[REBOL] Re: rebol Digest V3 #5

2002-01-07 Thread Kevin Adams

Hi... i'm using REBOL core. It seems to freeze randomly... odd, mabye my machine is 
just getting too hot...---James wrote:Hi Kevin, Are you using View or Core?  Can you 
make it consistantly freeze with the same code or is this a random occurrance? I have 
a BeOS test machine here and Rebol/View seems to run just fine on it. It seems to be a 
little slower than its Windows counterpart in the GUI department (which surprised me) 
but that could be because the BeOS machine is running in VESA mode. James.

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[REBOL] One more question...

2002-01-05 Thread Kevin Adams

Okay, a few days ago I submited a program to the rebol script libray... then I tried 
to update it but unfortuanally I updated the program wrong. So now there are two 
versions of my app in the script libray... titled search and search2, how can I remove 
the one called search2? Or doe the people ate rebol have to do that? By the way, the 
e-mail address on the scripts is [EMAIL PROTECTED], my new adress, i'm writing this 
e-mail from my old e-mail address (i'm not an imposter, really!)...

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[REBOL] Re: rebol Digest V3 #2

2002-01-03 Thread Kevin Adams

Hey, thanks! That worked great! Kevin--- Listar 
 wrote:From: pat665  Subject: [REBOL] Re: A simple REBOL view question... Date: Wed, 
2 Jan 2002 21:54:53 +0100 Hi, I hope this will answer your question. Patrick(code 

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[REBOL] Re: REBOL Web Site Thoughts

2001-04-05 Thread KELLEHER,KEVIN (Non-HP-Roseville,ex1)

For the domain name, a rather obvious choice would be rebol.net.
Another could be rebolworker.org.

Anyway, the thing I would most like to see is a good faq,
based - as you said - on posts to rebol-list.  I'm glad that there
is a faq on the official website, but none of my questions were
on it, and I am not interested in any of the questions listed

Along the same line, something that would be helpful would
be snippets of code - not example scripts; something along the
lines of RT's how-to page.

Kevin Kelleher(916) 785-9628

~-Original Message-
~Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 08:59
~Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Web Site Thoughts
~I'm working on creating another resource page for REBOL 
~programmers and I'd
~like some input. What would you like to see in a web site that 
~focuses on
~I know there are other sites already out there, but I'd like 
~your input,
~anyway, before I put my site together. Here are my thoughts so far:
~-FAQ (based on posts to rebol-list)
~-REBOL developer profiles (including REBOL interests, accomplishments,
~links, mini resume, and even a mug shot photo)
~-News (of course)
~-Links to other REBOL sites.
~-Links to online REBOL resources.
~-Links for purchasing REBOL books.
~-A library of functions built using native 'words only.
~-A library of dialects.
~-A library of single-purpose scripts (would like to use build-lib.r and
~reboldoc.r for script descriptions)
~-REBOL style guide.
~-Links to REBOL e-mail discussions on eScribe and rebol.org.
~-Links to /Express conference logs
~-Links to REBOL binaries.
~-Links to REB sites.
~The whole site should be built using REBOL, of course.
~I already have ideas for a name for the site, but I haven't 
~purchased the
~domain yet and so I won't share that quite yet. What are your thoughts?
~I've already done something similar for BeOS at 
~Help is also welcome.
~I have 
~LOTS of bandwidth to burn for this site.
~Ryan C. Christiansen
~Web Developer
~Intellisol International
~4733 Amber Valley Parkway
~Fargo, ND 58104
~701-235-3390 ext. 6671
~FAX: 701-235-9940
~Global Leader in People Performance Software
~Confidentiality Notice
~This message may contain privileged and confidential 
~information. If you
~think, for any reason, that this message may have been 
~addressed to you in
~error, you must not disseminate, copy or take any action in 
~reliance on it,
~and we would ask you to notify us immediately by return email to
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[REBOL] Re: About View

2001-03-28 Thread KELLEHER,KEVIN (Non-HP-Roseville,ex1)

Well, sure it would be great to have View...

One thing that nearly every language lacks is facilities for simple GUI
As far as I've seen, View beats everyone hands down.

I remember being convinced to use Rebol by seeing the compactness and
of some code (Vanilla, to be specific)...  I think that if you combine:

 - clear, concise scripting
 - transparent network commands
 - easy creation of GUIs

into a small, free language, it will be impossible to resist.

Certainly the prices you ask are low, and I appreciate that, but "free" is
killer option.

Kevin Kelleher
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[REBOL] future View availability

2001-03-26 Thread KELLEHER,KEVIN (Non-HP-Roseville,ex1)

I've looked through the Rebol site for the answer to this question,
but didn't find it:

Is View going to remain free?

I am about to begin a project for a nonprofit organization
to rewrite a very old DOS program of theirs.   It's basically
a flashcard program (with an interesting learning algorithm)
for learning languages.  It would be a great thing for them to 
have a free, multiplatform, GUI version.

So, if my time is free and View is free, everything would
be cool.  But if View is one day going to cost, this would
change (but not necessary kill) the idea.

Kevin Kelleher
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[REBOL] appreciation of rebol

2001-03-16 Thread KELLEHER,KEVIN (Non-HP-Roseville,ex1)

First, thanks to those who responded to my "substring" question.
You solved my problem.


I'm writing to express my appreciation for the Rebol language.
For the past three years I engaged (when I had the time) in
a search for a "language I could fall in love with."  I found the
best formulation for the way I was felt in Keith Waclena's
"My Programming Language Crisis"  at


I can do pretty much whatever I need in C, C++, or Perl.
I am very good at unix shell scripting, and have some 
familiarity with Java.  But I didn't like them, really.
I wanted something a little more *intuitive* and was
bothered by the fact that most languages (like Perl, for
example) required me to pull in special libraries to do
some tasks, and none integrated GUI-building in any 
elegant way.

I looked at just about every free language out there;
played with Python, Ruby, Tcl, Icon, and others.

It took some time to get a grip on the various families of
languages: logical, functional, etc., and had gotten to the
point that I thought my best course of action would be
to learn Scheme, Prolog, Haskell, and Squeak (a version 
of Smalltalk).  I still think that would be a good idea, 
but after putting in some time in that direction, I 
filed the idea under the  "some day" category.

The problem was, I wasn't getting any return on my efforts.
It takes time to learn any language, and you cannot learn
a language at all well unless you WORK in it, make things
with it, use it to solve some real problem.

