One disk OS + REBOL Re

2000-08-17 Thread balayo

Howdy Tim,

oops.  Should have included a link.


I'm looking into sticking REBOL on one now :-)

Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] message board?

2000-08-16 Thread balayo

Hey Guys,

Has anyone written a "sophisticated" message board with REBOL? one that 
allows for threaded discussion?


Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] Getting Rebol Word List Re:

2000-08-07 Thread balayo

At 8/7/00 9:11:00 AM, you wrote:

There is a way to dump the entire rebol word list
to a file. I have used it before but can't remember...

Does anyone know how to do this and where the
documentation is?


I don't suppose you are thinking of the rebdoc.r script?  It makes an html list of all 
REBOL defined words.


[REBOL] curiosity killed the code-generator

2000-08-05 Thread balayo

howdy list,

this one falls into the "I'm just curious" catagory.  What would be some of the 
benefits of writing a code-generator in REBOL, say, for Java?  That was actually 
suggested to me some time ago, and a person I mentioned it to called it a "trial by 
fire".  hmm.  Someone wrote some fortran tools, didn't they?

I was just wondering what it helped.

Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] rip over ftp

2000-07-31 Thread balayo

howdy guys,

I've got two questions concerning the rip archiver.  how can I use it
on a single file?  also, more to the point, can I use it via ftp?  I
have a gob of files that I'd like to download, and wouldn't mind
ripping them for transport.  Would going the other direction
(uploading a rip) be as easy as do ftp://blah/file.rip ? 

Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] source

2000-07-27 Thread balayo


Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] source Re

2000-07-27 Thread balayo

hey guys,

oops. Sorry. I thought "source" on the subject line was supposed to make
selma send herself to me!

Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] cgi and normal scripts

2000-07-26 Thread balayo

Hey list,

I have a cgi question for you.  If you want to use cgi with REBOL,
do you have to start out with that intention, or can you cgi-ize
a regular script?  more specifically, I want to use the various
fields of a form as input for a "normal" script. "input-cgi.r" seems perfect.

can someone spare some tips? 

Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] code that crashes

2000-07-25 Thread balayo

Hey list,

two things...

I have a pretty big html file with a bunch of same-page links, that
goes something like this:


#linktarget number name description list

I want to rebolize the page so I can generate additions to the page
(make a "rebol" db).. how might I best accomplish this?

also, tell me if there is anything wrong with this line:

close insert (find (open ftp://user:pass@site) "these words") (code)

it works on opening local files, but, like that, crashes rebol.

any ideas? 

Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] input a bunch?

2000-07-25 Thread balayo

hey list guys,

I have something like this:

print "type something"
input: somthingtyped

this works like a champ when I type stuff in at the console.  but I'd
prefer to get it in some other way, and pasting mucks stuff up.
how can I get, say, a paragraph into input?  I'm typing in stuff that
I don't know beforehand...



Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] selecting from a block

2000-07-19 Thread balayo

howdy list,

I'm having a bit too much of a hard time with this. 
Ye olde standard example,

 friends: [

I want to add to so that it's

 friends: [
"1" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "bob"
"2" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "betty"
"3" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "kirby"
"4" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "barb"

Then print the list to the screen, (got that part)
and be able to choose from them, as in

choice? 1

I'd love to be understand this  better...next would
be looping through conditional statements, then throwing 
and catching stuff...


Turn your computer off. Go outside.

[REBOL] simple foreach question

2000-07-18 Thread balayo

howdy guys,

I'm on a roll, just trying to "get" simple things. for instance, in
the exapmle,

pages: [ http://www.cnet.com
   http://www.news-wire.com/news/today.html ]

 loop 24 [ foreach page pages [send [EMAIL PROTECTED] read page] wait 1:00

where did "page" come from? is it arbitrary?  if the block was of species of
pigs, would it be "foreach pig pigs?

just curious.  Let me know if I get annoying.


Eat more spinach.

[REBOL] Docbook?

2000-07-18 Thread balayo

hey guys, 

I don't suppose any one has written any docbook tools in REBOL, have


Insert witty saying here.

[REBOL] pesky little questions

2000-07-17 Thread balayo

pesky little questions

howdy guys, 

I've a few smallish questions that have been pestering me. Like this

compressing a file is pretty easy.  compress read %this.file (right?)
How can I get the compressed data into a script so that I can use it
there? I guess a gif would be in the same catagory.

Here's another one:

I've never made a string or block to store stuff in. Like make string!
1. can I maybe get an example and explanation?  I can make a
string to decompress into, then work on, right?

one more for now:

extracting stuff from a block.

friends: [

how can I get a list to choose from, then use the choice? Like,

choices: 1. her
 2. him
 3. her
sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

or something like that.



[REBOL] one more time

2000-07-06 Thread balayo

one more time

howdy again,

I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL

error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory

and not with

I ran "update", and I'm using the libc6 version...
does anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance,


[REBOL] one more time Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread balayo

 What version of libtermcap does your Linux box have installed?
 (Look in /lib)

 If you don't have a file or symlink named libtermcap.so.2, you can
 *probably* make a symlink with that name to whatever version of
 libtermcap you have installed.

Howdy guys,

That was it.  I use Debian, and Debian doesn't use libtermcap, but
libncurses.  I symlinked libncurses to what REBOL was looking for,
libtermcap.so.2.  It works...ta d.




[REBOL] core 2.3 install woes Re:

2000-07-05 Thread balayo

core 2.3 install woes Re:

Hi Tom,

I have the libc6 version running fine on
Debian/Gnu Linux 2.1 libc6, are you sure
you've grabbed the right version? (I'm
only asking, had _that_ error once, too)



Yup, I'm sure.  I recently upgraded to potato...wonder if that has
anything to do with it?


[REBOL] core 2.3 install woes

2000-06-30 Thread balayo

core 2.3 install woes

howdy guys,

just tried to upgrade to REBOL/core 2.3. I think it has already
been mentioned that "upgrade" does not work.  I grabbed the
libc6 version for linux, and it failed to start because it
seemed to be looking for a libc5 shared library. I got the old
library, tried it, and now rebol just crashes.

Is this a bug, or what's going on? version 2.2 works just fine.

