[REBOL] Re: rebol ecommerce site Re:

2000-05-17 Thread collins-e

On 17-May-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] rebol ecommerce
site Re::


 very cool...REBOL View and Command will make this much easier and more 
 comprehensive for you in the near future...we're plugging away!  dan

Thanks. Rebol/Command will certainly be of benefit for a larger scale
version of such a system.

Anyone else have any comments on the system or suggested improvements ?

Kind Regards, 
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Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr.

[REBOL] Re: rebol ecommerce site Re:(3)

2000-05-17 Thread collins-e

On 17-May-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] rebol
ecommerce site Re:(3):


 I just want to tell you how impressed I am with your work. The site looks


 great and the total use of REBOL is awesome. I was wondering if your
 content is store in a database or flat file. How did you deal with REBOL's
 data limitations?

I had to go for a flat file database considering the rebol/core limitations
with databases.

Kind Regards, 
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Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord

77. If I have a fit of temporary insanity and decide to give the hero the
chance to reject a job as my trusted lieutenant, I will retain enough
sanity to wait until my current trusted lieutenant is out of earshot
before making the offer.

[REBOL] Re: rebol ecommerce site Re:(3)

2000-05-16 Thread collins-e

On 16-May-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] rebol
ecommerce site Re:(3):


 What version of REBOL did you use to construct the Saville Flowers web
 site (core, view, command)?

Just good old rebol/core 2.2.

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord

89. After I capture the hero's superweapon, I will not immediately disband
my legions and relax my guard because I believe whoever holds the
weapon is unstoppable. After all, the hero held the weapon and I
took it from him.

[REBOL] rebol ecommerce site

2000-05-15 Thread collins-e

Hi folks,
I've just finished a website with an ecommerce shopping basket system wrote
entirely in rebol cgi. I know it's a plug but I'm just so happy to have
finally got it finished and have it live. :) The site is:


There is even a powered by rebol link on the order page. :)

All the best, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Johnny Rotton:  Because it was stapled to a punk rocker.

[REBOL] Re: rebol ecommerce site Re:

2000-05-15 Thread collins-e

On 15-May-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] rebol
ecommerce site Re::


 On what type of system is this site running? What is the bandwidth,
 memory, and cpu power? Also, is the machine dedicated to this site only? I
 ask because this is the first production that I have seen using REBOL and
 wanted to better judge the speed of the site. Thanks

It's running on a Sun Sparc server using a commercial account with the US
Verio (www.verio.com) ISP. I'm not entirely sure of the system spec as I
have been using their servers for a while for various rebol scripting (they
allow rebol to be run in a cgi-loal directory). I never really got time to
check out the server specs I was so busy trying to get the site live before
the US mothers day. :)

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Give your child mental blocks for Christmas.

[REBOL] Re: rebol ecommerce site Re:

2000-05-15 Thread collins-e

On 15-May-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] rebol
ecommerce site Re::


 On what type of system is this site running? What is the bandwidth,
 memory, and cpu power? Also, is the machine dedicated to this site only? I
 ask because this is the first production that I have seen using REBOL and
 wanted to better judge the speed of the site. Thanks

Just out of interest, does anyone else know of any ecommerce sites coded
entirely using rebol ?

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Why did the chicken cross the road?

TIMOTHY LEARY:  Because that's the only trip the establishment
would let it make.

[REBOL] Re: Rebol/Command ME TOO Re:(2)

2000-04-19 Thread collins-e

On 19-Apr-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] Rebol/Command 
ME TOO Re:(2):


 Ok, another round of ME TOOO's.
 Please add me to the list of REBOL/Command Beta testers.

Um, me too too. :)

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.
-- Mark Twain

[REBOL] rebol and SSL

2000-03-11 Thread collins-e

Hi Folks,
I've been developing a shopping basket system using several rebol scripts
(partly based on the sid and cart scripts on rebol.org) but now it is
partly working I came to the matter of sending a secure order with credit
card numbers. Since rebol doesn't currently support SSL I'm not entirely
sure about how it could be used for securely sending credit card details. I
don't have a lot of knowledge about SSL servers so anyone got suggestions
about how this can be implemented (without dropping it and having credit
details sent seperately by e-mail/phone) ?