I have a tool that now runs as a combination of Korn shell and
Perl scripts.  It fetches a list of web pages and extracts only what's
new to me (or the headlines, depending on type of page), and
constructs a single page from the pieces.  Some of the pages
have altered their format; the tool needs some adjustments
and improvements, and it would be more convenient if it 
ran on my PC rather the unix box.

So as I studied the four languages I was looking to get to the
point when I would know enough to start programming, but 
it was a long time coming.  I could see that one command does this,
another command does that, but how it all fit together was another
thing.  I wanted to know:  "How do I open a file?  How do I fetch a 
page from the web?  How do I parse HTML and (generally) 
manipulate strings?"

Yes, it takes time to learn a language, and usually you have to
start with the basics.  Forget about I/O, GUIs, networking.

Well, I've known about Rebol ever since it came out, have 
downloaded it several times and looked at the documentation, 
but resisted it, I don't know why.

Then I was looking for a Wiki Wiki implementation to use, and
found Vanilla (http://www.langreiter.com/vanilla) and was
amazed at how compact the code was.  (I didn't end up using
it, but only because the Wiki-need passed.)

It finally hit me - Rebol was the language I was looking for.
It's a scripting language, has GUI-creation built in, doesn't
require separate libraries or modules to do useful work,
incorporates network commands transparently, and is
terse yet comprehensible.  The size of the command-set is
fairly small, but it is quite powerful.  I was looking for a language
for my everyday tasks, and this is the one.

Right away I got to work rewriting that webpage-fetching tool. 
 I'm surprised at how quickly I'm creating it in Rebol, but I am 
more surprised at the way I'm adding functionality.
I didn't expect to do that; I didn't think that Rebol's string parsing
could match that done by sed and Perl, but I very quickly knocked
out a function to extract any table from a web page, and that
is an idea that I didn't even have in the original version of the tool.

So, thanks to you folks at Rebol, and I hope to see Rebol more widely
known and more widely used.  I will certainly be recommending it
to my friends and colleages.

Kevin Kelleher

Disclaimer:  The remarks in this email are the personal opinions of
this writer and in no way reflect the policies or opinions of Hewlett
Packard.  The present writer is not an employee or spokesperson for
Hewlett Packard.
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[REBOL] Re: pass variables using #exec cgi

2001-02-07 Thread Kevin McKinnon

On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can I immediately execute a rebol .cgi file when the user browses to the 
 index.html file?
 For example, the following doesn't seem to work...
 !--#exec cgi="cgi-bin/display-messages.cgi?messageType=newsmessageID=none"-
 putting test.domain.com/cgi-bin/display-messages.cgi?messageType=news
 messageID=none in the address bar of the browser works fine, but I can't seem 
 to pass variables using the #exec server-side include command.



!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/display-messages.cgi?messageType=newsmessageID=none" 

I just tested this on a Linux server running Apache -- it worked fine.

If the parameters can be passed via the command line, you could also use
something like:

!--#exec cmd="/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/display-messages.cgi news none" --

Also, note the space before the --.  It's important that it be there.


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[REBOL] Re: POP-3 command TOP not supported, what to do?

2001-02-05 Thread Kevin McKinnon

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Martin Rommel wrote:

 Hello list,
 the implementation of the POP-3 protocol in Rebol seems not to support the
 command TOP which is used to retrieve only the header of an email from the
 server (and possibly a specified number of lines of the message, see RFC
 1939).   clip
 Why doesn't the import-email function just have a modifier to allow only
 downloading the header without the content of the message.
 How to do that in rebol? Has anybody ever tried that?
 Any help is appreciated!

Hi Martin,

This was discussed ages ago (summer of '99) between Allen K, Bo, and
myself.  When it was brought up again last year, I summarized the earlier
conclusions and tossed the challenge to Jeff at REBOL who had a couple of
free minutes that afternoon and whipped up a solution.  This change has
not yet been included into REBOL's stock POP3 protocol, but IMHO it should

I originally suggested a refinement for 'read.
Here's what Jeff came up with...  It works very well.
Hope it helps you.


[insert original message...]
Jeff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   Well, that's pretty simple.  It would be a little more difficult to
   have a different refinement for read with pop-- but pop can pretty
   easily be modified to return the top info, or store the info
   similarly to the way we had the LIST command do it. Perhaps the URL
   could be a little different:

  x: open pop://user:pass@server/summary

   Will cause x/locals to get a field that contains the TOP
   info.  Of course, its up to you to parse the TOP info afterwards. 

   So... change the number in top-check block to how ever many lines
   of context you want. Here you go:


Title: "A slightly modified version of pop"

make Root-Protocol [
{Communicate with POP.  This protocol is block oriented not
string oriented.}

port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru

open-check:  [  ; port is bound to confirm frame
none "+OK"
["USER" port/user] "+OK"
["PASS" port/pass] "+OK"
close-check: ["QUIT" "+OK"]
write-check: [none   "+OK"]
stat-check:  ["STAT" "+OK"]
list-check:  ["LIST" "+OK"]
top-check:   [reform ["TOP" num 10]  "+OK"]

open: func [port /total/tblock/summary][
open-proto port
port/state/tail: second total: load net-utils/confirm port/sub-port 

port/locals: make object! [
total-size: third total
net-utils/confirm port/sub-port list-check 
sizes: load read-til-dot port make string! 100 
summary: either port/target = "summary" [
tblock: system/words/copy []
repeat num port/state/tail [
net-utils/confirm port/sub-port reduce bind 
top-check 'num
append tblock read-til-dot port make string! 100
msg-nums: make block! port/state/tail
repeat n port/state/tail [append msg-nums n] ; lookaside index

port/state/index: 0   ; a zero based index

read-til-dot: func [port buf][
while [(line: system/words/pick port/sub-port 1)  "."] [
insert tail buf line
insert tail buf newline
read-message: func [
"Read a message from the POP server"
n [integer!]
/local buf line
insert port/sub-port reform [
"RETR" system/words/pick port/locals/msg-nums port/state/index 
+ n]
net-utils/confirm port/sub-port write-check
read-til-dot port buf: make string! 1024  ; guess at size


pick: func [
"Read the Nth message from the POP port"
read-message port 1

copy: func [
"Copy a set of messages into a block"
/local msgs n
msgs: make block! port/state/num
repeat n port/state/num [
append msgs read-message port n

remove: func [
"Remove the current message"
while [ port/state/num  0 ][
insert port/sub-port reform [
"DELE" system/words/pick port/locals/msg-nums 
port/state/index + 1]

[REBOL] Re: printing javascript tags

2001-02-05 Thread Kevin McKinnon

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Terry Brownell wrote:

 How do you form and print the following javascript
 document.cookie = 'CookiesEnabled=1';
 if (document.cookie == ' ') {
 ...seeing that it contains semi-colons, single quotes and curly braces?


