[REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:(3)

1999-12-28 Thread Al . Bri

Larry wrote:
> tic5: func [/local t] [
>  t: now/time
>  toc5: func [] [print ["elapsed time:" now/time - t]]
> ]

This might be slightly more accurate/faster:

tic6: func [/local t] [
toc6: func [] [print ["elapsed time:" now/time - t]]
t: now/time

I've just swapped the two lines.

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

[REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:(2)

1999-12-28 Thread larry

Hi Elan

Thanks for the comment. I agree. Actually, I am experimenting with trying to
implement Lisp (actually Scheme) programming techniques in REBOL. Capturing
state in a function is one of the basic techniques emphasized in Structure
and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson and Sussman. I suspect
you know this book. Anyway, I found a version of 'tic and 'toc that I like
even better than version 3 below. It avoids the awkwardness of using
'compose and is easily generalized for more complex situations. It does not
seem to be hurt by 'recycle.

tic5: func [/local t] [
 t: now/time
 toc5: func [] [print ["elapsed time:" now/time - t]]

>> tic5 wait 5 recycle toc5
elapsed time: 0:00:05

What do you think?


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 5:50 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:

> Hi Larry,
> first comment, I like your version 3 best:
> >tic3: func [] [toc3: func [] compose/deep [print ["elapsed time:"
now/time -
> >(now/time)]]]
> This approach really makes good use of REBOL's abilities. While it looks
> trivial, I think that functions, which create functions, which in turn
> reflect some state at the time the "dynamic" function was created is an
> important technique for building smarter programs. In a different
> application the state embedded in the created function coould very well be
> more complicated and specific to the creating function then in your case.
> Imagine a whole chain of function-creating functions.
> Elan

[REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:(2)

1999-12-28 Thread larry

Hi Jerry

Yup, that works. But you could also nest timings with a simple change to
tic3 and toc3.

tic: func [] [insert [] now/time exit]
toc: func [] [
 print ["elapsed time:" now/time - first second second :tic]
 remove second second :tic

>>  tic tic wait 3 toc tic wait 5 toc tic wait 2 toc toc
elapsed time: 0:00:03
elapsed time: 0:00:05
elapsed time: 0:00:02
elapsed time: 0:00:10

BTW you can see what's stored in tic with 'source:

>> tic wait 2 tic
>> source tic
tic: func [][insert [18:01:45 18:01:43] now/time exit]

Best Wishes

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 4:45 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:

> Larry,
> I like your tic toc pair. However I sometimes wish to nest their use as in
> the example:
> >> tic tic wait 3 toc tic wait 5 toc tic wait 2 toc toc
> 0:00:03
> 0:00:05
> 0:00:02
> 0:00:10
> >>
> The program I used is
> stack: copy []
> push: func [x][insert stack x exit]
> pop: func [/local a]
> [
>if (length? stack) = 0 [Print "can't pop empty stack" exit]
>a: first stack  remove stack a
> ]
> tic: func [][ push now/time exit]
> toc: func [][print now/time - pop exit]
> What do you think?
> Jerry

[REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:

1999-12-28 Thread icimjs

Hi Larry,

first comment, I like your version 3 best:

>tic3: func [] [toc3: func [] compose/deep [print ["elapsed time:" now/time -

This approach really makes good use of REBOL's abilities. While it looks
trivial, I think that functions, which create functions, which in turn
reflect some state at the time the "dynamic" function was created is an
important technique for building smarter programs. In a different
application the state embedded in the created function coould very well be
more complicated and specific to the creating function then in your case.
Imagine a whole chain of function-creating functions.


[REBOL] Handy Timer Functions Re:

1999-12-28 Thread 70740 . 503

I like your tic toc pair. However I sometimes wish to nest their use as in
the example:
>> tic tic wait 3 toc tic wait 5 toc tic wait 2 toc toc
The program I used is
stack: copy []
push: func [x][insert stack x exit]
pop: func [/local a]
   if (length? stack) = 0 [Print "can't pop empty stack" exit]
   a: first stack  remove stack a
tic: func [][ push now/time exit]
toc: func [][print now/time - pop exit]

What do you think?


[REBOL] Handy Timer Functions

1999-12-28 Thread larry

Hi all

Below are some handy timer functions for REBOL.  The idea of tic and toc
comes from the MATLAB numeric package.  One advantage of using a pair of
functions is that they can be placed most anywhere in a piece of code
without modifying it (as is sometimes necessary with the time-block
approach. I provide three implementations which differ in how the initial
time is stored.

example usage:

>> tic loop 100 [sine 30] toc
elapsed time: 0:00:02

The first approach is plain vanilla; the initial time is stored in a global
variable.  To minimize name conflicts, I gave it an unusual name: __t__.
(feel free to be creative with this name)

tic1: func [] [__t__: now/time exit]
toc1: func [] [print ["elapsed time:" now/time - __t__]]

In the second approach, the initial time is stored in a literal block in the
body of the tic function, and then retrieved by toc.

tic2: func [] [change [] now/time exit]

toc2: func [] [print ["elapsed time:" now/time - first second second :tic2]]

In the third approach, the initial time is stored in the body of the toc
function which is created by tic.

tic3: func [] [toc3: func [] compose/deep [print ["elapsed time:" now/time -

Just choose the one you like and rename to plain tic and toc.

Comments welcome!