All the best, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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The World Foundry LLC - Amiga PPC - Explorer 2260 - Maim  Mangle

-- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)

[REBOL] odd form posting problem

2000-01-23 Thread collins-e

Hi Folks,
Apologies for the plenty number of recent e-mails about my form posting
problems under IIS4. I do now almost have it working properly except for
one minor problem. The problem occurs only with IIS form postings (well it
never happened under apache here anyway) where the contents of a form is
posted to a rebol script.

Now the script now can decode the contents of the form posted but when it
goes to access any of the form contents to build up an e-mail body it gives
out an error message that the words don't exist. This caused much head
scratching as when I included the line "print post" to display the contents
of the post data for testing purposes on the webpage that the script
displays it prints the e post data and proceeds to build up the e-mail body
and sends it.

Is there something else I should be doing between decoding the POST data and
using the different names in the block that makes them visible to the rebol
script ? Sorry I can't send the script to the list as I left it in work and
forgot to mail it home. Doh!

All the best, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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"When You're Up to Your Ass in Alligators, Today Is the First Day of the
Rest of Your Life."
-- Management slogan, Ridcully-style
   (Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent)

[REBOL] Re: odd form posting problem Re:

2000-01-23 Thread collins-e

On 23-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] odd form
posting problem Re::


 To use the email address as an email address, you have to convert it to a
 value of datatype email address

 to-email user-input/email-address

 to-email email-address


 Hope this helps

Thank you very much. I think thats exactly what I'm after. Now if only my
work e-mail address was working I could forward your mail onto it. :) Time
to dig ut my hotmail account I think to store it till then.

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Incumbent, n.:
Person of liveliest interest to the outcumbents.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

[REBOL] POST method under IIS3/4 Re:(3)

2000-01-21 Thread collins-e

On 20-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] POST method
under IIS3/4 Re::

 These two little files work for me in IIS 4. If GET works
 for you, POST should as well, no more server configuration  is needed.

I`ve tried out your scripts and they don`t collect the form data and display
it correctly on the new page. Instead it displays a page with the text:

?unset? 15 ?unset?

Which is a bit strange. The "Print mold system/options/cgi" line provides the
first ?unset?. The "read-io" line pulls this 15 from somewhere and the "print
data" line displays the final  ?unset?. Any ideas why it might be acting differently
here ?


[REBOL] POST method under IIS3/4 Re:(4)

2000-01-21 Thread collins-e

 On 20-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] POST method

 under IIS3/4 Re::
 Hmm, I just realised the PUT, DELETE extras mentioned in the cgi howto isn't

 setup in IIS4 configuration. Would that likely cause a problem ?
I looked at HTTP protocol (RFC 2068), and  I don't think so. These are
just two of seven HTTP methods (OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE,
TRACE). PUT is used for uploading pages and replacing them with newer
versions, and DELETE is for deleting pages. The setting in IIS4 for
excluding methods is for safety, so that scripts cannot modify or
delete files on the server.

Thanks for the info. I thought that wouldn`t have affected things. I did manage
to get form postings to work though (wahey!!).

I used the lines:

read-io system/ports/input data: 2000 2000
post: decode-cgi data

and I`ve managed to pick up the contents of the form but (isn`t there always)
it appears to be picky as to when I can access the values that have been decoded.
I have a line that pulls some of the info from the form and builds up the contents
of an e-mail.

So for example as part of my message I have:

message: rejoin [
"name:" name newline
. and so on ...

I get an error message displayed saying:
"Script Error: name has no value"

While if I (for testing purposes) have the line "print post" above the message
building, it has no problem obtaining the name value. What could be causing
this strange problem and anyway to get around it without having to display the
test info ?