Matching number of left and right braces should do it.
As the Core User Guide says, "multi-line strings are enclosed in
brackets".  What it doesn't say is that if you have embedded braces
*inside* your string, you need to have a matching number of opens and

I think you've got one too many open braces.  I added the extra close
brace above /SCRIPT to make it work:


document.cookie = 'CookiesEnabled=1';
if (document.cookie == ' ') {

print a


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[REBOL] Re: Remove quote marks LEFT(), RIGHT() ?

2000-12-15 Thread Kevin McKinnon

On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Donald Dalley wrote:

 What is the REBOL way of removing quotes (") from strings?

You need to escape the quote.  To remove all quotes from a string:

replace/all src-string "^"" ""

 Alternatively, how do we PARSE using quotes as targets?

Same idea.  Escape the " with a ^.
Here's a sample line ripped from one of my web miners that uses " as

parse/all b [ any [copy c to "onClick=^"" copy e thru "false;^"" (append d c)] ]


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[REBOL] Re: http referrer

2000-12-11 Thread Kevin McKinnon

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Mat Bettinson wrote:

 I've a need to submit a form in Rebol, using the latest (excellent)
 cookie-client.r script.
 I find the response I get back demands that I use the form on their
 site. I imagine this would be something to do with the http referrer
 field? Is there some way of setting this?


I ran into the same thing sending text messages to my PCS cell phone via
my provider's website.  If you have a look at my %pcspager.r script at
http://www.rebol.com/library/html/pcspager.html you'll be able to see how
I handled it.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

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[REBOL] Re: full names in sender

2000-09-22 Thread kevin

  You'll recall that before SELMA took over the list, there *were* full 
  names in the header.  Ingo and I discussed the "problem" and even had 
  some solutions; none of mine ever got worked through enough to submit 
  to RT for inclusion in Selma (or REBOL itself).
 Hi Kev, 
 my version works for me and got sent to feedback (final version was 
 #1467 22/Nov/1999, I think), after that I never heard about it.
 Same for help working on path values (#2729 12/Apr/2000).
 So I now just enjoy my working system,

Hey Ingo!

Could you send me your version?  I've been thinking about working it 
into SELMA and sending the patch into RT -- since they asked if 
anybody had SELMA patches to contribute.  I'd sure like to get real 
names back into the mix, and *somebody* needs to do it!  ;-)



Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] pop authentication Re:

2000-09-13 Thread kevin

 What do I need to add to the schemes/pop to take care of the following error message?
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 521 yahoo.com closing transmission channel.  You
  must be pop-authenticated before you can use this smtp server, and you must use
 your yahoo mail address for the Sender/From field.
 ** Where: insert port reduce data
 This occurs when sending mail.

The error message is generated by yahoo.com's SMTP server.  This is 
an anti-spam technique at work.  In order to use Yahoo's SMTP server, 
you must *first* use POP3 to check your mail.  The POP3 server notes 
your IP address and allows that address to access the SMTP server for 
sending.  (The theory is that if you prove you've got a valid 
username and password on their mail box, you're okay to send through 

The solution is to open a POP3 connection prior to attempting to send 
mail.  The connection can be immediately closed, it just wants your 
username and password for verification.

temppop: open pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
close temppop
send [EMAIL PROTECTED] "This works from Yahoo."


Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] does REBOL run on Palm or not? Re:

2000-09-11 Thread kevin

 I did not see a Palm release of REBOL/Core on the downloads page at
 rebol.com... does it only run on Palms and Handhelds in theory for
 the present time? If so, when is this going to become reality?

Some time ago RT placed Palm development on indefinite hold due to 
some OS limitations (small stack size and non-standard file system 
were the two biggies, IIRC).  They did say that if Palm solves the OS 
limitations that they would consider putting it on the burner again.

I'd like to see Rebol run on my Palm 3x, but with all the other 
projects RT has on the go right now, I'll wait and keep messing with 
Rebol on my servers and desk machines for now.  I doubt that handheld 
Rebol will be out any time soon.


Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Problem with newsgroup message count Re:(3)

2000-09-02 Thread kevin

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   When   requestingnumber  of  messages  for  newsgroup
   fr.misc.finance we got  100 ! although there are less
   than 3000 messages. How can we cope with that ?
  The built-in  nntp protocol   (nntp://) appears  to  always
  return 100 as the length of the group.
   The problem is news servers lie.

news server admin mode
*My* news server NEVER lies... wink

   inquire.  The count data returned from nntp servers isn't
   supposed to be reliable, so the series metaphor is kind of
   weak in this case (especially compared to pop:// for
   instance).  100 was just an arbitrary large number for
   the length of the port since it is indeterminable.  Do you
   think it would be better to have whatever the server said
   about the message count there?  

Well, from the news server's perspective, the high and low counts returned
(as demonstrated in the sample code Jeff attached) will be reasonably
accurate as of the time of the request.  Some of the older articles may
have already vanished, particularly if CNFS storage is being used (cyclic
buffers, which is what I run on my INN server), and of course new ones
could arrive moments after the request.

If you're going to return an arbitrary number though, I'd suggest taking
the (high - low) count and returning that... at least it will be *closer*
to the actual number of articles on the server.  There will never be
*more* than (high - low), and factoring cancelled and expired
messages usually less.  Having a smaller number the 100 should also
improve things if reading messages in a loop.

(FWIW, my news server kept about 100 new articles yesterday across
*all* groups I carry -- and threw away about 100 more from groups
that I don't.)


[REBOL] Problem with newsgroup message count Re:

2000-09-01 Thread kevin

 When requesting number of messages for newsgroup fr.misc.finance we got
 100 ! although there are less than 3000 messages. How can we cope with
 that ?

The built-in nntp protocol (nntp://) appears to always return 100 
as the length of the group.

The external news:// protocol ('do %nntp.r) has a count command which 
looks like it correctly obtains article counters from the news 
server.  However, I can't figure out the proper way to issue the 
count command via news:// ... I'm copying this to Jeff directly (as 
the all-knowing master of the news:// protocol) to see if he can 
explain it.


