[REBOL] RE: Netscape vs. Explorer ???

2000-07-07 Thread evans

Try Opera


[REBOL] RE: REBOL and e-commerce Re:(2)

2000-04-27 Thread evans

Someone needs to document how to write REBOL.

I am a newbie who is impressed by the user comments about its power, but at a
loss to get started.  Documentation does not seem to be REBOL's strong point!

I would propose a tutorial web page for starters.  The REBOL.com site is not
very helpful from a newcomer's standpoint.  I've read this list for some weeks
but still need an overview tutorial.

Mark Evans

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 11:34 AM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL and e-commerce Re:(2)

Thanks, Chas, although that message was quick and had a few typos.

Yes, I've considered writing a book on REBOL and may very well do so. I love
the language, that's for sure.

[REBOL] RE: REBOL and e-commerce Re:(5)

2000-04-27 Thread evans

Thank you Allen.  I plead guilty to not having fully studied the user guide
which is the closest thing to comprehensive documentation.  At least I scanned
it carefully (more than you can say for most programmers)!

The Guide takes a worm's eye view of the territory, not a bird's eye view.  It
reminds me of the old Inside Macintosh books.  I tried to learn Mac programming
from those books (thick as they were) and got absolutely nowhere.  A magazine
article hit the nail on the head when it paraphrased the Mac API as the assembly
language of interface programming.

I work as a professional software engineer and know several languages, compiled
and interpreted.  Learning curves are not mysteries to me; I know what they look

The real point I am trying to make is that a dictionary-style documentation, or
slew of examples, is the hard way to learn anything.  I could tell you to learn
the English language by reading the dictionary.  Technically speaking it covers
everything you need to know, but then again -- it doesn't.  The Guide takes an
approach that is just barely one level above a dictionary.  It categorizes REBOL
thingys into groups of thingys without saying what makes a REBOL program a REBOL

There needs an architecture discussion to lend coherence to the whole situation.
Especially useful would be

- background philosophy
  (why REBOL?  what's better about it?  white paper time!)

- comparison with another language doing the same task
  (esp. Perl which seems to be the main competition --
  comparative examples are often the most important)

- visual block diagrams instead of words
  (show me the chain of evaluation in a flow chart
  not a dictionary presentation which asks me to reconstruct
  the flow based on dry definitions)

- clarification of the 31 flavors of REBOL
  (/core, /view, /whatever /else) - what are they, when
  are they planned to ship, what is the price tag,
  why so many flavors

- clarification of exactly what things are done
  behind the scenes and how
  (memory alloc, run time typing, etc.)

These suggestions are given in a spirit of constructive critique.  The point
here is to convey the mind of the language designer to the readers.  Then
examples will fall neatly into place.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 7:15 PM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL and e-commerce Re:(5)

Hi Mark,

All Rebol scripts are documentation, don't look for all your answers in manuals,
spend time reading the example scripts, each one is a mini how-to document.

[REBOL] RE: sendmail

2000-04-10 Thread evans

I second the motion.  REBOL should pipe output to sendmail.

My web host offers its 150,000 customers POP/IMAP mailboxes but not SMTP.  Mail
can be received, but not sent, at least not by SMTP.  Sendmail is the only way.
One can log into Unix and type sendmail commands in the terminal window.  One
can also write procmail scripts.  The company told me there was no way for them
to authenticate SMTP, so they had to shut it down.  This kind of thing is
happening all over the web.

Sendmail is mandatory for any sort of newsletter or discussion list run over
e-mail.  And procmail "recipes" are exactly the sort of cryptic, error-prone
Unix syntax that REBOL could replace.

Some people suggest running SMTP servers from home.  To me it's not a good idea.
The whole point of using a hosting firm is to let them handle 24/7 uptime and
server hardware costs and software configuration.


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 8:00 AM
Subject: [REBOL] REBOL CGI's and sendmail

Is it possible to write a CGI script in REBOL which uses sendmail?

[REBOL] RE: sendmail Re:(2)

2000-04-10 Thread evans

To answer respondents -

IMAP is a nice protocol but it's receive-only, as is POP.  Neither one of them
has anything to do with sending email.  (SMTP is for that.)

The web host company has sendmail working fine.  I am using it (and procmail).
The problem is, I can't exercise sendmail from a REBOL script even though they
have REBOL on the server.

The company claims it can't provide authenticated SMTP and are faced with a
choice of "open-relay" SMTP (spam-bait) or nothing.  So they provide nothing so
far as SMTP is concerned.

They told me this inability to authenticate SMTP was a function of their Sun
Solaris 2.7/Apache server software.  (If anyone has ideas how they could
configure authenticated SMTP I would be glad to hear about it.


[REBOL] Newsletter via Procmail

2000-04-06 Thread evans

My web host supports REBOL and limited procmail but not SMTP (direct outgoing
mail).  I want to create an opt-in/opt-out subscriber e-mail newsletter with
REBOL that runs through their procmail.

What I need are some simple REBOL commands to test sending messages through
procmail.  I know next to nothing about procmail and would rather things stay
that way if they can.

They do support the procmail-based "SmartList" system for discussion groups.  So
in principle REBOL could interface to procmail and accomplish the same thing.
In may case I don't need a discussion group, just a newsletter.

I am learning a lot about REBOL on this e-list and appreciate all inputs.


Mark Evans

[REBOL] RE: Salvaging ASCII data from binary file

2000-04-05 Thread evans

Without denigrating any potential REBOL-based solutions, this problem could be
solved with the free Icon language pretty trivially.

There is a library function in Icon called "deletec(s,c)" which deletes all
characters in string s that belong to charset c.  In Icon both strings and
charsets are atomic types.  It is a very powerful string-processing language.


Best regards,

Mark Evans

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Salvaging ASCII data from binary file


I have been given a messed up (beyond hope) database file of 5MB and would
like to remove all the extended and unprintable characters, then save the
result as a text file.

[REBOL] [REBOL] RE: recommend a REB friendly host

2000-03-31 Thread evans

Here's one more:  http://www.Superb.net is one of the top-rated hosts and
supports REBOL.  Just ask for it when you sign up and they will put it on your
specific server.  They are not an ISP just a dedicated web host.

Superb doesn't offer SMTP but only POP/IMAP.  If you have a special requirement
for SMTP they are willing to talk about it but generally ask you to use your ISP
for outgoing mail.


Mark Evans

[REBOL] RE: rebol and SSL

2000-03-11 Thread evans

Perhaps this site is pertinent?

My knowledge of the project is zero but maybe it can be integrated into REBOL.

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 2:57 PM
Subject: [REBOL] rebol and SSL

[REBOL] Digest Format for REBOL List

2000-02-19 Thread evans

The REBOL e-list is very helpful.  Probably many of us novice listeners would
appreciate a digest format.

A digest is a collection of the previous day's exchanges that is automatically
compiled and mailed to (digest) subscribers once per day.  This single daily
e-mail is less troublesome than the raw traffic.

Someone familiar with SELMA could figure out how to add digest capability.
Subscribers should be able to change back and forth between regular and digest
subscriptions.  From what I gather about REBOL's capabilities, this sort of
problem should be fairly trivial.

Mark Evans