[REBOL] Re: POST method under IIS3/4 Re:

2000-01-20 Thread collins-e

On 20-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] POST method
under IIS3/4 Re::


 What kind of error messages are you getting?
 Can you paste them into your next message?

Um, there isn't an error message. :) What happens is when my script tries to
decode the input from the POST. Using the likes of the lines below in my

read-io system/ports/input data: make string! 2000 2000
print data

would result in the browser sitting there until the browser times out the
connection. It didn't seem to know what to do with the input.

 Also, the flags you are setting when you invoke the script
 eg. rebol -cs or  rebol -cgi or whatever?

Yes they're setup as -cs in the IIS setup. Like I say, rebol scripts do work
except when data from a POST is used (or rather when tried to be

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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That secret you've been guarding, isn't.

[REBOL] Re: POST method under IIS3/4 Re:

2000-01-20 Thread collins-e

On 20-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] POST method
under IIS3/4 Re::


 there is a CGI HOWTO at http://www.rebol.com/howto.html#cgi-scripts.html
 which mentions POST.

Yeah been through that. I never seem to have trouble posting data using

 These two little files work for me in IIS 4. If GET works for you, POST
 should as well, no more server configuration is needed.

Hmm, I just realised the PUT, DELETE extras mentioned in the cgi howto isn't
setup in IIS4 configuration. Would that likely cause a problem ?

Thanks for the scripts, I'll try them in work tomorrow.

 I think I read earlier that 'read-io function does not grow its string
 argument dynamically as other functions in REBOL, but needs enough
 bytes (here it is 2000) already reserved.

I'm not sure. IIS4 gave the impression it didn't know when to end the data
from the input.

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
-- Oscar Wilde

[REBOL] POST method under IIS3/4

2000-01-20 Thread collins-e

Hi folks,
It's me again. I'm not sure if my mail got lost in the large number of posts
in the last few days or if nobody knows the answer. Can anyone who has
succeded in getting the POST method to be used with webbased forms under
IIS3/4 tell us how they managed it. The GET method works fine (with the
additional check on the query string) but my form holds too much data to be
sent as a GET. Ofcourse POSTs work fine under apache which only makes if
even more annoying to wonder what M$ has been doing with their server
software. :(

All the best, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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God isn't dead, he just couldn't find a parking place.

[REBOL] rebol cgi under IIS

2000-01-19 Thread collins-e

Hi Folks,
I`ve been having a little problem getting rebol scripts to work under IIS on
NT. I set up the server to use rebol (tried this with both IIS3  4) but no
matter what I do, I always get the error message when running a script from
the webserver:

"CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of
HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:"

Now I remember a while back getting rebol scripts to run of an IIS4 server before
and having this error but have not been able to fix it now (I lost the previous
working scripts a while back when the server was replaced). So I know it must
have something to do with the line:

print "Content-Type: text/html^/^/"

not giving proper headers but I`m at a loss to figure out what to do. I`ve tried
adding additional ^/ but nothing makes it work.

BTW, I also don`t have any line at the top of the script such as: "!#c:\rebol\rebol.exe
-cs" as I don`t think IIS needs it (apache does ofcourse and the same scripts
run fine under it - changing the server to Apache is not an option though).

So if anyone can point the way, i`d be grateful.


[REBOL] rebol cgi under IIS Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread collins-e

I have IIS4.0.  I set the properties in IIS4.0 on the cgi-bin directory to
c:\rebol.exe -cs %s %s and used .r for the extension for the script files.

I`ve have done that. It wouldn`t do anything at all without it.

You dont need the "!#c:\rebol\rebol.exe -cs" at the top of your script with

Ah I thought so.

IIS.  Now I had problems very similiar which I couldnt figure out until I
changed the form method in the HTML script from a method of "post" to "get".