Kevin McKinnon, Sr. News Administrator  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications Cable Internet   http://news.sunshinecable.com
[cronkite.sunshinecable.com  INN2.3  Incoming Curr:14.0Mbps,Peak:22.7Mbps]

[REBOL] Creating Servers in Rebol on Linux Re:

2000-08-28 Thread kevin

 How do I make the thing run resident so I can start or stop it via remote cgi?
 Right now, I must telnet in and run manually, if I close telnet client, 
 server shuts down.

When you start your script, you should detach it from the console so 
that when you log out the process continues running:

The following runs a REBOL script in the background () and redirects 
stdout and stderr to the null device (1 /dev/null 2 /dev/null) so 
no output remains directed at the console.

%./fakenews.r  1 /dev/null 2 /dev/null

Try that and see if it solves your problem.

Best regards,

Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Creating Servers in Rebol on Linux Re:(3)

2000-08-28 Thread kevin

On Mon, 28 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 nope when i do that it runs the server but the html calling page just waits 
 and waits as it tries to contact the server
 i also tried just the  without the null stuff and it does the same thing

You say the server runs.  What happens if you try to telnet into the port
that the server is bound to?

ie:  %telnet localhost 80

...if the server is bound to the standard http port.

Does your server script respond in the manner you are expecting?


[REBOL] mailing list since 1998 full names in sender Re:

2000-08-24 Thread kevin

 Hmmm... When exactly was the list started? I just noticed I'm on since
 1998 myself, actually much longer than I thought. ;-)


I've also been on this list since 1998, but I recall being on the 
Alpha-test list sometime before that, maybe late 1997 or early '98?  
Unfortunately, a HD crash wiped out any record of that.

 And... *g* There's one thing I've been missing all the time!
 Why are there no full names in the sender entry of the mail header???

You'll recall that before SELMA took over the list, there *were* full 
names in the header.  Ingo and I discussed the "problem" and even had 
some solutions; none of mine ever got worked through enough to submit 
to RT for inclusion in Selma (or REBOL itself).

 As far as I remember I once had a look at Selma and the full name gets
 stripped somewhere in import-email/parse-header. At least for me the
 full name of the sender of a mail is usually rather interesting (and
 on the mailing list it would make things a little easier) so why is it
 cut anyway???

There's a few different ways that e-mail programs format the From: 
header, and parsing all of the permutations was a bit of a trick.  My 
sample code from late '99 (message 13311) was fixed up by Thomas 
Jensen in message 13315 and is a great starting point for a final 
solution to this.

Maybe it's time to dust this issue off and take another look at it.
Other messages in the thread/related to this issue are 13119, 13307, 
13295, 15460, 36519, 47439.

Best regards,

Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] One disk OS + REBOL Re:

2000-08-17 Thread kevin

 I would like to run REBOL/core on a system without a hard drive, only a
 mere floppy.  Any recommendations?

You might want to check out the Linux Router Project 

I've not used it, but apparantly they've put together a one-floppy 
Linux build (with networking support).  If you took off some of the 
utilities, you might have enough space to stick the Rebol interpreter.


Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(5)

2000-07-27 Thread kevin

 I want the 3:15 to be like TIME which is a var

So use:

alarm: 3:15
if now/time = alarm [print "alarm"]


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:00 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] REBOL Vars Re:(3)
  then how can i use this if statement: if now/time == VAR [
 if now/time = 3:15 [print "alarm"]
 or use either,
 either now/time = 3:15 [print "now"][print "not now"]
 - Chris

Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] one more time Re:

2000-07-06 Thread kevin

 I'm stumped. Why do I get this with REBOL
 error in loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory
 and not with

Hi Tom,

What version of libtermcap does your Linux box have installed?
(Look in /lib)

If you don't have a file or symlink named libtermcap.so.2, you can 
*probably* make a symlink with that name to whatever version of 
libtermcap you have installed.


Kevin McKinnon, System/Network Administrator [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Webcam URL Re:(3)

2000-06-30 Thread kevin

Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Sat, 1 Jul 2000 9:49:49 +1200
Subject:[REBOL] Webcam URL Re:(2)

 Allen wrote:
  How often is it updated? Looks like its stuck on Friday June 30, 2000

Maybe it's stuck on 1:22:25pm because todays webcam shot is sponsored 
by Airborne Express.

Tomorrow it'll be the Pepsi van.  ;-)


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Retrieving OS During RunTime? Re:

2000-06-26 Thread kevin

 I have a /Core script that needs to perform something
 different when running on Win32 vs UNIX (the only two
 OS's I'm currently concerned about).  My script shows
 directory paths and the "/" path is valid under UNIX
 but not under Win32 (unless you count the Desktop, which
 I prefer not to delve into).
 Anyway, I did a minimal search with Bo's cool system
 browser but couldn't find where the OS was kept.
 Can someone point me to the right place?

 print system/version

(Not the most current release, this is REBOL 2.1.0 running on 
Platform 4 (Linux), Flavour 1 (Libc5)
The complete list of platforms and flavours can be found at 


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Resume getting a web page? Re:

2000-06-15 Thread kevin

Hi Donald,

 Is there a way to resume getting a web page if, for some reason, not all of it
 is acquired on the first try?

Sterling posted to this list on Monday that some (experimental) 
patches that do what you want had been posted to:

Check those out and see if they do what you're looking for.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] CGI Re:(4)

2000-06-13 Thread kevin

 Thank you for your answer.
 I don't see why this would happen, as I'm working on local files with
 an administrator account (NT).

What user does the *web server* run as?  CGI scripts will inherit the 
same permissions as the web server, which usually runs with minimal 


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] FTP crashes rebol Re:

2000-06-05 Thread kevin

On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm reposting this, as I've had no takers from the
 previous, and I note that Holger may be monitoring
 I have tried a couple of different approaches to rewrite a file
 and an FTP site, and the result is always that rebol crashes
 and Dr. Watson intervenes.
 DstPort: open/new/write DstFile
 foreach line text
   print line
   append DstPort [line newline] ;CRASHES HERE!!
 I can make this work if I do the rewrite on my machine and then
 FTP it to the site, but it would be just wonderful if I can do
 the backup and editing at the site.

Hi Tim,

You can't do that.  FTP is for transferring whole files.  If you really
want to append to the file on the server, you'll have to use NFS or Samba
to remote-mount the filesystem.

