[REBOL] Odd results Re:(4)

2000-07-08 Thread deryk


 VID is a dialect; the syntax is not the same as that of "normal"
 REBOL code. It allows you to execute code to calculate parameters
 for styles, but it is made to layout styles, not to execute REBOL
 The function LAYOUT interprets the block you are passing to it in
 its own way; you can't expect it to execute it as it was a code
 block, because it isn't: LAYOUT has its own interpreter (wich you
 can see with SOURCE LAYOUT if you want).

Okay, thanks for putting it that way.  I can understand that.  Now what
I would like to know is why if the VID dialect is not able to handle a
particular issue is it not passed back up the tree to the root
interpreter?  That would be the ideal situation so one could then
mix/match /core and VID syntax at any time and place (see also PERL,
ARexx, etc..).


[REBOL] Odd results

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

'lo gang.  Here is a wierd one which has me stumped.  Why will the
following not work?

  Title: "InformeR"
   File: %informer.r
   Author: "Deryk Robosson"
   Date: 04-Jul-2000
   Purpose: { A simple menthod for providing simple requesters }

image-path: http://www.google.com/images/Title_Paint.gif

inform-error: func [
  {Displays an error requester}
  ttext [series!] {Title text}
  itext [series!] {Text to be displayed}
  gatext [series!] {Gadget Text}
  /local error-img
inform layout [
subtitle ttext
across image image-path text itext 'return
button gatext [hide-popup]

view layout [
  inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text." "Okay"

results in:

Unknown word or style: inform-error
Misplaced item: "Title "
Misplaced item: "This i"
Misplaced item: "Okay"

The window opens but nothing is displayed.  I'm still baffled as to why
one cannot just mix and match /view and /core at any time and place.


[REBOL] Odd results Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread deryk

 Hi Deryk,
  One of the reasons you are getting errors is that an 'inform dialog cannot
 be shown as the first/only face. But as below shows you can re-use you
 dialog as much as you like after it has a parent face.

Yup, okay, I can understand that (don't know why, but can comprehend..)

 ; this works
 view layout [
button "this" [inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text."
button "that" [inform-error "Title Text" "You pressed 'that button."

Yup, so it does.

 Another thing to remember, 'Layout is for creating a 'face using VID or VID
 If you look at your layout. You can see that you are not providing a style
 in your layout block.
 Hence the unrecognised style errors in...

Yup, thought (and noticed the style bit) about that also.  But, as you
notice, inform-error is a function which should "in theory" be able to
be called and executed from within the view layout [] context.  It
appears to me that the parser is pulling out the pieces it wants and
disregarding the rest for the most part as unneeded.

If we do:

view layout [
  button "Howdy Gang!" [print "Rebol is cool"]
  button "Quit" [quit]
  inform-error "Title Text" "This is some error text." "Okay"

We still will not get the inform-error function called which really was
the part that confused me the most as the parser (interpreter) perceives
this as a 'style.