The problem is, it just refuses to return with anything, with any script. My
main form handling script I need to use must use post as it contains a lot of
data (more than the 255 characters or something like that limit on GETs). I
get the same error with any script I use. Even simple scripts that all they
do is return with a html page with a test message. No form processing is done
on these so no GETs or POSTs needed.

statements.  I struggled at first with this also.  What I did was made sure

I found a simple example and got it working first.  I used the cgiform
example on the rebol web site.  I suggest you use it to test IIS at first
when your setting it up.

Well I`d prefer to get some test scripts working first before I even go near
any form scripts like the cgiform examples. But I suppose I should have another
look at them to see if there is something I have missing.

If anyone has any suggestions as to why even a simple html page can`t be displayed
with no form handling on IIS, again, give me a shout.


[REBOL] rebol cgi under IIS Re:(2)

2000-01-19 Thread collins-e

IIS.  Now I had problems very similiar which I couldnt figure out until I changed
the form method in the HTML script from a method of "post" to "get".

I`ve played around a wee bit more and managed to get it to work under IIS4.
Well that is A rebol script to work under IIS. Sadly not the one I want to work
which is a form that needs a POST method. How can a post method in a form under
rebol and IIS be decoded ?

As for using IIS3, I`ve still had no luck even with the detailed setup instructions
sterling gave me a while back. It gives that header error with even the simpliest
rebol gi scripts.


[REBOL] rebol/core for amigappc ?

2000-01-10 Thread collins-e

Has plans for an amiga ppc version (be it powerup or warpos) of rebol/core
been dropped ?

All the best, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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The World Foundry LLC - Amiga PPC - Explorer 2260 - Maim  Mangle

If you're happy, you're successful.

[REBOL] Re: More PWS Questions and Issue

2000-01-10 Thread collins-e

On 07-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL]
More PWS Questions and Issue:


 Hope that someone can help me get this thing going...One writer suggest I
 run an different (Omni) web server...now this could be an interim option
 if I could run it on 8080 or something, but I need to continue to run PWS
 on 80HEEElp,

I'm sorry but I don't think you'll have any luck with it. I experienced all
the same problems as you've been having. Nothing could make it work with
PWS. I gave up and installed apache instead. Rebol can also be used as cgi
with PWS big brother IIS.

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Saddam Hussein:  This was an unprovoked rebellion and we were
quite justified in dropping 50 tonnes of nerve gas on it.

[REBOL] Re: What's next for REBOL... Re:(5)

2000-01-10 Thread collins-e

On 07-Jan-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] What's next
for REBOL... Re:(5):


 Yes! As long as they have the same subject, I'll find them all, and we
 will send you REBOL/View. Just as soon as we've got it.

 In that case; please do fling me an Amiga version, once available. :)

Um, me too. :) I can test on amiga, linux ppc and win95 version anyway.
There will be an amiga version won't there ?

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
 |  \ \\_/\_// __//   TWF Home : http://www.worldfoundry.com/
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Truth will be out this morning.  (Which may really mess things up.)

[REBOL] money symbols

1999-10-06 Thread collins-e

Prehaps a stupid question. I have been putting together on online shopping basket
system (thanks to andrew`s sid and cart scripts on rebol.org) and have it working
pretty well so far. I have prices stored in the database as the money datatype
and it works well enough. The problem is when I display the prices it displays
$ when I want it to be a £ symbol. Is there anyway to get around this ?


[REBOL] Re: Web Hosting Sites that support Rebol? Re:(2)

1999-01-17 Thread collins-e

On 19-Nov-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said about the subject [REBOL] Web Hosting
Sites that support Rebol? Re:(2):


 This information is, in my experience, just plain wrong.
 No web host I have every used or heard about allows uncontrolled binaries
 to be executed on their servers. I guess they may not want their servers
 crashing (some people just have no faith). I would say that you are out of
 luck unless you control your own server.

It would have to be put into a cgi-bin or cgi-local directory which allows
excutables to be run from that directory. I have a commercial webspace with
hiway and am running rebol scripts by having the rebol exe for the server
in the cgi-local directory.

Kind Regards, 
\___ \ /\ / ___// ICQ: 34895924
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