On the other hand, REBOL shouldn't crash, it should probably give an error
message advising that you can't insert into an ftp:// port.


[REBOL] CGI Error Re:

2000-05-17 Thread kevin

Louis wrote:
 CGI Error
 The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of 
 HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

Is your script printing a Content-type header as the first thing it 
does, followed by a blank line?

print "Content-type: text/html^/^/"


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] cgi return of includes Re:

2000-05-15 Thread kevin

 Can you help me with a server-side include problem?
 The index.shtml file is not "including" the articles mentioned in the 
 include statements. They do show up fine when I view source from the 
 resulting index.shtml page after the page has been rendered in the 
 browser. I know "include" is working because it is including other 
 files, albeit not from include statements generated by the .cgi script.
 I think the problem lies in the fact I am returning include statements 
 to the browser, which somehow are not executed as includes.

Results from CGI scripts do not get parsed by the SSI handler on the 
server, only static files with certain extensions.

If you want to do this with includes, you'd have to write your 
resulting page to a file, then load the file in the browser, which 
would allow the servers SSI handler to execute the #includes.

Or, have the REBOL script itself include those files into the 
resulting page.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Deamons Re:

2000-05-05 Thread kevin

   Is it possible to run a rebol script as a deamon, that is, running
 in the background, over and over again?

Sure.  I wrote a daemon to take care of traffic on my news server 
during those times that the real daemon was off-line.

This was originally developed under REBOL 2.0.0 and 2.0.2.

Best regards,

#!/usr/local/rebol/rebol -sq

   Title:   "Fakenews"
   Date:"1999/05/11 18:40 PDT"
   Author:  "Kevin McKinnon"
   Version: 2.0
   Purpose: {
  Pretend to be the real NNTP/NNRP server while it's not around.
  Establishes itself as an NNTP/NNRP server and sends an error message
  indicating that the real server (INN) is off-line, typically for
  history rebuilds.  (Original ver 1.0 was Perl)
  Security note: This script binds to a priviledged port (1024) so must
  execute as ROOT.

secure none
newsport: open tcp://:119
while [j: true] [
  clientport: first newsport
  insert clientport reduce ["502 news.dockmaster.net (RNews 0.1) Server is "
"not available right now. "
"It is now " now 
"  --Dockmaster Usenet News Admin^M^J"]
  close clientport
close newsport

--- End of forwarded message ---
Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] SunOS 5.6? Re:

2000-05-05 Thread kevin

 Any plans to support SunOS 5.6 or whatever (this happens to be the OS my virtual
 host uses ;-)

SunOS 5.6 = Solaris 2.6.  Try the Solaris binary and see if it works 
for you.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] external operating system calls Re:

2000-05-01 Thread kevin

 How can you run command line operating system calls in Unix or Windows from
 a Rebol script?

REBOL/Command will offer this ability when it becomes available.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Rebol and Linux Re:

2000-04-28 Thread kevin


 Problem, Rebol asks for Libncurses.so.4, I only have version 5. Is there a 
 way to make Rebol use that? Should I copy Libncurses.so.5 to ...5 to fool it?
 Should I locate the older version of ncursess?

I exchanged e-mails with another list member back in February 
covering this very issue.  My guess is you're probably running 
Slackware 7.

From my earlier post:

The copy of libncurses supplied with Slack 7 is libncurses.so.5.0. 
A symlink to this newer version must be created:

% cd /lib
% ln -s libncurses.so.5.0 libncurses.so.4

That's all it takes.

This tip was passed on to the Rebol Documentation Department via 
feedback (trouble ticket #2207), but may not have made it to the 
official install docs yet.

Best regards,

Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Passing URLs to Rebol? Re:

2000-04-25 Thread kevin

Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:  Tue, 25 Apr 2000 15:02:15 -0200
Subject:[REBOL] Passing URLs to Rebol?

 Hello, Being a new user to REBOL I am having trouble acting on the
 following URL.  What do I have to do to get this to work? Any help on this
 would be appreciated.  The error message from REBOL is below.  
 URL: http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@^AV.TOf=sl1d1t1c1ohgve=.csv
 The following is the error message I get back.  
 Script: "Active Stocks" ("Tuesday, April 25, 2000")
 ** User Error: URL error: http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@^AV.TOf
 ** Where: Toronto: read http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@^AV.TOf=s
 l1d1t1c1ohgve=.csv write/binary %toronto.csv

Hi Doug,

The ^ in the URL is causing your main problem.  ^ is REBOLs escape 
character, and ^A is being converted to CTRL-A (ASCII 1).

If you correctly URL-encode the ^ character (%5E), you'll end up with 
something like:

a: read http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@%5EAV.TOf=sl1d1t1c1ohgve=.csv

Unfortunately, THIS WON'T WORK!  Here's the second problem.

REBOL un-escapes the %5E to ^, then doesn't re-escape it when sending 
it out to the web server.  (Ralph and I discussed this on the list 
briefly last week.  Nobody has confirmed whether this has been 
reported or not, so I am writing a bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
as soon as this message is sent.)

Your working solution is to set your URL up as a string, escaping the 
^ as %5E, then run it through to-url as you're reading it, like this:

 a: "http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@%5EAV.TOf=sl1d1t1c1ohgve=.csv"
== {http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=@%5EAV.TOf=sl1d1t1c1ohgve=.csv}
b: read to-url a
== {"ULP.TO",12.90,"4/25/2000","1:24PM",+0.05,12.85,12.95,12.85,2599688


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] RealAudio REBOL Radio Re:

2000-04-21 Thread kevin

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would like to begin broadcasting Real audio from my web site.
 Is it possible to do this without breaking the connection between the 
 server and the client's RealPlayer?
 Is there perhaps a simple client-side utility that could be written to 
 keep the connection alive, or at least request a new file once the 
 current one has expired?
 I'm looking for some ideas, perhaps from someone that has dealt with 
 Real Audio before.

Hi Ryan,

I spent the last two years as lead SysAdmin for a Canadian company
specializing in RealAudio/RealVideo streaming.  (Largest stream licence
north of the 49th.)

We spent a *lot* of time working on this exact same problem.

There are two ways you can accomplish this.  One is live, the other is

The live way would require Rebol/Command (not yet available), and would
require using Real version 5 (G2 and v7 do not support this mode of
operation.)  You'd use the Rebol script to call the slta program
(simulated live transfer agent) that streams a file to the server as if it
were live.  Your Rebol script would need to keep track of how long the
file was, and a second or so before the file ended, you'd need to spawn
another slta, which would 'usurp' the live stream and terminate the
earlier instance of slta.  If you don't 'usurp' in time, the clients
player will stop when the current file ends.  (Usurping disappeared in
RealServer G2.)

The fake live way would be to have the REBOL script generate a .ram file
containing the names of all the files you want to play, in order.  The
clients player will sequence through all of them.  This has the
disadvantage that the client can skip past your DJ patter or commercials
by simply hitting page down on the keyboard. (all versions of RealServer)

A third option exists; it's the method we used to operate when no live
programming was in the studio.  Play the audio in seqence on one computer
(via .wav, .mp3, or .ra files) and encode the output on a second computer
that is streamed live into the server for delivery. (all versions)

I'm not with that company anymore, but I'd be happy to answer any
questions you have regarding RealServer technology.

If you're doing HTTP streaming off a webserver,  only option 2 is
available.  Live streaming is only supported on a pnm/rtsp server.


[REBOL] Why can't I read this URL? Re:

2000-04-18 Thread kevin

Ralph wrote:
 Trying to do a simple search on eBAY where:
 a: read/lines
 then I can parse out the info I want, but I get ** User Error: URL error in

If you do it this way, it will work:

a: read/lines to-url 

Specifying the URL with the %22 is causing REBOL to choke... it's 
being un-escaped prior to calling the read (see your error message 
output to verify this has occurred), but not being re-escaped during 
the read.  Putting it in quotes and doing a to-url circumvents the 

This should probably be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as a bug; 
anyone know if it already has been?


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] none Re:

2000-04-17 Thread kevin

 Can you Ping a server from Rebol.

Ping, no.  To access the ICMP socket, the REBOL interpreter would 
need to be installed suid root, which could be a Bad Thing (tm).

 Is it possible to detect if a http server
 is not responding.

How about:

 if error? try [read http://www.rebol.com/]
[print "Server not available]


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] sendmail Re:(2)

2000-04-10 Thread kevin

Mark wrote:
 I second the motion.  REBOL should pipe output to sendmail.

This should be possible once REBOL/Command becomes available.

This next bit is kind of off-topic, please forgive me.

 My web host offers its 150,000 customers POP/IMAP mailboxes but not SMTP.
The company told me there was no way for them
 to authenticate SMTP, so they had to shut it down.  This kind of thing is
 happening all over the web.

150k customers, and they can't figure out how to configure sendmail 
properly?  Time for them to hire a real mail administrator, methinks.

It's a very simple process to enable the access db, just add to the 
M4 config file:
FEATURE(`access_db', `hash -o /etc/mail/access')dnl

and list in /etc/mail/access the IP address(es) of their web/hosting 
servers.  (Will deny open relaying, but allow their own servers 


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Searchable archive/ tcp/ip questions Re:

2000-04-09 Thread kevin

On Sun, 9 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone point me in the direction of searchable archive for this mailing


 How do I determine my IP address once connected to my ISP??

This can be determined by reading from dns://

print read dns://; reads the hostname

print read rejoin [dns:// read dns://] ; same as read dns://sparky-home

print read rejoin [dns:// read rejoin [dns:// read dns://]] ; FQDN,
;same as read dns://


[REBOL] newnews Re:(4)

2000-03-10 Thread kevin

 Unfortunately, REBOL does not understand the date  formats.  There 
 are at least three date formats used by  newsgroups, as follows: 
 Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:33:09 GMT 
 Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 16:49:03 +0100 
 Date: 22 Feb 2000 16:00:52 GMT 

The first two can be handled by 'parse-header-date, but not the third.

 testdate: "Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:33:09 GMT"
== "Tue, 22 Feb 2000 15:33:09 GMT"
 print parse-header-date testdate

You can get the day of week this way:

days: ["Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thu" "Fri" "Sat" "Sun"]
probe pick days testdate/weekday


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Parsing examples? Re:

2000-02-29 Thread kevin

Brad wrote:
 It seems that the 'parse' function in Rebol is quite advance, the 
 documentation--at least in the dictionary, suggests great things.  This 
 example they give is awesome--also pretty much unexplained:
 ;page: read http://www.rebol.com
 ;parse page [thru title copy title to /title]
 ;print title
 I searched for 'thru' and 'to' which are not in the dictionary.  The 
 documentation is the biggest handicap to this language's success.  The 
 funny thing is that title is actually a variable after running this.

Check the Core Users Guide 2.2.0 chapter on parse at: 

The section 'skipping input' describes 'thru and 'to.

Essentially, the second line in your example has the parser do this:
Skip through :page until it's read past title, then start 'copying 
into variable 'title until it reaches /title.

Best regards,

Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

If the box says Windows 95 or better, it should run under Linux, right??

[REBOL] news (no info??) Re:

2000-02-23 Thread kevin

 Hi   does anyone know how to post to newsgroups.
 Rebol's new user guide does'nt say. The old user guide did.
 The new one does'nt tell how to just download the headers
 either. Does anyone know how to just download the first
 100 lines of newsgroup messages? thanks..

Check out: http://www.rebol.com/howto.html#news.html
This describes how to use the nntp.r protocol.  The built-in protocol 
can do simple posting to a server, but won't do the more advanced 
stuff like downloading parts of headers.

If you want, I'll send you a copy of my %newsgate.r script which acts 
as a mail-to-news gateway... Incoming e-mail messages are posted to a 
newsgroup.  Hasn't been updated in a bit, but works pretty well.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

If the box says Windows 95 or better, it should run under Linux, right??

[REBOL] WebCam CGI script Re:(2)

2000-02-14 Thread kevin

 I get the following error (with all the right stuff filled in):
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 550 ./user/: The system cannot find
  the file specified. .
 ** Where: save ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/user/myip.txt addr
 Any ideas?

Your FTP server may be chroot()'ing the account.  If so, you may not 
need the /user/ part of the path.

If your home directory on the server is /user, the server will log 
you into /user and make it look like /.  (The /user part is implied.) 
This is starting to be used more often for security.

See if this works:
save ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/myip.txt addr


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] un subscribe

2000-02-10 Thread kevin . whitefoot

[REBOL] New format.r on rebol.org Re:(3)

2000-02-07 Thread kevin

 Now I am getting  "REBOL - Security Abort "
 This is my file code:
 #!/www/Rebol/rebol --cgi

Change this to:

#!/www/Rebol/rebol -sc

In a CGI, you need to disable the security from the command line when 
calling REBOL, otherwise it stops with a prompt to allow the 
reduction in security.

Best regards,

Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com

PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Curiouser and curiouser --- rebol doesn't invoke properly via !# magic? Re:(4)

2000-01-19 Thread kevin

 This is very odd.  That's decidedly *not* what happens on Linux.  Anyone
 else?  Versions?

Well, that's decidedly *not* what *your* Linux does.  Mine's been 
doing -sc (or -cs, your choice) for the last three versions at least.
Results below, using the same test script as everybody else, except 
for changing the path to the interpreter.
(Distributions: Slackware 3.6 on arrow [customized kernel] and 
Slackware 7.0 on cronkite [customized kernel].)

arrow:~$ uname -a
Linux arrow 2.0.35 #3 Sun Oct 4 09:39:43 PDT 1998 i486 unknown
arrow:~$ /usr/local/rebol/rebol -sc  --do "print rebol/version"
arrow:~$ ./test.r
hello rebol.

cronkite:~$ uname -a
Linux cronkite 2.2.13 #3 Sat Oct 23 17:44:31 CDT 1999 i686 unknown
cronkite:~$  /usr/local/rebol/rebol -sc  --do "print rebol/version"
cronkite:~$ chmod 755 test.r
cronkite:~$ ./test.r
hello rebol.

Nothing wrong with REBOL Tech's Linux build.  What shell are you 


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] accessing files on other partitions Re:

2000-01-18 Thread kevin

Graham wrote:
 On Win32, what's the syntax to access a file in an other partition?
 If, I'm on f:
 test: read %d:\whatever\file.txt

Filenames look more like Unix... try:

test: read %/D/whatever/file.txt


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] Music (MP3) on REBOL Re:(2)

2000-01-08 Thread kevin

  Any plans for REBOL to support MP3?

Petr wrote:
 ... but maybe there is another way ... REBOL/Command should support REBOL
 embedding into custom apps. So let's ask mp3 players authors to add rebol
 port into it and you can link your rebol to such app. Another solution is
 - REBOL/Command is supposed to support external apps execution at least,
 so you will be able to start your favourite mp3 player ...

Why wait?  A REBOL port is just a standard TCP/IP port, and there 
already  MP3 players that can be controlled via TCP.

I'm in the (slow) process of building a standalone/dedicated MP3 
player into an old CD player chassis I had laying around.  See the 
attached code.  I welcome any comments or feedback.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

#!/usr/local/rebol/rebol -s

Title:  "MP3 Controller"
Date:   29-Dec-1999
    Author: "Kevin McKinnon"
File:   %mp3.r
Purpose: {
Controller for a stand-alone MP3 player which is being
built with a P233MMX motherboard mounted inside a gutted
Pioneer PDM-401 6-pack CD Player chassis.  The LCD routines
control a Matrix Orbital LK204-25 serial LCD display.
(www.matrixorbital.com, Cdn distrib: www.hvwtech.com)
Operating system: Linux 2.2.13 (Slackware 7.0)
MP3 player: www.mpegtv.com
This script is called via a shell script that pipes the output
of the MP3 player into Rebols STDIN.
All song filenames are formatted "Artist-Title.mp3" for easy parsing.

'input?/'input don't seem to be working all that well for the piped
input from xaudio.  Can read-io be used for STDIN?


com: open/binary/direct %/dev/ttyS1
cmd: to-string #{FE}
lcdclear: rejoin [cmd "X"]
lcdhome: rejoin [cmd "H"]
lcdcurson: rejoin [cmd "J"]
lcdcursoff: rejoin [cmd "K"]
lcdcursblinkon: rejoin [cmd "S"]
lcdcursblinkoff: rejoin [cmd "T"]
lcdwrapon: rejoin [cmd "C"]
lcdwrapoff: rejoin [cmd "D"]
lcdscrollon: rejoin [cmd "Q"]
lcdscrolloff: rejoin [cmd "R"]
lcdbacklighton: rejoin [cmd "B" ^@]
lcdbacklightoff: rejoin [cmd "F"]
lcdinit: rejoin [lcdwrapon lcdscrollon lcdbacklighton lcdcursoff
 lcdcursblinkoff lcdclear]
runtime: 0:00:01

append com lcdinit

titleartistdisplay: make function! [filename] [
  tasplit: parse first parse last parse to-string filename "/" "." "-"
  artist: copy/part join first tasplit [""] 20
  title: copy/part join second tasplit [""] 20
  duration: rejoin [" " counter]
  display: rejoin [lcdhome title artist duration]
  append com display

mp3cue: make function! [filename] [
  mp3ctlport: open tcp://
  print rejoin ["open " to-string filename crlf]
  insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["open " to-string filename crlf]
  close mp3ctlport
  while [input?] [
a: input
if (find a "duration") [
  runtime: to-time to-integer last parse a "[]"
if ((copy/part a 22) = "MSG notify stream info") [break]
print a
;  print "broke with ack"

mp3play: make function! [] [
  mp3ctlport: open tcp://
  print rejoin ["play" crlf]
  insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["play" crlf]
  close mp3ctlport

mp3stop: make function! [] [
  mp3ctlport: open tcp://
  print rejoin ["stop" crlf]
  insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["stop" crlf]
  close mp3ctlport

mp3close: make function! [] [
  mp3ctlport: open tcp://
  print rejoin ["close" crlf]
  insert mp3ctlport rejoin ["close" crlf]
  close mp3ctlport

comment {
getkeypad: make function! [
  buffer: make string! 16
  result: make string! 16
  while [(read-io com buffer 16)  0] [
  append result buffer
  clear buffer

doplayer: make function! [musicfile] [
  mp3cue musicfile
  endtime: (to-time runtime) + now/time
  counter: endtime - now/time
  titleartistdisplay musicfile
  until [retport: wait [1]
counter: endtime - now/time
titleartistdisplay musicfile
lesser-or-equal? (counter) 0:00:00

doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/PaulMcCartney/PaulMcCartney-BandOnTheRun.mp3"
doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/Journey/Journey-SeparateWays(WorldsApart).mp3"
doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/TomPetty/TomPetty-Refugee.mp3"
doplayer %"/mnt/mp3/DireStraits/DireStraits-Twistin'ByThePool.mp3"

close com

[REBOL] question about insert Re:

1999-12-06 Thread kevin

Keith wrote:
 I would think that if I said:
 text: "is now"
 insert text "the "
 insert text "time "
 text: head text
 I should get "the time is now" but I get "time the is now"

You would get that if your second and third lines began with text:
text: "is now"
text: insert text "the "
text: insert text "time "
text: head text

Otherwise, 'text stays pointing to the head of the series and that's 
where the insert takes place.


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] loading a web page resulting from cgi post Re:(3)

1999-11-15 Thread kevin

Tom wrote:
 Isn't this the way to handle the GET method? I know how to do that,
 but I'd suppose the POST method should be handled otherwise.

Here's a couple of code fragments from my %pcspager.r script, which 
collects e-mail from a POP3 mailbox and sends it via HTTP POST to my 
PCS cellular phone.

Hopefully the code is self-explanatory, the fragments below are the 
important part for preparing and submitting the POST to the server 
specified in variables pagerserver and pagerscript.  The actual 
posting format used is specific to Cantel/ATTs PCS messaging form.

Hope this helps


[included text from %pcspager.r]

pagerserver: tcp://sabre.cantelatt.com:80
pagerscript: "/cgi-bin/sendpcs.cgi"
eol: "^M^J"
comment { The url-encode function was appropriated from the REBOL website at
  www.rebol.com/library/urlencode.r   The original author was uncredited.
The original code needed one change, the ^ needed to be escaped with another ^ 
url-encode: function [string] [punctuation encoding result f][
punctuation: { !@#$%()+=[]\{}|;':",/?`~^^}
encoding: ["%20" "%21" "%40" "%23" "%24" "%25"
   "%26" "%28" "%29" "%2B" "%3D" "%5B"
   "%5D" "%5C" "%7B" "%7D" "%7C" "%3B"
   "%27" "%3A" "%22" "%2C" "%2F" "%3C"
   "%3E" "%3F" "%60" "%7E" "%5E"
result: copy ""
foreach character string [
insert tail result either f: find punctuation character
   [pick encoding index? f]
return result
  encodemessage: url-encode textmsg
  encodesender: url-encode make string! sender
  submit: join "" ["AREA_CODE=" targetarea "PIN1=" targetprefix "PIN2=" targetnumber
 "emapnew--DESC--which=ORIG" "SENDER=" encodesender
 "PAGETEXT1=" encodemessage
 "SIZEBOX=" truelength "SIZEBOXW=" wordcount
  post: join "POST "[ pagerscript " HTTP/1.0" eol
 "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" eol
   "Referer: http://www.cantelatt.com/voice/amigo/message.html" eol
   "Content-Length: " length? submit eol
   submit eol
comment {Submit the message to Cantel's server}
  pcspage: open/binary pagerserver
  insert pcspage post
comment {If you want to retrieve the confirmation page, you need this bit from the 
   mailing list.  Thanks Gabriele!}
  buffer: make string! 4096
  result: make string! 4096
  while [(read-io pcspage buffer 4096)  0] [
append result buffer
clear buffer
wait pcspage
  close pcspage

[end included text]

Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] 'Send command change suggestion ... Re:

1999-11-14 Thread kevin

On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 send my-mobil-phone {adsfaf asdfasdf asdfasdf asdf sa
 results in error although message is sent:
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 500 Command unrecognized: ".".
 ** Where: close smtp-port
 Why is dot at the end of the message causing a problem?

SMTP requires that a line in a message starting with a period be escaped
with another period first.  Sending a single period is SMTP's way of being
told "that's the end of the message".

REBOL appears to not be escaping your single period with another
one, so the mail server is interpreting the single period from your
message as the 'end of message' command, then getting REBOL's
internally-generated 'end of message' period.

That's where the error arises:  The mail server has already received it's
'end of message' command, and doesn't know what to do with the next period
it receives.

As a work-around, escape the period yourself with an extra ".".  I've just
tested this under REBOL and and confirmed both the 
mis-behaviour and work-around.  (A bug report has been sent to REBOL HQ.)


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communicationswww.sunshinecable.com

[REBOL] Messing with a log file Re:

1999-11-09 Thread kevin

Fleet wrote:
 RAQ2/mips webserver running Linux.
 Current log output is a file named "access."  I want to grep (or otherwise
 parse out) a single (previous) days log entries to a file named after the
 appropriate date (ie, access-19991105), then I want to REMOVE the previous
 days entry from the current log file ("access") so that only current days
 entries remain (and get added to.)
 Apparently getting the log restarted on a daily basis (especially with a
 new date name) requires stopping Apache while the date string is updated,
 nameing the file, then restarting Apache.  My approach is to 'steal' the
 old day's data, then lop off the tail of the access log file while it
 continues to collect current days data.  As long as the file/file handle
 relationship remain the same, I think this will work.

Don't think you can chop off the front part of a file in the way you 
want to... (Somebody is welcome to prove me wrong.)

I'd suggest a root cron job running at 0 0 * * * instead that:


mv /usr/local/apache/log/access.log /usr/local/apache/log/access.log.`date +%y%m%d`
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart

(Sorry to the list that this isn't a REBOL solution, but it seems a 
much easier way to accomplish this result... and simpler *is* the 
REBOL way!)


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com

[REBOL] copy and rename ftp Re:

1999-11-01 Thread kevin

 write %url/dir/file read url/other-dir/other-file
 That's right, right?  how would I put the "other-file" in date.htm
 format? (whatever the current date is...)

How about something like:
newurl: to-url rejoin ["ftp://www.server.com/path/" :now/date ".html]
== ftp://www.server.com/path/1-Nov-1999.html

 I wanna copy a file from one remote directory to another, name it
 date.htm, then update a page with a link to date htm.  I'd like to do
 this every day.
 I'd have to have a rebol interpreter on the remote site to completely
 automate this, wouldn't I?  I wonder if my isp would go for that?

If you can save via FTP, you wouldn't need REBOL on your ISP.  You 
could retrieve the page via either FTP or HTTP, then FTP it out to 
your server with the new name.  The copy part of the script could be 
as simple as:

oldurl: to-url "http://www.rebol.com/index.html"
newurl: to-url rejoin ["ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/"
   :now/date ".html"]
write newurl read oldurl


Kevin McKinnon, Network Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sunshine Communications http://www.sunshinecable.com
PGP Public Key: http://www.dockmaster.net/pgp.html   PGP 6.0 www.pgp.com